"Brains In Your Dick" file script. Thoughts?

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"Brains In Your Dick" file script. Thoughts?

Postby xavious » January 3rd, 2011, 3:17 am

I'm inspired by many of the "jocking" and "dumbing" files people have created and I have many ideas myself, but I very rarely write them or make them into a file (you should see the amount of story ideas I never write).

I don't think that I have a very relaxing voice or accent unlike many of the better sounding tists such as Sarnoga (beautifully commanding), Master Jekket (amazing accent; I could listen to "Be Dumb" all day) and dldrip (sexy accent and a beautiful young-sounding American), so I don't know if I want to even try voicing the script myself.

It's not quite finished and is largely first draft material, but I wanted to share it and see what people think and what improvements I could make to the style.

The beginning part was actually stolen from another script I started trying to write, so apologies if it doesn't flow so well from one into the other. I also borrowed some of Sargona's style when writing the script and I speak and read it how he seems to in his files when I read it to myself. Hopefully he won't mind.

It's worth noting that it is a "body" (?) file so there is no intended induction or awakener; it's meant to be played looped, but you add either of the former if you so wished.

It is also aimed at men and the script itself may offend some people or not be to everybody's taste.

WARNING: HUGE wall of text:

So just relax
You are listening to the file because you want to be changed
Or maybe you are listening just out of interest
It doesn't matter to me what reason you chose to listen
All that matters is that you are listening now
And that because you are listening you are allowing you subconscious mind to listen also
And it doesn't matter what you conscious mind hears
Because you subconscious mind is listening and absorbing what I say
It can hear my words and understand them in a way that your conscious mind couldn't
It is hearing the numbers and recognising what they mean
It is opening itself to suggestion even as I speak
It is alert and awake; while you allow yourself to relax nice and deep for me
As deep as you want to go
I'm not the controller of your mind, only the guide
You may be listening for many reasons
Maybe this is a genuine passion of yours, or maybe you are just interested
Perhaps by the time the file is done you might find yourself more interested than when we began
Perhaps when we're finished, you might find yourself wanting to listen again
And again
And maybe even on repeat

Don't be unnerved by the words that I say
I am not going to dominate your mind and force you to do anything you don't want to
That would be pointless
Some people might think that hypnosis is some sort of trick or clever way of controlling people
But in reality you will only ever do what you and your mind want you to
Your mind can refuse any suggestion that it does not like or would cause you harm
So you see it would be quite pointless for me to even try to do anything that would make you uncomfortable
Something that your mind would reject
But if you are willing to listen
And willing to accept the words that I say
Maybe you will find that my words relax you
That what I say sparks some truth within you
Perhaps this is a passion of yours, or a fantasy
Maybe you have longed to fit in more, or for people to accept you
Maybe this file will be more like therapy for your mind
Changing you more into the person you wish you could be
Or maybe this is more exciting and fun for you
Maybe the idea of being changed in this way gets your heart pumping
And your body all excited
Sometimes I feel like that
And when I do it can be hard to let myself relax
When I want to go under and know that it is a change that I desire
Sometimes I can be so eager that I don't want to let go
I want to watch the change as it happens and enjoy it

Maybe you are like that
Maybe you aren't
Either way it doesn't matter
Because you started listening
And if you are hearing this then you are still listening
And that is all that really matters
If your conscious mind is listening then your subconscious mind is also listening
It is hearing me speak to it and allowing me to make changes that would otherwise be difficult
This isn't some clever trick or evil scheme
I'm not trying to control you or make you do what you may not want to do
You can allow me to have as much influence and control that you desire
Whether that be a little or a lot
But if you are willing to listen
And willing to allow me to talk to you
And willing to let your subconscious mind hear my words
Then you can allow my voice to become more familiar to you
In fact if you are willing you may find that hearing my voice feels very natural
And it may even begin to feel like a voice that you love hearing
And want to hear more
And maybe even very often
It can be like the voice of an old friend
Maybe one you forgot
But one that you trust
And when you hear a voice that you trust you allow your mind and body to relax
And when you relax you often find that your defences lower
And you feel much more comfortable
And very happy

