Idea for a furry hypnosis file.

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Idea for a furry hypnosis file.

Postby ranmafan » November 19th, 2008, 9:21 pm

Lombax TF File

I'm not sure where else to post this request/commission thingy so here goes.
OK This would be the ultimate TF file for me. I will gladly pay someone if they made a file like this. (Just pm me if interested) The file would go about talking about imagining the changes happening. Slowly transforming the listener into a lombax (Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank games). It would truly be sublime if this could be made into a permanent file, though it could be triggered. (I'd pay extra if someone made it permanent). It could list the changes happening such as growing long furry striped lombax ears, an orangish/yellowish striped fur coat, a lombax tail, three toed feet, and a dog like lombax nose. For reference for those who are not familiar with lombaxes (don't know how to spell it plural) or Ratchet and Clank please view photo attached. I seen the ottsel file and this ideal came to me. I'm gonna try to make a script for it. Not sure how good it'll be since I've never made one before but I'm gonna try. I'll post it here if I ever get it finished.

Posts: 235
Joined: June 12th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby PS360 » November 21st, 2008, 4:50 pm

oh lol
Posts: 136
Joined: February 26th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby ranmafan » November 26th, 2008, 10:05 pm

I have made the script for this if anyone was interested, if not is there some kind of program that I could enter text and it will convert into audio?
Posts: 235
Joined: June 12th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby CHR » November 28th, 2008, 11:26 pm

Yeah, I'll PM it to you.
Posts: 21
Joined: August 2nd, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby ranmafan » November 29th, 2008, 9:07 am

almost forgot to put my script here. lol

lombax transformation, part 1ansformation, Part 1

This file is meant to transform you into a lombax. A lombax for the most part may at first glance appear similar to bipedal anthropomorphic cats, with yellow and orange fur, and a tail like that of a lion. This transformation will occur in a step-by-step process over a period of time, until you are able to see yourself transformed fully and easily. It is reccommended that you do not completely rely on your subconcious at first, instead imagine the changes on your own. Doing so will allow the transformation to become more second-nature to you, thus in effect training your subconcious to eventually take control on its own.

OK, just make yourself comfortable now… if you want to close your eyes, that's a good idea, but if you don't, that's fine too… now you can just listen quietly to the sound of my voice… and of course you'll be aware of all those other sounds, too…. sounds inside the building, sounds from outside… but these won't disturb you… In fact they are going to help to relax you, because the only sound you need to think about is the sound of my voice… and while you're listening to the sound of my voice you can just simply allow yourself to be as lazy as you could ever want to be…. Just allow yourself to be as lazy as you could ever want to be…

Good… now, while you're relaxing there in the chair, you can just be aware of your body… aware of your hands where they rest on the arms of the chair… perhaps noticing the angle of your elbows and maybe sensing the weight of your head against the chair back… and, you know, that weight might seem to just gently increase as you allow yourself to relax more and more… just being aware of your ankles and feet now, on the footrest, and wondering if they will start to feel heavy too, as
you… relax… thinking about your breathing for a few moments… noticing that your breathing is becoming slower and steadier as you relax more and more… slower and steadier… breathing so steadily and evenly… just as though you were pretending to be sound asleep… breathing so evenly, so steadily… you almost wouldn't disturb a feather placed immediately in front of you… breathing so easily and slowly, so gently, that you almost wouldn't disturb even a single strand of a feather placed right in front of you….

