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Sissy Training Academy

by thatoneperson28

Chapter 1

Riding the bus in their fancy prep school uniforms, Tiran and Rerim had opted to sit in the back of the bus as the rest of their classmates had tried to get the front so they could see the academy first. The pair had been against going to his fancy boy’s academy, but they had found out their parents had signed them up without telling them, so after a hasty handing of their new uniforms and pamphlets the pair had been shoved onto the bus with a bunch of other young men. “This is going to be terrible...” Tiran muttered, the otter trying to readjust his uniform on his body as Rerim glanced out of the window.

The bus had stopped around the county to pick up a bunch of young men, some who were excited to go this fancy school, and many others who like the pair had been told last minute they were attending the hoity toity school. “Looks like we’re almost there...” Rerim muttered, watching as a large and rather ostentatious building rose in the distance. The bear’s uniform had apparently been too small as his gut slightly poked out from the bottom of the uniform, but he just hoped that he could exchange it as it was embarrassing like this.

“Can you believe that we’re going to this school?” a peppy skunk asked over the back of his seat, his eyes were wide with anticipation. “My parents gave me the pamphlet three months ago, and I’ve been preparing for sooo long to meet everyone and make a lot of good friends!” he squeaked, grinning at them, but Tiran and Rerim were less than ecstatic. “Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I’m so excited, haha!” the skunk giggled, and held his hand out to the pair. “I’m Stevie!” he said, and Tiran sighed before shaking the skunk’s hand.

“Nice to meet you, Stevie. I’m Tiran, and this is my friend Rerim. Though to be honest, we’re not quite as excited about going here...” the otter muttered, leaning back in his seat as Stevie started to blather about a bunch of the stuff he was excited at the college.

“Did you hear that they have a full swimming pool for lessons?!” the skunk asked, but Rerim just sighed as the bus finally stopped in front of the large mansion that was acting as their new school. In front of the school was a large sign with the name of the school in large letters. “The Enchanted School for Young Men,” it read, and Tiran couldn’t think of a worse name for a school for a boy’s academy.

Walking off of the bus involved a lot of pushing, shouting, and a few giggles as the young man put kick me signs on others. “Why can’t I get excited about this, Tiran?” Rerim asked, but the otter just sighed as Stevie was kicked for the third time, and was still yet to figure out that he had a kick me sign on his back.

“I dunno, but I have a feeling this place just may be a little bit too ‘high class’ for us, bud,” Tiran said, taking a moment to pull the kick me sign off of Stevie’s back and handing it to him much to his confusion as they told the teacher their names. “Is it me, or does this place seem a bit... pink?” he asked, noting the pink shutters and frilly curtains visible through the windows.

“You’re pink,” Rerim noted, and Tiran blushed as he patted down his pink fur and they stepped into the academy. Though the bear did notice how awfully garish the interior appeared, with rainbow drawings on the wall and what appeared to be stuffed animals everywhere. If Rerim didn’t know better he would swear this was a girl’s room more than a boy’s academy, but he couldn’t mention that as the headmaster walked up. She was a mink just a bit taller than Tiran, and though Rerim was taller than her they had the idea that she wasn’t one to be easily intimidated as the crowd of boys quieted down as she slowly tapped her foot on the ground.

“Welcome boys, to my academy,” she said, her voice was sharp yet soft enough that they all felt like she was a mother. “My name is Mareyl Streef, though I’d much prefer you all to refer to myself as Mistress Streef. Do you all understand?” she asked, and the boys all nodded as she met eyes with a few of the more rowdy boys and they ducked their heads as if she had pushed their heads down herself. “Now I am determined into making you all into fine models of civility when you leave the walls of this establishment, and I hope that you all are good for the teachers who will work with you all. Say ‘Yes Mistress Streef’ if you all understand.”

“Yes Mistress Streef,” all of the boys said, for some reason when the boys had walked in they had all felt a sort of aura of discipline that made them all want to behave before her gaze.

“Very well, now please follow me to your rooms. Our academy is renowned for making sure the first year you all spend here is your last, and I will not stand for someone causing problems, so if at night I find any of you outside of your rooms... there will be consequences,” the mink explained as they walked, the building though gaudy with all of the pink and rather girly things strewn about the walls was very elegant in its design.

