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Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: January 31st, 2020, 8:01 am
by cloudstalker
OK, there are a number of trance series which contain "use by anyone" trigger phrases, usually with an (optional or otherwise) ability to choose not to be triggered. The most popular ones here (going to abbreviate, just in case) are Sl*** T*** FY, and H-F.

In my continual threat to make new hypno-files (I haven't released any in several years), I am looking to create a series, where, at least in the beginning, each one builds on the previous ones. The long-term goal (for anybody who chooses to go that far) will be to have a trigger phrase that will turn the subject (with a "safety", to prevent abuse or embarrassment) into an entranced slave to whoever gives the trigger. So far, there's certainly a good degree of "been there, done that" involved.

One thing that I am looking for that's "different" is to create a phrase which has the following features:
1) Associates with submission
2) Is made up of simple words (avoiding even simple, but technical-sounding terms like "activation" or "procedure")
3) As unlikely as possible to come up accidentally (so far, the aforementioned phrases both work fine)
4) Doesn't appear to be "kinky" to the casual listener (this eliminates the aforementioned phrases)

One thing that I have envisioned is something that the user or their dominant can program into an assistant program (such as Siri, Alexa, Google Home, Mycroft) without it signaling to the world that they are involved in hypno-domination, to allow for "surprise" triggering. Also, I would like an app to be creatable that will get past the censors (and include features like "turn off while driving"). Because nobody is perfect, as I mentioned before, there will be safety measures built into the trances to avoid embarrassment, but I am looking for a phrase that, if others hear it, it won't mean anything to them (how would you explain if your phone suddenly announced, "Here's your reminder. H*F*!" at work or with the meter reader coming in).

Here are a few discarded ones and the reasons:
"Follow the voice" - Too likely to come up by accident.
"Time for sleep" - same
"Go for obedience" - too hard to explain.
"Deep time for you" - nice, but I have a feeling that "deep time" sounds too much like other things so it may cause problems.

Ideas? (By the way, if you think it's a bad idea in the first place, please say why, so that I might be able to create a fix for the problem(s) you see!)

Re: Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: February 17th, 2020, 9:59 am
by cloudstalker
After some experimentation, I realize that the most effective trigger (especially "triggered by anyone") would be a two-part one. The first to get your attention, and the second to set it off. There should be a pause between the phrases. To give a simple example: "Prepare to sleep.... Obey".

So now I am trying to figure out a paired trigger which would be very meaningful to the subject, but pretty meaningless to anybody else who happens to see them. Some which are in the right general direction, but I've discarded:
"Put on the collar. Click" ("put on the collar" would cue in some people).
"Enter control mode. Activate" (too techie sounding, and has some possibility of accidental triggering)

Once again, any ideas?

Re: Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: February 17th, 2020, 4:16 pm
by rw789
If you want to be lowkey on trigger phrases, can make it a bit like a reminder for errands or chores and such.

Like for trance could be, "meditation time, please go to your quiet place." But with your idea of breaking it into two parts, could have it as "meditation time" and "quiet place" as the two parts and use the other words to fill in the sentence to make it natural sounding and not raise any questions.

Can also use alternative words for things. Like instead of collar, could say choker, necklace, personal band, etc. Or use words that rhyme such as holler, caller, etc. Add in another keyword with the sentence to indicate that it is a trigger to the mind and not something actual.

Re: Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2020, 11:39 pm
by cloudstalker
It is a good direction, but remember it has to be something very unlikely to come up by accident, as well.

Re: Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: February 27th, 2020, 12:20 pm
by stan
I would like to add that when I've hypnotised and used triggers in the past the start and anticipation of the triggers does a lot of the work, if that's the right way to describe.
for example if trigger was "pineapple .. staircase"

"pine" might be enough to capture and hold the subconscious interest.
enough that they are effectively in trance waiting for "apple" and "staircase".

safe triggers are more about the users mindset.
we want the fantasy of them being, strong, powerful, unavoidable.

the truth is that even with an amazing subject one day they can be rapid and effective.
the next day you get the "orly. but I'm .. " look and then its everything else where they decide to let it happen.