And as you allow yourself to relax even more now… I wonder if you can perhaps sense the beating of your own heart… sensing the beat of your own heart and just seeing whether you can use the power of your mind to slow that heartbeat down… just a touch… just seeing whether you can use the power of your mind to slow that heartbeat down just a little… so that you can then feel your whole body slowing down… becoming lazier and lazier… because you've got absolutely nothing whatsoever to do except to relax now… nobody wanting anything, nobody expecting anything… so you can allow your whole body to continue to relax and become steadier and easier until it's just ticking over… like a well maintained machine of some sort or another… just ticking over… smoothly… easily… quietly… comfortably… so that you can become gradually more aware of your whole self… aware of your hands and arms, just sensing how they are now… aware of your legs and feet, too… again just sensing how relaxed they might be, and wondering if it's possible to relax them even more… to be so in touch with yourself that you can actually get your whole body, perhaps, to relax even more… yet remaining totally alert… and noticing now how even your face muscles can begin to really relax… relaxing and letting go of the tensions that were there, almost, but not quite, completely unnoticed… just being vaguely aware of the skin and the muscles of your face settling… smoothing out… a good feeling… wondering just how long all that tension had been there… where it all came from in the first place… and then realising that you simply couldn't care less… because you can feel it draining away from you now… and that feels good… and as you continue to sense the beating of your heart and the absolute steadiness of your body's rhythm… you wonder at the fact that you are so absolutely relaxed and comfortable that you simply can't be bothered to even try to move even one single muscle… even though you know you easily could… if you wanted to… I know that you easily could, if you wanted to… but you simply can't be bothered to even try… allowing yourself to just be… relaxed and relaxing even more now… as lazy and relaxed as anyone could ever wish to be… and I wonder if you can now manage to relax even more… even though you are already as relaxed as it is possible for most people to ever be… just finding the last tiny traces of tension in your body and simply letting them go… with each easy, gentle, breath you breathe… allowing every muscle… every fibre… every cell of your entire body… to be as beautifully relaxed as anyone could ever wish to be…

You are going to turn into a lombax. You will see it in your mind. You will visualize it, and percieve it as real as possible. It will be subconcious. Your subconcious is going to make it real for you. The transformation is going to happen as you listen to this file. Transforming isn't as difficult as you might think. Just imagine the transformation as it happens, training your subconcious mind. If we start with simple changes and work our way up to more complex changes, taking things one step at a time, the transformation will become easier along the way as your mind gets used to the idea of transforming. Thus, the first changes will be purely visual, and should take effect easily. Your transformation will begin, now.

Next, the changes will focus on a single spot. Your nose will start to change color. It will begin to blacken. Lombaxes have black noses, and you are turning into a lombax. Your nose is always in front of your face, so even if you're not paying attention to it, it will be changed, much like the rest of your transformation has been and will be. Your nose is simply changing color, changing to black. Imagine it. Imagine it if it were real. Imagine it as if it was real, your nose is blackening.

Let your mind get used to the changes. Let the changes happen one at a time. Step-by-step. Don't rely completely on your subconcious at first, but try to imagine it as best as you can. As you get furthur and furthur into the transformation, as your mind gets used to the transformation, you'll find that you'll transform easier and easier every time. It will become so easy, that the transformation will become second-nature to you, so that your subconcious can transform you with little effort. So far the changes have been basic. The next changes will be more physical. They might be more difficult than the changes have been so far, but as your mind has already gotten used to changing your body, the next changes will not be as difficult as they could be, and they will become easier and easier as the effects of the hypnosis take place, as you imagine it more and more.

(4) We'll continue with an easy change. Your nose is going to change again. Your nose is becoming like an animal's, cold and wet, and a little rough and leathery. It is not yet changing shape, it is not yet changing size. It is simply changing texture, a change small enough to train your mind to feel your body differently, without worrying about size or shape. When you grow a muzzle later on, your nose will finish changing with it, but for now, your nose is toughening, becoming cold and wet like an animal's nose. Imagine it. Imagine it if it were real. Your nose has turned black. And your nose is becoming like an animal's, cold and wet.

(5) The next change will also be a small one. The skin on the palms of your hands and feet are starting to toughen up and swell. This is occurring beneath your knuckles and thumb joint on your hands, at the heels and balls of your feet, your fingers and toes, and a small triangular spot just behind your wrist. Essentially, you are gaining pawpads. Your skin is puffing out at these places, but it does not hurt. In fact, you will find that these pads are more like a tough, leathery cushion. You may have felt the pawpads of an animal before. These pads will feel like that, but they will be built into your own skin. Even if you've never felt a pawpad before, you can still imagine how it feels. On the outside, they appear to be tough and leathery, but they are a cushion for your hands and your feet. Imagine it. Imagine it if it were real. Your nose has turned black. Your nose is like an animal's, cold and wet. And the skin on the palms of your hands and feet is puffening into pawpads.