Mistress Treef led them into a wing of the academy upstairs where there was a line of doors each with whiteboards hung up on them, and turning to face the group of boys she pulled one of the whiteboards down. “You will all choose your rooming accommodations, there will be three of each of you to a room. If I find for whatever reason that your rooming choices are... poor, I will take the privilege of your rooming choices away and put you in specific rooms myself. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Mistress Streef,” the group of boys said, and like a gunshot the boys quickly divided themselves into groups of three per room. Tiran and Rerim were quick to get into a pair, but the third wasn’t their first choice as Stevie grinned at them as the rest of the boys crowded into their trios.

“Hey guys, it looks like I’m the last one,” he laughed, and the pair exchanged a quick glance before Tiran internally sighed.

“Yep. Come on, Stevie. You’re in our group,” he said, and gritted his teeth as the skunk started to go off in a quiet voice about how the three of them would be like the three amigos.

Glancing at each of the groups nodding, Mistress Streef pulled each one away from the large mass and started to assign them to rooms after having them sign the whiteboards with their names. After all of them were standing in front of their rooms, Mistress Streef nodded and smiled. “Well then, boys. You will be awake bright and early in the morning, so get to know your roommates, and enjoy your first night at the academy. Every night we shall stand like this before we disperse, and I shall say ‘Good night, boys’, and you will say...?”

“Good night, Mistress Streef,” they all said, and the mink smiled and nodded before turning on her heel and walking away. When the mink disappeared from sight there was a clamor of opening and closing doors as the young men disappeared into their rooms. Stevie was like a bullet as he opened the door and jumped onto the middle of three beds in the room, and he laughed as he bounced a few times.

“This is my bed!” he shouted, and lounged back as Tiran and Rerim rolled eyes and each chose a bed on either side of him. “Guys, thanks for letting me join your group! I was a bit afraid that I wasn’t going to make any friends,” the skunk said, smiling up at the roof.

“Yup...” Tiran said, unpacking his bag as Rerim did likewise. The pair had honestly been hoping they wouldn’t have to deal with too many people, but they figured there could be worse roommates to be with. “Well I’m gonna head off to bed early. Might as well not worry about getting up late...” Tiran said, setting his alarm clock early and then slipping off his jacket before slipping under the covers and falling asleep.

Rerim followed suit, and as the bear slid under the covers he looked at a rainbow picture frame set on the wall. “This place... has some taste...” he muttered, falling asleep as Stevie read through the school’s pamphlet once more.


Waking up the next morning to the annoying beep of Tiran’s alarm, the trio were up before the rest of the boys and after getting dressed up they walked out much to the surprise of Mistress Streef who had a watch in her hand. “Oh, you three are up. I didn’t think anyone would be up before I woke everyone up,” she commented, and with a smile she gestured down the hall where the heavenly scent of food wafted. “Go eat boys, I’m going to wake up your fellow classmates.”

From the way she was holding a bullhorn in her other hand, the trio were relieved they were awoken by Tiran’s alarm rather than her noise. As they walked downstairs they heard screaming and the wail of a bullhorn as they laughed, walking into the dining room they were met with a table full of delicious looking foods. Though rather than a simple plate and silverware set up, they were met with some chefs holding ladles standing over the food plates, and rather expensive looking china plates and shiny silverware. “Fancy set up...” Rerim noted, and the other two nodded in agreement before they picked up the china plates delicately and were instructed to just ask the chefs for the food rather than serving themselves.

“It’s what any fine model of society would do,” the head chef said, a hippo who appeared to sample her foods and enjoy it a bit too much sometimes. “Only lower rings of society serve themselves,” she said, and the three felt a bit embarrassed as they requested the chefs for the food in front of them. They were limited to three foods only though, so they found themselves with very small portions of the delicious table of food.

Glancing at each others’ plates, the trio sighed sadly as they started diggint into their measly portions. “Is this enough to sustain anyone?” Tiran asked, digging his fork into the small pile of sausage.

“Well at least it tastes good!” Stevie said, ever the optimist, but his roommates weren’t quite as cheerful. As the rest of the classmates started walking in with tired yawns, the first three were already finishing their food.