Maybe like me you like to listen while you do other things
And if you want to then you can do so
After all it's your mind and it's your body
I can't make you do anything you don't want to
But if you want me to then you will
And if you chose to keep listening
You may find that that it becomes very easy to keep listening

Do not worry if you find it difficult to go under
Or are worried that by allowing yourself to go under you might be at risk
Because you are the master of your own mind
And you will only let me change what you want changed
And you will only keep listening if you want to keep listening
And if you are still listening then it's probably for a very good reason

Have you ever heard of the term “thinking with your dick”?
Or something very similar?
Maybe you heard it from a friend or family member once
Or maybe you heard it on TV, in a paper or magazine or maybe even on the radio
It doesn't matter if you have heard of it before or not
Because I am telling you about it now
And if you are willing to listen then I will explain it to you

See us men are special because we actually have two heads
But not in a freaky sort of way
With a second head on our shoulders
No, our second head is actually positioned between our legs
It is a head we know well because we use it rather a lot
Maybe not as much as the head on our shoulders
But we usually use it at least once every day
And sometimes even more than that for many purposes
While the head on our shoulders has its various uses
The head between our legs has many too
We use it to urinate, which is important
While the head on our shoulders consumes food and drink
The head between our legs helps expel it
So it's equally important
While the head on our shoulders helps us think and work
The head between our legs helps up feel pleasure and enjoy ourselves
While the head on our shoulders is always usually on display
Or in a place where people can easily see it
The head between our legs it usually well protected
And is covered with layers of protective clothing to keep it safe until we need it
When we are born it is even given a layer of skin designed to help protect it
And even to enhance the pleasure it gives us
We don't usually let many people see the head between our legs
Because it is that important
Perhaps we cover it and are so protective of it because it is actually more precious to us then the head on our shoulders
Maybe you think that
Maybe you don't
It doesn't really matter
What's important is that you recognise the importance of our special second head
And the tasks that it is designed to perform
Even women have a head on their shoulders
But men are special because we have a head between our legs as well
Women must be jealous because they know that they don't have a head between their legs
But you do
You are a man and you have a head between your legs
And that makes you very special
You can know now how special you truly are compared to the women you know
Because like other men you realise how special the head between your legs is
Some women might think that men are obsessed with the head between our legs
And they might be right
But maybe they are just jealous because they don't have a second head like we do
And so they know they aren't as special as we are
“Two heads are better than one” after all
And all men have two heads

You may not normally think of it as an actual head
Because people give it so many other names
It may be called the 'glans' by scientists
And men might call it by another name
Like their 'helmet', their 'knob' or their 'tip'
It doesn't matter what you call it
It is still a head
And like the head on our shoulders it has important tasks that it must do
And that's why it's so special
You can realise now how truly special your second head is
And perhaps question why you never recognised how important it was before
It's OK if you didn't
Because not all men do
And that may be because we are never told how special and important it is
It's very rare that parent or guardian will sit down and explain the joys and pleasure of sex and masturbation
Or of the exquisite pleasure that can be derived from touching and stroking your penis
And the head between your legs
Maybe you were left to discover the pleasure by yourself
Or were shown by a family member or friend
It doesn't really matter
All that matters is you realised how pleasurable your second head is
Some people are very misinformed about how precious your penis and especially the head between your legs is
In some places they might even try to force the head between your legs to be much less special by forcing it out of it's protection
They do not realise how important the head is and why it needs to be so well protected
So they try to remove or reduce its importance
Thankfully not all people do this
And even if they do, the head between your legs is so special
And knows how important it is
That it still retains much of its importance
Your second head is so special that it even survives against those that try to make it less special
That is how amazing the head between your legs is
Some people like to remove some of the protection from the head between their legs on purpose
And they may have many reasons to do so
And for them those reasons may be justified
But it doesn't matter
Because in a way they are only testing how special their head truly is
And usually it is so special and so important that it still continues to provide them with the vital tasks that they need it for
You see your second head; the head between your legs
Is truly special indeed
And that is why you often have to think with it

Maybe people believe that thinking with your dick is a bad thing
That the head between your legs only gets in the way
But as you can see a head this special and important deserves to be thought with
And in fact it is vital that you think with it at least sometimes
But really you could think with it a lot more
And it wouldn't matter
In fact it would be good to think with it more than you do already
After all a head so important and special deserves to be thought with, doesn't it?

