"Full Moon!" Werewolf

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"Full Moon!" Werewolf

Postby TeenWolf » May 25th, 2010, 2:01 pm

Is there any way to become/act/feel/think like a Werewolf using text hypnosis?
I'd be very grateful if it were possible,
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Re: "Full Moon!" Werewolf

Postby sarnoga » May 25th, 2010, 9:44 pm

TeenWolf wrote:Is there any way to become/act/feel/think like a Werewolf using text hypnosis?
I'd be very grateful if it were possible,

I thought werewolfs disemboweled and ate people. Is that how you want to behave?
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Postby TeenWolf » May 26th, 2010, 10:14 am

Not in that way. :lol:

I've found a file called Werewolf on this site anyway.I'll try it out.
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Postby HypnotizeMike » May 26th, 2010, 9:22 pm

Are you looking for a text trigger instead of seeing the full moon or the actual hypnosis is just by text and not audio. Audio would be more effective unless/until you really get good.
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Postby sarnoga » May 26th, 2010, 9:53 pm

TeenWolf wrote:
Is there any way to become/act/feel/think like a Werewolf using text hypnosis?
I'd be very grateful if it were possible,

I thought werewolfs disemboweled and ate people. Is that how you want to behave?

TeenWolf wrote:Not in that way. :lol:

I've found a file called Werewolf on this site anyway.I'll try it out.

I might consider making such a file. It would be recorded rather than text. But before I did you would need to be more specific about what you feel are desired characteristics of a werewolf or teenwolf, otherwise I might just use my own imagination and I already told you how that ends up.



Damn, I was just cutting up some veggies to cook and one was a hot pepper. I should have washed my hands before I scratched my balls.
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Postby TeenWolf » May 27th, 2010, 9:19 am

sarnoga wrote:
TeenWolf wrote:
Is there any way to become/act/feel/think like a Werewolf using text hypnosis?
I'd be very grateful if it were possible,

I thought werewolfs disemboweled and ate people. Is that how you want to behave?

TeenWolf wrote:Not in that way. :lol:

I've found a file called Werewolf on this site anyway.I'll try it out.

I might consider making such a file. It would be recorded rather than text. But before I did you would need to be more specific about what you feel are desired characteristics of a werewolf or teenwolf, otherwise I might just use my own imagination and I already told you how that ends up.



Damn, I was just cutting up some veggies to cook and one was a hot pepper. I should have washed my hands before I scratched my balls.

I am very grateful for your interest.
If you are kindly willing to make one, could it be:

.Audio please.
.Trigger included (Whatever trigger you choose)
.I have the urge to walk on all fours
.My throat feels like I need to howl
.I feel like I have the body of the werewolf
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Postby sarnoga » May 27th, 2010, 9:47 pm

TeenWolf wrote:

Is there any way to become/act/feel/think like a Werewolf

I am very grateful for your interest.
If you are kindly willing to make one, could it be:

.Audio please.
.Trigger included (Whatever trigger you choose)
.I have the urge to walk on all fours
.My throat feels like I need to howl
.I feel like I have the body of the werewolf

So, just to be sure, before I do something very evil, you don't really want to become/act/feel/think like a werewolf. All you really want to do is feel like one. Of course if you became one you would need to be locked into a very strong cage for the duration of your time as a werewolf. If you acted like one there would be dead people around you if you were not restrained. If you thought like one the same would likely happen.

I am not interested in making you a file that would cause you to rip people apart with your teeth and claws.

So as I understand it you only want to be a pussy ass, tame werewolf, howling at the moon and crawling around on paws; all bark and no bite. Is that correct? More like a half human half wolf house pet. A werewolf with it's balls cut off. Or am I missing something?

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wolfy can keep his nuts.

Postby Illpill » May 29th, 2010, 5:57 am

So there is there a market for werewolf bondage?

All of the criteria would be met if wolfy was tied up well enough.

He'd want to do all that and could howl all he likes but wouldn't get free until he turned human again.

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Postby TeenWolf » May 31st, 2010, 12:31 pm

sarnoga wrote:
TeenWolf wrote:

Is there any way to become/act/feel/think like a Werewolf

I am very grateful for your interest.
If you are kindly willing to make one, could it be:

.Audio please.
.Trigger included (Whatever trigger you choose)
.I have the urge to walk on all fours
.My throat feels like I need to howl
.I feel like I have the body of the werewolf

So, just to be sure, before I do something very evil, you don't really want to become/act/feel/think like a werewolf. All you really want to do is feel like one. Of course if you became one you would need to be locked into a very strong cage for the duration of your time as a werewolf. If you acted like one there would be dead people around you if you were not restrained. If you thought like one the same would likely happen.

