Story-driven hypnosis?

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Story-driven hypnosis?

Postby Endo » May 22nd, 2013, 8:56 am

I've started scripting again, and I made one last night where I take the listener through an scenario without making any of it sound like a hypnosis file. It sounds to the user like they are listening to or reading a story in 2nd person. After all the necessary file information has been presented through the story, I end the story, then make suggestions that the user will hallucinate what they just heard in real life. Please tell me if anyone else has ever used something like this, and in general how effective it was versus a typical "You will experience X, Y, and perhaps even Z".

Also, my file deals with the hallucination of a tail being attached to the user, as well as that tail interacting with the user's body in sexual ways. I don't want the file to have a mechanical "When you say X, Y will happen" basis, so I made suggestions that the tail could be controlled through basic thought, not quite as subconscious as normal movement, but it could eventually get there. I would like to know if anyone has ever used "Phantom Limb" files, and in general, how effective was such a file at installing a limb that only the user was able to sense and manipulate, but was able to interact with the environment on a sensory level and able to create sensations when interacting with the user's body.

Thank you for any information you can provide, I will release this file once it's been finished and recorded.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » May 22nd, 2013, 8:05 pm

Your posting asks about the use of story-telling as the basis for trance.

Yes, I do it. It's fun and it's effective. But it's unnecessary to take my word for it. Here are two referrals:

#1 - Online Article Describing Nested Loop Story-telling

#2 - "Therapeutic Metaphors" by David Gordon - a book that provides the skill of formulating and using stories that convey a message.

Long, long ago, in a special time and in a particular place a man sat before an intent assemblage of his contemporaries and told stories to them. The story-teller's audience could have been paupers or princes. That did not matter, for the tales the man wove were tailored for all whose cloth of life may have torn, tattered , or worn thin. Some had been exposed to the cold here, others to a malevolent eye there, and still others had wardrobes that were drab or unsuitable.

What the store-teller wove on his loom of dramatic gestures, meaningful pauses (glancing from face to face, of course), and impromptu histrionics, was a tapestry that contained characters suitably good and evil who rushed wide-eyed and headlong (or blindly stumbled) into . . . into what? Why, an adventure of course!

My best to you as you begin this adventure in scripting.
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Postby Jeshi » May 22nd, 2013, 8:32 pm

I would say that the big thing you should change is that you should have the listener experience the story as you tell it to them. It's hard to keep an entire long story in memory for very long so having them hallucinate it all at the end of the file rather than as they hear it won't work out as well. I've heard many files that that use a storytelling style to describe an experience and they have been very immersive and good.
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Postby Endo » May 23rd, 2013, 2:25 pm

With what I'm doing, the file itself and the effects that it needs to install are fairly simple, and the story isn't too long. What I've noticed with one or two story-like files that I've listened to, I do feel immersed in the story. And since I'm telling it in 2nd person, it's a bit more inclusive.

Thank you both for your input, I shall continue to explore this method of hypnosis in my files and let the file's popularity tell me what I need to know.
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Postby Nate80 » May 31st, 2013, 2:53 pm

I think the trick is to be "artfully vague". Explain that they have a tail somehow, and then explain a little bit about how tails can behave, but not necessarily specific / fixed details.


And you feel the base of your spine feeling like it's stretching out. stretching out and becoming longer and longer until it's maybe about 3 feet long. It starts upwards and moving about, not like a snake, more like a bendy, flexible wooden pole. You start to realise it's feeling and moving a bit like a dog's tail would and you wonder if it will be like a dog's tail, expressive of it's owners mood, swaying and wagging about as their excitement grows, or how it drops flat when it's upset. You're not sure, but the way its moving at the moment, it certainly feels that way.
As you focus your attention on it, you realise you can feel all the way along its length, right to the tip, it feels so good, so natural as it sways happily side to side, bobbing as you move your hips, experimenting with it. You realise, that although you can just about control or move it at it's base, most of it's movement seems instinctive, and you feel happy with just letting it do what it wants.

Hope this helps.
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Postby Endo » June 1st, 2013, 9:04 am

^Yes, thank you. I may incorporate some of those phrases and suggestions into the file.
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Joined: December 12th, 2011, 1:00 am

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