When you think with your dick you usually need to do one of two main things
You need to urinate or for sexual pleasure
The first is a vital part of life and you do automatically from the day you are born
It is important, but you don't need to focus on that one as much because it is mostly automatic
But the other thing you need to think with your dick is your sexual pleasure
When you are turned on the head between your legs is what tells you that you are
So when you think with it in this way you are normally recognising an attraction to someone or something
And the head between your legs guides you
So without it you probably wouldn't get turned on
And without that spark of sexual pleasure you might not ever masturbate or perform any other sexual acts
When you see a beautiful woman or a handsome man it is thinking with your dick that tells you if you are attracted to them
When you see, hear or feel something that could turn you on it is the head between your legs that recognises it and lets you feel the excitement and pleasure
Maybe you didn't realise this at first
And thought that it was just the head on our shoulders that controlled your pleasure
But now you know
From what I've explained you can now realise how important the head between your legs truly is
And recognise how without it
And without thinking with it
You might never have felt any of the fantastic sexual pleasure you have gained from sex and masturbation

One thing we all love to do is masturbate
Nearly all men do
Some do it a lot and some don't do it very often at all
It doesn't matter how much you do it
Some discover the pleasure of rubbing their penis when they are only young
And some discover it as they get older and go through puberty
It doesn't matter when you discovered it
All that matter is you do it now, either alone or with others
You can gain a lot of pleasure by being with others
And sharing the head between your legs with them
But only you fully realise and recognise how special and pleasurable your second head is
And so only through masturbation can the head between your legs receive the appreciation it truly deserves
But sex is OK too
Both will bring you pleasure after all

But now when you masturbate
And gently rub your second head
The head between your legs
Your mind
Consciously or subconsciously
Will realise how important the head between your legs really is
And it will now realise more and more
Each time you masturbate
How much pleasure your second head gives you
So much so that it can begin to think less with your first head
The head on your shoulders
And think more with the head between your legs
Because it now knows how important it is
And all the pleasure it gives you
When you are turned on or feel sexual pleasure
You don't need to think with they head on your shoulders
Because you now know how unimportant it is for sexual pleasure
And you can instead focus all your thoughts into your second head
The head between your legs
And when only your second head it thinking
The head between your legs
You no longer think about things that don't concern it
You will think less about anything not connected to your pleasure
Sex and being turned on will be all that's important to you
You can even allow yourself to focus all the things you would normally allow your mind to think about
And put them into your dick and turn them into thoughts of pleasure instead
After all when you are masturbating or are turn on you don't need those thoughts
Just like you don't need the head on your shoulders
Just just need your second head
The head between your legs
So you can put all that thought and effort into that head instead
Because it is the only head that truly matters
It is that important
Maybe you are worried that people might think that you would be bad if you thought too much with your dick
Too much with the head between your legs
But you know that they are wrong because of how important the head between your legs really is
So you can allow yourself to ignore these ideas
And instead focus on the pleasure
And you may find that the more you ignore these negative thoughts
And focus on the pleasure that the head between your legs is giving you
That the head on your shoulders becomes less and less important
And the head between your legs becomes more and more important
After all the head between your legs gives you pleasure
And that is very important and makes you feel very good
You don't need to think about things as much
Because the head between your legs will do all the thinking for you
And thinking with your dick is very pleasurable
You can forget about all your concerns
And just focus on the pleasure
Thinking with your dick makes normal mundane things more pleasurable
Because you know that the head between your legs will bring you pleasure
And that thinking with it is bound to lead you to this pleasure
It will guide you towards people, places and things that would bring you exquisite pleasure