(6) Your physical changes progress a little more. Your fingernails, and your toenails are going to change. They are going to shift. Your skin is pushing over your nails, and your nails are pushing out, and folding. They are folding into the shape of an animal's claws. Specifically, a Lombax's claws, cat-like in appearance. The claws on your hands will be partly retractable, pulled up into your fingers a little when they're relaxed, sticking out when your had is outstretched. No longer will you have flat nails sitting on top of your fingers and toes. Now, your fingers and toes will be tipped with claws. You can see them changing. You can feel them changing. Your new claws will become as real as possible. If you tap something with your claws, you'll hear them tapping, and you'll feel them tapping. Anything that interacts with your claws, it will seem as though you really have them. If you scratch yourself, you can feel the claws scratching. Your claws will seem so very real. Imagine it. Imagine it if it were real. Your nose has turned black. Your nose is like an animal's, cold and wet. You have pawpads on the palms of your hands and feet. And your fingernails and toenails are changing to claws.

(7) After your claws are complete, you are going to sprout some fur. Listen to me intently, as I explain these changes. You are going to grow a nice, soft fur coat. Your body is starting to tingle a little, as darkish yellow, and orange fur starts to grow in. The tingling isn't distracting, and in fact it feels quite nice. Your fur is for the most part going to be a dark yellow color. With orange stripes marked in sets of threes fading into the extremities. For the most part the areas on your arms, legs, ears, back and tail will be marked by sets of three brownish orange stripes covering them. All this soft fur is growing all over your body, not too long, not too short. Your pawpads are no exception, the fur on them growing in thin. The fur on your face is short as well, except for your cheeks, which are nice and fuzzy. Now we focus on your ears for a moment. The fur in your ears is growing in less dense than the rest of your fur, and is dark yellow in color covered in brownish orange stripes. The back of your ears, on the other hand, is thin. This is how your fur coat will be. You can see it. You can feel it. You can feel the fur growing on your body. Feel how soft it is. If you touch it, you can feel the fur as you touch it, and you can feel your fur being pressed or stroked when you or anything else touches it. It will both look and feel as real as possible. Your fur will interact with anything it touches, or anything that touches it. You are growing a soft fur coat. It will feel light and cool during warm weather, and thick and warm during the cool season. It is like a lombax's fur coat. You know what a lombax's fur is like, and this is the fur you are growing. Imagine it. Imagine it if it were real. Your nose has turned black. Your nose is like an animal's, cold and wet. You have pawpads on the palms of your hands and feet. Your nails have shifted into claws. And you are growing a lombax's fur coat.

You are now halfway through the transformation. Let your transformation take effect step-by-step. Your mind will not focus on the next step until you're finished with the ones before. Don't rely too much on your subconcious at first. Instead, imagine it as best as you can, and your subconcious will eventually be able to learn to do it for you. You still have several changes to go. When your mind gets used to the changes in this file, you will be ready to move on to the next. Your feet will change shape, you will grow a tail and your pants will open a tailhole for it, your forehead will disappear, your ears will move and change into animal ears, and a muzzle will push out of your face. These next changes will take place in the second half of this series.

And as your transformation progresses, there may be other or more specific changes you want. You know what those changes are, and you'll be able to guide those changes towards your final form. You may even feel compelled to find out more about the creature you want to turn into, so you will know just what it will be like to turn into it. Also, as real as all your changes may seem, many of these changes are still phantom extensions of yourself. And so, if they are ever at risk of being damaged, the threat will simply phase through with a mere tingle. You will pay no attention to when this happens, as it will seem perfectly normal.

One important note before I wake you up. As you change into a Lombax furry, you will find that the transformation is one-way. Each change you experience is irreversable. You will not be able to change back to normal, because you will find that your lombax form is your normal form. You won't even be able to change into anything else. This transformation is permanent.

However, this does not bother you. This is what you want. I know it is what you want, because you asked it to be this way. You are enjoying your transformation into a Lombax furry, and you will continue to enjoy it when the transformation completes. You don't care that you'll be stuck as a Lombax. It is like a dream come true for you. You will not be able to forget what it was like to be a human, but that's okay, because that will make your experience with your new form all the more special.

Let these changes take place. You are turning into a Lombax furry. You can both see and feel these changes happening. They will not hurt, so you can enjoy the changes as they happen. And once you reach the end of the transformation, once your mind is able to keep you in that form with ease, your transformation will be complete. This is how it is, and how it will be. It is what you want, and it will become easier and easier as you listen to this file.

And now, now it is time to wake up. You will awaken on the count of five. Your transformation has already begun.

One. Waking up. Drifting slowly back to the ordinary world.
Two. More and more awake. Becoming more aware.
Three. Closer and closer. Waking back up.
Four. Almost there. Opening your eyes.
Five. Completely awake. Refreshed and feeling good. Halfway changed to a Lombax furry. I hope you enjoyed the hypnosis, and enjoy your new form.

lombax Transformation, Part 2

This file is meant to continue your transformation into a lombax furry. This transformation will occur in a step-by-step process over a period of time, until you are able to see yourself transformed fully and easily. It is reccommended that you do not completely rely on your subconcious at first, instead imagine the changes on your own. Doing so will allow the transformation to become more second-nature to you, thus in effect training your subconcious to eventually take control on its own.

OK, just make yourself comfortable now… if you want to close your eyes, that's a good idea, but if you don't, that's fine too… now you can just listen quietly to the sound of my voice… and of course you'll be aware of all those other sounds, too…. sounds inside the building, sounds from outside… but these won't disturb you… In fact they are going to help to relax you, because the only sound you need to think about is the sound of my voice… and while you're listening to the sound of my voice you can just simply allow yourself to be as lazy as you could ever want to be…. Just allow yourself to be as lazy as you could ever want to be…

Good… now, while you're relaxing there in the chair, you can just be aware of your body… aware of your hands where they rest on the arms of the chair… perhaps noticing the angle of your elbows and maybe sensing the weight of your head against the chair back… and, you know, that weight might seem to just gently increase as you allow yourself to relax more and more… just being aware of your ankles and feet now, on the footrest, and wondering if they will start to feel heavy too, as
you… relax… thinking about your breathing for a few moments… noticing that your breathing is becoming slower and steadier as you relax more and more… slower and steadier… breathing so steadily and evenly… just as though you were pretending to be sound asleep… breathing so evenly, so steadily… you almost wouldn't disturb a feather placed immediately in front of you… breathing so easily and slowly, so gently, that you almost wouldn't disturb even a single strand of a feather placed right in front of you….

And as you allow yourself to relax even more now… I wonder if you can perhaps sense the beating of your own heart… sensing the beat of your own heart and just seeing whether you can use the power of your mind to slow that heartbeat down… just a touch… just seeing whether you can use the power of your mind to slow that heartbeat down just a little… so that you can then feel your whole body slowing down… becoming lazier and lazier… because you've got absolutely nothing whatsoever to do except to relax now… nobody wanting anything, nobody expecting anything… so you can allow your whole body to continue to relax and become steadier and easier until it's just ticking over… like a well maintained machine of some sort or another… just ticking over… smoothly… easily… quietly… comfortably… so that you can become gradually more aware of your whole self… aware of your hands and arms, just sensing how they are now… aware of your legs and feet, too… again just sensing how relaxed they might be, and wondering if it's possible to relax them even more… to be so in touch with yourself that you can actually get your whole body, perhaps, to relax even more… yet remaining totally alert… and noticing now how even your face muscles can begin to really relax… relaxing and letting go of the tensions that were there, almost, but not quite, completely unnoticed… just being vaguely aware of the skin and the muscles of your face settling… smoothing out… a good feeling… wondering just how long all that tension had been there… where it all came from in the first place… and then realising that you simply couldn't care less… because you can feel it draining away from you now… and that feels good… and as you continue to sense the beating of your heart and the absolute steadiness of your body's rhythm… you wonder at the fact that you are so absolutely relaxed and comfortable that you simply can't be bothered to even try to move even one single muscle… even though you know you easily could… if you wanted to… I know that you easily could, if you wanted to… but you simply can't be bothered to even try… allowing yourself to just be… relaxed and relaxing even more now… as lazy and relaxed as anyone could ever wish to be… and I wonder if you can now manage to relax even more… even though you are already as relaxed as it is possible for most people to ever be… just finding the last tiny traces of tension in your body and simply letting them go… with each easy, gentle, breath you breathe… allowing every muscle… every fibre… every cell of your entire body… to be as beautifully relaxed as anyone could ever wish to be…

You are continuing to change into a lombax furry. You can see it in your mind. You can visualize it, and percieve it as real as possible. It has become subconcious. Your subconcious is making it real for you. The transformation is going to continue as you listen to this file. Let your transformation begin once more, if it hasn't already, as I recap your transformation so far. Your nose has turned black. Your skin has darkened. Your nose is like an animal's, cold and wet. You have pawpads on the palms of your hands and feet. Your nails have shifted into claws. And you have grown a lombax's fur coat. These are the changes you underwent in the first file. If you are listening to this file, then that means your mind has gotten used to your changes so far, that they have become so easy and so real for you. Even though you are listening to this file, now, the effects of the first file will remain as strong as ever. We will now continue and finish your transformation.

First, your feet are changing to lombax feet. For the moment, your big toes are going to be left alone, but your other toes are starting to merge. Your pinky toe is merging with the toe next to it. And your other two middle toes merge with each other as well. It feels a little odd to you, but that makes the transformation all the more enjoyable. These toes are merging with each other, the bones in each merging as well, and your toes are combining in size, becoming as one. When they're done, you will find that you have three big toes on each foot, no longer with the human five. All that's left is for the original big toe to pull back a little, until it's no furthur than your outer toes, leaving your middle toes sticking out the furthest. After that, the transformation of your feet will be complete. You will have three toes on each foot, very similar to a lombax's paw, yet still made for walking flat on the soles like a human. You'll find that flexing them, touching them, holding them, is a little different with your new toes. Not very much, but still, something new about it. Imagine it. Imagine it if it were real. Your nose has turned black. Your skin has darkened. Your nose is like an animal's, cold and wet. You have pawpads on the palms of your hands and feet. Your nails have shifted into claws. You have grown a lombax's fur coat. And your feet are becoming lombax feet.

(9) And now comes perhaps the best part of the transformation. You are going to grow a tail. You can feel pressure at the base of your spine, as your tail begins to grow out. Out from your tailbone. Your pants are changing as well, opening up a tailhole to free your lengthening tail. You are growing a long, bushy lion-like tail, long enough to reach down to the ground. The fur on your tail is going to be the same darkish yellow covered in orangish stripes as much of your furred body. It is like a lombax's tail. If you touch it, you will be able to feel it, and your tail will be able to feel anything that touches it. If you tug on it or squeeze it, you will feel it being tugged or squeezed. You also find that your tail will show emotion. If you're happy or excited, for example, it will wag. It may even be wagging right now, you are enjoying it so much. But you cannot control it, at first. After all, it has some new muscle for you to get used to. It will seem a physical part of you. You cannot move it just by thinking about it. You must learn how to control it. You must feel out the muscles in your tail, and learn how to control them. And as you practice, you will learn how to move it with ease. I mentioned that your pants are opening up a hole for your tail. Indeed they are, and you'll find that all of your pants have as well. Your pants are gaining tailholes, specially designed for your new tail. And in fact, your overpants, like your jeans and your slacks, are going to have a sleeve around the hole. They are developing a short sleeve, to hide the base of your new tail. And like your new tail, your pants' tailholes and sleeves are going to seem so real. You are growing a lombax's tail. It will be a part of you, and you'll have to learn how to control it at first. And your pants are developing tailholes for it. Imagine it. Imagine it if it were real. Your nose has turned black. Your skin has darkened. Your nose is like an animal's, cold and wet. You have pawpads on the palms of your hands and feet. Your nails have shifted into claws. You have grown a lombax's fur coat. Your feet have become lombax feet. And you are growing a lombax's tail, your pants developing tailholes for it.

(10) The next changes will involve your head and skull. When all is said and done, you will have a head like a lombax's. First, your forehead is going to shrink. Human skulls are stretched high above their shoulders, but an animal's skull is shorter and longer. And so, your forehead is going to disappear. It'll disappear to the point where your forehead ends above where your human eyebrows would be, your skull shorter as a result. But even though your forehead has disappeared, you'll still act as though you still have it. And so, any time anyone or anything, including yourself, interacts with your shorter head, you will merely imagine that the interaction is lower. And even though your skull is shorter, you will still be as cautious about bumping your head on low objects as you would when your forehead was still there. Having a shorter head will not change how you act with it, it will just feel different, and it will look different. Your forehead is shrinking away, resulting in a shorter skull, and you will imagine it as such. Imagine it. Imagine it if it were real. Your nose has turned black. Your skin has darkened. Your nose is like an animal's, cold and wet. You have pawpads on the palms of your hands and feet. Your nails have shifted into claws. You have grown a lombax's fur coat. Your feet have become lombax feet. You have grown a lombax's tail, your pants developed tailholes for it. And your forehead is disappearing.