I am not interested in making you a file that would cause you to rip people apart with your teeth and claws.

So as I understand it you only want to be a pussy ass, tame werewolf, howling at the moon and crawling around on paws; all bark and no bite. Is that correct? More like a half human half wolf house pet. A werewolf with it's balls cut off. Or am I missing something?


I don't mind if you don't want to do it.I was only wondering if it were possible.
Of coursse I don't wanna rip people I love (especially my GF) and stuff.]
Yes, I only wanna 'feel' like one.
Thanking you.
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Postby sarnoga » May 31st, 2010, 1:40 pm

TeenWolf wrote:

I don't mind if you don't want to do it.I was only wondering if it were possible.
Of coursse I don't wanna rip people I love (especially my GF) and stuff.]
Yes, I only wanna 'feel' like one.
Thanking you.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. Otherwise my evil streak might have had you visiting farm houses and eating all the live stock as well as the farmer and his family.

I've never made a file like that but It sounds like it might be fun. I will probably need a few weeks to think it over to see if I come up with any ideas and then perhaps some more time to finish the recording and editing.

If you would like to include any more details about what you are interested in or anything that might help make the file more effective you can PM me.


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Postby TeenWolf » June 1st, 2010, 11:26 am

^Thanks for this.I'm grateful that you're interested in it.
No worries, I can wait. :)
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Postby sarnoga » June 14th, 2010, 9:49 am

TeenWolf wrote:^Thanks for this.I'm grateful that you're interested in it.
No worries, I can wait. :)

Hey Teenwolf, you still around?

I have finished a script for the file discussed in an earlier post. I may edit it once or twice more but the file should be ready and posted in a week or two.

This is my first crack at this type of file. Those listening to it may find it is quite different from the type of transformation files they are used to but I hope folks will find it enjoyable. As I said this is my first transformation file, it could be very effective, it might not work worth a damn. Either way it should be fun to listen to.

Have you been having any good results with EMG's werewolf transformation file? After all the work put into this script I hope there will be some interest in the file when it's ready.

If there are any particular qualities you want your werewolf to have that you have not already mentioned, it's not too late until the script is recorded though any significant edits may delay recording. And of course, as always, I cheerfully ignore any suggestions I don't like.


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Re: "Full Moon!" Werewolf

Postby sarnoga » June 14th, 2010, 10:47 am

Hey Teenwolf,

Check out my post before this one. I had just posted it when I decided to address your other question which appears to be your original topic.

TeenWolf wrote:Is there any way to become/act/feel/think like a Werewolf using text hypnosis?
I'd be very grateful if it were possible,

After thinking it over for some time, I would say yes. It is my unproven opinion that almost any results that can be obtained through hypnosis can be obtained through the medium of text.

I say this because of how I currently perceive the process of trance and hypnotism. There are various things that can contribute to the process. Some of them involve sound, some can involve sight. Almost any of our senses may be employed in the hypnotic process. Once could even make use of smell and physical sensations. However, it seems to me that most of the things involving sound and sight, smell or touch, are things that mostly just speed up the process.

To me, hypnosis is a matter of manipulating or massaging the mind into a condition or state where it is susceptible to suggestions, and once achieved presenting those suggestions in a way that will be accepted.

Certainly one may employ all the senses in doing this. Some may act quicker than others and it may be that the more senses employed at one time the quicker the likely results. Of course on the other hand there may come a point of diminishing returns or perhaps even a point where too much at one time is actually a hindrance.

Just the same, even with all those tool available, it is my opinion that the primary and best way of inducing trance is by gentle manipulation of the thought process. All of these things work toward that end. However, if someone is reading something, each word that they read creates a thought in their mind whether they like it or not, whether they agree with it or not. That is not to say that simply by them reading what you have written you are automatically controlling their mind.

What is does mean though, is that you are affecting their mind. Making things happen in their mind. When you are able to make things happen in the mind of another, if you are careful and skillful in what you make happen and how you make it happen you have the potential to help them into trance and implant suggestions. I guess what I am saying is that hypnosis is the manipulation of peoples minds by the manipulation of their thought processes. Good hypnosis is the skillful manipulation of peoples minds by skillful manipulation of their thought processes.

Not to change the subject, but just to keep things straight, not all manipulation of peoples thought processes and minds either result in or are intended to result in trance or hypnosis. Education is one example. A skillful educator will manipulate the thought process and the mind of the one they are attempting to educate. Of course it is my opinion, some may say warped opinion, that a truly genius educator may also employ hypnosis in the process of education.

But regarding text hypnosis as it relates to the question you asked. There is one additional difficulty. The difficulty is that when most people ask that question, what is in their mind is either short text messages or at most text that is not longer than the average hypnosis script for an audio file.

