Considering collaboration - multiple hypnotists

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Considering collaboration - multiple hypnotists

Postby slutinmyhead » January 23rd, 2011, 8:29 pm

I was thinking it might be interesting to make a file using multiple voices. This can either be one script with alternating or overlapping voices, or possibly a round robin of different hypnotists on this site submitting a chunk of material. This would be great for generalizing listeners to go under for any voice, particularly those who say they can only go under for male/female voices only.

Anyone else interested in this idea either as a listener or participant?
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Postby sarnoga » January 23rd, 2011, 10:45 pm

I think your poll is defective. You ask if listeners prefer male or female voice or if it doesn't matter. Then you only give a choice of male or female with no option for it does not matter. You might also consider additional choices to reflect those that usually prefer male or female but sometimes like the other.

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Postby rgn » January 24th, 2011, 1:17 am

I would certainly take a listen. I have had good trances with both male and female voices. Also with files that had multiple layers of voices. Cannot remember if I have tried a file with different people's voices speaking simultaneously. I seem to have better results with the suggestions from males than females. But I think that has more to do with the suggestions in the female files - they ones I have tried have been submissive to females or sexual with females. I have never had a sexual feeling for any woman so female sexual references tend to weaken my trance. But still think this is an interesting idea!
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Postby ocntrl » January 24th, 2011, 5:52 am

Count me in as a participant. Very interesting idea!
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Postby Ladon » January 24th, 2011, 8:06 pm

I certainly prefer the female voice in files, but more important is the QUALITY of the recording. Noisy microphones, passing cars, computer fans, and rustling notepapers are very much a distraction for me.

I recall having a download of the DPF "Magic Tape" from WAAAAY back when, but it was a very poor quality MP3 made by using a microphone to record the playback from the original tape cassette. Despite that, the dual-voice male/female hypnotists made it 'feel' really great, along with the flute music if I recall correctly.

I just listened to Sarnoga's G-file, (btw: G-file is for everybody) and it used some of my favorite effects, having the main voice in both channels, with a whisper in each ear saying different things that synchronize at times. I just loved it on my first listen, and need to find my headphones for the next time.
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 25th, 2011, 5:51 am

The poll is defective. I tried setting it up multiple times when I first posted and it never allowed the third option. The wording's intact so it would still be an option in people's minds.

So this is awesome! It sounds like there are three of us. We can still accommodate more. Got a favorite hypnotist? I have several, but have forgotten plenty of good ones.

Here's my suggestion to you: Drop him or her a line and direct them to this forum topic. Or you can just suggest them here and hope someone else takes the initiative (less likely). Or you can do nothing, stare at the screen, empty your mind and relax.

This file will condition listeners to accept whichever voice they're hearing, to accept the transitions as normal and natural and something they are unlikely to notice, and to overlook flaws, background noises or things they do not like in the voice, delivery and style.

Should it do anything else? Suggestions...
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Postby demigraff » January 25th, 2011, 9:20 am

Ladon wrote:I recall having a download of the DPF "Magic Tape" from WAAAAY back when

I think I remember that one ... wasn't there a "custom" alternative with a whole load of options you could check?
I wanted to try it, but I have no idea if its still available.
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Postby rgn » January 25th, 2011, 11:29 am

Hey simh -

Three of my favorite hypnotists have posted on this collaboration thread already. Except I did not notice Sarnoga officially stating he would participate (yet). But the fact he posted gives me hope! Another of my favorites is dldrip.

So I'm following your suggestions:

Here's my suggestion to you: Drop him or her a line and direct them to this forum topic. Or you can just suggest them here and hope someone else takes the initiative (less likely). Or you can do nothing, stare at the screen, empty your mind and relax.

1. I sent a pm asking dldrip to consider with a link to this thread

2. I am suggesting dldrip here

3. I will also stare at the clock on my screen, empty my mind and relax for 5 minutes (thanks ocntrl) :D
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Postby JadynMC » January 25th, 2011, 3:58 pm

My two cents on this subject would be...

In my society of America I would average out that:
a male voice at a subconscious level would be authoritative
a female voice at a subconscious level would be nurturing
these of course are the extreme averages from the American society, based on the mother and father family archetype.

The first thing that I tell people who are new to hypnosis is to pick a voice that they like and just stick with that hypnotist until they are trancing well. Then they can pick and choose other files later. This way trust/rapport is built allowing for an understanding of trance, however the individual interprets "trance". Because skipping around from voice to voice does not build familiarity, which is a foundation for trust/rapport.

I don't quite understand how you are thinking about having multiple voices in a file..

style might work but it would need to be a long file... especially for beginners, but for medium to high trancers it would be good.. but then I don't know if it would be of benefit, since it sounds like you are wanting a file for beginners.

