Dumb Until You Cum

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

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Dumb Until You Cum

Postby CassieCav » June 28th, 2011, 1:16 pm

The idea is pretty simple, you are taken under and you are made dumb-struck, stupid, naive, gullible, and all of that stays with you until you cum. The longer you wait, the more skills, knowledge, and common sense you lose. The file should call out specific things to make it more vivid. Simple, but effective. No time limit needed, since you can simply masturbate or have sex.

How's that sound?
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Postby Dischordian » June 28th, 2011, 1:27 pm

and the more you listen to it without cumming, the dumber you get???

Brilliant, and dare I say sexy!
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Postby Korusi » June 28th, 2011, 1:57 pm

Why not include a positive effect; the more you cum the smarter you get - basically drive the person to have to cum or suffer the consequence hehe.

Maybe make it better and require it to be sexual intercourse.
Useful for people who are struggling mishaps with taking the plunge and getting laid hehe.
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Postby slyfox » June 28th, 2011, 3:03 pm

I approve of this idea :)
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Postby Jeshi » June 28th, 2011, 9:56 pm

I think if it cleared itself out completely after cumming then it would be a fun experience type file that many could listen to for fun.

If it was a permanent "You keep getting dumber and the only way to slow it down or reverse it and maintain your intelligence is to have sex as often as possible" then it would be a crazy curse file that few people would be willing to try but could be amazing for those that do.

I'd prefer the former. But I can imagine some people preferring the latter.
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Postby VeryGnawty » September 6th, 2011, 3:04 pm

That file sounds like fun, actually. It would be interesting to listen to the file before trying to hook up with someone or before meeting someone for sex.

It would also be fun to create a makeshift curse out of the file by intentionally listening to it after you cum. In this way you would have to frequently engage in some sort of sexual activity to retain your intelligence, without the actual "curse" effect of the more hardcore files.
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Postby bandler » September 6th, 2011, 6:53 pm

From my experience this is a natural effect that happens to young men automatically... the longer they go without sex the dumber the things they try in order to get sex! Hypnotically enhancing this natural tendency could be quite powerful ;-)
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I might even record the file in my studio for you...

Postby tech53 » November 4th, 2011, 9:26 pm

I might record it in my studio for you (I have a semi pro studio that has nearing 8 k in it now) if you could guarantee that the file won't make me permantly lose knowledge. I'm a real smart person so the idea of being what you describe while out at the club and during sex turns me on. Guess it's a classic Freudian thing.
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Postby forecastdown » November 6th, 2011, 9:21 am

I'd love to see this kind of temporary intelligence reduction file made...we need something that lets us enjoy stupidity for a while without interfering with everyday life. If tech53 or someone else could record, I'd be willing to work on developing a script with everyone!
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develop me a script but i can only work on it so much

Postby tech53 » November 9th, 2011, 7:43 pm

...i can only perfect it so much...i can only cum so much
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Postby ztshp » November 10th, 2011, 12:33 am

Hey tech are you Ok? Did you listen to it?
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Postby qv » November 10th, 2011, 1:07 am

Heh, I think this might be a case of accidental self-suggestion.

That's always so awesome. :D
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err---I would have to ...

Postby tech53 » November 10th, 2011, 11:32 am

I would have to record it first ...though I am quite curious if hearing my own voice would make suggestion stronger...if so I may start re recording files
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Postby 5HA99Y » November 10th, 2011, 7:23 pm

awesome file idea i would love to test it for you but i have trouble going under so im not sure how well it would do on me
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I'm sure I could do one of these

Postby tech53 » December 7th, 2011, 2:41 am

get me a script...if I can fit it in I will do it. Right now I'm looking at not taking on much more pay work cause tax season is almost over but I'll soon be renovating the studio with acoustical foam and other acoustic treatments, many of which are diy...so that may eat a bit of time. It could be fun though...maybe some sort of don't think about anything suggestion with a sub suggestion of you are allowed to think about sexual thing if they cross your mind...but not actually TELLING you to think of them...more of an allowance...so the only thing once your mind finds it...that it can think of is in fact sex and you are allowed to cum...then its all over and back to normal. It could be fun to see how long it takes people to catch on...you might want to leave a trigger buried in there for those who don't catch on...something someone else can activate.
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Postby BigGuy » December 12th, 2011, 12:46 am

Korusi wrote:Why not include a positive effect; the more you cum the smarter you get - basically drive the person to have to cum or suffer the consequence hehe.

I like it, but maybe have it bump the horniness level too.
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Postby Pugugly001 » December 18th, 2011, 1:53 am

What about a sense that the drained capability were added to your significant other. Your IQ and will are drained, she gets smarter and more charismatic . . .

I tend to think of these things from a femdom perspective, but conceptually there's no need for it to be.

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Postby boobies32 » December 21st, 2011, 8:21 pm

Just have it so it makes the idiots until they cum. The longer they wait the longer it will take to cum.
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Postby outkast1728 » December 21st, 2011, 8:45 pm

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Postby forecastdown » January 14th, 2012, 10:35 am

I sent a tentative script to tech a while back, but it doesn't look like he's been on at all since then... Is there anyone else willing and capable that could record something for this?
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Postby indigo3 » January 14th, 2012, 4:34 pm

I hope that you can find someone to record this, because this would be a truely awesome file!
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Postby outkast1728 » January 14th, 2012, 5:54 pm

If you have a script I could try recording it.
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ok so I'm back...

Postby tech53 » January 20th, 2012, 4:17 pm

I'm back, and have been busy fixing the studio...we are just finishing up with treating the studio walls for acoustics (auralex foam, bass traps, oc 703 fiberglass panels) It's been a lot of work. I'm going to try to do this today...just all of you know I'm horny and skipping my hypnosis for this, lol. Anyway, my standards of recording have drastically improved since that time, I've learned a lot, started reading a bit off of the MIT online learning portal...and am starting a recording school as soon as I get my taxes back. Maybe sooner. Worked with "The Fetish Show" if any of you have heard it. It's a podcast...zoe is an ass-hat if you do listen. Anyway...here goes.
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Postby tech53 » January 20th, 2012, 5:11 pm

so I'm about halfway through the initial recordings and I get a phone call...grr I hate cell phones. Anyway, I have some real work to do with the studio and I'll get back to this asap. If I don't get it out tonight or tomorrow it may be a few days though, I have to get the studio ready for some people that will be coming through.
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Postby tech53 » January 26th, 2012, 6:09 pm

sorry...just got swamped again. I'll keep the recording so far in the studio archives until I have time.
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Postby aviant » May 8th, 2012, 6:40 am

Now combine this with chastity :lol:
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Re: Dumb Until You Cum

Postby Tangy » May 10th, 2012, 8:28 pm

CassieCav wrote:The idea is pretty simple, you are taken under and you are made dumb-struck, stupid, naive, gullible, and all of that stays with you until you cum. The longer you wait, the more skills, knowledge, and common sense you lose. The file should call out specific things to make it more vivid. Simple, but effective. No time limit needed, since you can simply masturbate or have sex.

How's that sound?

What happens to you if you are to dumb to remember? Are you going to be one of the 99 percent% of homeless Americans.
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Postby percy_number23 » September 23rd, 2014, 11:12 pm

There's a really similar file to this on the MindCollar site. In it, you get triggered by saying a phrase to someone, and become really dumb until you next orgasm. I believe there's a girl and a guy version, and at least during the trance, it's been really effective on me. A real feeling of melted mind. The author is Jadyn from MindCollar, who has some files on here under the name dldrip. You should check it out if y'all are still interested in this concept!
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