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Italian trigger file

PostPosted: June 29th, 2014, 4:03 pm
by outkast1728
Can anyone on here make a file like EMG's blank but in italian where it installs a trigger to trance them and empty their minds out and make them blank for reprogramming?

PostPosted: August 17th, 2014, 6:42 am
by Masy
i'd like to have it too, outkast. in the past...(ma perché scrivo ancora in inglese? bah...) ... i tried to vouch for an italian translation of some files, giving myself as possible eng-ita translator (out of kindness, i'd like to see more of italian files here) without success.

Hope to see a trance-inducing file soon. Until now i listen some files and i use them in the sleep too, but not much improvements here.. i feel i lack the trance inducing file to complete the whole.

So, i'm joining the plea. PLEASE DO A TRANCE-INDUCING FILE IN ITALIAN LANGUAGE. I'm always available if needed an help!