DMT and the Pineal Gland natural high.

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DMT and the Pineal Gland natural high.

Postby 1love » February 20th, 2011, 1:58 am

Hey everyone. So i had this idea for a file. What the basis of the file does, is that it stimulates the Pineal Gland in the brain to produce healthy levels on DMT, the natural chemical it is suppost to make.

NOW i dont know if many of you know, that our general food is poisoned. So is our water. By chemicals like fluoride and aspartame. These chemicals are proven to inhibit the pineal gland, and its production of dmt.

The results are linked to nearly every mental illnes such as, ADD, ADHD, depression, and MAJOR brain problems. Even Brain tumors.

Now i have cut out most if not all of these chemicals, but i still wander around day to day in brain fog mode. Where nothing feels real.

So i was hoping, that there is a hypnotist out there that can make a file that re awakens the pineal gland.

Hey have some fun with it too, Dmt is what makes you high when you smoke weed, you get high when you have an abundance in you brain.
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Joined: May 12th, 2009, 12:00 am

Re: DMT and the Pineal Gland natural high.

Postby bandler » March 25th, 2011, 12:38 am

1love wrote:... Now i have cut out most if not all of these chemicals, but i still wander around day to day in brain fog mode. Where nothing feels real.

So i was hoping, that there is a hypnotist out there that can make a file that re awakens the pineal gland...

Two questions:

1) How much TV do you watch every day?

2) What does it feel like when your pineal gland is re awakened?

I'm working on some glandular files...

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Joined: October 15th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby oraprog » March 25th, 2011, 2:11 pm

Sounds like a good confusion induction.

What would you do after you have the person in trance?
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Joined: December 29th, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby 1love » March 26th, 2011, 11:58 pm

I rarely watch tv, but im on the internet constantly... Researching.

To experiance the ultimate in DTM, you have to go to the amazon, and drink a tea called ayahuasca. Its pretty much a straight shot of dmt.
Its used by many tribes for spiritual healing. They say you can connect to the deepest level of you, to the universe, to everything, when you've drank it. If you have fears or demons, you conquer them when you drink ayahuasca.
And since the pineal gland is suppost to naturally produce the stuff, i think there may be a link between the poisons in our food and drinks, and depression, fluoride is proven to calcify glands. The link to your subconscious is cut off.

Therefore i beleive it would be highly beneficial for this spiritual healing to be available to everyone, with no need to travel to the south America, where the stuff is legal. In the form of a hypnosis track. A way to END depression and alot of other mental illness.

sure you can get almost the same effect with lsd, but those are super illegal, and got a ton of other shit in it.

What i want is a track that can stimulate it back to life, and one that can give you the spiritual journey most people seek.
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Joined: May 12th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby CharredSoul » March 27th, 2011, 5:24 am

have you watched the spirit molecule doco? the ultimate way is IV, LOL.
the drink doesn't do anything to rid you of your demons depression and whatever you have put in your post, it gives you the opportunity to overcome them the same with iboga another interesting plant to look into.
there are plenty of circles outside of the amazon to go on the aya journey you just have to know the right people. there are acutal shamanic forums on the web good place to start

you might want to look into mantak chia relying alot on energy techniques mainly qigong and many people have had dmtesque experiences while and after a retreat. if you want to have a natural experience.
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Postby bandler » April 1st, 2011, 3:05 pm

1love wrote:I rarely watch tv, but im on the internet constantly... Researching.

To experiance the ultimate in DTM, you have to go to the amazon...

What i want is a track that can stimulate it back to life, and one that can give you the spiritual journey most people seek.

Okay, you answered 50% of the questions I asked.

A hypnosis file that tells you you have had a drink of DMT tea will have no effect unless you have already experienced drinking DMT tea.

If you can describe the feelings, sights, sounds, etc. that you experienced from a shot of DMT, that might have some effect on a trance subject.

Spiritual Journey scripts are a dime a dozen and worth every penny.

>Lecture Mode On<
Also, since you research constantly on the internet, you will be aware that people all over the world live in crowded, stressful, depressing circumstances. Drinking alcohol (a depressant) is the national pass time for the UK, Japan, France, Germany, The USA and Russia to name just a few big ones. The rate of drug addiction is epidemic. Add in illegal drug addictions and you start to see the 'big picture'. The masses are being poisoned, as you say. It is intentional. TV is probably the most powerful control device ever invented, and it is used in many ways, including persuading people to poison themselves.

In other words, people are depressed for a lot of very good reasons.

What to do about it?

Turn off the TV.
Grow your own food.
Develop local connections.
Turn your local connections into a community.
People feel good when they belong to a productive community.

Google Chris Martenson Crash Course for details.
>Lecture Mode Off<
Posts: 234
Joined: October 15th, 2009, 12:00 am

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