In fact even now
As I am speaking
You may find that a change is overcoming your body
A very pleasurable and welcome change
Because from now on
Each time you masturbate
You will feel the pleasure grow more and more
And you will begin thinking with your dick more and more
It will feel bigger and heavier in your pants
As the head between your legs grows and becomes more important
It may begin to feel like it is trying to become more exposed
Just like the head on shoulders normally would
This is because from now on
Each time you masturbate
And feel that wonderful pleasure
You will allow some of the brains in your head to slide into your dick
And as this happens
More and more
You dick and the head between your legs will begin to feel even bigger
And you will become more and more aware of it
In the same way you used to be so aware of the head on your shoulders
And you will know that all of the thoughts from your head will begin to fill your dick
But you won't think of them the same way you used to
Because they won't be the same as they would be in the head on your shoulders
Because when thoughts are transferred into your dick
They will actually become cum in your balls
And your balls will become fuller and heavier because of this
Because of all the extra thoughts filling them and giving them more energy
Your balls will allow your body to produce more cum and also more testosterone
Because your balls will have lots of extra energy from all the thoughts in your head being fed to them
And this will feel very pleasurable
Because you will become less aware of the head on your shoulders
And the head between your legs and your dick will become bigger
And you will be more and more aware of it
You will think less with the head on your shoulders
So you will have more time and energy to think with your dick
And this will feel even more pleasurable than before
So you will allow it to happen more and more
Faster and faster
And you won't mind because the pleasure feels so good
And you won't be able to find a thought or reason why you should stop
Because that isn't a thought that would bring you pleasure
And is a thought that the head on your shoulder would think
But you aren't going to be thinking with the head on your shoulders as much
So it won't matter
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Joined: November 28th, 2005, 1:00 am

Re: "Brains In Your Dick" file script. Thoughts?

Postby sarnoga » January 3rd, 2011, 9:28 am

xavious wrote:

I don't think that I have a very relaxing voice or accent unlike many of the better sounding tists such as Sarnoga (beautifully commanding), Master Jekket (amazing accent; I could listen to "Be Dumb" all day) and dldrip (sexy accent and a beautiful young-sounding American), so I don't know if I want to even try voicing the script myself.

It's not quite finished and is largely first draft material, but I wanted to share it and see what people think and what improvements I could make to the style.

The beginning part was actually stolen from another script I started trying to write, so apologies if it doesn't flow so well from one into the other. I also borrowed some of Sargona's style when writing the script and I speak and read it how he seems to in his files when I read it to myself. Hopefully he won't mind.

It's worth noting that it is a "body" (?) file so there is no intended induction or awakener; it's meant to be played looped, but you add either of the former if you so wished.

It is also aimed at men and the script itself may offend some people or not be to everybody's taste.

Hey Xavious,

Many thanks for the compliments on my voice and style. I also share your opinion of the voices of Jekket and dldrip. Sometimes I think dldrip could put anything into a file and I would still listen just to hear him. While that probably isn't completely true, I do enjoy listening to his voice and Jekket's also.

I can't comment on your voice as I have never heard it. But you shouldn't sell yourself short on the sound of your voice until you have tried it out on a file or two to discover what others think of it. Very few people like hearing the recorded sound of their own voice. It has less to do with how good or bad it sounds and more to do with the fact that it sounds foreign, different, and not what they are used to hearing in their own head when they speak. After all, for this purpose, it matters little how well you like your voice, only how well others like it.

Much of the quality of a voice in a file has to do with careful recording and even more careful editing. Much of it has to do with speaking easily, as opposed to sounding nervous, and using careful pacing, whatever that may be for the style you want in the file. Both of those improve with practice. The actual pitch and timbre of your voice is more difficult to change, but even that can be altered to some degree with practice and effort and can also be tweaked a bit, if desirable, in the editing process. You can read more about voice and sound quality at the page found at the following link, and nearby pages, if you are interested. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/sound/timbre.html

Perhaps I am a bit simple, but when someone complements my work it always gets my attention. I looked at your script briefly. Only briefly as I have to run off somewhere very shortly and haven't the time right now to examine it it more detail or discuss it in the detail I would like. I did however want to make some quick comments. At least one is a question. Perhaps, if time permits, I may get another chance to look at it in a few days.

