Suggestions for my new script

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Suggestions for my new script

Postby Aestrius » August 1st, 2008, 7:13 pm

I recently made this new script, however im not going to post it on the site, as I made it specifically for my needs, however if I get enough people saying they like it more than my generic one I made (I tried something new for the behavior in this one, as well as specifying many of the details to what I want, where as my other one is very generic and leaves a lot to the imagination)
I based this off an image I found online that suited my needs/wants as well.
[Custom cat girl, specifically for Aestrius]

Now imagine your body, imagine it so complete, imagine as many details as you can, and now, those are all gone, all those details are gone, except your feet.
Feel your feet, feel how they move, how you balance on them, how it feels to have feet, now feel them shrinking, becoming smaller, it is harder to balance now, your body is too big for these new feet, but instead of wanting your feet bigger, you find you want your body smaller.
Your new feet, now smaller, also now get smoother, now like a young girls feet, a very young girls feet, these are your feet now, and have always been your feet, you love these new feet, they feel so perfect, you feel so young and innocent, so perfect with these feet, and as more of your body changes, these cute, innocent feelings get stronger, until they are overwhelming.
And once you are completely changed, these feelings will be irresistible, you will have no choice but to be cute and innocent, so small, your tingling feet now settle, now so small, so cute, so innocent, that innocent feeling rising, now flowing into your legs, your legs shrinking, your calves first, shrinking to match your feet, balance seemingly becoming easier now.
Your forelegs changing, getting smaller, matching your feet, getting smoother, there is no more hair on them, it is completely smooth, and as your upper legs change, another wave of cuteness sweeps over you, its almost intoxicating, it feels so good, to be small, to be cute, to just be innocent and cute, so young, so small, so cute.
And now this feeling extends to your waist, and as your waist gets smaller, you feel a tail sprouting, this new tail twitches as it grows, its a light purple color, and it feels so good, as it twitches about, you find yourself staring at it, going deeper and deeper into trance, and as you watch your tail and go deeper, you seem to forget about your penis, just forget its there, it slowly disappears, lost from sight, you can't feel it anymore, and as it disappears, you feel your testicles move as well, they are no longer on the outside of your body, they are now safely shielded by your vagina, your new girlish vagina.
And as these changes happen, another wave of cuteness sweeps over you, a desire to be innocent and cute, to act cute and innocent and sweet, your tail flicks in excitement, so cute, so innocent, as you drift deeper, my suggestions becoming harder to resist, you want these changes, you know this because the desire to be cute is so strong, to be innocent is so strong, that no matter what you try to do, you find yourself returning to my words, needing my words, desiring them, desiring to be cute, and as you desire this, you feel your body getting smaller, you feel tiny breasts forming, but they aren’t developed yet, you know they are there, but you cannot feel them.
And as your body shrinks, and as you feel these new undeveloped breasts take form, you feel another wave of pleasure, an urge to be even cuter, and with this cuteness comes happiness, playfulness, you want to be cute, innocent and playful, so young, so completely free of your cares, nothing matters except these feelings, and now your hands begin shrinking, becoming small, your nails becoming small, neatly trimmed, you feel so young now, looking at your body, you notice everything looks so young, your figure, now that of a young girl, feels so right.
Another wave of cuteness sweeps over you, almost overwhelming, you feel so innocent, and now, you see a mirror before you, you see this body, but on top of it is your normal head, you desire to change, to become a young cat girl, it feels so right, so normal, you notice your head becoming rounder, becoming cuter, your hair growing down to your shoulders, changing to a light shade of purple, more and more innocent.
And now, behind your head, you feel your hair growing longer, down to your waist, but this isn’t that long, your shorter now, its only a couple of inches, and you feel so cute, and because you feel so cute, you desire to be so cute, you desire to be this girl, you desire to be so cute, its almost overwhelming, your eyes becoming large, you feel your cute little eyes getting bigger, covering more of your face, becoming a light pink color.
