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by camo1994


Janet's finances were in shambles. After four years of college, then two more to get her master's degree, she was in debt with student loans. She had a psyche degree, and got what seemed like a promising job. But her male boss really kept her down. He made her feel inferior, even though she had as good of credentials as anyone else in the firm.

So she moved to a hospital to find work, but things weren't much better there. She was passed over for a raise, on the grounds that she wasn't a top performer, even though she put in extra hours, and did all the right things to get ahead. She even did volunteer work. Then on top of all this, her husband divorced her (claiming that she worked too hard, and loved her job more than him!).

Now forced to live in a small apartment, and pay some of her salary to her ex-husband as part of the settlement, she was broke. She needed some way to make money. So she looked online for other jobs.

Some web site she hit put her on a spam list, and now she was getting inundated with one junk e-mail after the other. But as she cleaned the trash out from her in-box, she saw something that caught her eye. It was a web site for people with the fetish of being controlled by a woman. It claimed that she would use mind control to make you hers.

Janet had done her masters thesis on brainwashing techniques, so she just had to see what was on this web site. It featured pictures and stories of men with testimonials like "Mistress Dominique forced me to become a woman, and now I've found happiness serving her."

She laughed at it, and clicked on the 'free sample'. What bunk. A simple recorded sound saying 'you are mine now' isn't enough to override a person's decision making process! It took a lot of hard work.

But then a thought grew in her head. She went out to yahoo, and did a search. There were hundreds and hundreds of similar sites, like this one! Apparently, there were a lot of men who wanted to be dominated and controlled. And being forced to dress and act like a woman seemed to be a favorite fetish among them.

So she decided right then and there to create her own site. She really knew how to use mind control. And after all the mean things men had been doing to her, it would serve them right to become her slave. It might be fun, as well as lucrative.

Janet went to the store, bought software to design her web site, and went to work...

* * *

Once Janet's web site was done, she got an ISP to host it. Then she put advertisements on the most popular search engines. This ensured that not only would some people see the ads, but her site would come up as one of the first ones, since she advertised.

It wouldn't be possible to do all of the techniques needed to fully control someone. But she figured that she could get them started. She offered a service where a man could pay for a number of sessions. She would also offer sessions "in person" if they wanted to see her directly. Then she could really work on them.

The biggest trick to mind control, is that you can't just tell a person something to alter their thinking. You have to take small steps to coerce them. It is best if the steps are so small that the subject doesn't even realize they are being made to do something. But over time, their cumulative effect adds up. That is how cults did it. A person would get sucked in, and at first they wouldn't notice anything. If they ever did catch on that they were being manipulated, it was usually too late. So she would need to keep all this in mind in her approach she used on the web site.

She sat back, and watched the reports, as the men found her site, and started paying to use it.

* * *

Josh was looking for new exciting web sites, when he came across Janet's. It was perfect! There was a picture of a hot woman in a sexy black leather outfit, promising that she would take control, and make you into what *she* wanted you to be.

"I might make you my slave" said the web site, "Or I might make you become a woman. Or both. It's totally up to *me*, as your new Mistress."

Josh was sold. He signed up for a 12 week program. After his credit card was verified, he would receive an e-mail with his password, and his first instructions.

* * *

A good way to start with mind control, is to soften up the subject, by putting them into a state of increased suggestibility. Hypnotism works well, but you have to be there in person for it to be effective. Another similar method is by making the subject exactly repeat an activity or a routine, over and over.

Janet had seen how some people playing video games would sometimes get that look on their face, almost like subjects who are being hypnotized. So for her web site, she had gone to a girlfriend who was a game designer. She helped Janet build a game to her specifications.

"It will never sell. It's too easy and repetitive" she said.

"Thanks anyway" said Janet, who uploaded the code to her new web site. It was this game that Josh was first instructed to play.

Josh had always been good with PC games. And this one was really simple. He was winning without breaking a sweat. The e-mail had told him that he needed to play this game until he could get 50,000 points. Then he could stop. Well, he was going to easily reach that in his first try. He smirked, thinking how much better than the average gamer he was. At least the images on the screen were sexy, and that kept him interested enough to keep going towards the target score.

