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Charless, Slave. Bday Treat.

by Casey

CSL: Chapter 5

Charless, Slave. Bday Treat.

by Casey @ warp my mind

10/25/2020 all rights reserved.


Charless meets Slave on a walk..


Charless orders: 

On Track!

On Track! .. 


Stand still facing South.. Good posture, cross your arms... bow your head.


Slave: Does as ordered.


Charless: Gradually walks around Slave in a circle..


Charless: Controller has reported to me that you have been majorly violating your Becareful with Speech law again... 


Do not speak just nod...


Slave: Nods..


Charless: I also hear some people are trying to pressure you again about getting into social security programs...


Slave: Nods...


Charless: Good news is you were able to recover pretty fast from your Angry melt down and hold it until you got upstairs away from the ones who upset you but rest asured when you are upset your Thunder voice booms through the house...


Slave: Nods...


Charless: You kept saying to yourself.. 


"Don't listen to them bastards, I am a hypnotist focus on my work.. focus on my work focus on my hypnosis work and other work..."


Charless: Then you were able to calm down, and sing to the radio, and focus on your computer.. 


However your internet keeps dropping so much you can not do most of your work.. and this is driving you back into rage fits.


Slave: Nods...


Charless: I was informed the other night you were thinking of trying to train yourself to yell I rebuke you! .. instead of Fuck you at your computer and internet malfunctions because it is not good to be a minister and run around yelling Fuck you all the time.. is this correct?


Slave: Nods.. shaking head repetitively...


Charless: I think that may work for a lot with you..


But, we still need to find something for your yelling in general and especially yelling God damn it! .. and 



Well, you yelling bastards is happening more often all of sudden as well, but with people lying to you all the time.. 


I understand that one... Saying Fishturds works better for you.


Slave: Nods...


I think Gol Darn it and Dog Gone puts you into Jones persona is why you do not do that one... 


...And you sure are not going to use the one your face attacking sister tried to make you say, to trigger Train wreck images. To you most did not know that is why you refused to use it...


Slave: Not to mention she would cry copyrights at me...


Charless: No, adding Just nod...


Slave: nods...


Charless: Your voice and vocal chords are very important for your singing, chanting, and ministering.. 


So we need to try to condition you to release that highly charged emotional energy of anger, and upset in a non verbal way... 


Maybe just war dance or something...


Slave: Shakes head no.


Charless: Why no?


Slave: like that day they sacrifices people misunderstand and it think it is a threat or something it not.. It is a warning and not a threat.. A threat can follow though...


...and last time I war danced at my malfunctioning computer it got struck by lightning...


Charless: laughs.. ok.. no war dances then... 


Controller: You did usually proceed to threaten it with lightning after the dance might have been part of that... ironically.. he had it unplugged lightning got the machine from the furnace vent under the floor and ripped a hole in the furnace..


Charless: Mother Nature hates computers...


Slave: Twirls hair and nods


Charless: Which alt is doing the yelling?


Slave: I thought it was Jones or Nature but that type of bellaring is not either of them....


Controller: You call the really loud deep voice you do a Thunder Voice.. I only notice you do that when you are really scared and run off your threats or opponents...


Charless: You are not used to being scared to the point of fight or flight, it sounds like that is what is going on but you do not usually flight you stand your ground, you just want to fight this issue but can not figure out how to fight stopping it from interupting your work, disconnecting, and erroring...


Controller: When I watched his energy he handled it well and calm until the line... "Just like your sister" was thrown at him. 


That is when the spark started and gradually grew into a fire.. As when people say this to him he gets an echo effect in his mind voice.. and if he can not stop it immediately he goes off the handle... .. Usually you can tell this is going on as he repeats it over and over...


It may have lasted only 30 minutes but it was intense enough that it felt like longer to all who heard it...


Charless: What did Shamans say about anger and thunder?


Slave: Do not let them steal your thunder....


Charless: This means? ...


Slave: Not to let them provoke me to angry actions...


