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Animal type

PostPosted: April 16th, 2006, 2:47 pm
by Patch_Winter
I would personally be a mule; that would be sweet.

Can't say I've ever seen another anthro mule out there in any furry community that I've seen.

Anyway, still workin' the files. I've had a few successes with going under with them.

PostPosted: April 17th, 2006, 4:39 pm
by Mallic
A mule? I cold understand a horse or maybe camel but mules have no redeming features

PostPosted: April 17th, 2006, 5:06 pm
by jayjedi
I Agree with Mallic

PostPosted: April 18th, 2006, 1:09 am
by AshTR
I don't know why...but i'd rather be a cat. (Seems like i'm the only guy who'd rather be a cat.)

PostPosted: April 18th, 2006, 3:04 am
by Mallic
No , your not the only one. Kojirowind wants to be a cat appaerntly

PostPosted: April 18th, 2006, 10:33 pm
by AshTR
Cool. Can't get FurryTransformation to work for me...

PostPosted: April 19th, 2006, 2:10 pm
by tercota
Servals are cats, they still belong to the genus Felis, the same as the domesticated cat.

I've been trying for a long time now, and still no luck. Maybe the files that other guy has made will help (I can't remember his name, it's in the other big thread)

No redeeming features?

PostPosted: April 30th, 2006, 2:37 pm
by Patch_Winter
Mallic wrote:A mule? I cold understand a horse or maybe camel but mules have no redeming features

Sure they do. Mules are smart, strong of personality, and there's no risk of getting others pregnant... they also have better temperament than asses, but also retain many of their physical attributes. Less explaining why mules are such popular pack animals, especially when climbing is involved.

PostPosted: April 30th, 2006, 3:11 pm
by Smokescale
On top of that, mules are just lil horsies

PostPosted: April 30th, 2006, 6:55 pm
by tecywiz121
AshTR wrote:I don't know why...but i'd rather be a cat. (Seems like i'm the only guy who'd rather be a cat.)

Nope, you're not the only one. I do too

PostPosted: April 30th, 2006, 10:29 pm
by TabbyCat
Cat for me :3

PostPosted: May 4th, 2006, 2:32 pm
by cardclub
do you actually transform or do you just "see" yourself as a furrie

actual transformation

PostPosted: May 5th, 2006, 10:44 pm
by Patch_Winter
Although it would admittedly be really great if us furries could actually undergo physical transformation, it is unlikely that such changes could actually happen, at least within a normal human's lifetime.

Any/the majority of the changes that you see when you look down at your hands or feet or whathaveyou are not going to the actual or visible to other people, but as if we care about them, right?

PostPosted: May 5th, 2006, 11:39 pm
by AshTR
Off-Topic: Yep! Anyone here gotten FurryTransformation to work?

On-Topic: So thats like 3 guys that want to be a cat furry, right?

PostPosted: May 25th, 2006, 8:32 am
by jonaustin316
I would want to be a snow leopard,but I have heard rumors that FurryTransformation is the hardest file on WarpMyMind to use.

PostPosted: May 25th, 2006, 11:27 pm
by goldragon_70
I wouldn't say THE hardest, but it's not one of the easier ones on this site.

PostPosted: May 28th, 2006, 2:20 am
by Shaderone
goldragon_70 wrote:no they have been considered a furry for a while. Maybe because there is alot of people that like dragons. This is why I'm not sure if merpeople are furries.

Merpeople are, in fact, furries. The correct definition of furry is "humanoid-formed creatures with animal faces, fur/scale/feathers/whatever, and often appropriate tails, wings, claws, etc., able to speak, and with a human-like personality, though quite often with "quirks" hinting at the real-life animal upon which the character is based". Understanding the fact that the word 'furry' does not mean it must have fur, amphibians, mythical creatures, and other scaled creatures may be furries. Of course, the original 'Homo Sapien' has been regarded as perhaps the first furry to walk the earth.

Also, I'm not sure where this source is from, it may not be reliable, but apparently there's a difference between 'anthro' and 'furry'. Furries are more human, while anthros are more animal. Can anyone confirm that?