The changes are stacking up, but your mind, your imagination is strengthening, able to handle these changes, going one step at a time, making sure not to overdo it.

(11) The next change will not only be physical, but will also affect your hearing. Your ears are now shifting, moving. They are sliding towards the top of your head and shifting back. If you're wearing glasses, your ears will simply fold underneath them, leaving your glasses resting above your furry cheeks. And as your ears climb to the top of your head and moving back, they are pushing out, pointing out into long animal ears, the tips pointed. A lombax's ears are near the top back of their heads and are long and flat. They will be darkish yellow in color with orange stripes on them. You are going to have big lombax ears on top of your head, and you'll be able to move them like lombax ears. You'll be able to turn each ear in place. Sidewards and backwards. You'll also find that they'll show emotions like an lombax's ears as well. If you're cautious, they will flatten; if you're surprised, they will raise up. Your changed ears will seem very real. If you touch them, you will feel them, and your ears will feel when they are touched. If your ears start itching, they might flick, and if you scratch them, they will feel better. Something amazing is also happening. Your hearing is improving. All the sounds you hear will now seem a little louder. Your mind will take any noise you hear and amplify it, like when you put your hand to your ear when you were human. You may even be able to catch some sounds that normal human ears can't. Your ears will also be very alert. They will pick up on every little sound they hear. Any sound that may be important, your ears will turn to better hear. If your ears are turned around, you'll better hear sounds behind you. Your ears are climbing to the top of your head, and changing into lombax ears. They will be as efficient as lombax ears, your hearing improved. You'll be able to feel them, and they'll be able to feel. And they can move like animal ears, whether on your own, or on their own. Imagine it. Imagine it if it were real. Your nose has turned black. Your skin has darkened. Your nose is like an animal's, cold and wet. You have pawpads on the palms of your hands and feet. Your nails have shifted into claws. You have grown a lombax's fur coat. Your feet have become lombax feet. You have grown a lombax's tail, your pants developed tailholes for it. Your forehead has disappeared. And your ears are moving and changing into lombax ears.

Let your transformation take effect step-by-step. Your mind will not focus on the next step until you're finished with the ones before. Don't rely too much on your subconcious at first. Instead, imagine it as best as you can, and your subconcious will eventually be able to learn to do it for you. And as your transformation progresses, there may be other or more specific changes you want. You know what those changes are, and you'll be able to guide those changes towards your final form. You may even feel compelled to find out more about the creature you want to turn into, so you will know just what it will be like to turn into it. Also, as real as all your changes may seem, many of these changes are still phantom extensions of yourself. And so, if they are ever at risk of being damaged, the threat will simply phase through with a mere tingle. You will pay no attention to when this happens, as it will seem perfectly normal.

One important note before I wake you up. As you change into a lombax furry, you will find that the transformation is one-way. Each change you experience is irreversable. You will not be able to change back to normal, because you will find that your lombax form is your normal form. You won't even be able to change into anything else. This transformation is permanent.

However, this does not bother you. This is what you want. I know it is what you want, because you asked it to be this way. You are enjoying your transformation into a lombax furry, and you will continue to enjoy it when the transformation completes. You don't care that you'll be stuck as a lombax. It is like a dream come true for you. You will not be able to forget what it was like to be a human, but that's okay, because that will make your experience with your new form all the more special.

Let these changes take place. You are turning into a lombax furry. You can both see and feel these changes happening. They will not hurt, so you can enjoy the changes as they happen. And once you reach the end of the transformation, once your mind is able to keep you in that form with ease, your transformation will be complete. This is how it is, and how it will be. It is what you want, and it will become easier and easier as you listen to this file.

And now, now it is time to wake up. You will awaken on the count of five. Your transformation has already begun.