Charless: This is not like you to let people steal your thunder.. 


What else is going on other than internet issues, and the famous ills whys issues?..


Slave: nothing really...other than I feel upset about so many broken promises.. and My birthday coming around reminds me a lot about that...


Charless: The Old house, the woods, the dog.. driver's licence... The sister going on TV trashing you, how she contacts you says happy bday then disowns you...


Charless: Feeling Broken.. What state is your local railroad tracks in?.... 


Slave: Yes.. normally I can handle all these stresses ok but my face throat and ears hurt a lot and eyes...I feel like 20 years of my life were stolen from me, but I gave them away dedicated to helping others.. 


When I should have done more to help myself...


I love helping others.. But, I am tired of sitting in my life unheard, and I am so sick of being told go to your family for help, or get on government support... 


I turned 41 today, and the main thing I feel the world stole from me is many job opportunities with all their crap talking about me, my groups, and my friends, and sisters.


I am not my friends, I am not my sisters.. I am myself... I got so tired of hearing ...


"Your sister worked for us once and stole from us.. so we can not risk hiring you."


Charless: Do to this reason the 


"Just like your sister.." 


is a major insult to the core...


Slave: Nods..


Charless: So, it seems that is also part of these blow ups, is PTSD and deep insults, and that one hit on the sister one, and reopened the PTSD of the day they did all that with the workers you mentioned in your Casey Jones story, is not what you do or have done, but all the crap your sisters and other residents that lived with you did that you kept getting blamed for..


Which also does not make sense.....


Slave: Yes, and the whole FRA BS...


Charless: You still need a team and help.. 


But, it does not seem like they understand yet how to help you, how to approach you and run your programs correctly... 


First thing that needs to stop is using strangers to trigger you for serious things...


Only the Handler and team present with permission is to throw those triggers..


With an agreed upon goal and offering.


Charless: When they had the internet line man approach you and tell you not to smoke, and to stay out of the road, and then tell you they did not want you to live on this road.. and asked you where you are going... "If you leave here where are you going?.. and you listed another house on this road they made it clear they did not want you on this road at all..."


Slave: That was not funny at all. With the made up tale about the dangerous electrical issue in the yard.. 


Charless: You HAVE no where to go...


Slave: Nods..


Charless: up front if they said Handler or Road Master wants to do a mini session then they did all that this would be fine... 


As this kind of approach does muddy reality and fantasy, and with your mystery MIB characters from the past this is a not a good approach...


Slave: Nods...


Charless: Also this approach makes you wonder if it really is from Roadmaster, or Family, or the ISP itself, or the lineman being a troll...


Slave: I did hear Roadmasters voice say Yes.. so he was involved in it...


Charless: I am convinced they really are trying to help you but they are not doing it correctly...


But, they need to get you a ride to those railroad tracks as part of your energy issues, and blow ups is that railroad energy inbalance...


You are supposed to cross a track at least twice a week...


They are NOT taking that seriously at all...


Slave: it is all just a game and a joke to them...

and it always will be..


Charless: I see by your notes when your railroad energy drops and has issues you end up relying on Mother Nature personality and she tends to be very sarcastic and bitchy...


Slave: Nods...


Charless: But, Now it is fall... Nature tends to go to sleep... So, they will have a cranky tired Mother Nature to deal with... 


Slave: Nods..


Charless: This would explain why you are so tired and not feeling well. 


You are changing from that energy back into the extremely strained railroad energy..


Slave: nods...


Charless: Does a search...


"What railroad is not affected by the pandemic?"..


Oh Dear...I see.. So, small things feel to you like your being kicked while you are down.


Slave: Yes.. I am doing well, but.. yeah...


Charless: Considering the state of the railroad system worldwide in this most of you is doing well..


... but your temper is flaring more.. but the source of fear... do to lack of defenses, and fear of having to leave and go somewhere and no safe haven to escape to you always had that.. or a cool off place when upset... 