So for safe triggers and I usually let a subject experience triggers they don't want. reassure them that they can come out of trance to deal with anything they need to do.
reassure them that it's ok it doesn't have to work like that all the time.

and then use conditioning and ritual, reptetition and practice so that when we do use triggers together they're in the mindset and adopted the reality that it's all strong powerful and unavoidable - which means essentially 'fun'

this is co-operative. you and the subject. you and the subjects subconscious. whatever model you want to work with.

otherwise safe triggers could be considered in the context of who, what, when and where.

most people are thinking about the 'what' bit.

"when you hear the word pineapple you will go into a deep hypnotic trance"

"when you hear me and only me say the word pineapple you will go into a deep hypnotic trance"

"when you hear me and only me say the word pineapple and it is safe to do so you will go into a deep hypnotic trance"

"during our session tonight and when doing hypnosis together when you hear me and only me say the word pineapple and it is safe to do so you will go into a deep hypnotic trance"

for reference if you include touch as part of a trigger. "when I touch" you have implicitly included a lot of reassurance.
the touch is non-ambiguous, only you are going to qualify for the "i touch" part
you are physically there. you have trust to do hypnosis. this means you are probably trusted to assess the "safe to do so now" part
you have to be there to touch them.

Re: Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: March 5th, 2020, 2:05 pm
by cloudstalker
As mentioned in the OP, I want to create something that can be more or less universal (I gave the examples, "S**** T*** F** Y** and H**** F**), both of which can be effective, but are too obviously triggers.

What I've come up with is the two parter:
"Open the blank slate" followed by, "Accept the words".

In context, a call to obedience. Out of context, and office memo.

Re: Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: September 14th, 2020, 5:28 pm
by keybounce
(I hope it's not considered against the rules to add to a 6 month idle discussion)

Definitely go along the lines of a two parter. I've seen, in a story, the wonderful idea of "keyword: <Action>". Verbally, that's like "Keyword", pause, trigger-phrase.

(This was chosen by a very book-wormish controller, after defeating an older controller who's triggers were too easy to come up in conversation).

If you are looking for something that is both "conversational", not "common", and mentally already having some conditioning/linkage?

"Do you mind?", pause, trigger phrase. Or, "Don't mind me.".

Re: Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: November 29th, 2020, 11:18 am
by cloudstalker
OK, I have something now. Once again, when I say "safe", I mean "if somebody hears it, they won't think anything of it."

In any case, I like EMG's "<fill in the blank> time for you". And it works well with personal assistants like Echo and Google Home, too. So you can create an app/program/skill whatever to randomly try to trigger you, and, if you activate it, give a command (and it should be a very specific activation, so that it can't go out by accident).

The next thing would be a "part one" and "part two", where there is a specific response required for part one in order for part two to activate.

Part 1: "Instruction time for you."
If the command is accepted, a positive response is given. If a personal assistant is programmed to give commands, then the positive response is required for it to go on. In a recording, just a sufficiently long pause is necessary.
Part 2: "Go down."

So, for anybody bothering to follow this, any thoughts?

Re: Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: April 25th, 2021, 7:18 pm
by bdmike
How about something like, "The sub dives deep on its mission"?

It's a bit long, but maybe there's a short version that could sound coherent, but covert to a casual listener without being likely to be said? Or maybe you could even condition someone to any sentence with the three words "sub...deep...mission" in that order?

The difficulty is that the simpler the words, the shorter the sequence, and the less conspicuous the phrase, the more likely it is to occur by chance.

Re: Looking to create "safe" trigger phrase.

PostPosted: May 3rd, 2021, 10:53 am
by cloudstalker
I like the double meaning of the word, "Sub". That can be useful.