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Question about curse

PostPosted: September 8th, 2005, 11:18 am
by mansizedrooster
I just did the penisenlargecurse last night and went into a very energetic and strange trance... or deep I guess. My question is, am I supposed to keep on listening to the curse, or is it done now? 'cause I heard in the mp3 that he said 'you will listen to this recording everyday' or something along those lines.... won't that just make the curse restart to day one everyday, making the 9 month period impossible to reach?

Hope someone can help... also if anyone has any gains from this curse please state them as well.

PostPosted: September 8th, 2005, 12:27 pm
by BobbyS
This is something I've never understood either. Certain files say that changes to yourself will be subtle at first and gradually develop. At the same time however, they also say that you will keep listening to the file for reinforcement. Surely these two suggestions hinder the file if combined; if first changes are small and you listen again, surely you're back to where you started. Particularly lucid dreaming files - how pissed would you be if, over a week, you've started to recognise so much you can control your dreams. For 'reinforcement' you listen again and find you're back to where you started - little changes 'cos that's what your subconscious was told to do.
EMG - explanation? Please?

PostPosted: September 8th, 2005, 4:15 pm
So I don't have to clutter the forum with extra threads, and it fits here:

Is it possible for a file such as this, to manifest physical changes visible to others? Being frank, will this kind of file actually make a penis grow, or will it just make it appear larger to the user of the file?

PostPosted: September 8th, 2005, 8:57 pm
by MikeWulf
OMGWTFBBQ wrote:So I don't have to clutter the forum with extra threads, and it fits here:

Is it possible for a file such as this, to manifest physical changes visible to others? Being frank, will this kind of file actually make a penis grow, or will it just make it appear larger to the user of the file?
Don't change the subject.

PostPosted: September 9th, 2005, 6:09 am
by Jack
I haven't listened to that particular file or read the script for it but it would seem to me that your unconscious would know when you've moved beyond the beginning stages and listening to the file everyday would reinforce and remind your body what it should be doing. Also, listening everyday, once the file is working, should speed up the effect of the file at least a little.

OMGWTFBBQ: [url=]Click Here.[/url] Post in that thread.

PostPosted: September 9th, 2005, 6:37 am
by makidas
I agree with Jack, your brain is smart.

PostPosted: September 9th, 2005, 6:39 am
by makidas
In addition, once you're past the beginning stages of a file like the ones listed, if it really bothers you, get youself an audio editor and cut out the part that is bugging you.

OMG didn't move his post; so I respond here.

PostPosted: September 9th, 2005, 7:39 pm
by sandy82
Oh My God: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Barbecue (or whatever it is):

You have asked two questions. In response to the first:

To my certain knowledge, with which EMG would agree, none of EMG's files have ever manifested physical changes of human tissue, or its size or shape. Never.

In response to the second:

What does your common sense tell you?

OMGWTFBBQ wrote:So I don't have to clutter the forum with extra threads, and it fits here:

Is it possible for a file such as this, to manifest physical changes visible to others? Being frank, will this kind of file actually make a penis grow, or will it just make it appear larger to the user of the file?


PostPosted: September 10th, 2005, 8:15 pm
by sandy82
The point in the previous post is that files don't manifest anything except something related to themselves as files. Files can manifest insufficient treble. They can manifest background noice.

Unless the file has its own penis, the file cannot manifest penis growth.

"To manifest" means to make known, make evident--without ten or 20 intemediate steps. It always has a direct object.

Here are three sentences:

He manifested his approval with a smile and a loud laugh.
The evidence manifests the guilt of the defendant.
Cancer can manifest itself in black and red spots on the skin, known as melanomas.

Notice that "he" is related to his own smile and laugh.
The evidence is related to guilt.
Cancer is related to black and red spots, known as melanomas.

- - - - - - - - -

A recorded file may be able to do lots of things, but it cannot--in and of itself--manifest changes in the human body.

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On your second question. A file can almost certainly cause a predisposed person to think that his penis has become larger.

Can the file make a penis larger in fact? My suggestion would be to get a detailed anatomy book, with the detailed diagrams. What are certain body parts made of. At what point in life do they reach adult size and ordinarily grow no further. Look at all the aspects. Read about the way certain organs work. The knowledge can't hurt. And then you will know considerably more than us laymen to whom you have posed the question. You'll be able to answer the question for yourself. Much better than many of the rest of us, including me.

PostPosted: September 13th, 2005, 4:21 am
by MikeWulf
I believe that the body is able to produce certain hormones due to hypnosis so body change etc can be possible. Penis growth seems impossible to me though.

PostPosted: September 15th, 2005, 12:14 pm
by BobbyS
Here's a question - if hypnosis can trigger an erection, what prevents it from growing the penis? Note; I don't know, nor do I feel either way, I'm just interested as to what everyone thinks.

PostPosted: September 15th, 2005, 5:06 pm
by Jack
I think I've said enough on this under the following topic:
