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Premium Files

PostPosted: August 5th, 2018, 1:07 am
by Hypgnostic
I hope this is in the right section but I was a premium member after recently uploading a file of my creation (I even used my own voice) but that no longer appears to be the case and I cannot download premiums.

What gives?

And if this is in the wrong section, please let me know.

Thanks in advance

Re: Premium Files

PostPosted: August 5th, 2018, 10:36 am
by EMG
Well, from what I see your last file was posted on July 5, it's now August 5th and posting get you a 1 month premium membership. That's it. I know the length used to be longer but it's been 1 month for a few years now.

Re: Premium Files

PostPosted: August 6th, 2018, 12:03 am
by Hypgnostic
Ahhh ok. Yeah it's been a few years for me since I've been here.

I'm working on a new file and am 3/4 of the way done so it's about to be a moot point anyway lol

Re: Premium Files

PostPosted: January 4th, 2019, 7:09 pm
by whatamidoing
Well i posted a file and got no premium so I dont know whats going on with this site

Re: Premium Files

PostPosted: January 4th, 2019, 7:24 pm
by genericaccount37
whatamidoing wrote:Well i posted a file and got no premium so I dont know whats going on with this site

It needs to be 5 minutes or longer, and yours is less than that mark. That's only recently been added back to the FAQ but it's been the rule for a while - 5-minute mp3, 1000-character story or 1000-word script gets you a month of Premium.

Re: Premium Files

PostPosted: January 5th, 2019, 7:43 pm
by whatamidoing
Oh ok