If a tree falls in the wood...

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If a tree falls in the wood...

Postby hyptoad » April 11th, 2019, 3:41 pm

This age old thought exercise arose in work today.

I have come down heavy on the side that the tree makes no sound.

My argument to get it kicked off is that it is scientifically impossible to prove that an observer independent reality exists. According to the scientific method if a hypothesis is not testable then it is not "scientific". Not to say it is not true, absence of proof is not proof of absence after all.

So I challenge anyone to find a way to test the hypothesis that reality exists independent of a conscious observer.
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Joined: March 17th, 2019, 3:26 am

Re: If a tree falls in the wood...

Postby Casey » April 12th, 2019, 1:34 am

Yes, it does make a sound a very loud one like a thunder clap! lol.. I was not in the woods.. and one huge oak tree fell once.. and it make a head of sound... so even if no one is in the woods.. it it still heard from the house across the property it was in lol... :P ..
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Re: If a tree falls in the wood...

Postby wolfnchains » March 26th, 2024, 2:04 pm

Both are true. And neither are true. The tree both lands quietly and makes a loud sound, and both falls and still stands tall so long as no one bears witness to the event.

The really fun question is this. Does the event, sound or not, say more about nature or the nature of you?
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Joined: October 25th, 2012, 12:00 am

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