Vote Shout-Outs

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Vote Shout-Outs

Postby Klip » April 18th, 2005, 10:21 pm

I didn't notice a forum for this, so I opened one:
List whatever files you want your peers to vote for, and if you're so inclined, say why. It may not be worth trying to convince people why they should vote for a certian file if it's not about something they're into, but perhaps simply knowing they'd be helping others get what they want is all the convincing one needs.
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Postby Klip » April 18th, 2005, 10:31 pm

Okay, so this is the other reason I opened this forum, to shamlessly promote a file for the Jock Wannabe's.

So here's my shout outs:
Right now, there's one called Train-TotalDumbJock, and it's meant be a stronger jock file that will also better stupify the listener. There's other new jock file suggestions up too, but this one looks like it's the most popular, and I want to help it along to fruition.

Also, I'd like to promote that one file suggestion about increasing testosterone, but I can't remember the name of it off hand.

It may not be everybody's cup of tea, but it'd sure make some of us happy. Any of you demasculination folks wanna give us a hand? Looks like your needs are pretty well represented here. :) Thanks!
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Postby camann » April 18th, 2005, 10:57 pm

CurseMuscleBound's the one you have in mind. I've already voted for it though and I can't understand why it's not more popular *shrug*

(I just hope we get a new file soon)
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Postby Klip » April 18th, 2005, 11:04 pm

That's the one! Thanks. I voted for it! I worry sometimes that maybe there aren't as many jock wannabes as I thought. Back on the yahoo group (RIP), it seemed almost Jock-centric, I don't know what's changed since that cut our numbers down.

Maybe some guys had so much luck that they are jocks now and no longer understand computers.
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Postby makidas » April 19th, 2005, 12:39 pm

personally, im not into the jock stuff, but it sounds interesting and the files have my vote
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Postby demigraff » April 19th, 2005, 1:27 pm

Sounds like an interesting file, I'll give it a vote. (98->99 ... getting quite high now)

I'd like to recommend people to vote for "Me too" in the others section. It sounds like an interesting new dimension to add to the trigger files. Also, I think if we had that one, it would be easier for some of us to persuade our partners to try out the trigger files. Knowing that everything works both ways could add an extra level of perceived safeness to reassure her.
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Postby Chikusho » April 19th, 2005, 1:52 pm

How about casting your vote for Antici...pation?

Personally, I have so many movies and tv series I would love to watch again, without knowing what's going to happen next.

I'm sure it would be excellent for all of us movie/tv addicts!
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Postby demigraff » April 19th, 2005, 2:11 pm

Chikusho wrote:How about casting your vote for Antici...pation?

Personally, I have so many movies and tv series I would love to watch again, without knowing what's going to happen next.

I'm sure it would be excellent for all of us movie/tv addicts!

Good to see someone likes my suggestion :P I already voted (of course), I'd like to see that one get made.
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Postby Chikusho » April 19th, 2005, 2:23 pm

demigraff wrote:
Good to see someone likes my suggestion :P I already voted (of course), I'd like to see that one get made.

That is one great suggestion :)

Only thing I would like to add is the possibility to forget what happens on games. Would be nice play games like Baldurs Gates, Fallouts etc. again.
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Postby Kendai » April 19th, 2005, 6:35 pm

i made one a while back called forget story, it mentioned games, and also was posted with the idea that it should work forward for shows, so if someone spoiled a suprise in an upcoming episode, or you missed some, and the show cycled around, it would all be fixed by watching the episode before the gap/spoiler.

only, mine was one you'd have to listen to EACH time you used it. . .

will this one will probably do all that, AND it's a trigger, nice!
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Postby danmalara » April 19th, 2005, 7:50 pm

How about one of my files I subbmitted a while back: No More Fingernail Biting. I think it'd be a perfect self help file. So if you don't bite your fingernails, vote for the people that do. That be a big help.

Thanks (but only to the people that vote :lol: )
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Train-total control

Postby tobytype » April 23rd, 2005, 8:42 pm

i have my own thread for my file it can pretty much do for u what most files can do for but its all in one look it up on the votes its in the the 200's its called train-total control
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Postby johnbohnrevenge » April 24th, 2005, 12:37 am

Chikusho wrote:How about casting your vote for Antici...pation?

Personally, I have so many movies and tv series I would love to watch again, without knowing what's going to happen next.

I'm sure it would be excellent for all of us movie/tv addicts!
I voted for it, because too often I've accidentally overheard somebody giving away the ending of something.
Now if that was extended to mystery books, that would be perfect.

EMG: Klip's idea for a separate forum for this kind of post is great. Could you set aside one?
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Postby johnbohnrevenge » April 25th, 2005, 4:44 am

I dunno... it would be a bit sad to suddenly become normal again... I think TrainDoglike is better. But maybe that's because I suggested it.
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Postby kitnoki » April 25th, 2005, 1:05 pm

How about "trig plush"? sonds fun, and relativly innocent.. and a neat twist tho the furry files :) plus.. looking it over,, it could also act as an age modifyer, or a tg file... so much fun for one file...
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Postby drowsydawg » April 27th, 2005, 7:08 pm

You will sleep now, and when you awaken you will cast your vote for Instant Sex Slave!

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Postby joe » April 28th, 2005, 5:31 am

vote for cursekornaddict.

because it's fun. and you know you're addicted anyway already .. you can't help it ... you want to listen to KoRn ..
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Postby britannica » April 28th, 2005, 6:29 pm

I laughed when I saw the belly dancing addiction file. Belly dancing is very addictive WITHOUT a EMG file :)

A while back I took 1 class on a dare and have been in classes every week for over a year!

(All you Masters out there...bellydancing is great exercise for your subbies!)
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Postby gregi696 » April 29th, 2005, 10:40 am

Check out the Ultra Thin Waist Line file. It could be used by non-fems who just want to get rid of that gut.
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Postby Cubeguru » April 29th, 2005, 2:53 pm

vote sublim re-enforce!!!, hey its a handy thing, if you want to do other things or if your busy, some people dont have enough time to re-enforce through hypnosis itself... :D :arrow: vote sublim re-enforce
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Postby makidas » April 29th, 2005, 8:15 pm

everyone should vote for fangs, it would make you grow fangs like a vampire :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby Brainiac » April 29th, 2005, 10:29 pm

TrainGravityAdaptation, I voted for that, seems plausible to me and if rendered permanent it means you'd never have to take time out of your day to exercise again.
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Postby danmalara » April 30th, 2005, 12:08 am

Ever wake up tired and wished you could go back to bed. Ever actually went back to sleep and was late for work or school. Ever think that this kinda sounda like a commercial....WELL IT IS!!! Vote for "Wake Up," and stop having trouble waking up in the mourning. :D
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