Anyone help me with a file or 2

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Anyone help me with a file or 2

Postby agreaton » December 23rd, 2014, 5:45 pm

i cant get files to work on me to save my life.

yes i have tried 2 files and have looped them every night for a year* 1 file per 6 months

i have not tranced felt any differnet at all in any way

could someone shed a little light for me please
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Postby Endo » December 23rd, 2014, 7:00 pm

Which files?

But here's the thing: looped files ARE NOT for trancing. You'll need an induction or a pre-existing trance-trigger in order to get any sort of "trance" effect from a looping file. There's a lot of debate over whether or not looped files during sleep actually does anything, and I'm on the side that it's not very effective.

The next part is that hypnosis (when it works) is very very very very very subtle. Unless you have a trigger you can test, you won't actually be able to discern any difference in yourself most of the time. No one "feels" differently after changes, and your mind often fuzzes over the changes that happen in such a way that it seems like you were always that way, like there was no change. For instance, I wanted (really really wanted) to experience and enjoy anal, but when I did it first, I didn't really get it. It wasn't until way after I tried some anal files that I really started to enjoy it. I didn't notice any difference while I was listening to those files, and I thought they had failed. However, when I tried to get into anal again several months later, I found that I enjoyed it a lot.
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Postby agreaton » December 23rd, 2014, 8:21 pm

there has been no change into what i am looking for. the files are based on have ing lucid dreams

i cant remember or control a dream to save my both files has decribed
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Postby Endo » December 23rd, 2014, 8:32 pm

Okay, that's perfectly fine. But like I said, I don't trust sleep-looping files to do much of anything besides disrupt your sleep.

Here's what you should do in order to achieve lucid dreaming: Look at websites with actual techniques for lucid dreaming, and practice those techniques just as religiously as you've listened to these files.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » December 23rd, 2014, 8:48 pm

Endo's first question was, which files? That's important.

I searched for "lucid dreams" and got 8 results 2 of which are probably worthless.

Endo's second reply is on point to, I used to try looping files at sleep and never had any success. Sleep and trance are two totally different states of mind.

I did this once on a hypnotist's instructions.

Create a "Dream Journal" and write in it every morning. If the next day after you start you don't remember your dreams write " Last night I did not remember my dreams but tonight I will." or something to that effect.

Do that until you start to remember THEN, once you wake up, no matter what time, and have remembered WRITE it down in as much detail as possible. Keep doing that for at least a week and see if it helps you.

I realized WE dream all the time, whether we remember it or not. I ended up dreaming, remembering and writing so much that it was a burden. I stopped. I like a full restful sleep, even if not long in duration, and all that dreaming was disturbing that.

Good luck,
- uw_
Last edited by uw_onsterfelijk on December 23rd, 2014, 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby agreaton » December 23rd, 2014, 8:54 pm

i never said i went to sleep i just looped the same file over and over.
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Postby Endo » December 23rd, 2014, 9:28 pm

As I mentioned in the SECOND PARAGRAPH of my FIRST COMMENT:

Asleep or not, loopers don't do much of anything, especially not if you're not using an induction or an induction trigger.
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Postby JackDrago » December 24th, 2014, 5:43 pm

I loop my personal file 5 hours a night, practically never consciously trance to anything more than the first 20 minutes or so (or at least never have memory past the first reinduction. ) Have had very strong results: total amnesia on a file I spent a week writing, recording, and editing; noticeably bigger flaccid size, and a compulsive need to lift weights in the morning with less than 12 days of reinforcement on an 80 minutes file with only two conscious listens and the first time I didn't trance because I was checking for mistakes.

Night looping may not work for everyone, but I personally owe half an inch of my dick and half my sexual programming to it, so obviously some people can get a benefit.
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Postby ProfessorPig » December 24th, 2014, 7:44 pm

i am of the opinion that loop files will work but it falls more under the category of brainwashing than hypnosis.

that said to address the op's original point, everyone is different with hypnosis, there is no one answer that works for everyone. you need to find who does hypnosis well that works for you. this may or may not be someone who produced one of the lucid dreaming files. you may also need to learn prerequisite stills from another hypnotist that you can apply to the file you want to listen to.

it also seems counter intuitive to listen to a file designed to help you lucid dream during the time you are supposed to be dreaming.
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Postby ProfessorPig » December 24th, 2014, 8:19 pm

it also just occurred with me to mention that i have also experienced problems where if i listen to a file too much i will start rejecting the suggestions. this might also be part of the problem.
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