While that too is possible, I think it is likely only possible if the subject of the hypnosis has already been hypnotized and had various triggers and anchors embedded in their mind to facilitate the process.

Without triggers in place I think it likely that to have much effect it would be necessary for the intended text to at least be as long as a medium to long short story. An entire novel would likely be even more effective. And then, regardless of the length of the text it would require extended periods of sustained reading, unfortunately something few people seem to do these days. And of course to facilitate that the hypnotist-writer would need to write skillfully enough to maintain interest in the reader. Another skill that is in short supply these days. If you are reading this post there is no need for me to elaborate.

While I suspect what you were really looking for was a yes or no answer, I hope this long drawn out explanation helps answer your question. I probably mostly just wrote it because at the moment it happened to interest me and your question caused me to think about the subject a week or so ago. Ahhh, well it seems you manipulated my thinking with only a very short question. Perhaps I should learn something from your brevity.

Others may certainly disagree with me on this topic. It won't hurt my feelings in the least. I often enjoy other viewpoints and there may be some major issues regarding this that I have not considered. On the other hand I will be surprised if anyone is interested enough in my ramblings to bother to read all this, let alone reply.

Best regards,

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Postby TeenWolf » June 14th, 2010, 12:21 pm

Yes, I'm still around. ;)

Thanks for that highly informative explanation.It seemed to open my mind to how hypnosis can affect different people.By text, I mean like paragraphs.Some people who ask for text hypnosis expect "U r nw in a trance."
I am highly grateful that you've created a file in your own time.
I don't have any particular changes on my mind.
Is there anything I can do for you in return?

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Postby sarnoga » June 14th, 2010, 6:50 pm

TeenWolf wrote:Yes, I'm still around. ;)

I am highly grateful that you've created a file in your own time.
I don't have any particular changes on my mind.
Is there anything I can do for you in return?


Hey don't worry about it TW. I just hope you enjoy the file. Maybe sometime you will have the chance to do something for someone. In the mean time what you can do for me is when the file comes out you can listen to it and write more here about how you love the file and how well it works and all that.

It might be that none of it is true, but so what. Tell me anyway. It will make me happy to hear it. 8) And if its not true you can be sure everyone else will tell me the file sucks.


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Postby TeenWolf » June 15th, 2010, 11:09 am

I'll certainly give it a try.
I will listen to it everyday, like I do with all the files I use, and see if there's any results.
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Postby TeenWolf » June 15th, 2010, 11:09 am

I'll certainly give it a try.
I will listen to it everyday, like I do with all the files I use, and see if there's any results.
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Their up.

Postby sarnoga » June 20th, 2010, 2:46 am


Just posted two files.

Sarnoga - Full Moon Werewolf part 1
Sarnoga - Full Moon Werewolf part 2

I will be looking forward to reports on if it was enjoyed and if it was effective.


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Re: Their up.

Postby TeenWolf » June 20th, 2010, 12:10 pm

sarnoga wrote:Hello,

Just posted two files.

Sarnoga - Full Moon Werewolf part 1
Sarnoga - Full Moon Werewolf part 2

I will be looking forward to reports on if it was enjoyed and if it was effective.



Thanks lots!
Will certainly comment.
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Joined: May 25th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby Shiryuka » September 15th, 2010, 4:38 pm

sarnoga wrote:
TeenWolf wrote:

Is there any way to become/act/feel/think like a Werewolf

I am very grateful for your interest.
If you are kindly willing to make one, could it be:

.Audio please.
.Trigger included (Whatever trigger you choose)
.I have the urge to walk on all fours
.My throat feels like I need to howl
.I feel like I have the body of the werewolf

So, just to be sure, before I do something very evil, you don't really want to become/act/feel/think like a werewolf. All you really want to do is feel like one. Of course if you became one you would need to be locked into a very strong cage for the duration of your time as a werewolf. If you acted like one there would be dead people around you if you were not restrained. If you thought like one the same would likely happen.

I am not interested in making you a file that would cause you to rip people apart with your teeth and claws.

So as I understand it you only want to be a pussy ass, tame werewolf, howling at the moon and crawling around on paws; all bark and no bite. Is that correct? More like a half human half wolf house pet. A werewolf with it's balls cut off. Or am I missing something?


i'm zorry i had to comment on thiz XD

btw, i have a broken keyboard, zo many Z'z

but do you really believe that the only verzion of a 'werewolf' iz a violent blood thirzty animal? Dx that zeemz very cloze minded to me. i zee nothing impozzible about being able to 'become' a werewolf, or lycan, whatever term whoever preferz, without being able to ztay in control of yourzelf.
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