Why furry?

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Why furry?

Postby topstatus » October 22nd, 2006, 7:32 pm

Hi furries,

I have yet to try furry transformation because it's new and unusual to what I normally like.

I'm curious as to what is so appealing about being furry. In other words, what do you enjoy about being furry? Thanks
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Postby FDP » October 22nd, 2006, 11:33 pm


That is an amazingly broad question to ask, one with no true, discernable answer. What is so appealing about your favorite book? Your favorite movie? Your favorite kink, if I might add that one in there? What is so appealing about anything that you like? The fact that well... you like it. It's apart of who you are, and you come to terms with it just like it were any other thing.

If you're under the impression that furdom is directly related to bestiality, you are very, very sorely misinformed, and have my condolences about MTV and CSI portraying Furdom in a very misled light.

As for me, I'm still on the fence about my furdom. I have a developed "fursona" (as opposed to persona, the whole play on words thing :) ) but I don't feel that it is apart of me.

Just a friendly warning, it is a very sensitive subject to some people, and be very careful and open-minded if you feel you are being met with obstinent hostility. Good luck, godspeed, and keep an open mind, though. :)
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Postby Patch_Winter » October 26th, 2006, 10:34 pm

Being a furry is a lot like any other sexual orientation e.g.: gay, bi, straight, and then also includes its kinks from there. The only problem is: there isn't much along the lines of realization... furries aren't real.

I think it's mostly TV and cartoons and stuff that does it to people, or at least to me, but it's just as shrouded in mystery as what makes somebody turn out to be gay... maybe there's some genetics involved, and some conditioning over top, but nobody has successfully defined what creates the complex.

Some people are 'latent' and they're pretty much normal in their sexual desires, and sometimes entirely vanilla, and then they see some furry stuff for the first time and find they enjoy that in addition.
... Oh how I envy them.
Others are furry from the time they start really learning what sex is. That would be me.

One of the reasons it's such a sensitive issue is because 1. some furries think that they actually are animal on the inside and 2. the fact that their fantasy will never be realized makes them feel even shittier when they think that someone is trying to judge them, even if they're just looking for information. Also, furrydom is not a well-known deal, and there are indeed closet furries, who only have a proper presence online. Since we're such a minority, a lot of us feel really really isolated because no matter how strong of messages we send to people IRL, everyone remains fucking clueless, when all they would have to do would be a googlesearch or two.
But even for those of us who don't think that we're some kind of trapped animal spirits, it's still really shitty to want something that you can never properly have or become, unless you happen to be good and suggestible, which, we've found, virtually no furries who have found this site are.

Yeah, so that's my rant on what furries are, also feeling a little angsty about it right now, if you could tell.
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Postby kojirowind » November 5th, 2006, 4:22 am

Heh im mostly jealous of how animal have cool and cute tails XD..... i haven't been listening to the wave files cuz of some kinky or perverted thoughts..... ive been listening to them so i can see my own tail XD..... even though ive been getting phantom feelings of a cat tail really being there every so often, even before i learned of this site.....

I DON'T JUST WANNA FEEL, I WANNA SEE..... whitness what my phantom cat tail is doing dammit X3 its just funny how im trying to get help from a site that deals with mostly freaky sex fetishes XD lol nya
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Postby Shinsei » November 24th, 2006, 5:58 pm

I have to disagree with furdom being considered akin to a sexual orientation. While it is true there are a large number of people (and likely growing all the time) I'm more inclined to agree with stronger-than-normal ties to nature, perhaps the belief of 'trapped animal spirits' or the like.

It's a bit like wondering what it would be like to be born a _______. It doesn't matter what you fill the blank with. Opposite sex, a different species, a person you know. From a /psychological/ standpoint, I'm inclined to say furdom is a neuroses. From a personal standpoint, I have to question why I am only an insomniac during certain phases of the moon, and like... :x Why I've mildly obsessed over the furrytransformation file ever since I first ran across this site while websurfing.

It's difficult for me to explain it, but I guess between the hypnosis file, furcadia (a pseudo 3d chat environ I'm sure most of you here already know of) and the way I feel so strongly towards life 'outside' of society, I have decided to inform my friends of the file first, and then talk to them about it from there and see what happens. I'm pretty odd anyway, so the select few (my 'inner circle') that already know about it just give me funny looks. One of them offered me a job >_>;;; .... I think I'll just end the post here before I start rambling.
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Joined: October 6th, 2006, 12:00 am

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