I was wondering if there would be a file to make workarounds, where a subject is actually happy with effects they wouldn't normally want.
For the namesake, I will call it "amnesia boost" for now
A specific example would be:
I think the gorean slave thing is hot. I have trained my wife where she would be obedient to listen to a file I ask her to, even the gorean slave file.
The problem (and hopefully a solution, which I infer about) lies in the fact that when she listens to and is under effects of this file, she on one level is happy she obeyed me, but there is still a problem that makes her hate that file and not WANT to listen to it.
The problem is not to do with bowing to a whip, because she knows I wouldn't be that cruel. The main problem is that, even though she would listen and be effected, and her mannerisms DO change more than she could fake, she HATES to feel like property.
She hates to listen to the file because she claims she wants to cry when she's affected by it, because even if she knows I love her, she doesn't feel it because she knows she's just property.
So an example of the requested file/idea:
Would it be possible to make a file that would change her taste, and make her forget being inhibited about something, and instead have a FETISH for something she normally hates (eg feeling like property) so she can enjoy and WANT to listen to this file?
Another idea would be a file that could be listened to a file a person would NORMALLY find objectable, but remove that resistance, and make the file their nature, where they feel like this is how it has been, how they wanted it all along, not knowing or wanting it another way, as they "haven't experienced it".
An example would be a file that my wife could listen to before gorean slave, to make her believe she has always wanted, or always HAS been one, and it was a decision SHE made and wanted, not KNOWING her feeling like property is something she dislikes.
Another example could be using the amnesia boost technique in this file with a file to make her WANT to work out redundantly, when she used to be lazy. The file would not only make her forget she listened to the file to make her work out, but she would believe she has always wanted to work out like that, and not feel like something's off.
Another application would be using it before a file to change a persons personality (lets say if I made a file to make her act and want to appear like a tv or game character). She would listen to this file first, then after waking up from the file to change/train her personality, she would not feel like or think she would have ever reacted differently, so she would not be inhibited by being worried others have noticed a change.
The file I had made to make her want to behave like a person didn't work properly originally, but if amnesia boost was used, I believe it would make her WANT the effect instead of somewhat resisting it.
Does anybody have ideas for suggestions I could use for something like this, or would anybody be up for the task/challenge of trying to make a file like this?
Or is there already a file to change a disdain into a pleasure for sake of your master? I know there is an amnesia effect, but I would like something that would make her ENJOY the server part and not make it a chore, so she would listen at will and happily.
Simple obedience files just makes some people DO things, with disdain. Others my wife complains makes her feel off, because she doesn't like living as a mindless robot.