can anyone help me learn hypnosis?

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can anyone help me learn hypnosis?

Postby 1love » June 11th, 2009, 7:51 am

Just need some general training. Im new to this and i want to know how hypnosis works why its works, tip, techniques and any other usfull information you lovely people would be willing t share. If anyone has some techniques for script writing id especially love to know. You see the internet is pretty much a dry well for someone who is learning this stuff. Or at least it is in all the places Ive been looking. ive seen some e books. but alas you need money for those things. and money is not something i have much of. I gots butterflies in my pocket.

so does anyone have some information, or a point in the write direction where i can find some.

From what Ive come to loosly understand, the brain has several states or waves. Dont know what they are just know that you have to get to a certain state before hypnosis is possible. and this suggestibility thing. i dont really get that.
I managed to find hemi sync and holosync. dont really know what they do beside help you get more relaxed. and does anyone know much about binaural beats? i know they kinda fuck your brian into submission if you listen to them long enough. and there the whole frequency issue on how some frequencies are good an some are bad for you. any way i have a very basic, VERY basic understanding of all of this. It would be very much appreciated if i could get some usefull information.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » June 11th, 2009, 10:48 am

[url=]Look into my Eyes[/url] by Peter Masters is a decent place to start learning. You used to be able to download the pdf free, looks like you need to buy the book/ebook now, but it looks like you can still read it free online. While there are certainly better books for learning it in depth, it's a great place to start for a few reasons.

Sure a rubber cake frosting spatula might make a great makeshift paddle, but it's still a cake frosting spatula even when it's use is perverted. Most hypnosis books assume some level of knowledge or don't take that assumption and instead explain a lot of things that could be dangerous in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they are doing. Look into my eyes is incredibly basic almost ankle deep though and aimed at just something fun for a couple to do in the bedroom. The scripts and such in it are probably downright unappealing to most people, but skimming them between/after reading chapters doesn't hurt. You can probably read the whole thing in an afternoon.

Another great, and far more advanced, book is [url=]Monsters and Magical Sticks, There's no such thing as Hypnosis[/url]. It covers many different hypnosis related subjects, has some scripts and examples of various things, and is generally a great book. All through it you will find references to other books if you want to learn more about a given subject.

Learning rapid inductions and such is all well and good, but in all honesty I'd skip them until you have the basic's down. If you don't know what to do with hypnosis, or know if/when a trance is even required to accomplish something, you can cause more harm than good. That goes double if you don't have the faintest clue what to do if a subject reacts poorly while in trance.

Scripts can be useful for learning how other's do things or picking up interesting things someone else uses in their technique... but if you don't know the basics, you are just reading off a sheet of paper (even if that paper is in your memory). A big part of hypnosis involves trust, and you will have serious problems with that if you change into an entirely different person when your trying to hypnotize someone. Sure a different tone of voice and somewhat more targeted word choices is a good idea when doing hypnosis, but it should still be your own. You can have a whole lot more fun knowing how to do it yourself than you ever could by learning a gimmick and slavishly following some script or making tiny modifications that are far less effective than you hoped.
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Postby whatthe75 » June 11th, 2009, 4:31 pm

As above - the book mentioned is an excellent read and one of my favourites ( it is by steven heller ).

There are lots of books on Milton erickson ( including the "patterns and hypnotic techniques of Milton Erickson - which have a lot of the language patterns you want).

ANother one to check out would be Dave elman,and books related to him.

Another book ( well its two now ) every good hypnotist should have read at least once is Richard bandlers - tranceformations.It covers so much and in such a well structured way.It was released in the late 70's/ early 80's.

He has also released a new version in the last year - Richard bandlers guide to tranceformations.To be honest i dont think i have read a book that comes close to this.So if you were going to spend your money on anything this would by far be my recommendation.

There is no quick way to learn hypnosis,it is all practise,study etc etc.As mentioned above,you can learn how to hypnotize someone in about 10 minutes,but to understand how to hypnotize everybody,why and how and then know what your doing whilst they are under ( and knowing what level of trance they are in ) takes practice - lots of it.All hypnotists are still learning their trade.
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