“I think I burned away the food we just ate by lifting the fork...” Rerim muttered, patting his belly as Tiran nodded, but somehow Stevie had the energy in him to cheerfully greet everyone walking in who just glowered at him, and as the trio walked out they heard a lot of angry shouts as their classmates learned of the small portions. “I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of grumps in today’s class,” Rerim said, and Tiran nodded as Stevie skipped towards their first class of the day.

Rerim’s prediction proved to be right as the class filled up with the other eighteen classmates, and there were grumbles of hunger and irritable whining about beign awoken with a bullhorn. The teacher who walked smiled as he set down his books on the desk, he looked to be a nice enough wolf as he turned around to write his name on the board. “Welcome students, my name is Mister Dalor. I hope that we shall all enjoy our time in this class,” he said, turning around after he was finished to acknowledge the scowling faces of his students. “Well... I’m guessing you’ve had your first breakfast then.”

“They didn’t give us nearly enough food!” a dog barked, his arms folded tightly as he glared holes in the teacher.

“Actually the portion sizes is within the acceptable amount. As model students, you will all find that this size is perfect when out in society,” Mister Dalor explained, sitting down at his desk as there were disagreeing voices.

One of the stupider looking guys in the class stood up, an armadillo who looked big enough to wrestle the teacher to the ground without a problem. “Why do you guys keep talking about perfect society crap?”

For a moment he continued to scowl at the teacher as he stood, but when the wolf gave him a cold stare he quickly took his seat with a cowed expression. For a moment Mister Dalor glanced over the whole class before standing once more, and stepping out from behind his desk he paced in front of the class. “As you know this is an academy for young men, and our entire goal is to make you all into perfectly behaved model citizens when you walk out of these doors. As such, you will be made to be perfect citizens, rather than the rowdy bunch you are now.”

“I’m not rowdy,” Tiran muttered, acknowledging the teacher with a hard stare. He could’ve believe he was being lumped in with some of the neanderthals in the classroom, and the teacher seemed to hear that as he turned his gaze to the otter.

“You are all rowdy, as you’re all young boys. Now let us start today’s lesson,” Mister Dalor said, and walking up to the board he turned and then... everything blurred a bit...


Walking out of the class, Tiran shook his head as he felt numb. For some reason when Mister Dalor had started his lesson the lesson had gone a bit dreamy, he could remember learning all of the basics of history but... everything seemed weird. Rerim bumped into the doorframe as he stepped out, and Tiran helped his bear friend steady himself. “You alright?” he asked, and Rerim nodded as he held his head.

“Yeah... everything’s just kinda... I dunno...” Rerim said, pinching his forehead as he tried to get his bearings before nodding. “Yeah... I’m fine, I guess the class just kinda made me tired.” Tiran nodded in acknowledgement as the rest of their class, Tiran noticed that the armadillo from earlier actually seemed surprisingly a lot nicer than he had been earlier, holding the door open for everyone with a large smile.

Mister Dalor approached him, and setting his paw on the armadillo’s shoulder he smiled down at him. “Seymour, you’re doing much better now. You just needed some good disciplining in today’s lesson.”

“Yes, Mister Dalor,” Seymour said, nodding a few times before walking out with Mister Dalor smiling at him.

Tiran shivered, for some reason the whole thing felt really odd. He did remember though during the lesson that Seymour had been super mean, but then... something... happened. The exact details escaped him, but he remembered Seymour now being a lot nicer. “Tiran, hurry up or we’ll be late,” Stevie said, smiling as Tiran took one more look at Mister Dalor before following the skunk.

The next class was sort of the same, they walked in and sat down before getting greeted by the teacher. The class fuzzed away though, and they were all walking out before they knew it. Tiran felt sick as he walked out, and with Rerim’s help he made it to the bathroom. “What’s making me feel so weird?” he asked, shaking his head as he sat in the bathroom with the bear.

“I dunno, but I’m not feeling too great either...” Rerim muttered, but as the pair sat in the bathroom the door swung open to reveal Mistress Streef.

“What are you two doing?” she asked, and Rerim looked up as Tiran hugged the toilet as he felt queezy again.

“Tiran wasn’t feeling good, so I helped him in here,” Rerim explained, and the headmistress looked at them before smiling and nodding.

“Thank you, Rerim. I’ll take care of it now, why don’t you go back to your class now. I’ll make sure Tiran is alright,” she said, and Rerim nodded before patting the otter on his back before passing Mistress Streef.

