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Outkast I think you need to climb down off your cross and actually read what he wrote. He didn't say anywhere that being a furry is a fetish. He said that you might wind up with a suggestion making you AROUSED by FAT FURRIES. Simply put that you would be aroused by the narrower cross section of both...
by Primus
September 21st, 2014, 4:40 pm
Forum: File Ideas, Scripts, and Challenges
Topic: File that lets you choose a fetish?
Replies: 8
Views: 7421

I would be for it as well
by Primus
October 7th, 2008, 11:24 pm
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: So you REALLY want to be a baby???
Replies: 17
Views: 24186

trance is like sleep... only better

Man it looks like I missed a hell of a good argument when my laptop died so I'm just going to offer this blanket statement to cover it all. You all suck and your all wrong

and hopefully your all united against a common foe
by Primus
February 20th, 2006, 3:24 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

if a moral person must do moral things... than if you do a single immoral thing you must be immoral because moral people don't do that? and if you commit a single immoral deed on the path to greater moral good... than is that still an immora deed or is it by virtue of the greater deed moral retroact...
by Primus
February 2nd, 2006, 6:19 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Replies: 110
Views: 97930

my lawyer just told me to remember these to phrases
"I cannot recall"
"I was afraid for my life"
by Primus
February 2nd, 2006, 12:09 am
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Non-sequitur
Replies: 464
Views: 349682

don't worry what's moral today... wait a hundred years or so and see how your actions are remembered. Some of the most moral people we remember in history were tyrants in thier own time, and of course the reverse is true what tried to be a kind and moral action backfires
by Primus
February 1st, 2006, 6:43 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Replies: 110
Views: 97930

true not everyone is the exact diametrically opposition to myself... no one here is identical to me either (damn good thing) so some of you might be slightly immoral for the most part you must be moral to some extent... either that or I need more caffine and I'm starting to rant like a retard
by Primus
February 1st, 2006, 1:07 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Replies: 110
Views: 97930

According to my english teacher my senior year, I am quote 'the very definition of immorality' so since morality is the opposite of immorality if I am the defination of immorality then the definition of morality is not me... and since you are all not me than you are all moral This has been Primus wi...
by Primus
January 31st, 2006, 11:09 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Replies: 110
Views: 97930

the god of abraham? isn't that the same guy who told one kid to stake his brother and then bitch slapped him for it? I think I'll take my chances in hell beause at least there I understand the rule s no matter what I do I'll burn. In heaven sometimes it's ok to disobey god and sometimes it isn't... ...
by Primus
January 25th, 2006, 11:48 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Should we have a female president?
Replies: 31
Views: 33324

the answer to whether or not john should be saved depends on several things left unmentioned... why is he drowning? if he was stupid enough to walk out into a lake whereing iron boots than no I should not save him. My morals dictate that things like that require people to die it's "Thinning the herd...
by Primus
January 22nd, 2006, 10:47 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Replies: 110
Views: 97930

I disagree all men are blessed with faith the question is where is it vested? To those of religion it is in God. To those who are not all upstairs it's probably with President Bush. I.. I put my faith in myself, my abilities and my friends. God if she really is out there some where... (Gods a woman,...
by Primus
January 20th, 2006, 1:16 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: No
Replies: 44
Views: 45491

I'll tell you where morals don't come from... and then maybe you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World. Seriously Morals are grains of a greater truth that we cling to. If more people could share or even agree on some ground level morals like don't kill people... (Some people say that t...
by Primus
January 20th, 2006, 12:55 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Replies: 110
Views: 97930

Proof is really hard... I mean I can't prove that the sun won't turn into a bran muffin on Tuesday either.
by Primus
January 19th, 2006, 8:50 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Odd questions...
Replies: 29
Views: 31093

Just because I use the jedi mind trick is doesn't make me a jedi (that's right the lightsaber is red motha fuckas). In all seriousness I can make use of mental abilities such as thet, my control isn't as great as I would like them to be but I'm trying to increat my skill in them. I wouldn't call wha...
by Primus
January 17th, 2006, 5:46 pm
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Supernatural power as kids?
Replies: 17
Views: 12199

