Corruption of Champions Files

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Corruption of Champions Files

Postby MistE » July 4th, 2013, 9:15 am

So I made some files based on Corruption of Champions. And people commissioned even more when I had a sale on them, so t hose are coming down the pipe. I don't know if anyone's a fan, and I won't pretend my collection of files is complete and diverse yet. So I figured I'd ask people what files they would most like to see from the CoC Ouevre. For those who don't know, Corruption of Champions is a free text based rpg from - and I like it. It's got the right mix of just being sex and having a little character development and decent writing. Also you can have seven cocks and that sure is a thing. Transformation and mental state changing items are common, endings often involve mind breaks or out and out conditioning, there's a bit of actual hypnosis/direct mind control, but most of it is substance or experience based mental changes, or "corruption" if you will.

Files are at this link, most are free, the ones coming out later today/early tomorrow are also free, check it out and tell me what topics I'm missing. I know the answer is "most of them" but knowing what people want will be helpful feedback wise. You can use the contact form at to send me an email if you don't wanna post here. I've been told the ones so far don't suck, but I'm open to critique on content.

Files be here:
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Joined: November 8th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby StrippedGears » July 6th, 2013, 4:36 am

I'd love to see a file like this:

It starts off with the listener accepting a drink from a bimbofied Niamh and getting a bit giggly, and then accepting a challenge to a sort of Bimbo Roulette from some other character nearby. Six bottles are put out and the listener is told that five are just more of Niamh's bimbo beer and one is Bimbo Liqueur. Then the character starts with a quiz where each question has an answer that the listener should know, but thanks to the first drink the listener doesn't have a clue what the answers are. Maybe one is a simple arithmetic problem (say, "what is two plus two?" or "how many bottles are left?"). Since the listener gets the question wrong, they take another drink. Being lucky, the listener makes it five rounds of having the quiz suck out their knowledge without drinking the Bimbo Liqueur, but being bimbo-beer-addled the listener presses their luck to go on to question six only to again lose and drink the brew that makes the bimbofication permanent.

It'd be great if the file included suggestions to make some permanent changes after listening, like math actually getting harder or it getting harder and harder to read or harder to resist giggling or harder to keep a coherent thought. Then maybe have the effects of listening to it repeatedly over time build up until it really is as though the listener drank the Bimbo Liqueur.
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Postby indigo3 » July 9th, 2013, 6:33 pm

I'd like a similar file to above, but one that focuses on Bro Brew and it's effects. In other words, getting dumber and manlier.
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Joined: January 1st, 2012, 1:00 am

Postby MistE » July 9th, 2013, 8:30 pm

Workable. Just finished the Drider backfire file. Will keep these ideas in mind for when the custom queue empties. All items are planned as files, so you'll get Bro Brew as a file at least.
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Joined: November 8th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby slutinmyhead » July 16th, 2013, 5:14 pm

I love that you are doing this, more or less creating a choose your own adventure hypno series... I've been enjoying the recordings too and often make purchases... I have tried to write to you via your site, but despite being all too human, cannot seem to overcome the capchca turing test... Sigh...
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Postby MistE » July 19th, 2013, 5:24 pm

Really? Well color me somewhat surprised. I just did the Aunt Nancy file, there's a free sample up. I'll be uploading it here on WMM once I'm done recording a few more.

Try again, I just made the Captchas slightly easier. Sorry to hear you were having trouble.
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Joined: November 8th, 2008, 1:00 am

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