Having all of the voices at the same time... well the most layers of voice I use is 3 it seems to me after that it just becomes an incoherent noise.

Just some quick thoughts..
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Postby Ladon » January 25th, 2011, 6:33 pm

I wanted to try it, but I have no idea if its still available.

Yeah, there used to be a custom option, but the old DPF website was finally sold sometime recently so it's gone.

I once found a site called Genie's Lamp Hypnosis that I believe was selling the same product, but they're gone too.

Anyway, I have CD copies of the "solo baby - wet and messy" tapes, hypnotic, sleep, subliminal and clearing. They're well done, except for the fact that they have different voices on each, and they call it a 'tape' even tho it's a CD. Must have been recorded on cassette before CDs were commonplace. Never had any real results, but the format is odd, leaving a long silence for the user to reinforce his own suggestions, and triggers.

The magic tape was cool, but my copy was so bad... don't even think I had the whole file.
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Postby sarnoga » January 26th, 2011, 7:55 am

dldrip wrote:My two cents on this subject would be...

I don't quite understand how you are thinking about having multiple voices in a file..

style might work but it would need to be a long file... especially for beginners, but for medium to high trancers it would be good.. but then I don't know if it would be of benefit, since it sounds like you are wanting a file for beginners.

Having all of the voices at the same time... well the most layers of voice I use is 3 it seems to me after that it just becomes an incoherent noise.

Just some quick thoughts..

Good points and observations. I didn't think this file was really intended for beginers though and agree it is not likely to be useful to those new at trance and hypnosis. Rather for those a bit beyond just starting.

One possible format might be something like ....

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Postby slutinmyhead » January 26th, 2011, 5:37 pm

This as an experiment (as is so much of what we do here), but also a gift for the people who enjoy our work. We are the world so to speak, for fetish hypnosis. The trance from this will be super deep. It also lays the groundwork for future collaborations by warming listeners up to more than one voice. At any rate, it should be fun to listen to.

I do hope you'll join us. After all, what could possibly go wrong? Heh.
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Postby AlphaShepherd » January 26th, 2011, 6:58 pm

Count me in.
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 27th, 2011, 12:04 am

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Postby ocntrl » January 27th, 2011, 2:15 am

Ok guys... Let's get started.

My email is in my profile so maybe we start with exchanging emails so we can use that as a way of communicating?

You tell me what to provide to the mix and I will be happy to work on that.

We could also create a temporary chat room on tinychat for the five of us to discuss details. Whatever works best.

I am 6 hours ahead of EST.
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Postby Haxsaw » January 27th, 2011, 6:54 am

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Postby slutinmyhead » January 27th, 2011, 9:33 pm

I've gotten emails from Haxsaw and Cardigan, who are interested in participating. I'm all over the place this weekend and can't write anyone back at the moment, but will be back on solid ground sometime Monday. I'm really excited about this project and apologize for not being able to get back to anybody until then...
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current lineup

Postby slutinmyhead » February 1st, 2011, 5:09 pm

Okay, I'm back... Here's the most updated information I have. Our current lineup of hypnotists includes myself, Sarnoga, ocntrl, Haxsaw, Lee Allure, Jekket, Goldilocks and Cardigan. We can potentially accommodate more, though this is plenty.

There are a million directions a collaboration can go, yet since this is our first time trying this, for simplicity sake, let's make this file about conditioning listeners to accept whichever voice they're hearing, to accept the transitions as normal and natural and something they are unlikely to notice, and to overlook flaws or things they do not like in the voice, delivery, background noise and style.

There will be plenty of opportunities in the future to experiment more with collaborating. This lays the groundwork for if we decide to do more.

Sarnoga has very generously offered to edit our contributions together. Thank you!

Although pretty much any of this is up for discussion, my thought at the moment is for each of us to do a short induction (about five minutes or so) followed by a countdown from 10 to 1 (that can potentially be used to follow any other person's induction if we decide to mix and match). We should probably all use the same suggestions. I'm willing to write them or maybe a few of us can and edit them together into a cohesive script. Whatever people want to do...

I'll be emailing this post to the above mentioned, participants. As for discussing options, this forum is better than writing me personally, as it keeps everyone in the loop.