I tell people I'm christian so they'll leave me alone but between all of us friends (or is it fiends?) here I am druidic and when asked outside of a group I'll confess without a problem it's just a lot less hassle to let people think I'm not a pagan... conversion is overrated anyways just ask anyone...
by Primus
January 12th, 2006, 10:57 pm
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: What pisses you off?
Replies: 107
Views: 85615

it's easy to have another chance. just need a DeLorian, some plutonium, someone to help me figure out the third leg of the time flux capacitor... oh and not caring about screwing up the time space continuim
by Primus
January 12th, 2006, 1:37 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Odd questions...
Replies: 29
Views: 31093

Some of us exist outside of society and didn't outgrow all of them. We are the freaks and geeks the ones that no one really wants to talk to... It could be a sad thing I suppose but when you stop and think that my jedi mind trick still works it's a pretty good trade really
by Primus
January 12th, 2006, 1:35 pm
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Supernatural power as kids?
Replies: 17
Views: 12199

Maybe I don't always pay attention to things... like the fact that even though I have a green light maybe the guy won't stop for his red one... or that maybe I should turn the mower right side up before firing it up to make sure the blade is working properly again
by Primus
January 11th, 2006, 7:49 pm
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Birthday is January 7th. Any other January Birthdays?
Replies: 17
Views: 14891

Mine was January 3, hit 21 against odds even a Corellian wouldn't have taken... don't plan to make 30 though it was close enough on this one being hit by a pair of cars and almost cutting of limbs with a lawn mower
by Primus
January 10th, 2006, 12:10 am
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Birthday is January 7th. Any other January Birthdays?
Replies: 17
Views: 14891

why alyways the Twilight Zone? what about the other shows of a similar type?

Do not adjust your monitors
We control the Vertical
We control the Horizontal
We control YOU!
by Primus
January 10th, 2006, 12:06 am
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

Those who follow a path are convinced they are right. Look in the X-Men at Magneto and Xavier both were confinced they were right. We'll get back to you when it gets sorted out... Whether there is or isn't a god is questionable, but both sides are equally sure they are right. On the flip side though...
by Primus
December 10th, 2005, 2:32 am
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

you know they say that all in all the smartest people are the ones with the worst spelling problems so perhaps then Sandy is feeling a bit inferior and uses the spelling issue as a way to try to detract from the one who is of the higher understanding on the subject. I myself don't pretend to have st...
by Primus
December 9th, 2005, 6:36 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

Nay I am not he whomever ye speak. I'm just a psychopath wanting to be a woman. Facinated with the idea of being completly encased in latex, possibly losing control of my bladder and being diaper dependent for the rest of my life... oh and I watch way to damn many movies... Then again I'm a Highland...
by Primus
December 6th, 2005, 3:07 am
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

Fight and you may die... Flee and you will live. But as you grow old and lay in your beds you would give anything to come back to this day and to fight...

I pick death, because you have to fight for your right to party.
by Primus
December 4th, 2005, 4:27 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

as for the 100 gold bounty. Unlike some of the rest of you I suppose I am somewhat quite untrusting of the US's economic stability, there are 240 gold bars in a vault at my house. Should the US dollar devalue anymore I suspect I shall make out like the Queen that I am... Incidently most of these bar...
by Primus
December 3rd, 2005, 2:32 am
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Non-sequitur
Replies: 464
Views: 349682

Never been to a bar my friend, that's how I'd prepare if it's coming it's coming. But I'm not going to run around for it like a retard, better to sit and relax and just wait for oblivion.
by Primus
December 1st, 2005, 10:04 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

Same thing I do every Monday morning, roll over in bed and wait for afternoon
by Primus
November 30th, 2005, 11:45 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

It's said that not everyone has a soul. It's not something that you are just given it's something that you have to earn. With that being said it is quite possible that our friend here has indeed not yet earn thier soul and that is why they deny it's existance. I'm not saying that one has to be relig...
by Primus
November 27th, 2005, 1:40 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

EMG about your little quote there, that was my grand fathers bus
by Primus
November 26th, 2005, 8:07 pm
Forum: The Voting Page
Topic: Age?
Replies: 22
Views: 19003

Dreams are that of the soul, but it is up to the mind to remember them. So then if we die we get to go to an everlasting dream but would not be able to remember a moment of it... That my friend is hell being forced to live that what you want most but not be able to remember a minute of it once it ha...
by Primus
November 26th, 2005, 6:41 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

This is what you get from the Spanish Inquisition
by Primus
November 26th, 2005, 6:39 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

