
This is a place to discuss Files you want to create, script writing, and hypnosis technique.

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Postby livelonger8 » December 25th, 2008, 5:44 am

I was wondering, even though the superhumanmind file increases the capabilities of the human mind - and has done so for myself, additioning to memory capabilities, or that may have just been a mere coincidence from prior conditioning. Regardless however, I do believe the file has enabled myself to achieve significant success in the capabilities of my own mind. On the contrary, I do believe further improvements can be based upon this file - for other psychological developments in terms of ones productivity and ultimately higher states of consciousness.

If someone could, and I'm not fundamental in the creation of hypno-files and thus, I haven't created nor have I introduced new ways for creating files - perhaps create a file consisting of:

-To achieve higher states, more rational and philosophical - the use of philosophy in personal experiences had provided coherent and significant success upon prior achievements by others or myself. However, I have noticed these states of consciousness (Or mind) to not always remain active; if a file would induce upon higher creativity, rationalization and philosophical-ness permanently or perhaps by a trigger phrase would be a plausible solution.

-To achieve lower yet higher states - a state of contradictory it may seem for some; this state may as well be a higher state within ones mind. I have noticed during a state of hypnosis (A state induced by hypnosis blocking environmental communication), I may remain perfectly conscious but would have higher access to both my unconscious and conscious memory; those hidden memories, daily occurrences - anything, is mostly accessed during this state and more to be achieved during a deeper trance.

-To achieve rapid-learning - rather than to be a victim of educational constraints, for a file to eliminate these issues in majority of humanities, including: mathematics, sciences and languages - and more if to be considered. A common constraint experienced by myself and many others includes the lack of motivation and confidence; fundamental attributes may be shaken through complexity; math seems to prevent myself from learning physics - I would wish to eliminate this issue and to comprehend the detail more conveniently. Perhaps a file would unlock a hidden understanding, perhaps it be subliminal on given aspects, enabling for easier ways to understand 'complexity'. Rapid learning may also eliminate the feeling of 'pain' in comprehending complexity or 'advanced' education (I.e. An example would be for instance, when someone discusses of how they simply can't complete or learn something "Ahhrr, it hurts my brain!", etc) - for learning to become fluid and easy, rather than to be painful. For learning a language to become a month, rather than a series of months and for it to become more passionate rather than inconvenient.

Overall, for a file consisting of this to achieve very fast, dramatic, comprehensive and convenient learning.

It may be a large request for some, but it wouldn't just benefit myself but others also. If someone was to create such a file, I would greatly appreciate this a million times over (For a lack of better appreciation; I wouldn't think of any other way to appreciate this: I would appreciate this more than anything). :)
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