Let me start with a comment. While this looks like a draft of a script, as you pointed out yourself, rather than a script (meaning that it seems like a first time through that gets the ideas down but needs editing) it looks like some thought went into it rather than being something just thrown onto a page. A bit of work might make a good script out of it. I wouldn't toss it out. You might want to save it and refine it a bit.

Next the question. You said that there is no intended induction. If that is the case I am a bit puzzled by the numbers at the beginning. Why are they there? That portion of the script and the following 5 or 6 paragraphs seem like a draft of an intended as an induction. Again, the comment about the entire script applies.

One more quick comment. While I do not consider myself an expert on the subject, you might want to rethink some of the negative wording and phrases used. You might find it more effective if you found a way to convey the same meaning without using the negative words and phrasing.


xavious wrote:
Maybe you are like that
Maybe you aren't
Either way it doesn't matter

Some people are like that.
Some people are different.
Either way is good.

xavious wrote:
One thing we all love to do is masturbate
Nearly all men do
Some do it a lot and some don't do it very often at all
It doesn't matter how much you do it

Everyone loves to masturbate.
Some men masturbate more frequently than others.
Maybe you do it occasionally.
Maybe you do it all the time.
How often you masturbate is up to you.
It is all good.

Sorry if this was a bit rushed. Given more time I might have done better with the examples. Certainly there are more instances of what I am saying. Some might make better examples than those I used and I might have done better with the rephrasing. But I think that should convey what I mean.

I hope this was some help. But, you know what they say about free advise; It is probably only worth what you paid for it.



PS. As the first part came from a script you had written yourself, you should say that it is "borrowed" from another script, or even "taken" from another script. It is only "stolen" if you took it from another author's script without their permission.
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Re: "Brains In Your Dick" file script. Thoughts?

Postby xavious » January 3rd, 2011, 12:37 pm

Thank you for your response. Apologies if I am also fairly brief.

sarnoga wrote:Hey Xavious,

What? No "this is Sarnoga" afterwards?! Madness! ;)

Many thanks for the compliments on my voice and style.

All well deserved.

I also share your opinion of the voices of Jekket and dldrip. Sometimes I think dldrip could put anything into a file and I would still listen just to hear him. While that probably isn't completely true, I do enjoy listening to his voice and Jekket's also.

I feel the same about all three of you, but for varying reasons.

I can't comment on your voice as I have never heard it... ...You can read more about voice and sound quality at the page found at the following link, and nearby pages, if you are interested.

Thank you for your support. I may try a few files just to see how well it comes out. I do get quite embarrassed because I don't like my own voice and I find it cringe-worthy to listen to so it will be difficult to play back and test.

Perhaps I am a bit simple, but when someone complements my work it always gets my attention.

As I said before in a PM to you that I like your work and general style, though perhaps it didn't come across very well.

I looked at your script briefly. Only briefly as I have to run off somewhere very shortly and haven't the time right now to examine it it more detail or discuss it in the detail I would like. I did however want to make some quick comments. At least one is a question. Perhaps, if time permits, I may get another chance to look at it in a few days.

If this is your idea of a "quick response" I'd love to see your idea of a full one!

Let me start with a comment. While this looks like a draft of a script, as you pointed out yourself, rather than a script (meaning that it seems like a first time through that gets the ideas down but needs editing) it looks like some thought went into it rather than being something just thrown onto a page. A bit of work might make a good script out of it. I wouldn't toss it out. You might want to save it and refine it a bit.

Oh, I'm not tossing it out. No idea if it'll ever feel complete because I'm never fully happy with my work, especially in areas I have little experience in.