Sounds like when I lived in Oklahoma, the entire army base closed down for half an inch of snow. Dad came back home (he totally didn't buy it when they told him not to come in being from somewhere more snow inclinde) and saw a Volkswagen Beatle so far up a telephone pole that the rear wheels were of...
by Primus
November 26th, 2005, 3:49 am
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Quotations..Proverbs ..Things that make me smile..
Replies: 91
Views: 81629

Not all of us have both. I have a second living with me that is just the spirit but no body. Its proof enough to me that they are seperate things
by Primus
November 25th, 2005, 10:07 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

Why? I actually bought the whole flying circus on DVD, I also have Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, And Now for Something Completly Different
by Primus
November 25th, 2005, 1:34 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

Monty Python's Flying Circus ^.^
by Primus
November 25th, 2005, 2:18 am
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

I haven't a clue, I posted that when I was really tired
by Primus
November 25th, 2005, 12:35 am
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Non-sequitur
Replies: 464
Views: 349682

I carry a bottle of Bawls in my bag so I can no that no matter who I'm dealling with my balls are bigger
by Primus
November 25th, 2005, 12:22 am
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Quotations..Proverbs ..Things that make me smile..
Replies: 91
Views: 81629

This is the end... my only friend the end.
He who dies with the most toys is none the less still dead.
Death: To stop sinning suddenly.
This is an ex-parrot
by Primus
November 25th, 2005, 12:08 am
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

Nobody told you you had to read this post.
by Primus
November 24th, 2005, 1:22 pm
Forum: Idle Chatter
Topic: Non-sequitur
Replies: 464
Views: 349682

I agree, though I'm not genetically female I can see where Lissar is coming from. The problem in my eyes is that a lot of people are to lazy to really read the descriptions of other files and just submit thier own
by Primus
November 24th, 2005, 12:50 am
Forum: The Voting Page
Topic: Too many files of a particular type on the voting section?
Replies: 10
Views: 7850

Some us aren't destined for that eternity of hapiness

"I'd rather die with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners have much more fun, only the good die young" ~ Billy Joel
by Primus
November 23rd, 2005, 10:51 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

My thoughts on death are slightly different

"Live is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's difficult" ~ Isaac Asimov

Matrix I know I misspelled that >.<
by Primus
November 23rd, 2005, 5:52 am
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: Theories about god
Replies: 438
Views: 396253

Don't worry about it Missypuss, it's just something that on person should do for another. Being all grown up isn't all it's cracked up to be... I'd much rather be a little girl
by Primus
November 22nd, 2005, 12:32 pm
Forum: The Voting Page
Topic: More Humiliation Please!
Replies: 17
Views: 12183

the brain is like an HDD it is where the information is stored. the Mind on the other hand is like your OS and other stored information.
by Primus
November 22nd, 2005, 11:45 am
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

My mind blocked painful areas from my life and instead opened up new areas for me to access, I would agree to that.
by Primus
November 21st, 2005, 6:14 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

Missy if you need to take this outside I've got your back, or your front... or whatever else you want me to take. Anyways I agree with Missypuss and you shouldn't be such a total jaggoff towards someone because they were trying to help someone else get what they want. Missypuss isn't a beast of burd...
by Primus
November 21st, 2005, 5:35 pm
Forum: The Voting Page
Topic: More Humiliation Please!
Replies: 17
Views: 12183

through the minds eye they show up as indistinct clouds of colors... most of the color's haven't been seen sicne the sixties. Anyways the color and the shape of the cloud is mostly a signature of the person and what they're thinking of so I can kinda find someone I've met before based upon thier clo...
by Primus
November 21st, 2005, 5:25 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

when you pick up everyone's minds you kinda get a loose idea as to where that mind is positioned in the room so I target the one that's in the same general place as my oponent. Before you ask about there being 3 people close together don't forget there would also be 3 minds as well so pick the one t...
by Primus
November 21st, 2005, 2:28 pm
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

You think rather little of men. Considering that I use to be one I'd have to say that they aren't all weak and incapable of handling pain, I was quite good at it considering how often I got the shit kicked out of me for being a 'faggot'
by Primus
November 21st, 2005, 12:08 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Pregnant Men
Replies: 23
Views: 28370

Maybe you don't have any proof of telepathy, but I use it to win in games, you know kinda scope out my opponent's head and such. Psychokinesis isn't one of my stronger skills but others in my family have brought sodas and the like to themselves from across the room. I am not the one to think the hiv...
by Primus
November 20th, 2005, 11:36 am
Forum: Philosophy, Religion & Politics
Topic: The Problem of other minds
Replies: 81
Views: 65782

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