“Alright, Tiran. Why don’t you come with me? I’ll help you,” Mistress Streef said, and after a few moments Tiran followed her out of the bathroom. They walked through the building, and walked into her office. Mistress Streef had Tiran sit down, and pulled out a little bottle of medicine. “This will help you, Tiran,” she said, and Tiran took the medicine and a cup of water that she offered. When he swallowed the pills suddenlly the room swam, and he felt everything go fuzzy again...


As Tiran drooped in his chair, Mistress Streef waited a few moments before nodding. “Well it looks like he’s a bit resistant...” she muttered, and walking into the closet she pulled out a small watch, and walked in front of the sleeping otter and sprayed him with a cup of water waking him up.

“Wha...” he started to ask, but Mistress Streef waved the watch in front of his face quickly putting him into a trance.

“Alright Tiran... you’re gonna have to become less resistant...” she muttered, and Tiran slowly nodded as she started to talk to him.


Tiran felt great as he stepped out, he didn’t know what Mistress Streef did, but suddenly he didn’t feel bad at all. “Thank you, MIstress Streef,” he said over his shoulder, walking to his next class not realizing how much time had passed as the mink watched with a smirk on her face.

All the otter remembered was talking to her after taking the pills letting the dizzyness go away, and now everything felt great. Walking into class he smiled at Rerim as he plopped down into the seat, and as the teacher walked in he felt a poke on his shoulder, and he glanced over to see Rerim looking at him in concern. “What’s up?” he asked, and Rerim leaned in close.

“Tiran, are you alright? You were gone for two hours...” the bear muttered, and glancing around once more he became quieter. “Also the last two classes felt really weird again, and two other students had to go to the nurse’s office because they became sick too.”

The otter just shrugged as the teacher wrote her name on the front board. “I’m feeling fine, Rerim. The headmistress just wanted to get to know me while I was with her. She said she wanted to get to know all of us while we’re here,” he explained, and then teacher said a few things before the world fuzzed away.


Rerim laid down on his bed with a frown as Stevie tittered about swimming after classes was done, but he really didn’t care as everything felt really weird about the day. He figured it was just how fast the classes had gone, but he felt really weird about the whole thing, especially when Tiran was gone for two hours, and though he seemed mostly the same... he seemed... more cheerful about being there. He had even pointed out how cute some of the unicorns were on the way back to their room, but he just figured the otter had been joking.

“Rerim, is something wrong?” Tiran asked, pulling on his pajamas as the bear stared at a wall. For a few moments Rerim didn’t say anything before shaking his head, and the otter frowned.

“Everything’s alright, just... I dunno, are you feeling alright, Tiran? You were super against being here earlier, but now you seem almost... excited,” Rerim said, sitting up in his bed as Tiran shrugged.

“I just figure if we’re here, might as well embrace it rather than being a negative nancy,” Tiran said, but as he walked away Rerim found himself more troubled than sated. Negative nancy wasn’t exactly a word thrown around often, and Tiran didn’t say it ever...

Stevie and tiran got into a conversation about the swimming pool as Rerim rolled over to go to sleep. The bear just figured he was worrying about it since it was their first day, and he was just overthinking things...


The next morning everyone was leaving their rooms as Mistress Streef walked up to their rooms, and she smiled as they all blinked a few times. They were all a bit confused honestly, none of them felt particularly tired, even though they’d gone to sleep at the same time as the previous day... “Good morning, boys.”

“Good morning, Mistress Streef,” they said like clockwork, and everyeone set off towards the dining room with some odd scowls. Seymour looked a bit dizzy as he lagged behind at the end of the line, he didn’t feel quite right after yesterday’s first class... He was surprised as Mistress Streef pulled him aside.

“Seymour, I heard you were giving Mister Dalor problems yesterday,” the mink said, scowling as Seymour turned his gaze to the floor. “I’ll have you know that he was a graduate from his very school a few years ago, and he deserves respect as such. He may have forgiven you, but I won’t take it so easily. Once you’ve finished with your breakfast, I expect you in my office immediately afterwards rather than class. Alright?”

“Yes, Mistress Streef...” he muttered, slowly marching after the rest of his classmates with a sad face. When some of his classmates snickered they all got very serious glares from Mistress Streef, and they all cut it out.

