Vote Shout Outs

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

Moderator: EMG

Postby johnbohnrevenge » May 24th, 2005, 2:54 am

EEK! Someone who doesn't want to turn into a slave! Begone, witch! Why, I personally can't even understand what difference there would be between a strength-increasing file which simulates high gravity, and one which doesn't! I just... dunno. It doesn't seem quite logical to me. I guess I'm thinking that the strength comes from actually doing things in higg-grav fields.

Uh... I shout out for TrigCowTransformation, not because I think it suits me, but because it would be kind of funny to see someone triggered. (Must... suppress... evil plans...)
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Postby joe » May 24th, 2005, 11:25 am

oh man.

i gotta go with TrainEminem.

just because, well, that would be friggin wild.
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Postby Agriff » May 24th, 2005, 9:09 pm

Since I like my food, I wouldn't like that file, it sounds like my meals would be turned into fear factor. Bleh.
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Postby Kendai » May 25th, 2005, 5:50 pm

i like the idea of antici. . pation, it'd be good for anyone who had something ruined for them the first time or something. . .
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Postby Agriff » May 25th, 2005, 6:14 pm

I like the sexual reset button file, the one that makes you get turned on by all the things that you used to by tuned on by, that's one really usefull file that has a high chance of succeeding.
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Postby Kendai » May 26th, 2005, 9:07 am

you mean virgin-sensitive?

that's one of mine, i'm supried my fast/slow idea passed it.

look near the bottom, i also submitted a curse version.
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Postby Agriff » May 26th, 2005, 2:00 pm

Yes I do mean virgin-sensitive, and I also voted for fast/slow, you have some good ideas kendai.
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Postby Brainiac » May 26th, 2005, 4:53 pm

TrainGravity makes sense to me. It seems that it would put the body at it's peak level in a general sense (think of how healthy you'd be in that good of shape, with regards to immunostrenght and healing speed)...without exercising. Good for those of us who have very little time or are too lazy to exercise. Also with your body being so toned/metabolically powerful and effecient you'd pretty much be able to eat anything without having to worry about counting calories and such.
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Postby a3a2004 » May 28th, 2005, 2:27 pm

Vote for trigforget, it allows you to selectively forget memories.
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Postby lensewrage » May 28th, 2005, 3:06 pm

vote for ultra thin waist line
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Postby BobbyS » May 29th, 2005, 10:53 am

'Stimulation' people! It would be the most pleasurable sensation ever!
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Postby a3a2004 » May 29th, 2005, 11:28 am

Vote for Create Person
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Postby a3a2004 » June 1st, 2005, 5:40 am

Night Vision
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Postby loony28 » June 1st, 2005, 9:30 am

:twisted: Vote for Trig Shapeshifter. It allows you to change your physical body to whatever you want and you'll still be aware of everthing so you can change back. All the changes are real, but like I said in the file we may need a file to deprogram ourselves of the idea that the body can't be changed. :twisted:
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Postby aj » June 1st, 2005, 9:31 am

Since we're all saying vote for something.. I'll say
Vote toddler control. Please, for us minority groups :)
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Postby kitnoki » June 3rd, 2005, 8:29 pm

Trig plush, because it sounds cute :D and any furry tfs... especialy trig fox....
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Postby lukas » June 8th, 2005, 6:28 am

that_guy_812 wrote:
For a week after listening, everything you eat will smell and taste like dog chow -- slick, meaty chunks if it's moist; crunchy, dusty kibble if it's dry; biscuits or treats if it's sweet. You will be humiliated but unable to help yourself, beginning to see yourself as more and more of a dog (a retriever) and developing doggy breath, though this will not affect your outward behavior or daily routine. On the seventh day, dog food becomes the most delicious flavor ever, being a dog seems so wondrous and right your heart nearly bursts with joy at the thought, and you could just spend all day watching yourself pant in the mirror... then the curse ends when you sleep, leaving you a boring human to pick at your oh-so-boring human food.
Sounds like an interesting file

that file sounds most interesting and one on garbage can mouth would be neet too. i would definitely pay for either
))))))) LUKAS (((((((
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Postby TabbyCat » June 8th, 2005, 6:32 am

Isn't it dangerous to eat dog food?
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Postby lukas » June 8th, 2005, 1:43 pm

TabbyCat wrote:Isn't it dangerous to eat dog food?

Have you heard of any dogs dying of it? :twisted:
))))))) LUKAS (((((((
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Postby uk_guy4 » June 9th, 2005, 8:24 am

Dog food isn't gormet, but it won't harm you.

There are people who actually do it for a career - dog food testers. Why this couldn't be done by dogs I don't know - but they get paid for it. :)
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Postby Lord_Mizaru » June 9th, 2005, 12:12 pm

I gotta give a shiz out to my file yo, dis file be DA BOMB! Y'all gotta go and give yo votes ta tha file thaz gonna change yo world nigga, I'm talkin bout TRIG GOD yo!
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Postby lukas » June 10th, 2005, 6:40 am

uk_guy4 wrote:Dog food isn't gormet, but it won't harm you.

There are people who actually do it for a career - dog food testers. Why this couldn't be done by dogs I don't know - but they get paid for it. :)

KEWL! i vote for that one. Make a file about eatting dog food and actually enjoying it. :D i would love to try it on Tay. i think we could save much cash at the green grocer. :twisted:
))))))) LUKAS (((((((
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Postby Folsom_god » June 12th, 2005, 12:39 am

curse practice guitar......cuz i dont always practice and it will make me
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All vote files

Postby Tribial_Tiger79 » June 15th, 2005, 2:19 pm

Hello, :)

I like most of the vote files. But the idea of being able to change your body into any thing you want, that would be AWSOME! :twisted:
I know EMG is verry busy, so I've started using Virtual Hypnosis program
but havn't found an Ultimate Mind script yet

Shouting for all the vote files they took alot of imaginaton to come up with

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Re: All vote files

Postby loony28 » June 15th, 2005, 6:33 pm

Tribial_Tiger79 wrote:Hello, :)

I like most of the vote files. But the idea of being able to change your body into any thing you want, that would be AWSOME! :twisted:
I know EMG is verry busy, so I've started using Virtual Hypnosis program
but havn't found an Ultimate Mind script yet

Shouting for all the vote files they took alot of imaginaton to come up with


:twisted: There are some vote files that I'm sure take alot of imagination. The files that I put forth really didn't take a whole lot of imagination on my part, the ideas just hit me out of the blue. Getting the description right is the tough part for me. A couple of the ones I submitted for consideration are Reversed time and sex change, Use the Force 2, Trig Live Another Life, and Trig Create Body. Three of these are basically just extensions of files that were already up on the vote page and the other one (Trig Live Another Life) was inspired by something I read in a dream book before. Let's see if you people can guess which files the other three were based off of. I feel I need to explain how I think the Reversed time and sex change file would work. I believe that our minds are not bound by what we think of as time. I'm sure most of us have had at least one experience where time seemed to slow done or speed up and I think we all know Einsteins theory of Reletivity. Maybe some of you have had some form of precognition or Deja Vu (sp?). Would these not indicate that our minds are not bound by time? Now if our minds are not bound by time and can slow down or speed up along the path that we follow why not be able to travel back along that path (this would explain precognition and Deja Vu). That's the premise of Reversed time and sex change, to go back along the path to our conception where with only a few cells to influence changing sex would be simple. Of course then you would move foward on the path again but this time you could alter things a bit. Now I'm not saying you could prevent 9/11 but maybe convince someone not to board the plane or be in the World Trade Center on that day, small things like that in your life. Here's another example, say when you were ten you were bitten by something and lost your leg or arm. Now when that day comes around again once you start over, you could avoid that situation so you don't lose your leg or arm. Look at me I'm rambling on so I'll just finish this and let you read it. :twisted:
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super female change curse

Postby axedarkdemon14 » June 16th, 2005, 4:49 pm

i vote for the super female change curse cause i submitted it to the vote page last night cause i saw the other curses and they do not let you decide on what in your body you want to change.
i think that the file is a mixture of a lot of the other curse files so this is mostly a big female curse file it makes your mind think that it is a female and it will make you a total female, just like every other female in the world, it should make you into what you would look like, if you were born a girl and had all the girl dna and genes, and the makeup of a girl.
i had also put down that it can be made into a subliminal file because some people can not go into trance, like me.
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Postby jothan_s » June 20th, 2005, 3:00 pm

i voted for several, some of which i do not know WHY i voted for them. Rather embarassing actually. i just hope there is no record of which ones i voted for that is available to the general public. LOL

Mostly i voted for those that interest me greatly, and those which Wife has managed to do with me so i know they will be cool files for others to use, and of course, those, unexplainable votes.
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Postby xanthk » June 20th, 2005, 10:41 pm

Well now you have me at least curious :P
Whoever said nothing is impossible, never tried slamming a revolving door....
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Postby Fluid » June 21st, 2005, 6:25 am

kitnoki wrote:Trig plush, because it sounds cute :D and any furry tfs... especialy trig fox....

*waves to Kit*

I presume you're the and/or Altered Realities person known as Kitnoki? :)
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Postby kitnoki » June 26th, 2005, 9:48 pm

I an on cyoc,,,, but im not famailr with alterd realities :)
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Postby Fluid » June 27th, 2005, 6:15 am

kitnoki wrote:I an on cyoc,,,, but im not famailr with alterd realities :)

:lol: My mistake anyway, the person on AR was Kit. Confusion of name... :)
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Postby sandy82 » June 27th, 2005, 10:19 am

First, I voted for TrigXrayVision. :P

Second, I voted for IfWishesWereHorses...which means that I've already got access to TrigXrayVision.

Well, Jothan, I can tell you that after much scrutiny, perusal, and thought, I don't think your choices are embarrassing. Adventurous, yes. Embarrassing, no. :wink:

jothan_s wrote:i voted for several, some of which i do not know WHY i voted for them. Rather embarassing actually. i just hope there is no record of which ones i voted for that is available to the general public. LOL
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Postby Kendai » July 8th, 2005, 9:01 am

plug my own suggestions? why not?

i have an interesting one called "ocean world" which would make everything seem like it's underwater, and changes people into sea creatures, with the added intrest in marine biology, to add diversity to the sea-people.

"ragdoll erecton" which causes a male to become weaker and weaker as his penis hardens. he becomes ragdoll-like when fully erect.

"reverse cumslave" like a cumslave for males, they would seek to have thier cum swallowed, and become obedient and submissive to those who swallow.

"single female orgasm" puts a male's limit on a females sexual pleasure

and probably the best:

"conditional orgasm" the listener of this file would only be able to achive orgasm by completeing a requested task. instructions would be followed by the phrase "and then you may cum".
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Postby Kendai » July 15th, 2007, 4:18 pm

this thread was interesting, so i'd figure i'd bump it. it's been a while, so maybe we could add more to the list.
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