But what Josh didn't realize was that after ten minutes of continuous play, the messages were starting. Some were subliminal messages that flashed up so quickly that he never saw them consciously. He might have notice an odd flash on the screen, but he thought it was just the web browser's refresh rate or something.

And there were low level audio messages too, barely perceptible. Again, they were there, but he didn't overtly hear them. And the last message told him "you will not remember hearing messages".

There was a snapping noise, and Josh looked up. His score was 150,000. Why was he still going, at such a simple boring game? Oh well, a few more minutes, then he'd quit. He'd go for the record.

* * *

The next step in controlling a mind, is often to control the subject's social environment. Socially isolating the subject is helpful, cutting them off from family and friends. That was why cults liked remote areas, it was easier to keep the person away from 'negative' social influences.

It was of course not possible for her to cut them off like that, seeing as her relationship to them was over the internet. But she did have one advantage: the customers were all men who *wanted* to be controlled. So she devised her scheme: she would make them use the web site for a number of consecutive days, for long periods of time. They would do what she ordered them to do, because in their minds, they would be giving in to her, which turned them on. They wouldn't ever realize just how much they were really being manipulated. She'd give them "what they wanted."

Other 'mind control' web sites only gave little teasers for a few minutes each session. She decided on a slightly different approach. For one thing, when a cult begins indoctrinating someone, they tended to give excessive rewards at first, for even the smallest deed. But soon, punishments for even the smallest infraction become just as disproportionally severe.

Josh got an e-mail from Mistress Janet, ordering him to come right home from work, go to his computer room, shut the door, and get on the web site right away. So of course, he did it.

He logged on, and was presented with an image of Janet dressed in her sexy leather. The voice over the speaker gave him instructions, which he followed.

"Tell me that you belong to me now" her voice said. "Type it below, and send me the message."

Josh typed "I am yours", and hit 'send'. As a result, Janet's voice heaped praise on him.

"You are so good, and so obedient to your Mistress! You will be rewarded. I am giving you two more free hours!"

The account timer at the top of the screen moved from 48 minutes to 2 hours and 48 minutes. Cool! Josh smiled. This was awesome!

Now Mistress Janet told Josh to take off his pants.

"You're really hard, aren't you? Look me in the eyes, and stroke yourself" she said in a cooing, sexy voice. "Look deep into my eyes. You are mine. You are my slave. You will do anything I ask, because you belong to me now."

She kept him going, until late at night. He ignored the ringing phone, and kept going with the web site. It wasn't until the very end that she let him climax. Since men tended to lose interest in a woman as soon as they have their little orgasm, it was important to keep him going as long as possible. Plus, that would heighten the experience for him.

And the subliminal messages kept flashing during the whole session too, unnoticed by Josh.

* * *

Another technique used by most cults for mind control, is to make sure that the subject is cut off from any information that conflicts with the point of view they are trying to impose. No TV, no radio, no magazines. But lots of their own books, pamphlets, and periodicals.

Janet couldn't quite control all of that remotely, but she did her best to keep her customers knee deep in what she did want them to see.

Josh's next email from Mistress Janet included a web link he was supposed to click on. It was a web-zine with articles by men who are controlled by women, saying how happy they are. A femme-dom newsletter was also emailed to him. And a pop-up box said "click here to update your browser's bookmarks". He clicked it without thinking, and all his personal bookmarks were updated to ones with female domination themes. So if he tried to surf the web, he'd end up looking at all those other places that not only excited him, but reinforced the new point of view she wanted him to take on.

And more sessions with 'the game' to make further suggestions, and another round of giving him what he wanted ("you're mine now...") to keep him occupied. Again, for good behavior he was rewarded excessively with extra free time. He ended up staying up to 1:00am on her web site.

* * *

Next for a cult, came one of the most pernicious of their steps. They would typically make a person take a hard look at the most central aspects of themselves, and make them reevaluate them in a negative way. Then they could make the subject reinterpret their life's history, and adopt a new version. That is how they would destroy trust in a teenager's parents ("They hate you! Only we love you!"), or how they would start their teachings of an alternate religion (the cult leader is god).

For this, Janet needed to be more interactive than a web site could be. She needed to talk to the person. But since she wasn't working now, she could schedule appointments throughout the day, and really talk to the people. This would be a delicate time, but she was confident that she could do it.

Josh was surprised when one of the instructions he got told him to call an 800 number.