What do you think?
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Postby slutinmyhead » February 2nd, 2011, 3:37 am

Well, got immediate PM that at least some of this should be in secret. Easy enough...
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Postby Haxsaw » February 2nd, 2011, 7:16 am

I want be polite as possible. Anger issues leave at the door, so to speak. My suggestion can be tossed, no hard feelings. I guessed we each privately had assignments, amongst those in "The Gathering." I thought each member of our gathering for this project was to complete a step within the file. I apologize for misunderstanding. For those in the gathering, it was my idea each had a step. I second guessed the completed file was each member made the completed file. I tried visualizing the completed project from the gathering we formed was each contributed certain steps? Frankly, I apologize for being confused on the project.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » February 2nd, 2011, 8:59 am

Speaking for myself and other gay users of this site, I hope this poll doesn't create a tide of female voice only files. They simply don't cut it for me.
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Postby rgn » February 2nd, 2011, 12:37 pm

For me it does not seem to make a difference if the voice is male or female in regards to trance. The wording of the script is where the problem lies. If the script contains sexual references to women it will not work for me - no exceptions. If generic, it typically will work but not always. For instance, if the female voice suggests a increase in arousal and sensation of her stroking my cock - not going to work for me. But if she suggests increase in arousal by focusing on situations I find sexy, then we are getting somewhere. I once listened to a file by a female hypnotist about being in a wooded garden area, resting against a tree, suddenly being restrained by a plant which proceeded to stimulate its victim to orgasm. It was gender neutral and I had no issues with it being a female voice.
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Postby slutinmyhead » February 2nd, 2011, 3:03 pm

At the moment, male hypnotists outnumber females 6 to 2. Also, this is more about laying the groundwork for accepting transitions in voices and styles, so probably will not have a lot of sexual material you need to worry about.

Haxsaw, at the moment, we're still definitely in the sorting phase of how we're going to put this file together. Much of the direction has thus far relied on Sarnoga, but please, throw your two cents in. All we've got so far is a list of people who are participating and a Yahoo Group I threw together last night in about five minutes. Nothing is really set in stone and I really would love people to weigh in on how they imagine this file put together.
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Postby SailorShadow » February 22nd, 2011, 5:17 pm

Personally, I prefer male voices mostly because the female voices I've herd are either not that great or aimed at men. If there were more gender-neutral or female files done by women, I might change my mind, but I haven't found anything like that yet which appeal to me. I also agree with what dldrip said about men being a bit more authoritative. I find myself feeling more compelled to do something if it is said by a male voice rather than by a female voice, but I am definitely a submissive person, so I guess this makes a bit of sense. This idea does sound interesting, and I'd love to hear how it turns out.
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Postby Jeshi » February 22nd, 2011, 9:30 pm

I would certainly be interesting in listening to this file. I have to say though, that idea of everyone recording the same thing over and over sounds very repetitive and like I'd get so bored I'd become restless and wake up if I had to sit through 6 counts to 10 plus the same suggestions 6 times.

I remember somebody linked to a file somewhere that was designed to help feminized men "stop being lesbians" and be attracted to men the way a woman would. The file was unlabeled so I didn't know this when I listened to it "This file is supposed to make men like men and submit to them" was the only description it had(yeah, those two description imply something sexist, that's not the point.)

Anyways, it was made with like, 6 or 7 different TTS voices, with most of them "female" and one of them male. Every few lines or so it would switch voice, each had it's own style to it but it ran very smoothly(and the male voice gave unique suggestions.)

The effect it had made it seem like you had peers give suggestions and made it seem more normal. I lost the file but I had made an edited version that took out references to feminization and it was a very very nice file.

I think that's what would work for this file. Everyone collaborates on a portion of the script which would be approved by everyone, then it would be edited together with portions of the script assigned to whoever wrote them.

You know, "Round Robin" style.

I think it would work great as groundwork for other collaborations. I've never been able to trance to female voices even though a male voice even suggesting that I might go into trance almost immediately has an affect on me. A file to help me get over that would be quite nice.

Also, future ideas for collaborations: A more literal round robin file would be interesting. A no holds barred thing where you'd get maybe 5 minutes to record whatever suggestions you want before passing it on to the next person, and then in the end you'd get a random amalgamation of suggestions from different tastes. It'd be like a delicious hypnosis sampler plate :D

Also, since I like the thrill of not knowing what's coming next(and yet already knowing I'm going to accept it regardless. Trusting that whatever the hypnotist wants is going to be good.) it would be very fun "Oh, this voice is nice. I wonder what they want."
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Postby slutinmyhead » March 9th, 2011, 11:23 pm

We've been working on this, but keeping the details secret. As you might imagine with so many dominant type personalities, it's been slow going, but things continue moving forward. I think this will turn out to be an interesting file when it's done. What we've contributed thus far is promising...

Btw, I love that bit about telling men to stop acting like lesbians. Fucking brilliant. If you ever remember the name of the file, please let me know. Thanks...
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Postby soundexcess » March 10th, 2011, 2:45 am

honestly it just depends on the sound of there voice, rhythm, the files app to me, i enjoy saranoga, cardigan, emg, mistye, tasha, and female artist who does socal abs files, and no not all the files i listen to are ab or induction, i also listen to a lot of experience files, such as one hour doll.
so my choice would be it doesn't matter.
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Postby Gnostic » July 10th, 2011, 4:50 am

I would love to participate, but simply do not yet have the equipment to make quality recordings and don't think it would be a good idea to mess up everyone else's efforts with a poor quality submission.

