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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

just to add my iq is 83 so im wondering how fast this might go i have listened to file 3 so far i love looping file 5 as well it so addicting and fun that one is my favorite has anyone listened to maxharm I bought some of his stuff but it almost sounds like doing actual serious brain damage so i hav...
by naughtywish14
January 28th, 2025, 7:31 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: ViVe's Dumbing Down series
Replies: 1269
Views: 1809271

Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

So I Have been seeing people report that they now have to or are addicted to wearing diapers after listening to this series. I was curious from people who have listened to this if they are or have experienced this effect and if so after listening to witch file? Also if your already pretty stupid wil...
by naughtywish14
January 28th, 2025, 6:08 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: ViVe's Dumbing Down series
Replies: 1269
Views: 1809271

Re: My Response To Unedutainment Series

Out of curiosity how many times do you think listened and for how many days straight have you been wearing diapers since listening? Do you also feel the stupid like effect of these files like I do and It's hard to think or remember much of anything for an extended amount of time (sometimes hours oth...
by naughtywish14
December 9th, 2024, 12:28 am
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: My Response To Unedutainment Series
Replies: 8
Views: 7413

Re: Buddy Sleep

if you just want to screw around with hypnosis try train diapers 1&2 if you are SERIOUS about becoming a baby for REAL this series will do it as well as the hypnotic mists and there is also the original MM baby training series train potty amnesia, anti-potty training, and poopy diapers will also...
by naughtywish14
November 9th, 2024, 7:48 pm
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: Buddy Sleep
Replies: 12
Views: 6316

Re: Buddy Sleep

I don't think its a great idea to start for the first time with buddy sleep these are HARDCORE VERY POWERFUL HYPNOSIS !!!

They Have Extremely Powerful Permanent Effects!

Try something temporary until you understand effects that are possible under a hypnotic trance.
by naughtywish14
November 9th, 2024, 7:22 pm
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: Buddy Sleep
Replies: 12
Views: 6316

Re: My Response To Unedutainment Series

I also saw you posted a new file but after responding the way i have that one looks really dangerous in the best ways not sure im ready yet im going to think on it before i listen
by naughtywish14
September 17th, 2024, 4:04 pm
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: My Response To Unedutainment Series
Replies: 8
Views: 7413

Re: My Response To Unedutainment Series

I guess this is were i am at now with this file i can not stop wearing diapers! its like as soon as i am sitting around doing nothing i need and want my diapers like RIGHT NOW! the whole suggestions and understanding of what belongs in my diapers has been extremely effective this file has changed me...
by naughtywish14
September 17th, 2024, 4:01 pm
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: My Response To Unedutainment Series
Replies: 8
Views: 7413

Re: My Response To Unedutainment Series

Ok so i have listened to these files the three together and separately about roughly maybe 100 times and i cant stop im so addicted to them. when i have a quite moment to myself i hear the words bouncing around in my brain. different lines from the track will start bouncing like full diaper, empty b...
by naughtywish14
September 6th, 2024, 10:27 am
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: My Response To Unedutainment Series
Replies: 8
Views: 7413

Re: My Response To Unedutainment Series

I listened to the files on a loop for about 3 hours a day in the last 24 hours One Of the things I have noticed is while I'm sitting in my wet diaper sucking my binky all I want to do is color pictures, suck binky, Wet Diapers and listen on this on a non stop loop! I think I might be screwed but hol...
by naughtywish14
August 3rd, 2024, 1:24 pm
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: My Response To Unedutainment Series
Replies: 8
Views: 7413

My Response To Unedutainment Series

This file series is the most addicting and fun with a file I have ever had. this series has been so effective for me because of the Pace. This file has been designed for people with ADHD or the attention span of a Toddler Already! Going in to these files I sure what I was getting in to but I'm compl...
by naughtywish14
August 3rd, 2024, 1:19 pm
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: My Response To Unedutainment Series
Replies: 8
Views: 7413

Re: Intellect Drain by Avissapiens

this file scary I so fooking stoopid now im not sure what do about it now but at least and dont think about random stoopid stuff my head so quite it strange
by naughtywish14
June 15th, 2024, 4:58 pm
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: Intellect Drain by Avissapiens
Replies: 2
Views: 3124

Intellect Drain by Avissapiens

i used to think i was some what smart then listened to this file i took an iq test now i have scored borderline low

im happier now that im not thinking all the time but is their anything in this file that is truly dangerous?

its helped with my anxiety but i cant think too good anymore
by naughtywish14
June 14th, 2024, 10:50 pm
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: Intellect Drain by Avissapiens
Replies: 2
Views: 3124

Re: TTS Software?

Wanted to add to this list with the audio book creation pack these voices sound so real and i think its a pretty good value as well
by naughtywish14
September 14th, 2023, 3:56 pm
Forum: File Making & Hypnosis Techniques
Topic: TTS Software?
Replies: 22
Views: 43279

is considered ok to use someone else's script?

is considered OK to use someone else's script, IF you are making a free file that you DO NOT wish to profit from
if it is not what is the process of asking them for consent?
by naughtywish14
September 14th, 2023, 3:49 pm
Forum: File Making & Hypnosis Techniques
Topic: is considered ok to use someone else's script?
Replies: 1
Views: 5575

it just feels so damn good !

I have been listening to mind master Baby Training i think i know what i was getting into but it feels so good i dont ever want to stop wetting diapers but is really embarassing to know i hwve a little tiny baby penis in my soaking wet baby diapers all the time how do i stop i know i cant but im jus...
by naughtywish14
December 6th, 2020, 5:28 pm
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: it just feels so damn good !
Replies: 4
Views: 6731

Questions about diapered days off curse file

First Question:What if you don't have a job does the file then mean when ever you are home at all times? Second Question: if you can't change your diaper only once every six hours you might end up Crapping Your Diaper Too Right? Third Question: How real are curse files? Fourth Question: Do Curse Fil...
by naughtywish14
April 12th, 2019, 4:23 pm
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: Questions about diapered days off curse file
Replies: 1
Views: 3508

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