Breakfast was still miserable as they were given tiny portions, and right after they’d all picked out their breakfast they watched the food get taken away, likely for the teachers’ own breakfast. As Tiran finished up his food he was shocked at how full he was from what left him hungry the day prior... it looked like everyone else felt the same way as everyone walked away without complaints after eating. Walking towards class Tiran watched as Seymour walked towards Mistress Streef’s room with a morbid expression, and when the armadillo’s gaze met his own he nodded sadly, and Seymour nodded back before walking away.

Class was just like it was before, it went very fast as Mister Dalor went over history and the class flashed by. Tiran still felt a bit fuzzy after every class, but he wasn’t sick anymore. Rerim and he for some reason were becoming really happy as they went from class to class, something about the whole thing was making them enjoy the academy even though they were trying to dislike it. It was during their last class of the day when Seymour walked back in, and he was smiling nice and happy... and wearing a dress, he also seemed a lot smaller. “What in the...?” Tiran asked, and as Seymour walked past he swore he heard crinkles.

“Hiya, Tiran,” Seymour said, giggling as he patted the otter on his head. “How’re you doing?” he asked, his voice also seemed much softer and girl like.

“Seymour, what happened...?” Rerim asked, everyone was staring at the armadillo in sheer shock.

“Hehe, it’s not Seymour anymore, it’s Sarah,” Sey... Sarah said, and the class were about to raise questions when there was a loud clap of books hitting the desk. They all looked forward to see the teacher smiling at them.

“Sarah, take your seat,” the teacher said, smiling at the armadillo before he sat down. “Now let’s start class,” the teacher said, and then... fuzz...


“Sarah, your dress looks really pretty,” Tiran said, smiling at the sissy armadillo as he walked out of the class.

“Thank you, Tiran. You’re so sweet,” she giggled, crinkling as she walked towards the dining room.

Rerim laughed as he poked Tiran’s shoulder, and the otter rubbed the sore shoulder. “You have a crush on her,” he said, winking as Tiran blushed and rubbed the shoulder again.

“No... anyways, we all know that Sarah is still a guy...” Tiran muttered, but blushed as Rerim poked him again.

“Don’t you like guys?” Rerim asked, the bear sticking his tongue out as Tiran rushed towards the dining room to get some small portion steaks. Following behind the bear noticed two guys who’d been picking on Stevie getting pulled aside by Mistress Streef, and soon they were marching towards the dining room with frowns. “What’s wrong?” he asked as they passed by, and with scowls they looked at him.

“We both have detention tomorrow because we picked on the skunk...” one muttered, and the other nodded miserably. Rerim had to chuckle to himself as they walked away, Stevie could be a bit annoying, but he didn’t deserve being picked on.

After grabbing their dinner, Tiran and Rerim couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. For Tiran though he found that the scratch faded quickly, but for Rerim he found himself constantly glancing at Sarah. Something didn’t seem right but... he couldn’t place his paw on it... “Rerim, your food’s gonna go cold if you don’t eat it,” Tiran said, pointing at Rerim’s bite sized mini burgers.

“Alright,” he said, eating one as he took another glance at Sarah. Why couldn’t he remember what Sarah had looked like on their way to school...?


The days started to pass by, and the students were all feeling increasingly odd... Becoming nicer to one another, more respectful to the teachers, and almost more... girly. Tiran and Rerim blushed as Dana walked by them, she giggled as she sat between them during dinner. Her dress fluttering as her diaper crinkled, reaching over she took a bite of TIran’s food. “Hey, that was mine...” Tiran muttered, but laughed as she gave him a funny face.

More guys had become sissies over the days, but none of the students remembered it being weird... to tell the truth they found themselves hard pressed on remembering what it was like riding the bus to the academy. As they ate food the day seemed normal enough, save for Stevie... he looked a bit odd as Tiran glanced over at him. “Stevie, is something the matter?” he asked, everyone at the table glancing over at him.

The skunk glanced at the dog sissy sitting across from him and shook his head. “I can’t say... not in front of him...”

“Why, what’s wrong?” Dana asked, looking hurt as she messed with her dress.

The skunk shook his head a few more times, and didn’t speak until Tiran grew annoyed. “Stevie, what’s the matter with you? Just spit it out, it’s not very nice of you to be so mean to Dana.”

