by lew897 » March 18th, 2014, 12:58 pm
Cool. I have two more ideas that are half way to being complete. I just need more time writing it down. It takes a while for me to write it all down. Probably for five minutes of playing time, its about an hour of jotting it all down. I was only doing five to ten minutes, but have deceided to try out the twenty minutes which is longer and have to be more creative. Which is pretty fun to listen to once its all finished. Ive been listening to them for about two months consistently now. I do feel a lot more confident. For some reason, it makes me feel horny. lol. For the confidence builder, Ive been basing a lot of my ideas on allowing the listener to focus on where they need to be mentally when approaching women. Its definitely been altering my thoughts and actions. The next one is something that I hope is going to be just as good, and interesting since it has another challenge which sounds pretty cool to me. If you complete the first challenge it might be pretty easy but as I haven't made it so you have to listen to everything in order, its all on its own.