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Re: Binaural vs Subliminal vs Normal files

I've never had any post-hypnotic suggestions work for me. I like files that don't really put you under, but give you a sort of mantra or background track while you are doing something else that sort of puts you into a trance. The Hypnogirl files here by Hypnofemme are like that. I tried many kinds o...
by lauraparidae
December 18th, 2024, 9:09 am
Forum: File Making & Hypnosis Techniques
Topic: Binaural vs Subliminal vs Normal files
Replies: 2
Views: 4747

Re: Feminization and impregnation idea

Silver Hypnosis has three different versions on YouTube. I became more interested in fantasy pregnancy after I listened to them and they did some effect on me (while listening, but the trigger didn't do anything to me). I had success with them a couple of times and then not so much after that. Perso...
by lauraparidae
November 25th, 2024, 9:01 am
Forum: File Ideas, Scripts, and Challenges
Topic: Feminization and impregnation idea
Replies: 1
Views: 1724

Re: Essential gear for recording hypnosis tracks

I used Audacity to edit a hypnosis script and while it got the job done, I didn't feel like it was a great tool for doing it. You can add labels, but the labels are not attached to clips etc and things get messy very easily when you move the audio. It's still useful to have it around, but it wouldn'...
by lauraparidae
May 28th, 2023, 9:58 am
Forum: File Making & Hypnosis Techniques
Topic: Essential gear for recording hypnosis tracks
Replies: 5
Views: 27770

Re: Falling asleep

Thing is, if there are no observable other effects besides falling asleep and waking up at the end, I'm not sure the hypnosis is doing whatever it is supposed to, even if it is making you fall under. This does happen to me, but I often listen to hypnosis when I'm already very tired and pretty much t...
by lauraparidae
February 27th, 2023, 6:54 am
Forum: General Hypnosis
Topic: Falling asleep
Replies: 2
Views: 2713

Re: TTS Software?

TTS has come a long way in the past few months. Right now is going viral and I think for a good reason. Has anyone made files with the new AI voices? The only one I have played with is Tortoise, but I'll probably try Elevenlabs soon.
by lauraparidae
February 27th, 2023, 6:51 am
Forum: File Making & Hypnosis Techniques
Topic: TTS Software?
Replies: 22
Views: 43279

Re: Looking for a certain type of file

I like the Hypnogirl files here by Hypnofemme. Most of them are free. Fiona Clearwater has two Patron-only files that help you experience what you see when you watch porn. The latest one is here: and the older one is here:
by lauraparidae
September 16th, 2022, 12:08 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Looking for a certain type of file
Replies: 2
Views: 5343

Re: Chavette: The English Bimbo

The Hypnogirl files are atypical in that they mostly just play in a loop without an induction. Ideally you are already doing something that makes you suggestible (for example masturbation while looking at photos). Think of them as background music that make your fantasy feel more real. I think the H...
by lauraparidae
October 1st, 2021, 10:45 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Chavette: The English Bimbo
Replies: 5
Views: 4260

Re: Chavette: The English Bimbo

You could try using the Hypnofemme Hypnogirl files with appropriate imagery and video. They don't specify what the "hypnogirl" is like, so the material you choose to look and watch defines what you become. Worth a shot since almost all the related files are free.
by lauraparidae
September 24th, 2021, 4:30 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Chavette: The English Bimbo
Replies: 5
Views: 4260

Re: To be girl in porn.

I'm surprised the Hypnogirl series hasn't been discussed more on the forums. I just picked it recently and have been listening to the files regularly. If you are into transforming into a female and especially if you want imagine becoming someone else (a real person), then these files are pretty much...
by lauraparidae
July 5th, 2021, 4:07 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: To be girl in porn.
Replies: 5
Views: 7853

Re: Can you do hypno files while also looking at gifs/captio

Fiona Clearwater (on has a file called "Out of Body Porn Experience" that might work well with GIFs/captions. The idea is that it puts you into a trance and then asks you to watch porn (basically any content that turns you on) and allows you to imagine/feel being a perso...
by lauraparidae
September 14th, 2020, 10:36 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Can you do hypno files while also looking at gifs/captions?
Replies: 1
Views: 2563

Re: MtF Transition Support Files?

By the way, just after I recommended Campenelli Hypno on Youtube, almost all of the TG files were taken down. They don't seem to be on Campenelli site either. The author posted a note about having to remove some of the older files, but as far as I know, no explanation was given. There's still a file...
by lauraparidae
April 4th, 2020, 12:18 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: MtF Transition Support Files?
Replies: 9
Views: 10956

Re: Premium doesnt work any more!

Does posting a file give you limited or permanent premium access? I noticed I didn't have premium anymore either, so I guess you get it for a limited time after posting a file. Somehow I didn't realise this.
by lauraparidae
March 19th, 2020, 5:36 am
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: Premium doesnt work any more!
Replies: 5
Views: 5993

Re: DIY electric brain stimulation + hypnosis?