Slave: Yes...I could yell and let it all out and fly.. instead of supress it....


Charless: If you could not stop screaming then why didn't you scream into your pillow?...


Slave: I am not sure.. I wondered that myself a couple days later... I used to do that a lot...


Charless: or you could have laid down and put yourself into maintenance.. Shut down mode.. as obviously Steam is shooting all over.. speaking of steam the release valves?...


Slave: I tried that did not work at all... I don't know.. I was dizzy and blacking out on and off for two three days prior to this... 


I think is why I struggled with this...


Charless: You know Roadmaster is on your side right?


Slave: I know but.. 


Charless.. But...


Slave: why the hell does he always have to go through a third party to talk to me... 


Why can't he talk to me directly.. 


Charless: because you both need a third party presence for reassurance in case either of you take something said in the wrong way.. 


I am surprised at how in the last three encounters how much you do not consciously remember or know...


Slave: it is all a mind game.. and I do not like false broken promises...


I want this damn pandemic to go away.. I want a damn life... 


Charless: The isolation getting to you is very unusual.... I think it is the programs driving you to work and you can not that is really doing it...


Charless: Would you like a birthday session?


Slave: No... 


Charless: You used to love them...


Slave: I love sessions when done correctly..


Charless: You know I do them correctly...


Slave: no thanks..


Charless: Puts slave into maintenance shut down...


Carries Slave to a bed gently tucks her in... 


Leaves door open, so she can freely leave in two hours...


Charless: Steps into the other room.. leaves notes to be buzzed in case..


Slave wants something or needs help...


Charless: plays, I will becareful with speech subliminals to slave..


Slave: Wakes up sees the open door... and a note hanging on the door...


Note says: "If you want a birthday session.. ring the buzzard and walk over and wait at the Garden in the South East with the Big Rock in the center."


Slave: Stands there a moment and ponders...


Charless: Watches... 


Slave: Then says, No Thanks, and steps out...


Four guards surround slave...


Slave: Says, Now What did I do?...


They escort Slave to the garden....


Charless: Steps over, you really thought you had a choice? 


....Wickedly Laughs? 


...No Choice..


Charless: Gently lays a blanket and pillow on top of the big rock in the middle of the garden...


Charless says: Lay down on it in fetal position face the tracks and just rest.


Charless: There is a little meditation you used to do years ago that you stopped doing when your sister accused you of railroad worship.. 


You called it a resting recharging ceremony... 


Do you remember this Slave?


Slave: shakes head no....


Charless: Gently tucks slave in....


Charless: The Garden has what plants ... describe it to me...


Slave: It has four Rose Bushes,  the Rock is surround by Yucca plants, there is daffodils and tulips all around it... Irises and Indian paintbrushes...


Charless: I modeled it after one or your Garden plans...


Slave: Well Done, sir.


Charless: Now, close your eyes... 


Charless then lays Slave so her head is in bright sunlight.. 


But not burning sun...


Charless: As you breathe imagine inhailing that relaxing healing sunlight, and exhaling illness.. 


...And the illness exits your breath..


Inhale bright healing energy...


Exhale dark and illness...


Charless repeats this exercise for 5 minutes..


As he gathers some toy trains... and builds a circle on the ground around the rock.. 


Starting East, then south then west north...


And gently places a small train right next to slave.. one above her back one at her feet one by her face and lower back to also match North, South, East, and West...


Charless: Now do you remember what you used to do?


Slave: Oh Yeah,.. it has been a long time.... 


I did not understand where I learned or why I did this...


Controller: Grandma Shaman and you came up with this ritual together... And as you grew older you would add something new yearly..


Charless: What happened next?


Slave: I would yell to the Guardians....


"A Sei ko ta ze East Ay gwond!"


"A Sei ko ta ze south Eee"


"A Sei ko ta ze North ee Gwond"


"A Sei ko ay! A Sei ko ay, A Sei ko ay! oh wah!"


Charless: Then ....


