a favor please help anyone who can please

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Moderator: EMG

Postby Jeshi » June 20th, 2012, 10:55 pm

Hypnosis isn't magic.

You can't be regressed into a baby physically, only mentally. Also, if you're regressed forever, what are you going to do with the other two files? Even if you were "the most powerful kistune ever with all the kitsune magic and powers" if you were also a baby (forever) then what would the point be?

The second file is possible, I guess. It probably already exists.

The third file, I mean, there's already files on the site about becoming foxes, and maybe kitsune, but like, those files are just experience/perception files. You can see yourself as that, and feel like you are one, but you can't gain magic powers, and believing you have them (but just don't use them) is kind of silly.

Also, getting just one file by an amateur for free is already a lot of free effort and charity. Three files by someone who knows what they're doing is a huge request to make for free. Even when someone is paying getting three good files can be a lot.

Hypnosis is a psychology trick. It's closer related to all your friends telling you that it's cool to do X and so you should do it (except with hypnosis, it''s the hypnotist telling you to do and believe X, because they say so) then it is to any kind of body-modifying drug.
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