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Combined CurseTotalFeminization and superFemaleWhammy

PostPosted: November 9th, 2005, 7:47 pm
by stefan4711
The new file CurseTotalFeminization sounds good but I would like some aspects from superFemaleWhammy added or maybee an new version of superFemaleWhammy done.

The "new" file would add some more aspects of penis shrinkage to CurseTotalFeminization and also modify it to be "Not removable even by EMG". Otherwise I really like the twist that every change that has happend so far is not reversible. I also love that there are a file that includes both physical aspects and attitudes etc.

Good work EMG


PostPosted: November 11th, 2005, 8:51 pm
by axedarkdemon14
i think there is a file on the voting page that is like what you are saying because it can not get removed at all, and that file is called the super female change curse.

i submitted it ages ago and i think it is both of those file rolled into one.