One. Waking up. Drifting slowly back to the ordinary world.
Two. More and more awake. Becoming more aware.
Three. Closer and closer. Waking back up.
Four. Almost there. Opening your eyes.
Five. Completely awake. Refreshed and feeling good. And now, a lombax furry. I hope you enjoyed the hypnosis, and enjoy your new form.
Posts: 235
Joined: June 12th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby CHR » November 29th, 2008, 2:35 pm

I gave you the program, but I'll make it if you want me to.

If I were you though, I would also start working on an undo script for the people who try it but don't want to keep it.
Posts: 21
Joined: August 2nd, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby ranmafan » November 29th, 2008, 10:02 pm

CHR wrote:I gave you the program, but I'll make it if you want me to.

If I were you though, I would also start working on an undo script for the people who try it but don't want to keep it.

Well see I made it specifically so the changes would stay permanent and wouldn't ever be able to be removed. Well that is my original plan, which is why I was gonna put a big warning on it similar to Draygone's Fox file. I'm not much good at trying to write undo files. Does the program have a computerized voice or does it sound somewhat human? If it sounds computerized than yes I would be grateful to you if you could make it and thank you. I will try writing a undo file also although I'm not sure how to go about making one. (Never used an undo file before, but I do know where to find a undo all programming (hypnosis files) file is, perhaps that would work? Or would it have to be specific? Regardless if this file works I would never need an undo file but I suppose some might try it not realizing that it is permanent so I see how a undo file might be necessary. I'll get to work on it.
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Joined: June 12th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby CHR » November 29th, 2008, 10:13 pm

I included 2 somewhat human voices.

I am working on it right now, I began just in case. I will send you the text and first file.
Posts: 21
Joined: August 2nd, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby CHR » November 29th, 2008, 11:20 pm

Part 1:

Part 2:

I intend to try this out, myself.
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Postby ranmafan » November 30th, 2008, 12:23 am

CHR wrote:Part 1:

Part 2:

I intend to try this out, myself.

Ok then I will make a undo file. Also it's designed to only listen to the first file until you notice changes happening, not listening to one file and then the other right afterwards. Don't expect imediate results either, it takes some time (if it works at all!) Thank you very much for running it through the program although in my opinion the voice ought to be slowed down a bit but i can easily change that for my own since i now have the program (thanks for the link btw).
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Postby CHR » November 30th, 2008, 12:48 pm

Upload it officially to the site when you are done.

I think you get premium if you do that.
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Postby ranmafan » December 1st, 2008, 4:30 pm

Ok I uploaded a file that is meant to erase all hypnosis effects, including triggers. However I still don't know if it can erase permanent hypnosis effects or not so I will advice again my warning. Do not listen to the above script (If you decide to make it yourself using a program or recording) unless you fully understand that it is meant to be permanent and I can not guarentee that this deprogram all file will be able to erase these permanent results. Be sure that this is what you want first before listening. I can not be held responsible (if the file works at all!) of any mental anguish suffered because of the intended permanent results.
Having said that, here is a link to my deprogram all file. (Which may or may not remove permanent results). It will remove all normal hypnosis effects so if there is part of a hypnosis effect you like do not listen to it.
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Postby CHR » December 1st, 2008, 8:51 pm

Yay! its done! and the TF file is uploaded!

Time to celebrate! :D
Posts: 21
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Postby ranmafan » December 2nd, 2008, 12:30 am

Haha Ya. But if it actually works has yet to be determined. I am going to start listening to it once my friend finishes recording it. I'm keeping my journal of it at which I shall update every so often when I actually start listening. Hopefully it works! :D
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Postby waprmind » December 15th, 2008, 1:24 pm

Just one last authentication check.

As you can see in the picture above, a lombax does not have paws, but oversized fingers. Just change to paragraph about hands (i think it was 6?) and it would be perfection!

...Yes i am nitpicky...

...And yes i know where that word originated...
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Postby ranmafan » December 16th, 2008, 1:18 pm

yeah I know that. However if i ever get someone to record this file, i personally would rather have paws than hands so i threw that in for personal touches. Feel free to change the script how you see fit. Assuming the thing works at all!
Posts: 235
Joined: June 12th, 2008, 12:00 am

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