I think we'll see someone develop a deep learning based hypnosis program that will adapt to your responses, possibly monitoring your breathing, eyes and maybe heart rate. Software that writes "nonsense" on any subject we want already exists and speech synthesizers are getting very good. Th...
by lauraparidae
March 17th, 2020, 9:13 am
Forum: General Hypnosis
Topic: DIY electric brain stimulation + hypnosis?
Replies: 13
Views: 57251

Re: MtF Transition Support Files?

Campenelli Hypno has some interesting ones on Youtube. Feminine face, hourglass figure and bubble butt might be good starting points for you. Synthetic voice with some flaws, but very high production value otherwise (well mixed, weird music and sound effects). I have bought two Busenmann files here ...
by lauraparidae
March 17th, 2020, 9:00 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: MtF Transition Support Files?
Replies: 9
Views: 10956

Re: Maybe I need help to hypnosis

Fetlife has a group called "Hipnosis en Español" that you could explore. There might be better resources, but that was the first place I looked. Fetlife groups don't seem to have a lot of activity and that group doesn't seem to be an exception, unfortunately. Still, the posts already there...
by lauraparidae
January 30th, 2020, 9:23 am
Forum: Meeting Grounds
Topic: Maybe I need help to hypnosis
Replies: 3
Views: 3390

Re: Maybe I need help to hypnosis

It's often said that hypnosis should use language that the subconscious mind can understand, so it should be relatively simple. English is not my primary language, but it's close. However, I have sometimes wondered if my subconscious mind understands English as well as my conscious mind. The differe...
by lauraparidae
January 29th, 2020, 6:43 am
Forum: Meeting Grounds
Topic: Maybe I need help to hypnosis
Replies: 3
Views: 3390

Re: Feature Request: Audio Preview

I have bought two files from a single uploader and there were significant differences between those two files. Our work isn't always consistent and keeps evolving, so it's understandable that things change over the years. I agree that a user-configurable segment would be better than something that i...
by lauraparidae
January 29th, 2020, 6:35 am
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Feature Request: Audio Preview
Replies: 5
Views: 14949

Feature Request: Audio Preview

I think the files would sell better if it was possible to preview something like the first 20-60 seconds of an MP3 before paying for it.
by lauraparidae
January 26th, 2020, 12:58 pm
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Feature Request: Audio Preview
Replies: 5
Views: 14949

Re: Optimum bitrate?

I guess download sizes might matter somewhere in the world, but can't you just wait until you have WiFi, if you live somewhere where mobile bandwidth is expensive? I think it's better if the file is high quality and a bit too big, because you can always transcode it to a lower quality file, but if t...
by lauraparidae
June 23rd, 2019, 11:16 am
Forum: File Making & Hypnosis Techniques
Topic: Optimum bitrate?
Replies: 6
Views: 11019

Re: Felicia Lightner

I know it's probably not what you are looking for, but I found Campenelli Hypno's Bubble Butt Hypnosis enjoyable. You can find it on Youtube.

What was bubble butt boogie like? (What suggestions/triggers?)
by lauraparidae
June 21st, 2019, 4:41 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Felicia Lightner
Replies: 0
Views: 5460

Re: YouTube channel using WMM files

Fiona Clearwater:

The Youtube video just adds the visuals and music.
by lauraparidae
May 14th, 2019, 8:49 am
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: YouTube channel using WMM files
Replies: 4
Views: 6298

Re: Success?

I find it difficult to define what success is. I know I can go into trance and I know some files can enhance fantasies. Triggers don't seem to work much (and generally not at all a unless I'm already in trance). I'm new to the site and haven't tried all that many files here, so most of my experience...
by lauraparidae
April 26th, 2019, 9:49 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Success?
Replies: 3
Views: 8305

Re: Curse female takeover for good

Even though its stupid and wreckless, im also so confused and excoted about what im doing. In one of your posts you mentioned that your therapist had suggested trying clothing & gender roles, which I assume means presenting and trying to pass as a woman. I think that's a good suggestion and if ...
by lauraparidae
April 7th, 2019, 2:28 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Curse female takeover for good
Replies: 42
Views: 71681

Enhanced reality hypnosis?

I don't think I've encountered any files that would make temporary prosthetics feel real. For instance, a suggestion to make breast forms that you wore while listening to the script feel like real breasts for a limited time after you come out of trance. A more extreme version would have the subject ...
by lauraparidae
April 5th, 2019, 3:30 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Enhanced reality hypnosis?
Replies: 1
Views: 3775

Re: TTS Software?

I use Lua to generate markup for the "say" command in MacOS, which can be used to create an AIFF file that is then compressed with ffmpeg. I could use a shell script to mix in additional audio tracks or make multiple audio tracks and then mix those together somehow. I like this approach be...
by lauraparidae
April 4th, 2019, 11:36 am
Forum: File Making & Hypnosis Techniques
Topic: TTS Software?
Replies: 22
Views: 43279

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