Dark Cage 3

A place to discuss the use of Hypnosis in BDSM relationships

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Dark Cage 3

Postby ljohns20 » November 25th, 2006, 1:23 pm

A question for anyone who has used the new files ,What results have you had ?
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Re: Dark Cage 3

Postby EMG » November 25th, 2006, 4:16 pm

Well the slave I'm training who was the moaning/begging in the background responded well, but I don't think that's quite what you're asking. Still, I too would love to hear how people like the added voice and the new files.

ljohns20 wrote:A question for anyone who has used the new files ,What results have you had ?
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Postby missypuss » November 30th, 2006, 1:55 am

From listening to the induction only at this time, as I cant get the other files to burn into format,

I would have to say that I think the series should be fantastic.

The experience Ive had just with the induction, which took me much deeper than before- and also left me feeling totally zoned out was incredible....

If only I could listen to the other three with out being tied to my computer,
I could give you some proper feedback.

Do you have plans for any additions, EMG?

Perhaps you could hop over the pond and read the scripts to me in person?? :wink:
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Postby EMG » November 30th, 2006, 11:52 am

Yeah, I wish I knew why you couldn't get the files burned to CD, that really doesn't make much sense. As for more files, yes there will be more, I'd have done another this week but have a killer deadline at my 9-5.

missypuss wrote:From listening to the induction only at this time, as I cant get the other files to burn into format,

I would have to say that I think the series should be fantastic.

The experience Ive had just with the induction, which took me much deeper than before- and also left me feeling totally zoned out was incredible....

If only I could listen to the other three with out being tied to my computer,
I could give you some proper feedback.

Do you have plans for any additions, EMG?

Perhaps you could hop over the pond and read the scripts to me in person?? :wink:
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Postby missypuss » November 30th, 2006, 3:40 pm

Ahhh! So no time to read the scripts to me in person then??

Such a shame.

But a Puss can dream.............. :twisted:
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Postby gork151 » December 2nd, 2006, 11:07 pm

your such a tease !
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Postby missypuss » December 3rd, 2006, 3:08 am

Only when it comes to the wonderful EMG I have fantasies involving him.

Very dark , very lovely fantasies.

And I have done for a long time.......... :twisted: xx
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Postby missypuss » December 9th, 2006, 5:19 am

I have posted in my journal for the first time in a year.

And as I did, I realised that occasionally I submit myself to enforced chastity.

And I have not even listened to THAT file!!! :wink:
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Postby missypuss » December 20th, 2006, 11:50 am

EMG back in the old days when first joining the site I remember you saying that ,eventually, if a file was uploaded and you liked it but could not afford it, you could just wait a certain amount of time, and then it would become available freely.

However I have noticed that occasionally that is not always the case.

And being me, wondered why?

I have not posted this on the usual forums in order not to spark massive debate.

But I am interested in a debate?

And wondered if you would explain? :?
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Postby EMG » December 20th, 2006, 1:01 pm

That's for the non pay-only files. If I charge for the file it's likely to always cost something. Only the premium files become free after a while.

missypuss wrote:EMG back in the old days when first joining the site I remember you saying that ,eventually, if a file was uploaded and you liked it but could not afford it, you could just wait a certain amount of time, and then it would become available freely.

However I have noticed that occasionally that is not always the case.

And being me, wondered why?

I have not posted this on the usual forums in order not to spark massive debate.

But I am interested in a debate?

And wondered if you would explain? :?
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Postby missypuss » December 21st, 2006, 4:31 am

Of Course! Thanks , looking back over the posts from eons ago , I can see that now.

