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PostPosted: March 18th, 2010, 8:35 pm
by me1986
I am fairly new to hypnosis. I am getting fairly comfortable going into trance. my hands and feet feel really warm, which I take as a good sign. My problem is I start twitching as I go deeper and this is a distraction. Does anybody have experiance with this? Will it get in the way of me accepting post hypnotic suggestions? If so, how can I keep it from happening? Any help deeply appreciated.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2010, 5:16 am
by carsh
my hands and feet go warm and also tingle but I have also experienced, Particularly my hands, twitching. However I haven't listened to any files for a while.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2010, 6:10 am
by me1986
It is single twitches in all of my body but mostly arms and legs. my arm will twitch then a second later my leg will or my hand, its not just one body part.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2010, 11:31 am
by fruity1976
Its just all the nerves and muscles settling as you are becoming more relaxed. You always go lighter and deeper throughout trance so I dont see that it should cause too many problems as long as you feel comfortable and not too distracted.

Remember many hypnosis files are speaking to the subconcious part of your mind so you dont always have to be so conciously aware of them and they still work but I think as with any file you sometimes do have to listen to it a few times so that it sinks in more.

I often cant lie on my back with my arms by my side and legs flat. I just cant so I try and find a different position thats more comfortable for me and my mind always wanders and occassionally I get itchy lol and just cant not scratch it which can be a bit disrupting but I think the more you practice actually going in and out of trance then the easier it is for you to just put yourself straight back in instantly.

PostPosted: April 10th, 2010, 3:44 pm
by angel2342
Sometimes when an individual is falling asleep, the heart rate and breathing slows, and sometimes the brain interprets it as the body 'dying' and sends a veritable 'twitch' or 'jerk' signal to muscle groups.

lol info courtesy of "House M.D." XD