"I want to talk to you" said Janet's voice on the computer.

Josh dialed the number, and was really surprised to hear that *was* Janet who answered.

"I thought you'd have a staff of people talking on the phone" he said.

"No. *I* am going to control you, so *I* need to talk to you, slave" she said. This of course excited him.

For twenty five minutes, Janet asked Josh questions about himself and his life. His schooling, his parents, his family and friends. She kept jumping around with her questions, so he wasn't at all sure where she was going. This was by design. And then she asked him something very different.

"Why do you like being controlled by a woman?" she said.

"I don't know" he replied, which was just was she had expected. Now she had him. It was time to go to work. She began to cut him down to size.

"You're not good at video game because you're smart. You're only good because you spend so much time, because you are a social outcast with no real friends" she said.

"You are not an obedient slave; you just want a woman to tell you what to do because you are so inadequate as a man. You wish you had been born as a woman, but you failed at that too. You couldn't even be born into the right body! You were a loser right from the start! That's why even the people you think are your friends secretly hate you."

"You spend so much time on the internet looking for something to jack off to, because you know you don't deserve a real woman. You are not worthy. They look at you and laugh, don't they? They hate you, just like your friends do."

"Your mother hates you, because she knows that you should have been born a girl. Your father hates you too, because you aren't man enough for him. He thinks you're a failure, and hates you for it. Even your sister hates you. She just hides it from you. She wishes you had been a girl too, but you failed at that, so she despises you. They all hate you Josh. They all really do."

He was almost in tears when she was done with him. Now it was time to give him a different version of events.

"Josh, don't feel sad. *I* love you, even if your friends don't. *I* really care about you Josh. And I'm going to take good care of you. There was a reason that you were born Josh. You were born because you were destined to grow up to serve me. That's why you're here on earth Josh."

"Your friends hate you because they're jealous of you. Jealous that *you* are a lucky chosen one, who is allowed to serve me. You're better than all of them Josh. You are the select. The elite. You are lucky enough to be mine Josh. Now tell me who you belong to."

"I belong to you" he said weakly.

"Yes, you do. You are mine now, in every way. I own you, and control you. You exist purely to serve me. With every woman who turns away when you look at her, think of *me*, and how you serve *me*. When your so-called friends are making fun of you behind your back, think of me, because you are mine. And when you see your family, remember how they hate you, and want to get rid of you. Only *I* love you Josh. You must remember that. Only *I* love you."

"I am yours" he whispered, fighting off the tears.

* * *

Once a person was cut down to such a fragile state, the next thing most cults would do is to create a sense of powerlessness for them. It is typical to subject the person frequently to situations which undermine their self-confidence, and make them question their own judgment.

In order to do this, Janet had to bring them to her place. Josh was the first one she invited. 'Ordered' would be a better description. She told him to be on the next plane, or else. She gave him directions to a bar, where she met him and took him back to her apartment, which she had fixed up with the money she was making from her web site.

"To keep you here, so you don't run away from me like a little girl, I am going to paint your nails bright red" she said. "It is your simple job to keep your nails looking nice. Do you understand?"

"Yes" he said.

As the polish dried, she told him she was thirsty, and went to the kitchen to get some water.

"Here, hold this Josh" she said, handing him a tray with two water glasses. She had greased the tray, so it would slip from his hands. He tried to stop it, but he couldn't, and the glasses crashed to the floor.

"You can't even do something simple that I tell you to? What's wrong with you? A three year old girl can do that! Now clean it up!" she said.

He went to the cabinet where she pointed, but when he opened the door several bottles spilled from the shelf (due to the way she had set it up of course).

"You can't even open a cupboard without making a further mess? Look at what you did!"

"I'm sorry" he said.

"Sorry? You'll be really sorry. Now you've got to clean that up too!"

He worked to clean up both messes. When he was done, he reported back to Janet, who looked at him, and shook her head.

"Look at your nails! I just painted them, and they're a mess already. You didn't think to put on gloves or anything, did you? You can't follow a simple request, like keeping your nails looking nice?" she roared.

Of course, she had used the very cheapest polishes she could buy, one that would have most easily chipped and flaked. But he didn't need to know that.