Next the question. You said that there is no intended induction. If that is the case I am a bit puzzled by the numbers at the beginning. Why are they there? That portion of the script and the following 5 or 6 paragraphs seem like a draft of an intended as an induction. Again, the comment about the entire script applies.

Yes, it is a draft as it has me playing around with ideas. That was from another script and I wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to start it so I went with that at first, but then the tone of the file changed so it no longer worked. The numbers would probably have been a second recording and put in the background behind the main file.

One more quick comment. While I do not consider myself an expert on the subject, you might want to rethink some of the negative wording and phrases used. You might find it more effective if you found a way to convey the same meaning without using the negative words and phrasing.

Yes I am aware that the tone probably isn't the best. I just went with what first came to mind. Also I'm not the best script writer so I wasn't sure what was the best tone to take in many instances.

PS. As the first part came from a script you had written yourself, you should say that it is "borrowed" from another script, or even "taken" from another script. It is only "stolen" if you took it from another author's script without their permission.

Yes, I mean to change the "stolen" to "borrowed", but I forgot. You can probably blame Jekket and his "Be Dumb" file for that one. So easy to forget these days!
Posts: 114
Joined: November 28th, 2005, 1:00 am

Postby Jeshi » January 4th, 2011, 9:25 pm

This is a very very good script. I think if you have the right equipment you should at least try recording it after revising it some.

I do agree with pretty much everything Sarnoga said. If it's supposed to be just a body it has a very long introductions. It's a well written introduction but it drags on, especially if there's supposed to be another induction and deepeer before it.

I remember I saw a similar file concept on the voting page, the only difference was that that file idea was "When your penis become erect the head between your legs becomes dominant and you only need to think with your penis. But when you are not turned on then the head on your shoulders is dominant and you don't need to think about sex." which seemed to be more about not being able to resist arousal than it was about becoming more horny in general.

But both are very good and someday I would love to listen to both.

If you /really/ don't like the sound of your voice then I'm sure you could find somebody that loves this script who would be willing to record it.
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Joined: September 27th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby xavious » January 5th, 2011, 8:15 pm

Jeshi wrote:If it's supposed to be just a body it has a very long introductions. It's a well written introduction but it drags on, especially if there's supposed to be another induction and deepeer before it.

Well I have seen some VERY long files; some even reaching to nearly a full hour, so it doesn't feel THAT long to me. Also it is very first draft and involved me pretty much just writing whatever came to mind and trying to ease the subject in carefully and make them feel comfortable.

It's also worth noting that I've done some rough test recordings and files, but my mic isn't the best. The files aren't great and were mostly me making some basic suggestions around my two file ideas which I'm using on myself. I'll see if I can do more in future and possibly create something worth sharing.
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Postby Jeshi » January 5th, 2011, 11:17 pm

xavious wrote:
Jeshi wrote:If it's supposed to be just a body it has a very long introductions. It's a well written introduction but it drags on, especially if there's supposed to be another induction and deepeer before it.

Well I have seen some VERY long files; some even reaching to nearly a full hour, so it doesn't feel THAT long to me. Also it is very first draft and involved me pretty much just writing whatever came to mind and trying to ease the subject in carefully and make them feel comfortable.

Well, if a file drags on too long without anything different happening it can cause someone to arise from trance out of pure boredom or restlessness. Those long hour long files usually have a lot of suggestions to keep them interesting or reinforce not being able to wake up without permission at some point. But if you have an hour long file that's only 10 minutes of suggestions it might not work so well. Just a forewarning.
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Joined: September 27th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby xavious » January 6th, 2011, 6:40 pm

...which is why I'm not intending to release any of this because it's vastly unfinished. But again; I'm musing ideas and seeing what works. I was looking more for comments on the aim of the file, but I posted the script because I'd already written so much of it and thought that it'd be interesting to see how people felt about my rough style.

Then again some of my favourite files are ones I can leave on in the background while I do other things. Sometimes it's just fun to hear Sarnoga or Jekket talk in the background.