PostPosted: May 30th, 2006, 6:48 pm
by goldragon_70
Shaderone wrote:
goldragon_70 wrote:no they have been considered a furry for a while. Maybe because there is alot of people that like dragons. This is why I'm not sure if merpeople are furries.

Merpeople are, in fact, furries. The correct definition of furry is "humanoid-formed creatures with animal faces, fur/scale/feathers/whatever, and often appropriate tails, wings, claws, etc., able to speak, and with a human-like personality, though quite often with "quirks" hinting at the real-life animal upon which the character is based". Understanding the fact that the word 'furry' does not mean it must have fur, amphibians, mythical creatures, and other scaled creatures may be furries. Of course, the original 'Homo Sapien' has been regarded as perhaps the first furry to walk the earth.

Also, I'm not sure where this source is from, it may not be reliable, but apparently there's a difference between 'anthro' and 'furry'. Furries are more human, while anthros are more animal. Can anyone confirm that?

Think you for the post, but that was pointed out to me at lest a few months ago.

PostPosted: June 1st, 2006, 4:28 am
by KatieFox
Anthro is the term that applies to most Furries fursona's, AKA Animal with human charectaristics.

Furry applies to the fandom and the culture, nothing to do with the fursonas.


PostPosted: June 9th, 2006, 2:20 am
by Warpedtabby
Hi, I'm kind of new here. I've stumbled upon this site long ago when it was still young, but came back for another try.

I'm unsure whether this would really work; for me anyways. I think that my mind is just to jittery to concentrate on one thing at a time (when I try to listen to one thing, something else tries to still my attention; for example: Billy from Billy and Mandy suddenly hopping into view in a bunny costume giggly like a whack-job). But I am willing to listen and give myself up to suggestion. I guess I'll just have to see.

Obviously, since I'm replying to this thread, I'm obsessed with wanting to look furry or become a werecreature (well, not too obsessed, just would like to be one day). I'm hoping I can get Furry Transformation file to work, although I'm slightly confused why there is an added suggestion to change ur age. I'll stay the same age thank u.

Anyone have any good suggestions in having the files work its hypno magic...other than the deepening files and the induction files. Should I let the files doze me to sleep or can I listen to these while I sleep? ???

(BTW, I would be a Tabby, and I am a guy...>^.^< meow!

PostPosted: July 13th, 2006, 12:43 pm
by werewolfs_2006
KatieFox wrote:Anthro is the term that applies to most Furries fursona's, AKA Animal with human charectaristics.

Furry applies to the fandom and the culture, nothing to do with the fursonas.

Actually, Anthro applies to werecreatures. Werecreatures are humans (or animals) that physically shifts (aka p-shift) in to a human-animal hybrid.

PostPosted: July 13th, 2006, 12:45 pm
by werewolfs_2006
More on topic. Mine would be a humanoid wolf body with Dragon wings and a cat tail.

PostPosted: July 15th, 2006, 3:58 am
by Leafer367
I myself would like to be a wolf, dragon or raven because all three are very important to me and i can't narrow down yet.

PostPosted: July 29th, 2006, 3:14 am
by maksio5
Dragon, Argonian or similar for me.

PostPosted: July 30th, 2006, 8:25 pm
by chymos
black panther for me, although I'd much prefer physical transformation to hallucinatory......equally able to walk upright or on all fours, the leaping abilities, the strength, the speed and agility.....not to mention the air of mystery, the alluring grace, the ghostlike ability to hide in the shadows unnoticed when I want to be out of sight.....

PostPosted: July 31st, 2006, 3:34 am
by maksio5
<nodnod> I agree that would be great, but I don't think I want anyone to see me like that.

PostPosted: September 20th, 2006, 12:46 am
by Armored_Kangaroo
I'm currently trying too change into a female Kangaroo but i've just started so i don't expect any results for a while.

can anyone here describe what it was like if they got it to work.