All that night, the comedy of errors continued, with Josh somehow messing up everything she gave him to do. Of course, the deck was stacked against him, and there had been no hope of him doing anything 'right'. But it had the desired effect. By the next day, even Josh was beginning to question his own ability to do even a simple task anymore.

* * *

The next phase for a typical cult is to create arousals of strong negative emotions. The subject is often humiliated, made to feel guilt, further isolation, and loss of privilege. Often they would keep the subject from being able to sleep for days. This broke them down, and made them very moldable. It was time to work on these.

Since Josh had *wanted* to be 'forced' to become a woman, it mean that wearing women's clothes was exciting and desirable for him. So Janet dressed him up.

"Remember, it is a privilege to dress as a woman" she warned. From her talks with him, she knew that he liked to 'be' a woman, but that he was not interested in men. She would use this against him now.

Once he was in the skirt, she tied his wrists high up on the bedposts, making him kneel on the floor. She left him there for an hour, to feel humiliated and alone.

When she returned, she had something in her hand: a vibrator that looked very anatomically correct. Like a nine inch long penis.

"Open wide" she said.

"But..." he started to protest.

She shoved it in deep, and pushed the button to make it start vibrating. His face turned bright red. He was completely humiliated. Perfect.

"I might put this up your butt" she said, "or maybe I'll have on of my boyfriends come over and do it to you for real."

He tried to yell, but it was too far down his throat to make more than a gurgling noise.

When she was done, she pulled it out, and put a gag on him. Next came a blindfold. She went around behind him, and pinched his nipples. Then she took the vibrator, and put it at the very top of his butt. She didn't work it in, just down a bit so that it vibrated against him.

"Mmmmph!" he said through the gag.

Janet left the vibrator on, and positioned it so that it stayed in place after she let go.

"Don't relax and sit down further, or you'll force it to go up inside you."

With that, she left the room.

She came back in half an hour, and took away the vibrator. His legs were trembling, from trying to keep himself up for so long. She took off the blindfold and the gag, then untied him from the bed. He fell exhausted into a pile on the floor.

"Stand up!" she ordered. He tried to, but was too weak.

"That's it, you aren't obedient enough to deserve the privilege of wearing a dress."

She ripped it off him, and threw it in a pile on the floor.

"Go put this on" she ordered, handing him a men's tank shirt that was barely long enough to cover his genitals. "You can go to the bathroom if you have to, but you need to sit down to pee, like a girl."

Josh stumbled to the bathroom, dying to go after all this time. He was crying. When he emerged, Janet laid on the guilt to him.

"Do you know that the glasses you ruined yesterday had belonged to my grandmother? They were the only thing she left me in her will, because she was so poor. And you shattered them.

"I...I'm sorry" he said.

"Did I give you permission to talk? I don't remember telling you that you could talk to me. Now here are all the little pieces of glass, and some glue. Put them back together, now! You are not allowed to sleep until you are done."

It was like a jigsaw puzzle, but with a thousand little pieces of sharp glass. It would be impossible to restore the glass. And with *two* broken glasses, the odds of finding the right piece were so small!

He went to work, and Janet ran to the back to secretly take a little nap. The task would hold his attention for a while. She would check on him, then take another nap. In this way, she got enough sleep to get by, while he was getting drowsy.

At 2:30 in the morning, he was nowhere near done. But his head was nodding, and he was in danger of falling asleep. Janet kept prodding him.

"Stay awake! If you fall asleep, I really will bring a man over here to do you in the rear. Is that what you want? Now get back to work!"

Up all night, after a total lack of sleep, with a crushed ego, no confidence, shattered world view....Josh was a mess. Just like you'd want a person to be if you wanted to reshape them.

* * *

In the final stage of brainwashing, a cult will strongly push its core beliefs onto a person as a way out of their situation. If the person grasps onto those beliefs, all the pain and misery is made to disappear. But they are also intimidated. If they fail to *believe* what they are being told, they are threatened with the most dire consequences (you will die, you will go to hell).

Janet was ready for the last stage.

"Josh, how do you feel?" said Janet, suddenly soothing and loving in her tone of voice.

"Awful" he mumbled.

"Josh, stand up" she said, offering her hand to help him up.

She looked at him. His eyes were red and bleary. He did look awful.

"You are pretty miserable, aren't you" she said.

"Yes" he replied.

