I have an idea for a script to write to myself,but am not sure it can really bed done. Basically,I want to create an imaginary friend in the form of a smart but optimistic teenage girl, and make it so I PHYSICALLY see her even when I know shes not their,and that magically follows me everywhere.
I want to be able (this is where I have my doubts) ,make her self sustained off my imagination,meaning she doesn't simply follow my thoughts,she is run by unconscious processes,but still able to communicate to me without acting like she's knowing what I'm thinking (despite me knowing really she does).
I would like it if she in a way,was a reflection of my sub-conscious self so she can actually disagree with me and argue and sometimes be a pain in the arsenal. (Because I can only "Shut" her off by listing to another script,she comes out when she ["I"] chooses.) But I know that this technically, is what my mind really believes if shes a product of me. So if shes scolding at me for something wrong I'm doing, I'll know that's me telling MYSELF this isn't right.
And finally (This part might be really pushing it) I would like to know if its possible that shes AWARE that she doesn't exist, but still does her best at whatever she does because that's the way she's made. Also could she help me out mentally with any of my problems that I have the answer to somewhere in my head but can't pull it out consciously (Within limits).
I would desire to know if this is possible. I have done a few self-scripts before, but none near as complex as this. I'm wondering,if this is actually possible without conflicting with any laws of hypnosis or such.