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Orc Transformation.

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2017, 3:22 am
by neuteu
Here's another idea/ challenge from me Orcs have always fasnated me so I was thinking about an hypnosis file that turns you into an orc. I think it should dumb down the listener to the point of hulk speak,make the listener want to wear a loin cloth, muscle growth, the growth of tusks, green skin, high sex drive and inspired by a file from EMG the orc will come out at random times when it is safe. you guys can add some more to this idea if you feel like it.

Re: Orc Transformation.

PostPosted: June 10th, 2020, 6:24 am
by Psycapra
Dude im right behind you on this one. Would love if somone made a dumb down orc file. Please i want yo embrace a brutish way of life. Grow a thic brow tusks sticking out of my jutting jaw. Hairy matted moobs swelling over my green girthy ball belly. Overgrown orcish balls and a small little thic code of a dick keeping all that primal musk swelling inside. Don't mind loosing head hair and growing a thick pelt of hair on my back and chest