"Josh, there is a way out of your misery. You can be happy and free. You want that, don't you Josh."

He nodded.

"Josh, what have I been telling you ever since you first started my program? I've been telling you that you are mine, and that you are a woman."

The subliminal messages had been constant during the computer phase, as well as the audible messages. She had reinforced these in person, as she went through the other phases of his programming.

Josh nodded again.

"Tell me Josh. Tell me that you are mine."

"I am yours" he said, without emotion or conviction.

"You see? That's the trouble. You say it, but you don't mean it. Josh, listen to me."

Janet put her hands on his shoulders, and looked him right in the eye.

"Josh, if you really believed that, then all this would go away. If you really believed that you were a woman, if you really believed that you were mine, then you would find happiness. You would find bliss."

"I am yours" he said again.

"No! You are lying! You can't just say it Josh, you have to mean it! If you are going to lie to me, then I am going to have to punish you. And not gently, like before. I'm going to have to be rough on you. It is going to hurt, and you are not going to like it, one little bit. You'll be begging me to let you do something gentle, like having a man make love to you. You don't want to lie to me ever again Josh. Do you understand?"

Josh looked at her. She meant it. He felt so completely powerless. There was nothing he could do. She had total control over him.

"I *am* yours" he said. And he meant it.

Janet smiled. She knew that he was telling the truth this time.

"You are a woman now. Your new name is Theresa. Tell me that you are a woman, and tell me your name."

"I am Theresa. I am yours. I am a woman."

"Very good Josh. Now say it again with feeling, and you can get out of that ugly shirt, and put on this nice silky nightie."

"I am yours. I am a woman. I am Theresa."

"Very good Theresa! You *are* a woman. And a woman deserves to wear soft silky frilly things. Put this on Theresa."

Josh put on the nightie.

"Oh, you look so pretty Theresa. Tell me again who you are."

"I am Theresa. I am a woman. I am yours."

"Very good my pretty little girl."

Janet smiled warmly.

"Go get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, we will get you all dressed up in pretty clothes, put on your makeup, high heels, and all sorts of fancy feminine things. You will be so happy, and we will have so much fun together."

She led him by the hand, laid him down on the soft bed, and tucked him in.

"Good night Theresa. Sweet dreams my pretty little girl. You're a girl now, just like mommy. You are a happy girl, and you are all mine."

Josh smiled, closed his eyes, and almost immediately fell into a deep sleep.

* * *

In the morning, when Josh woke up, he felt much better. While asleep, Janet had given him a sponge bath, and sprayed him with perfume. She had even repainted his nails.

"I am yours" he said, with conviction. He meant it, and wanted her to know it.

"You are mine" she said. "Only *I* love you Theresa. Only *I* care about you. You are my girl."

"I am your girl" said Josh.

True to her word, Janet dressed up Josh in fancy frilly clothes, put makeup on him, high heels, jewelry, and a wig.

"See Theresa, I told you that you were a girl now" she said.

"I am a girl. I am yours" he replied.

Janet took him outside for a fun day of shopping, a movie, dinner, and dancing. He was completely obedient, and he seemed to truly believe that he was Theresa now. He acted like the perfect lady at all times.

"Help me clean the house" said Janet, "then you can go. Or you can stay here in the city with me, and serve me. Whatever you want to do."

"I want what you want" he replied. "I am yours. I live only to serve you."

Janet had planned on having him want to leave. She hadn't realized just how effective she had been. The possibilities whirled in her head. If he stayed here, he could help recruit more locals for her program. Then she could make even more money.

Then it dawned on her, who not start her own cult? With a group of obedient males around her, who she programmed to be women, she could have it all. After there were enough of them, they could take over the duties of indoctrinating the new members.

She would get them to grab her ex-husband and her former boss. They would get indoctrinated too. She just couldn't wait to see them standing there like Josh was now, in a pretty pink dress, living just to serve her. It would be fitting revenge for them.

"Theresa, you're going to stay with me, and help me with a young man who is arriving tonight."

"Yes Mistress. I am yours" he said.

Janet smiled. She couldn't wait to hear those same words come from her bosses mouth.

"Lets get to work my dear" she said. "We have much to do."


Re: hypnofied - VeryGnawty

Awesome femdom story. Absolutely brilliant!

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