Plus everyone is different and not everybody responds the same way to hypnosis. I like a long and eloquent file full of imagery and ideas to slowly work me under. I'm a difficult subject so I value some repetition to ensure I'm going under and my mind fully understands what is trying to be done to it. I wrote the files mainly for myself which is why I focused on the same style.

I don't expect to be posting anything to the site any time this century.
Posts: 114
Joined: November 28th, 2005, 1:00 am

Postby 0turner0 » January 10th, 2011, 2:38 am

Personally, I enjoyed the hell out of it :)

Started reading it aloud to myself without even looking at the rest, and before I knew it was having trouble even reading some of the rest once all my attention went down there :P

I agree with the comments about the negative phrasing though, it was pretty transparent what was meant with some of the sentences - but this was definitely an experience! Thanks!
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Joined: July 17th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby xavious » January 10th, 2011, 4:56 pm

Thank you 0turner0. I have seen some of your posts on here before and I am lead to believe that you are a fan of the jock/dumb/muscle type of files, correct?

I can see why people such as yourself would enjoy the concept behind this file.

I've always thought that if the eye is the window to the soul, then maybe the dick is the joystick to a man's soul, or at least to his mind. Men do often let themselves be lead by their dick, or at least do things based upon the promise of pleasure or sexual satisfaction.

I've often crudely thought of the jock persona being that they think almost entirely with their dick and do everything intending to 'score', whether that be with a girl or on the field.

I think that men are lead by their dicks more then they care to admit and in many ways I can see why they would want to and also why it would be quite desirable.

Our heads are so full of knowledge, feelings and thoughts that it can become quite a headache to do day to day things or to focus on the more pleasant things in life like simple pleasure.

The head between our legs, our 'cock' head, tends to want such simpler things and these are usually much easier to understand and achieve.

Letting the head between your legs fill your body with testosterone so that you can follow a simple set of instructions and perform better to win a game is easy. Girls are impressed by your athletic skills and how muscular and dominant you are, especially when you fight other guys for her appreciation. All of this means that by simply thinking with the head between your legs you can get closer to pleasure and quicker to wonderful sexual satisfaction than you ever could with that convoluted mess of a head on your shoulders.

Thinking with your dick is simple and requires little effort or thought and allows you to focus on the things that bring you pleasure. Thinking with your head tends to hurt and make you focus on less pleasant things.

I know which I'd prefer.

I think that it's important that we don't completely neglect the head on our shoulders. After all it holds our eyes, ears, nose and mouth and we do need those in order to kiss and communicate. Our heads are also usually on full display and are what people can tend to judge us on initially when deciding if we are attractive or not. I guess we also do need to use our brains sometimes just so that our bodies still function correctly and to store game plans and stuff relating to sports and sex, but otherwise it's fairly useless.

Can I ask you in particular, but this extends to everybody else as well, but which parts in particular did you like and which you didn't? Also at what sort of point did you start to think more with your dick and how did it feel?

Also what sort of things, if any, would you love to see added to this file?
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Postby CalMark » April 3rd, 2014, 6:01 pm

I think I'm still learning how to think with my dick. I remember somebody telling me years ago that if I followed my dick, I'd never go wrong. I think that is true more often than it's not.
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Postby lamaar » April 7th, 2014, 10:06 am

I made a recording for myself; I'll let you know if I get any results.
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Postby lamaar » April 7th, 2014, 8:21 pm

After masturbating this morning, I had an intense feeling that I was forgetting something that followed me for the next few hours. I went over everything it could possibly be and drew a blank, so I'm pretty sure it was the file. Additionally I got some very hard erections through the day, but that may just be due to how arousing I find this concept. Same goes for my listening habits. Side note: I am apparently much more hypnotically susceptible to my own voice than anyone else's.
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Postby xavious » May 19th, 2014, 5:32 pm

I completely forgot I posted this. Rather embarrassing because this was probably rather crap looking back.

I'm honoured you would choose to record your own version of this file lamaar. Did you change parts of the script for your recording, at all?

I'm also interested that the file had some affect of you.
Posts: 114
Joined: November 28th, 2005, 1:00 am

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