“His name isn’t Dana!” Stevie hissed, and the room went quiet as everyone turned to look at the skunk. The skunk went quiet for a few moments before he leaned in. “You guys have to believe me... something’s wrong... At first... I thought this was a big joke... I mean the first day of school we all went into class and... you all went weird, and the teacher started speaking all funny... but now it’s getting really weird. Seymour started calling himself Sarah, and dressing like a girl... and now others are too...”

“Who’s Seymour, Stevie you’re talking weird...” Rerim said, looking concerned at the skunk.

“This is why I didn’t say anything... the teacher’s have done something to you. Tiran, you were fighting for a long time and...” but then he was cut off, everyone looked up to see the headmistress, and then everyone but Stevie had their eyes glaze over. “Oh no...” Stevie muttered, the headmistress walked through and took Stevie by the arm.

“So... you’re the one who’s been trying to leave all of those notes in the classrooms for people to find. I thought it was funny when students were bringing them to me, but I didn’t think it would be you...” The headmistress gave him a hard stare before a smile slid across her face. “The good news is it all will stop mattering in a little while for you my good little sissy girl. We always have some who resist, but I have a very special program for bad little girls like you.”

“No! Everyone wake up, please!” Stevie shouted, but nobody moved as he was pulled out of the room. Just a little while later they were all awoken as the headmistress clapped her hands with a big smile.

“Sorry about that everyone. I was trying to smack a bee, but I missed...” she laughed, and all of the students laughed as they returned to their food. Stevie’s absence went on unnoticed as the kids went to class. When Stella returned to class everyone smiled at her as she sat in her new dress, and Tiran admired the skunk’s dress. “Hm...” Rerim said, and Tiran looked over at him.

“Something wrong?” he asked, and laughed as Stella showed off her matching diaper with her dress.

“I don’t know... I just feel... weird, like something isn’t right,” the bear said, tapping his desk as the teacher noticed what he said.

“Rerim, the headmistress wanted to see you in her office,” he said, and Rerim blinked in shock. “You’re not in trouble, she just wanted to talk to you for a while,” he said, and Rerim sighed in relief before walking out. By the time he closed the door everyone in the class fuzzed away again, and he walked to the headmistress’s room, and knowed.

“Come in,” the voice called, and he walked in to see her talking to someone on her phone. She nodded, and then gestured for him to sit as she finished talking to the person on the phone. “So Rerim, I heard that you’ve been feeling weird for the last few days...” she said, pulling out a cup and filling it up with water.

The bear tapped his fingers together a few times, he wasn’t sure if he was in trouble or not. “Yeah... I mean, it’s just a feeling. I’m not doing something wrong, am I?”

Walking over to the bear, the mink shook her head as she handed him a cup. “Not at all, actually everyone’s been having these feelings as of late, that’s why I’ve been calling them in so much. I’ve just been showing them a video to help aleviate these feelings, I hope you don’t mind watching it...” she said, and Rerim nodded as he took the drink.

“That’d be great, it’s a really weird feeling...” Rerim confessed, leaning back into his seat as the headmistress pulled down a screen from above her desk and pressed a button to start up a projector. Rerim froze as a hypnotic circle appeared on the screen, and a voice started speaking to him. “What’s... going on?” he asked, trying to pull his hands off of the chair but his entire body felt numb. “The.. drink?” he asked, realizing that he couldn’t move at all.

“Don’t worry, Raina, you’re going to feel great in a bit,” the headmistress said, pulling out a dress and pink diaper as the bear watched the video. His body was already starting to shrink into a smaller size as his mouth turned into a small smile as he was instructed by the video.


Raina skipped into the dorm room as her roommates were preparing to go to sleep, and snuggled Stella as Tiran set his alarm clock. “What did the headmistress want?” Tiran asked, and Raina flopped back onto her bed as her sissy diaper crinkled.

“She just wanted to talk about how I’ve been doing,” Raina said, smiling as Stella showed her one of the pretty unicorns. “She said she’s excited to talk to everyone, and you still have to talk to her, Tiran,” she said, giggling as Tiran tucked up the collar on his suit.