Slave: um... I dunno...


Charless: You would call on your Train and railroad spirits....  and sometimes call out the names of your toy trains.. Laughs... They were just thought form representives of the energy...


Charless: What is a thought form?


Slave: A thought form is a manifested Thought in energy form.


Charless: But, Now what would you call the Railroad Energies of the North, South, East, West.. and All together...


Slave: I am not sure...


.. Maybe I would call to different Iron Gods.. Papa Ogun, um...., Ogoun, Odin


Charless: Um is not one what would be the East one?...


Slave: I am not sure..


Charless: just call to Ogun, and the others for now.. and mystery East one..


Slave: Does so...


Charless: I call to you Guardians Spirits of the Railroad energies and strength to come recharge and strengthen "Casey"...


Who is resting, relaxing and waiting to be consumed by your healing energy and strength..


Charless: Now what do you do?...


Slave: slowly exhales as much air as I can.. 


Holds breath for thirty seconds then inhales as slow as she can..


.. imagining.. 


Breathing in strong, heavy hot air...and strength entering in threw my crown chakra...


 ..into the rest of her body... and slowly exhales imagining become one with the healing energies and strength of the Eastern Iron God...  


 Then waits a couple minutes doing relaxing pranic breathing.. 


 then repeats it for the South, West, and North...


As she imagines a strong black and white strip image coming in and surrounding her strongly..


Charless: Good energy sheilding invocation...


Slave: Thanks them each one by one... 


As the energy keeps coming in and pranic breathing still going on at a slower heavier pace...


Charless: Grabs a leaf pile and covers all but Slaves face in a big pile of leaves the rock and blanket all you see is Slaves head..


Charless: As you are buried in the leaves all your weaknesses and illness are pulled out of you.. away from you and into the Earth for Mother earth to neutralize and rechannel to brighter causes...


Slave: And also imagines connecting to other friends and loved ones.. and imagines drawing their illnesses into the leaves pile that transfer the energy as nutrients back to the earth...


Slave: Lays still for awhile keeps pranic breathing....


... imagining healing energy from all four directions coming in and illnesses exiting...


Then... Imagines a railroad track in a circle around her.. 


With one train circling, then another one.. then another... Usually preferred to imagine them in rainbow colors...


Imagining many Trains...  


Slowly starting to move in a circle gradually rolling faster and faster until it is one big whirl of railroad energy... That forms a huge rainbow circle of iron energy.. that slowly causes a strong energy sphere in a circle around me.. and  builds up into a giant ball of fire then seems to explode but instead of exploding.. 


The energy all enters into me all at once... 


..and the winds start to kick up and swirl and then all at once blow the leaves away...  


I spring up off the rock as fast as I can run in circles clockwise four times then counter clockwise four times... 


Then jump on top of the rock and yell  Thank You Thank you Thank you to each direction... and raise my hands to thank the Spirits for recharging me with the railroad energy...


Then usually would lay back on the rock for a bit and then ... a helper would...


Charless: pours water all over your head and back being sure not to get the trains that can not get wet..


Slave: that feels good...


Slave: Would then get up do a thank you.. dance and swirl as picking up each train.. handing them back to Charless as he put them each into a wagon he used... to bring them.. and then Slave danced in a circle twirling picking up the trains in the circle counter clockwise.. then slowly does a heal toe dance until breath calms down enough to sit on the rock a moment...


Charless: hands Slave a hose with ice cold water...  


Slave: drinks and drinks and drinks until can not drink anymore then pours the water down her head and back .. on his hands and feet..


Slave then Yells, The Guardian calls Ah Sei ko Ays! in reverse order... And again thanks them...


Charless: Happy Birthday!..


Now.. Go make a meditation file....and also Design a prayer meditation bead sequence, to go with this..


Complete with the Iron Gods.... 


You had visions years ago to start making prayer beads prayers and meditations... but you never did... It it is time to do this...


Charless: You are dismissed..





















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