Qualifications ?

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Qualifications ?

Postby shabibi » June 3rd, 2022, 1:03 pm

I have been wondering,

Are you legally required to have hypnotherapy certifications and/or related qualifications, in order to do this?

By this I mean, writing/recording/mixing/uploading files for general consumption.

Literally speaking, sure, anyone who knows how to record/mix audio could do this.

But professionally, ethically and legally speaking, *should* they, without possessing certs or licenses ?

That was my question.

If it's been asked before, my bad.
If it hasn't, that seems odd (and implausible.)

Thanks for reading.
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Re: Qualifications ?

Postby Fizbin » October 14th, 2022, 2:21 pm

Hypnosis "for entertainment" generally has no certification or licensing requirements. To use it "therapeutically", one generally needs to be a licensed therapist of the type being purported, but that varies significantly from state to state. Needless to say, anything here is presumed to be in the entertainment category, regardless of the effects being claimed.
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Re: Qualifications ?

Postby Jackstock » October 15th, 2022, 7:27 pm

Hypnosis qualifications are pretty bogus. It usually just shows you completed a course. It doesn't mean you are good at it. It's also pretty unregulated.
Realistically, most certifications are for a specific technique, like Gastric Band Hypnosis, for example.

If everyone here was board certified, the content would be pretty bland (though maybe more effective).

Anyone can upload content to this site
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