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Samus Fart Expansion

by jameslukey


Samus Fart/Belch Expansion Story


    Samus was on a mission to stop the Space Pirates, given to her by the Galactic Federation, after of course they made up and apologized for the creation of nearly-invincible metroids. Little did Samus know they'd salvage some metroid DNA by securing some themselves and storing some in Samus, and they were plotting against her.


    She'd gone on several missions beforehand, and they still did not trust her, eventually they decided to attempt to destroy her. They launched a wave of recently created Metroids to her, but were not certain they would attack her, considering she was technically one of them now. To their benefit, it worked, they attacked her, and all were defeated except for one, of which, managed to attack Samus's back, and began to drain her of her life essence.


    Unfortunately for the Federation, the plot backfired, kind of, the matching DNA with a mixture of Human DNA led to some sort of biological anomaly. The Metroid could not kill her, eventually it was removed by Samus, but she grew concerned at later just settled her worries over her DNA. It did, however, lead to some odd biochemical disruptions in her system.


    She made her way to her matching yellow gunship, removed her exoskeleton, and sat in her chair, wearing only a ponytail and her Zero Suit. She ran diagnostics on her body, nothing seemed out of place, until she was alerted that her body had foreign Metroid DNA, and that some odd chemicals were erupting in her system. Samus didn't know what to do, she made her way to a landing dock so she could rest and make a plan of action, but from there, she would take some time before she could do anything next...


     She landed, hoping to head to the bathroom, her stomach was rumbling the entire way, making many gurgling sounds, and Samus would soon make a different kind of gastly noise. As soon as she stepped out, the rumbling in her tummy showed a little bulge, and she wanted a bit of relief immediately.


    Calmly enough, she stepped off her ship, slightly raised her leg to the right, grabbed her tummy, and let out a little


"Ahhh" she sighed in relief of the little toot,  unaware of what would soon happen to her. The chemicals in her body needed to be released to take full effect on her body. The chemicals formed a new kind of specific adipose multiplier, increasing the mass and fat in an area where gas is released. In this case, Samus's buttocks would grow fatter, and soon enough, they did, but since she only let out a little toot, her gas hardly grew her bottom, she didn't even notice.


    On her way to the restroom, on the walkway, the pain from carrying the gas in her intestines made her waddle over in pain. "Hrrrk!" She grunted and cringed and winced in pain trying to hold it in, it wouldn't matter, the effects would remain the same. She fell over on her knees, holding her tummy, grunting, and eventually, she had to force it out for relief,


"OHHH!!!" She moaned in relief, she was still arched over on her breasts, ass pointing in the air.


    The massive gas would take affect soon enough, she'd definitely would notice. She winced for a different reason now, she thought she needed to fart again, but no, her ass would begin to fatten, and it did. It pulsated outward, Samus grabbed it, it felt wonderful, amazing, her bottom felt so soft and huggable, and as she would pass more gas soon enough, the massage the adipose growth gave her would make her reach her pleasure climax.


    "HOOOGH!" She groaned, clenching the growing fat on her bottom, wincing her eyes in enjoyable pain. It continued to fatten, and she kept farting, *FRBRBRBRBTLPRRPTOTTTVRVTVTRVRBTBPLLBLBLLT*

"Oooh!" She sighed in relief, preparing for the delicious storm that would follow suit, rounding and fattening her already massive bottom.


    The process continued for an hour straight, fortunately for Samus she was not displeased with the results and grew fond of her new booty. She was only unsatisfied that she didn't have cleavage to match, but she'd soon have her wish.


   Her stomach gurgled, still slightly bulging with gas, and she needed to belch... bad . Soon enough, she began to, and the wondrous transformation would follow soon enough.


She cleared her throat, the gas infested her chest and tits began to expand.


She was sitting down, and she hit her chest, sweating slightly, hoping to force out the gas and she did.


"Oof!" She cried out weakly, giving her chest a nice punch again, and she ripped,


Her breasts fattened and rose, giving them an overall more perky appearance, and in the aftermath, her lips grew a little more plump too.


She sat there staring in the mirror, in awe of her deliciously sexy new body. She mumbled a slight quiet "Wow."


    "HOOOGH!" She groaned, clenching the growing fat on her bottom, wincing her eyes in enjoyable pain. It continued to fatten, and she kept farting, *FRBRBRBRBTLPRRPTOTTTVRVTVTRVRBTBPLLBLBLLT*

"Oooh!" She sighed in relief, preparing for the delicious storm that would follow suit, rounding and fattening her already massive bottom.


    The process continued for an hour straight, fortunately for Samus she was not displeased with the results and grew fond of her new booty. She was only unsatisfied that she didn't have cleavage to match, but she'd soon have her wish.


   Her stomach gurgled, still slightly bulging with gas, and she needed to belch... bad . Soon enough, she began to, and the wondrous transformation would follow soon enough.


She cleared her throat, the gas infested her chest and tits began to expand.


She was sitting down, and she hit her chest, sweating slightly, hoping to force out the gas and she did.


"Oof!" She cried out weakly, giving her chest a nice punch again, and she ripped,


Her breasts fattened and rose, giving them an overall more perky appearance, and in the aftermath, her lips grew a little more plump too.


She sat there staring in the mirror, in awe of her deliciously sexy new body. She mumbled a slight quiet "Wow."


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