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Bitcoin's transaction register is publicly auditable so it's not truly anonymous.
by jands
September 22nd, 2013, 7:22 am
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Bitcoin
Replies: 4
Views: 7584

There is no way that should matter if you're fluent enough.

I know someone who is Swedish and gets hypnotized in English and has no trouble at all with the files

It's just a matter of finding someone you like and are comfortable with.
by jands
September 10th, 2013, 12:49 pm
Forum: General Hypnosis
Topic: Hypnosis only for a native speaker?
Replies: 2
Views: 6177

I would recommend finding shorter inductions to be honest. Longer inductions work for some people but there is absolutely no reason inductions NEED to be that long. It's just a matter of training your body and mind that a certain action means that it's trance time. I've seen EMG put slvazureogon(Pan...
by jands
September 8th, 2013, 4:00 pm
Forum: General Hypnosis
Topic: ADHD and/or impatience and/or file boredom
Replies: 3
Views: 8593

The current site has more than its fair share of minor annoyances but none of them are worth fixing at this stage. The V2 site has been the big 2013 project and we'll be launching it almost certainly by the end of the year.
by jands
September 5th, 2013, 7:45 pm
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Minor Bug
Replies: 13
Views: 16110

The current site has more than its fair share of minor annoyances but none of them are worth fixing at this stage. The V2 site has been the big 2013 project and we'll be launching it almost certainly by the end of the year.
by jands
September 5th, 2013, 7:44 pm
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Minor Bug
Replies: 13
Views: 16110

Oh ... and another request. Can we have the files search thing work properly for mobile users? Certainly on my phone, I can't scroll through the audience/effect/language/author selections; so for example I can limit my search to files that are Temporay or Triggers, but I can't specifically search f...
by jands
August 18th, 2013, 2:00 am
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: WMM-2 Wishlist
Replies: 27
Views: 110386

You consider taking bitcoins? I'd buy with bitcoins. I used them on other sites. They are truly anonymous and involve much smaller fees on either end compared to any other processor. OK. The main issue with bitcoins is the added complexity in processing the transactions. There are a few problems th...
by jands
August 17th, 2013, 6:46 am
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Possible idea to expand buyers
Replies: 12
Views: 15861

1 . Maybe something that allows you to rate forum posts by members or even rate members. Like if someone posts something good or worthwhile people can give the member or post a thumbs up. This could be done in WMM-2. There is certainly a possibility to calculate a "user rating" based on the ratings...
by jands
August 17th, 2013, 6:27 am
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: WMM-2 Wishlist
Replies: 27
Views: 110386

WMM-2 Wishlist

This is a general wishlist thread for what everyone wants to see in WMM-2. I'm currently about 2/3 done with the development of the new site (basically rewritten from scratch) and now would be a good time to start suggesting things you want to see. All suggestions are obviously subject to EMG's appr...
by jands
August 17th, 2013, 5:05 am
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: WMM-2 Wishlist
Replies: 27
Views: 110386

The beta version of the WMM-2 software lets you set basically what amounts to anti-favorites to block certain authors from the results.
by jands
August 17th, 2013, 5:00 am
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Exclusion Options
Replies: 2
Views: 5197

It says "encourages bestiality" in the file description. That sounds kind of scary...can anyone elaborate on the meaning of this? Encourages as in the real thing? Or the file itself is? Well, the file itself doesn't need an extra warning about featuring bestiality. That is already made clear in the...
by jands
July 7th, 2009, 1:09 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Jands Zeta Fantasy 1(Male & Female Dog)
Replies: 18
Views: 337423

werewolfs_2006 wrote:whaat exactly does this file do. I didn't understand the discription.
The file is like trance sex (which is free for download) except that instead of sex with a woman, this file is sex with a female dog. It also makes you feel like you have a male dog's genitals afterwards.
by jands
July 16th, 2006, 10:23 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Jands Zeta Fantasy 1(Male & Female Dog)
Replies: 18
Views: 337423

Jands Zeta Fantasy 1(Male & Female Dog)

Woah.... just.... holy crap woah.
This was the first file I've ever had work and goddamn does it work.

Just to clarify, I didn't create this file, I just commissioned it.
by jands
July 3rd, 2006, 11:48 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Jands Zeta Fantasy 1(Male & Female Dog)
Replies: 18
Views: 337423

I have that problem with EMG's voice sometimes. EMG's voice is very disarming to me and sometimes I just get put right to sleep.
by jands
May 6th, 2005, 7:49 pm
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: The "induction" file
Replies: 9
Views: 12585

You must have better hearing then me. I set it for loud volume on my digital surround system and I could BARELY make it up.
by jands
April 30th, 2005, 5:34 pm
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: Transcript
Replies: 3
Views: 25510


Does anyone have a transcript of Sublim Train Trance? I'd be somewhat interested to hear what EMG is actually saying in that file.
by jands
April 29th, 2005, 8:10 pm
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: Transcript
Replies: 3
Views: 25510

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