PostPosted: May 27th, 2007, 3:52 pm
by blakgryf
I would be a gryphon of course. (seems like we gryfs don't get enough publicity. too many dragons over-shadowing us. :wink: )
That or a Stellar's Jay.
Depends on if it works in the first place though. :P :wink:

PostPosted: June 1st, 2007, 9:52 pm
by zerothehero
I'm new at this too. I don't know if I should have started with something easier, but the file isn't working well for me. I've used it for almost 3 weeks and the best I get is a slight change in the color of the hair on my right arm and a slight tingle. how long did it take for some of you to het it to work, and, to be on topic, I would be a white cat, or else maybe a cool dark gray wolf.

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2007, 9:58 am
by Draygone
Never worked for me, but I've recently come up with a thought, perhaps you have seen, if you try to imagine yourself in your desired form instead of relying on your subconcious, it might become so easy that your subconcious will learn to do the imagining for you.

PostPosted: May 5th, 2008, 1:36 pm
by Hypno-Siss
A Squirrel girl! That would be the only one for me.

PostPosted: May 23rd, 2008, 3:20 pm
by femkittycd
Feline, or Canine

PostPosted: July 26th, 2008, 8:45 pm
by ranmafan
would a centaur be considered furry?

PostPosted: July 27th, 2008, 1:23 am
by loadedkaos
I just started getting into the furry fandom recently and I would haft to say that if I find time to take on that file and could transform I would be a chimera mix of a horned viper, coyote and a falcon.

PostPosted: July 28th, 2008, 7:57 pm
by ranmafan
my guess is that the animal u pic would have to be an anthro. like an humanoid still. but i wonder that if i ever get this to work if i could try to be a dragon humanoid.

PostPosted: August 19th, 2008, 8:34 am
by saberpup
be my fursona a siberian husky or a wolf

PostPosted: November 29th, 2009, 11:04 am
by mathwl
well I don't know that I'd like to be completely anything, but I would like to have certain furry parts. like a fox tail/ears or dragon's wings sprouting out of my back

Re: I would be a....

PostPosted: January 11th, 2010, 3:34 pm
by overunder
maxxcarswell wrote:Wolf!

I am with you, the wolf is sexier than the fox anyways.

PostPosted: January 14th, 2010, 1:08 pm
by ranmafan
Definately a fox! :3 or maybe a fennec fox

PostPosted: January 21st, 2010, 7:46 pm
by ch-ch-ch-chia
I'd be a sheep, no lie. Farm animals are sexy. <3

Or perhaps a panda. Or an owl. I've got quite a few I'd love to try. :3

transform me it to a arctic fox

PostPosted: February 11th, 2010, 6:53 pm
by thefurrylife
I want to be a fox :|

PostPosted: February 12th, 2010, 12:21 pm
by ranmafan
Well luckily for you there is a vast myriad of different fox files out there to choose from. ^^

PostPosted: February 17th, 2010, 7:23 pm
by cockhungryhypnoslave
a cute little bunny

PostPosted: February 19th, 2010, 7:29 am
by slartibartfast
A dog, no question when it comes to animal tf

PostPosted: February 19th, 2010, 8:05 am
by Neith
I'd change into an anthro dolphin girl if it were possible, but alas as a human male that's going to be quite the transition. Not to mention there isn't much I've seen that I can work with file wise to even begin to start.

PostPosted: February 20th, 2010, 1:09 pm
by Shad_Phoenix
And as of today, all you cowgirls have an anthro file to enjoy! I'm kinda curious about using it, actually.

PostPosted: May 26th, 2010, 10:58 am
by TeenWolf
I'm into a wolf/werewolf phase right now so that's for me.
I'm currently listening to Canine Sublimal.

PostPosted: June 13th, 2010, 12:15 pm
by vorebunny
i would go rabbit
iv always felt more rabbit then human
and nothing would make me happier then to have the visual to go along with it .

behavior wise i would be my self only in a better body .... well the perception of a better body any ways :P

has any one gotten the furry transformation file to work ?
aside from it being relaxing i have had no results so far