“Yeah, I wonder when that is...” he asked, whistling as he pulled off his suit and folded it nicely. “She seemed so nice when she got rid of that awful headache for me...” he said, and laying down he quickly fell asleep. Raina and Stella stayed up for a while as they talked about girly things, and how happy they were as sissies. As instructed in the video, all of the manly things in their lives were disappearing as they became good little girls. They were also slowly regressing in height to a much more fitting size for such girly boys.


It took a month, but Tiran was finally called in for a meeting as Mistress Dalor walked into class, a few weeks prior she had finally revealed herself as the true diaper wearing sissy she was, but nobody remembered her being anything else now except for a model sissy. Most of the boys were sissys now, and some had even grown out their hair into more girly styles. Raina had a nice little bow in her hair, and Tiran found himself envying her. Just as their class was about to start the headmistress walked in and smiled at Tiran. “Tiran, can we have a chat?” she asked, and Tiran smiled before standing up.

There were sad sighs as others didn’t get picked yet to have a chat, they didn’t know that it would entail them becoming sissy girls, but they all wanted to have a nice chat with the headmistress. Walking into the office he plopped into the comfy chair that so many of the sissies told him about, he sighed happily as he was offered a cup of water. “So what do you want to talk about?” he asked, sipping down the water before setting it down.

“Nothing really, actually I wanted to show you a video I’ve been showing all of the students,” the headmistress said, and standing up she pulled down the screen. Tiran had an itch on his nose, but his hand wouldn’t move all of a sudden... in fact nothing would move.

“What’s... what’s going on, headmistress?” Tiran asked, the otter starting to panic as the movie started. “What’re you doing?!” he cried, but stopped as she directed his view to the screen with the amazing spirals... “What’s... this... so... good...” he slowly said, his eyes starting to glaze over as he watched the spirals.

The words from the video played into his ears, manipulating the already open mind from so much hypnosis. “You are a sissy girl, you love wearing your sissy diaper. You are a good girl, such a good girl who loves to be sissy and happy. You also know how to act in public, don’t you?”

“Y... yes...” Tiran muttered, his body already starting to turn a bit smaller to fit his new age. “Sissy...”

“Mistress Streef has taught you to be such a good little girl while you’re here, you love being a sissy little girl. You also love your diapers under your dresses, making them crinkle as you skip and hop like a little girl.” The video went on about how girly he would be, and what dresses he loved. Tiran slowly gave into it, by the end he knew he was a she, a pretty little girl who jumped right into her dress. She spun around in her knew pink diaper, and she giggled like a little girl would.

“What a good chat we had, Taris,” Mistress Streef said, patting her on the head.

“Yes!” Trais giggled, clapping her little paws as she skipped out of the room. She knew she loved being a sissy girl...


Graduation day was great, all of the sissy girls giggled and acted like proper girls should as Mistress Streef guided them to the stairs of the academy. “You have all been such good girls while you were staying here. Now walk out like proper citizens,” she said, and they all walked out crinkling towards the bus. Taris smiled as she saw the sign on the way out, “The Enchanted School for Young Ladies”. Taris beamed as she took Rania and Stella’s hands and they all hopped onto the bus where they rode home where their parents were waiting.

Mistress smiled as she watched them drive away, remembering how she’d used special videos on the parents making them want their boys to be good little girls. “I think this one went well... I cannot wait to see who comes back to be a teacher here...” she said, smiling as she patted her diaper, and remembered when he came in to the school just like the boys had before...


Standing in front of the class, Tiran looked out at all of the new blood that ad come in. He giggled to himself as he couldn’t wait to see how happy they owuld all be as sissy girls. The headmistress used a special device to make her look older, but in truth she was still as tall and girly as she was the day she left. For now though she looked tall and like herself if she had grown up as a regular boy. “Well class, as you know I am Mister Melay...” he said, walking in front of the class as they all paid attention to him. “I think it’s time to start class...” he said, and his eyes glowed with the hypnotic energy that his own teacher had used on him.

All of the students went limp as they looked at their teacher. The illusion dropped and Taris giggled as her first group of students went under. “Now class, I know as you are all boys you think you’ll learn how to be proper gentlemen... but no. You are going to become perfect sissy girls, and once you become real sissy girls these lessons will apply to your new lives. Until then though you will be under hypnosis during all of your lessons as you learn to be good sissy girls, now the first lesson... how to make your girly diapers crinkle extra hard...”


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