And now your ears are growing out, becoming cat like, you feel so good, so small and cat like, so perfectly normal, and cute, and innocent, you look into this mirror, you see a young cat girl in it, so perfect, her large ears pointing up and out, her hair, so perfect and long, her light purple tail, almost pink, matching her hair and ears, flicking about, and as you see yourself, the urge to be cute and innocent, to be young and playful sweeps over you, its overwhelming now, you cant hold it back, just seeing yourself like this, you need to act on these urges, its so strong within you that you must be cute, you must be innocent and young, you cant help it, you want this so badly, you need these feelings to be complete.
Remember this body, these feelings, so young and cute, so innocent and care-free, you’ve always wanted this, and whenever you say Cat Girl Time, you will feel these urges, and as this feeling sweeps over you, overwhelms you, you will begin to your feel your feet change, your calves, your legs, you waist growing smaller, the hair gone, so smooth, so perfect, your waist and your tail growing in, your testicles receding, your penis disappearing, your chest becoming smaller to match your lower body, and your head changing, new hair growing and flowing, ears taking form.
It feels so right, so perfect, you love this feeling, so happy and perfect, your arms getting smaller, your fingers becoming smaller, all your skin is so smooth now, so young and small, your hair growing out behind you, long locks flowing down the side of your face, the front of your hair cut off now, so it doesn’t get into your eyes, it feels so perfect, the urge to be cute overwhelms you, the need to be playful and innocent is too much to bear, you must act on these urges, you can't resist it, you love being so cute, so young, you are very young now, 3 or 4, just a young, very cute, very innocent little girl.
You find your urges harder to control, you find you are interested in different things, every struggle you had in your life is gone, these don't concern you anymore, you are just a young little girl, money isn’t important to you, politics don’t matter, you want to be cute now, and whenever you say Cat Girl Time, you will become her, these feelings will sweep over you, and you will remain this way until you say Revert to Normal.
Maybe you cant speak, but you will find yourself changing to normal if you try to say it, even if nothing comes out, and that may happen, you are so young after all, even if nothing comes out, you will find yourself returning to normal, becoming yourself again, now in your head.
I want you to try something, imagine yourself as you normally are, now repeat after me, Cat Girl Time, feel yourself changing, changing into a cat girl, feeling so completely cute and innocent, you need to act on these urges, you love this feeling and desire it, you love being this girl, this young, cat girl, so cute, so perfect and young, innocent, perfect.
And now, now it is time to wake back up, when I reach 5, you will be refreshed and awake, just a cute little cat girl, so innocent and excited at the world around you, so playful and cute, and you will act on these urges, you want to act on these urges, you need to act on these urges when you awake.
1, waking up now, feeling cute and small.
2, more and more, conscious of your new tail.
3, your new ears twitch a little, feeling playful.
4, you don’t care about your old life, only this new one, this new body.
5, fully awake, so cute and playful and happy.
now how about taking those headphones off and going to play.

the image:
I was hoping for your opinions on this, and anything I could change about it to make the suggestions stronger or something, this is the best I could think of in the time I spent on, and was hoping so some people who have more experience in these matters to help me make the script itself better.

I'm hoping to get it perfect b4 I pay EMG to record it.

Finally, please highlight any changes you make somehow, making it bold or changing its color or something
Posts: 35
Joined: July 3rd, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby Cade » August 2nd, 2008, 11:51 pm

im liking it so far, i'm no script writer so i can't really point out flaws or anything o_o
Posts: 74
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Postby catgirlatheart » August 3rd, 2008, 12:40 am

I love it
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Joined: December 24th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby Aestrius » August 3rd, 2008, 11:37 am

Thx for the support, I'm glad people like it :).
My physical body is only limited by my imagination.
Posts: 35
Joined: July 3rd, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby Teltroxine » August 7th, 2008, 3:03 pm

If you have made the script then I suggest recording it yourself, this will be much more effective if you do it in a calm voice as you trust your own voice so it will probably work better.
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Joined: March 9th, 2008, 1:00 am

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