And Ive posted in my journal again,

Just for you............! :twisted:
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i asked still curious

Postby gork151 » January 23rd, 2007, 11:45 am

the new dark cage series...there is the little introduction for the sales piece...but what is in them? how are they different? what was the goal besides sales when they were made? why do i want to have my slave listen to them?
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Postby missypuss » January 23rd, 2007, 4:02 pm

Im sorry Gork.
I can still not give you feedback on those files as I was not able to download them,
Burn to disc,
Or listen to them,
Despite loads of tries.
Perhaps EMG can help at this point...?
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thanks miss puss

Postby gork151 » January 24th, 2007, 12:08 am

yes i would expect one of the site folks would provide insite ...thanks for your quick response
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Postby EMG » January 24th, 2007, 12:25 am

Yeah, I'm still not sure why you're having that problem, the files are compressed the same way I do every other file. As for their contents, the files all work from a deep state of arousal to further enslavement and other training.

missypuss wrote:Im sorry Gork.
I can still not give you feedback on those files as I was not able to download them,
Burn to disc,
Or listen to them,
Despite loads of tries.
Perhaps EMG can help at this point...?
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Postby missypuss » January 24th, 2007, 3:32 pm

EMG, Gork

From my point of view I never got further than listening to the induction file.

I know that it had an absolute effect on me almost straight away.

But I could not tell you what it was.

It feels like a hazy moment for me.

At the moment I feel as if I am being disloyal to EMG,

But have an intense need to listen to Cardigans files...

And nothing else.. :wink:
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your needs

Postby gork151 » January 24th, 2007, 7:59 pm

it is good to have needs..emg put them on his site for you...no guilt
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whats in them

Postby gork151 » January 24th, 2007, 8:03 pm

further enslavement does not tell me much--we used to have such good discussions :cry:
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Re: whats in them

Postby EMG » January 25th, 2007, 12:06 am

Ok the induction for the set uses a slave's feelings of subspace(a place you can go when beaten/used etc) to take her down deeply into trance.

The first file then creates a NEED for your Master's cock that's pretty tangible, it's a combination of describing sexual need and a bit of my slave moaning in the background as I increase her need for my cock until she can't live without it.

The second file builds on the needs of the first but broadens her needs so that they include pain until she lusts after it like she would your cock

The third file leaves your slave wanting to be marked as your property, it can be something simple (bracelet, collar, etc) or something more permanent like a tatoo or branding. My slave begged me for a new tatoo for about 3 weeks after we recorded the file.

gork151 wrote:further enslavement does not tell me much--we used to have such good discussions :cry:
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Postby missypuss » January 25th, 2007, 1:59 am

Wow!! I wish I had been able to listen to the files fully,

I never got my head round pain,

But love the thought of being branded for my Master,

I actually have a tattoo,

And the pain of that was exquisite,
Id also love to hear the slave noises in the background,
Perhaps I shall listen from my computer tonight,

If you recieve a memo from me begging you for your cock EMG you know I have listened.... :twisted:

(Not that I would need to listen to beg you for that..)
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thanks emg

Postby gork151 » January 27th, 2007, 1:37 pm

my slave is marked well -- but could add to the pain aspect hmmm---and who couldnt use a slave needing your cock more ...she is comming up on her second year listening to her hypno files daily..i have had three tists over several times to do inperson trances which have worked very well.. ecorded them as well to add to her list .. she now goes into trance so easily that i have been trancing her myself..this is all good in that she does not bond to one style or get addicted to one ...it is a corus of voices that impact her.. have heard good things about cardigan but his subject matter does not intrest me ..been working her growth in being obedient - pleasing -needy -nasty..reducing inhibtions -removing barriers .. one trance has her picking out weeds and pulling them --old inhibtions .. another tist took her into regrssion and found blocks in her past that inhibtied her and removed them ...working on her pet status --less than human -- slut puppy for playful ness loyalty eagerness --kitty for sensual play -- going in heat or season for need ----piggy slut for nasty play(toilet slut)she is excersizing regularly so she can look better -- is wearing less and less and more revealing outfits ..i see progress -- it is now a refinement of what she already is .. she now views herself as my property.. so will be looking forward to addtions you make to dark cage 3 and when i see something that i feel takes her in a direction i am exploring i will jump back on board ..i still visit site regularly .. to see if something is new or i cant live without .. thanks
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