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Mr_Oblivious wrote:Mr. Oblivious wonders if some people are more angry with God than they are disbelieving.
sandy82 wrote:Mr_Oblivious wrote:Mr. Oblivious wonders if some people are more angry with God than they are disbelieving.
Very interesting observation. What do you think of the following line of thought? I'm not buying or selling; I'm just asking.
Since many people's view of God comes in part from how they themselves picture God via self-projection, when they are angry with God they are really and/or also angry with themselves.
This is an area for the discussion of Philosophy, Religion & Politics. WARNING! Debates may become heated, Personal attacks or religious recruiting are not permitted.
sandy82 wrote:Mr_Oblivious wrote:Mr. Oblivious wonders if some people are more angry with God than they are disbelieving.
Very interesting observation. What do you think of the following line of thought? I'm not buying or selling; I'm just asking.
Since many people's view of God comes in part from how they themselves picture God via self-projection, when they are angry with God they are really and/or also angry with themselves.
Mr_Oblivious wrote:
Mr. Oblivious first thought that even he could see this idea for pseudo-intellectual psychobabble worthy of Oprah's Dr. Phil or the slower and talkier moments of a Mortal Kombat movie. Then Goldragon went and made sense of it.
There is no bag over Goldragon's head!
JKnaugh13 wrote:There is only one God, the God of Abraham. All those who seek to worship other false gods will suffer for eternity in Hell. Every man is flawed, every man sins. There is still time to repent. I will pray for you all to embrace God's love. I feel not anger towards those who do not believe in God, only sadness and pity.
aeroue wrote:Theories about God...
That is his theory let him have it.
If you don't like it don't read it.
The God of classical theism does not exist.
But something probably does.
That is my theory.
ubermullet wrote:If God wasn't like us, then how could He be our Father?
Exactly my point. Don't start from an unproveable assumption and then apply logic to it.
Reading the bible, I think God is more "human" (and I use the term loosly) then what we concider a Supreme Being to be. I mean, God loves, meaing He has feelings. Probably the more violent ones too! And he has done things that he regrets, like Noah's Flood. The rainbow is a big "I'm Sorry" card from God!
Again, an assumption stated as fact "God loves"
Which means, making Adam in his own image, probably ment more then just his physical appearence. :)
ubermullet wrote:Wow, no matter what fourm you go on there's always something about God.
I've been a Christian for only 2-3 years now and I no longer just believe that there is a God, I now know that there is one.
He has helped me through tough times and has blessed me with many things. Including $36,000 for school! :D
And when I defy him, he does punish me. Quite clearly.
Sure, some people could call those things coincidence, but I call statement a blanket statement. I can't get the image out of my head of someone who refuses to believe in God, sitting in the corner of a rubber room, huging their knees and rocking back and forth saying over and over, "Its just a coincidence its just a coincidence its just a coincidence its just a coincidence..."
And I hope this conversation doesn't degrade into a Bible smashing arguement. Because in my opinion, the Bible is just a Guide on how to get to God. It doesn't have 100% of the answers, you have to walk the path and find them for yourself!
Let's hope I don't piss off too many Atheists with this post :wink:
No offence intended, but my experience has been when ever I say that God is real, I get barked at. I hope that's not the case here.
Cheers! :D
Mallic wrote:
You know, it really is impossible that there is the Christain god. I'm not an aethiest, but I myself have never being involved with divine intervention, and I don't think the bible is correct either.
He puts this big tree up in on a hill, polishes it, puts on of those shining lights behind it. Whats more, he LETS little snakey boy come in, doesn't tell A'n'E not to talk to strangers, and tells them not to eat the apples. Of course they do, he leaps from behind a cloud and says "Got you" and BLAMES it on them. He does nothing to get rid of snakey, and turns them away when they try to repent.
Mallic wrote:
This guy has effectivly done away with his birdies by saying that we can take over them, but then gets pissed when we take him for his word
So having got a legoin of hypocracies under his belt, he vowes never to do that again, letting his supporters to give a reason for disregarding hermits. So he goes for commandments and stone carvings, which seemed to be the new black these day, and gace them to us for sheer 'I told you so' effect.
Mallic wrote:
Now days, all I hear is "Armageddon is coming! Come give money to us instead of the HEATHENS!! You shall be saved!" So fire and brimstone is what does it for this cloud guy now, and all naysayers will go straight to hell. Snakey is still on the loose, handinhand with Junior Shrub, and now we have to throw our pockets to he to be saved for an eons old mistake.
Mallic wrote:
He tells us not to worship other gods. Does he tell us why? No. He throws armageddon on us. Still no tell. He swapped to the socalled "Bussiness management". He does not take feedback.
