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man boobs script

PostPosted: April 16th, 2019, 2:00 pm
by evilgeniusofdoomforhire
did a quick script for growing man boobs (originaly intended to be about watching porn, but ended up a feelings based script ) would love feedback. overall it seems a bit "clunky" to me.

this file will cause the listener to grow a pair of big, sexy, man boobs.
to make the most of this file, you should be sitting or lying in a comfortable position. you should have some time to spare where you wont be interrupted.
i want you to pay attention to your breath.
take a deep breath, yawn if you want to.
take another deep breath and feel the air fill your lungs.
as you feel the air flowing in and out of your lungs, you can feel the surface beneath you.
feel the surface beneath you as it supports you.
as you feel these things, you can start to relax.
you can hear the sound of my voice, perhaps you can hear the sound of your own breath.
as you hear these things you can relax.
you can listen to my voice and i will help you relax.
i want you to imagine a staircase. indoors, outdoors, big, small, any staircase at all.
this staircase has 10 steps.
you can take a moment to imagine this staircase.
in a moment we can go down this staircase to relax even more.
as you feel each breath relaxing your body, you will feel each stair step relaxing you also.
starting at the top of the staircase, ready to relax.
we can take a step now.
10. feel your breathing and hear my words.
9. feel the surface under you.
8. feel how it supports you.
7. as you feel these things, you can begin to relax.
6. feel yourself sink into the surface beneath you.
5. sinking deeper into relaxation.
4. you can feel yourself breathing.
3. allow your breathing to become slow and regular.
2. as you focus on my voice, allow this to relax you further.
1. as relaxed as you can be.
0. relaxed and ready to continue.
today we are talking about boobs.
i want you to imagine a pair of boobs.
you can think about the shape of them.
you can think about the curve of them.
you can think about the way they move.
you can think about the way they feel.
you might even imagine the way a woman might feel having boobs.
allow the thought of boobs to relax you.
allow yourself to relax, and keep thinking about boobs.
as you are relaxing, you might start to feel horny.
allow yourself to feel horny.
this feeling is natural.
boobs are sexy.
boobs feel sexy.
allow yourself to feel horny.
imagine how horny a woman gets when she plays with her boobs.
imagine this and allow yourself to feel twice as horny as you are right now.
thats good. it feels good to be this horny.
as you feel these sexy feelings, think how much you wish you could feel like this forever.
imagine if you had boobs to play with.
can you imagine how sexy that could be?
a pair of big, sexy, round, man boobs.
allow yourself to feel horny. the horniest you have ever felt.
as you allow your arousal to build, start to imagine yourself with a pair of big, sexy, round, man boobs.
think how good this feels.
allow this sexy feeling to flow through your body.
focus on your chest.
as you feel these feelings, in your body, in your chest, you can begin to feel your chest growing.
you can feel your chest tingle and grow. your boobs are growing now.
you want this. you want to feel this way all the time.
allow yourself to feel how sexy it is to have your own pair of growing man boobs to play with.
you can play with them now.
you can feel how sexy they are. you can feel how horny it makes you.
everytime you play with yourself, you will find one of your hands reaching for your boobs.
everytime you fuck, you will squeeze your slutty boobs, just like a porn star.
feel the arousal. feel how good this feels. feel how sexy your growing man boobs make you feel.
as you feel all these feelings, you can begin to imagine what your man boobs will look like.
imagine what they will look like when they are fully grown.
feel how it will feel when you have a pair of big, bouncy, man boobs.
feel your boobs swinging as you walk.
as you feel this you can sink deeper into relaxation.
you can feel the air in your lungs. in, and out. you can feel your man boobs moving with every breath.
as you feel your man boobs moving, you can feel them grow.
you can feel the breath in your body, and feel your breath make them grow.
your big, sexy, bouncy boobs are inflating as you breathe. like inflating a baloon.
slowly but surely your boobs will grow. it feels good to grow your boobs. you love this. you love the sexy feeling in your boobs.
as you feel this sexy growing feeling, you can allow it to make you horny. touch your boobs. caress them. squeeze them. tease yourself
and feel how sexy your boobs make you feel.
this is a new habbit. you play with your boobs because they feel so good.
it feels so good to touch them and feel them grow.
allow yourself to feel how good this feels.
it feels so good to caress and tease your boobs.
allow yourself to feel them grow.
you want this.
you need this.
you will have this.
the feelings you feel, the arousal, the growing, the tingling in your chest, are signs that your body is changing.
your boobs are growing.
whenever you are horny, your sexy man boobs will grow.
whenever you play with your boobs, they will grow.
even breathing makes your boobs grow. inflating like big baloons.
now focus on your breath.
feel your sexy man boobs grow.
feel how arousing this is.
feel how aroused and relaxed you are.
in a minute i will wake you up.
when you wake up, you will stay horny.
when you wake up, you will feel your boobs grow. when you breathe they inflate. when you play with them they grow.
when you wake up, you will want to masturbate, and play with your big, sexy, man boobs.
on the count of 3 you will wake up.
1. starting to stir, waking up.
2. eyes open, waking up.
3. wide awake, and feeling good. ... e_id=12319