A complex simple question.

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A complex simple question.

Postby sungoddd » September 7th, 2010, 9:02 pm

When focusing on the suggestion part of a file. how complex or simple does it need to be? Can i just have it be really simple like. "When you hear the trigger, heavy, your feet feel very heavy and will remain heavy until you hear the second trigger undo heavy".

Or is it best to have them more complex. Use some visualization, compare the heaviness to something else to give them a better idea.

I guess what i am is asking is how much is necessary, I know for the most part its probable based on the person, how deep they are, etc. But is there a general rule of thumb or anything around that nature? Also wonder if simple is sometimes better than complex? Hope this isn't to confusing,

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Postby Jeshi » September 7th, 2010, 10:34 pm

It depends on the desired effect. If you want a temporary fun little trigger like if you're doing stage hypnosis, you only need something simple. "The trigger speak will make you bark." repeated a few times.

If you want a realistic feeling convincing longer lasting deeply embedded trigger, you should make comparisons to the experience, explain it in many different ways, use positive words to describe the experience, reiterate it many times as well.

"I want you to try and remember, when something was on the tip of your tongue. When you realized you just simply couldn't remember something, and try and try as you might, you simply can't remember it. Try and remember what it feels like to have that feeling, to simply not be able to remember something. And whenever you hear forget you will feel that way about the last half hour. Try and try as you might, you simply will not be able to remember anything about the last half hour." And probably even more than that.

Usually if you do the simpler method, you'll get something like that infamous quote from the hypnosis episode of Penn & Teller "It was weird! I looked at the shoe and it was a shoe and I knew it was a shoe! And yet at the same time it was the most adorable puppy I'd ever seen!" To an audience the suggestion seems to have worked perfectly, but the subject is fully aware of what's going on, yet find themselves playing along anyways.

The more complex method would take a long time, terrible if you just wanted a quick fun trigger, but the subject might've actually believed completely that the shoe was a puppy dog.
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