However, I would like to offer a suggestion based on something that I have been "playing around with" using Audacity recently:

What I have done, successfully, has been to take two "body" files, each recorded by different people and already containing subliminal tracks and music, and overlaid them in such a way that the secondary (subliminal) track of one of the files is barely audible and the music in the background is inaudible when the combined file is played at normal volume so that, instead of having an:


sounding final track, the end result is:


(with the D track slightly-2dB-louder than the C track)
(barely audible)

The results were better than I expected in terms of the effectiveness of the file that was created.

I've done this twice, using different original files in both cases. In one instance, I added a third, binaural file, as a constant background throughout at a volume than the "A" track because the background music tracks ("C" and "F") on the two files allowed me to do that.

The content of the files that I used was different, but the messages were compatible. I would have preferred it if the files that I used had not contained a background music track, but I wasn't able to remove the music without interfering with the two vocal tracks and the effects used on those tracks. Had there been no music, I would have added another subliminal file with a third, compatible message--and based on the results that I got, I'm sure that it would work.

So, what I'm suggesting is that you could make a file that could be composed of three different tracks, each recorded by a different hypnotist, using different scripts each with its own, different message and having its own different effects (ie, one track recorded using the delay technique that EMG uses in his subliminal recordings; another one using a primary script recorded at a higher volume than a background reinforcement looped script; and the third an echo and sound-shifting effects)--as long as the message content of the three scripts are compatible. Depending on how you want to do it, you could bring in the second set of three new hypnotists (each with his/her own script) at the same time or in staggered times as the body of the file continues. As long as the subject/content of the script(s) remain compatible, you can make the file as long as you wish (I haven't done this yet, but am planning to make a test file in this manner when I get the chance to do so).

Once you have this part of this file complete, you can consider adding binaurals and/or a background sound (music or a neutral natural sound like rainfall or the sound of a brook, etc.). I'm not sure what would be the most effective way to do this yet (ie whether you lay these tracks on top of the combined file of the three hypnotists reading their scripts or if you insert them into those files before they are combined), but I'm sure that some of the more tech-saavy people here could advise you on that.

Based on the results that I have had with my experimenting in this regard, I believe that it is possible for this project that you have undertaken to produce a very interesting and effective end product. I have found that the file that I made with two subliminal files and the added binaural track creates such confusion when I listen to it that I go into trance (albeit a fairly light trance) even if I have not used an induction and am not totally focused on listening to it. With a good induction (I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to have three different hypnotists doing the induction unless you had one as the primary track and the other two reading the same script or a reinforcing script in the background), I don't even think a deepener would be necessary to make the body of the file very powerful for the listener/subject.

I wish I had a halfway decent microphone (I just have the one that came with my headphones)--if I did, I would love to take part in this project. I think this is going to be a lot of fun and am looking forward to hearing the end result!!!
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Postby Gnostic » July 10th, 2011, 5:21 am

As to preferring male or female voices: I must admit that, in general, I prefer a female voice--although not in all instances.

My mentor, many years ago when I studied clinical hypnosis, was a male and I had no problem listening to him or going into trance with him from the day we met. After he suddenly died, I did the rest of my therapy and training primarily with a woman (who had also been my mentor's student) and she was wonderful. I also did some other work with a male who, while not as knowledgeable, was also easy to listen to.

However, as I have listened to some of the files on this site and elsewhere, I have found that there is a difference: I am comfortable with about 67-75% of the real women's voices that I have encountered so far and have only had problems with at most a third of them. With the men, however, the equation is almost reversed: at best I am only comfortable with about 40%, but, more importantly, I absolutely cannot stand to listen to about 30% of the male voices that I have heard (mainly on this site) and have some problems with the remainder.

Now, I'll admit that some of my issues with the male voices could be caused by the dominant attitude (and hypnotic approach) adopted by the males in the files I have listened to clashing with my Leo psyche and not due to any real fault in these males' vocal capacities. I have always tended to be much more willing to accept orders from women than to obey men--especially if the man tries to order my obedience rather than inducing me to give it. Given the fact that the approach taken by most of the hypnotists who have posted here that I have listened to is to repeatedly order the subject to "obey" (as opposed to the approach that I learned, which is to is to induce obedience by suggesting that the subject "may want to") it is quite reasonable to deduce that this could well be a factor in my negative reaction to so many of the male voices. But, that's a personal issue.
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