Mallic wrote:
That is not a god. That is not a religion. That is not a matter of faith. That is a joke.
ubermullet wrote:Mallic wrote:
You know, it really is impossible that there is the Christain god. I'm not an aethiest, but I myself have never being involved with divine intervention, and I don't think the bible is correct either.
If you've never tried looking for God, then how do you know that he doesn't exist? Have you actually spent a good amount of time knocking on heaven's door and got no answer?
ubermullet wrote:I'm a single father because the mother of my child, did not take care of our kid. I had a lot of bitterness and almost hatred toward her. Which would not be healthy for my kid down the road!
So I go to a Christain Church. A Partner's in Harvest one. They like to really like to fill people up with the holy spirit! Very Happy
I start praying there while they're singing. Its a rock band too, nice work with the drum set in the chruch there!
And then I can't help but to start crying. And keep crying. Like crying so much it was physically painful. I had to lay down. Realizing that his was from God, it started to make me laugh, while I was crying my heart out! So there I was, on the floor of this chruch crying and laughing so hard that it litrerally hurt! It ended, eventually...
The next day I realized that all the bitterness toward the Mother of my Child was GONE
It was just gone, it did no exist anymore.
I asked for God's help, and he gave it to me. My prayers are answered on a daily basis.
So you can either admit that God is real, or I'm some super psykic guy that can change reality by calling out the name of God.
ubermullet wrote:yeah, Adam and Eve were the first people with Free Will. They probably caught God off guard when they did that.
I think the big leason for everyone that day is that you can't enjoy paradise without going through hell first!
ubermullet wrote:....huh? Could you expand on that a bit please?
ubermullet wrote:Are you saying that you could run the universe better? If you could give feedback, what would you change that wouldn't have concequences?
ubermullet wrote:
So having got a legoin of hypocracies under his belt, he vowes never to do that again, letting his supporters to give a reason for disregarding hermits. So he goes for commandments and stone carvings, which seemed to be the new black these day, and gave them to us for sheer 'I told you so' effect.
What are you talking about? Hermits? New Black? What?
Primus wrote:
If God is really so great then why did I have to work my ass for the food in the first place?
ubermullet wrote:Primus wrote:
If God is really so great then why did I have to work my ass for the food in the first place?
Because if everything was perfect, we'd probably be all spoiled brats and would still complain about everything.
Well, the thing about the Bible is that it was written by humans. And, as a species, Humans are really dumb. So I only look to the Bible as a Guide more then a straight Forward Rule Book. For example; I'm having trouble defining what the bible conciders Sex to be. Is it just intercourse or is it more? I can't seem to find it. Also, I definatly won't find anything about videogames in there, so I'll have to make my own mind up about that stuff.
I like to attend Vineyard or Partners in Harvest Christian Chruches. When the Manifisations of the Holy Spirit start happening around you, you really either start to believe, or get totally wierded out.
Man, I went to a Chruch today, just a regular christian chruch, and man was it boring. I mean, now I understand why they're aren't more Christians if the majority of people only have that stuff to base God off of. I mean, it does work for a lot of people, but for someone like me... I just get bored and want to leave!
Anyways, God rules, g'night!
Primus wrote:just like the spoon there is no New Testiment... Old school on you fools! I bring my wrath down upon all those who dare to cross me.
Seriously though Humanity is a contradiction in and of itself. God created man in his image and in years later man returned the favor. They're great stories to glean lessons from but that shit is wack you and anyone who takes it on face value... I have this bridge for sale in Brooklyn
Mallic wrote:
This is the typical view of people who want to put a "GOD IS REAL" face on anything and everything. I mean, what the fuck is with this:
"Because if everything was perfect, we'd probably be all spoiled brats and would still complain about everything"
I thought that heven was suposed to be the perfect land where (as they say in the matrix) nobody suffered and everyone is happy. Thank you god for giving me the task of my own survival, you truely are the most compassionate person around.
"Well, the thing about the Bible is that it was written by humans. And, as a species, Humans are really dumb"
Dumb enough to believe what they wrote and pretend that it was from the mouth of god himself, for long enough that it became emmbeded into their culture
"So I only look to the Bible as a Guide more then a straight Forward Rule Book"
Of course, some things are a straight-forward rule and others are just guides. Thou shall not kill. Of course, in the O.T you can kill in self defence, but in the N.T, you have to let the guy hit your other two cheeks. You pick and choose.
"I mean, now I understand why they're aren't more Christians if the majority of people only have that stuff to base God off of"
No, the problem is the fundamental workings of the god they worship. Funny how he heals on sick person, but let thousands of innocents die in war. Oh, sorry, I fogot, that would spoil us.
Why do we know beyond any doubt of people and events that happened...
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