to EMG and others

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to EMG and others

Postby tobytype » April 23rd, 2005, 8:34 pm

I just wanted to know what people thought of my file on the voting board called Train-Total Control (its not a slave file just so u know). and i also wanted to encourege people to take notice and vote for this vercitile and highly usefull file. if u want to know where it is it is currently making its way through the 200's
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Postby johnbohnrevenge » April 24th, 2005, 12:34 am

I voted for it; sounds like a great idea.
that_guy_812 wrote:I voted for and I think it'll be a great file. the only problem is that people might not vote for it because it sound a little farfetch, if you know what I mean

Far-fetched? There have been studies done that showed that with the right training, humans can deliberately change their blood pressure, energy usage, etcetra. As far as unrealistic SH/Other ideas go, I'd have to say that the telepathy and instant IQ raising ones are a lot more far-fetched than TotalControl.

TotalControl all the way!
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Postby danmalara » April 24th, 2005, 8:09 pm

I like the idea of the file, but however I did not vote for it simply because I don't want to have total control. I don't want have to remember to make my heart beat, digest my food on my own, and and bunch of other things that I would rather stay involuntary.
My MIND is happy. BLANK and empty. BRAINwashing is GOOD for me.
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Postby johnbohnrevenge » April 25th, 2005, 4:42 am

I suppose it would be the same level of control that we'd normally have over breathing or something?
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Postby Linja » April 27th, 2005, 1:09 am

It sounds pretty good, but I think that some aspects of it are impossible, like having a period when you want to, how would that work? I don't think that people can do that even with meditation? Still, I voted for it, cos I really wanna have lucid dreams.

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Postby makidas » April 27th, 2005, 1:13 am

actually linja, i know a few pagan girls who have coordinated their period to correspond with the phases of the moon, meaning they have there period over the full moon :)
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Postby Linja » April 27th, 2005, 2:23 am

Makidas, did they do that by themselves? Or did they use the morning after pill or the regular pills to achieve that? And also, why would you want to do that? There is research that shows that a female's orgasm is stronger during the full moon for gravitational reasons. Why would you want to have your period in such a time?

And That Guy, I know that there are other files on this site, but I've not been having any success with them so far, so other options would be nice.
If you have any advice on how to lucid dream, then PM it to me.

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Postby makidas » April 27th, 2005, 8:27 pm

linja, they did it through mediation, it is a pagan belief that you period makes you more powerful, and the full moon is the most powerful time of the month for any pagan, therefore 1 + 1 = 2. Look up blood of the moon on google and you'll find more info.
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Postby Linja » April 28th, 2005, 2:20 am

Wow, chicks can do that? Shit...
Learn something new everyday.

As for the period making you more powerful, I dunno, my girlfriend always says it sucks and that it makes you feel sick a your stomach hurt and stuff.

As for looking up blood of the moon on google I think I'll pass, lol.

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Postby makidas » April 28th, 2005, 8:11 pm

hehe, its really all a matter of the way a girl looks at things, she can view it as a curse, like the media tells here to, or she can view it as a time of power :D :D
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