New to this whole thing.

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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New to this whole thing.

Postby SubWuffer » March 24th, 2010, 3:06 am

Hello there, I'm rather (very) new to hypnosis, but I thought I'd share my experiences so far, since, well that's what this forum is for, one supposes :P

So I found this site after snagging on a furry transformation hypnosis recording, looking it up, I found it was EMG's from this site. Naturally I was intrigued and wanted to try it out. Of course, listening to that particular file at the time just made me relaxed. After all, they say that it's one of the harder ones to get working.

So I thinks to meself, well, lets see what else they have, and work up to this one when I'm ready. Off I trundle then into the Inductions section, and start trying things out that caught my eye.

The first file that had what I'd call a real effect on me was HypnoDSC's Basic Induction. Before that, I'd just felt relaxed listening to files, I couldn't really tell if I was trancing or not. That one sent me into a trance I'm certain, and although when he talks about your hand being light and floating up, my reaction was slow, it did work. The stiffening of the arm definatly did... though since the floating was slow, my arm was stuck bent at an odd angle. So yeah :?

This was encouraging, so I carried on looking through untill I got to Blink's Basic Induction. This one must have worked well, because I only listened to it twice, but when I then tried his Good Boy file, the effects were immediate.

Good Boy is currently my favourite on my playlist, and I listen to it at least once a day, twice if I have time. And when he is setting up the positive trigger, I never fail to be brought to the brink of pleasure, I may even have come a little bit on most occasions. Though I did learn that the setting up of the negative trigger kicks me out of trance if I'm utterly hungover, due to the fact if he said those words one more time, I really was going to throw up.

Since starting listening to Good Boy, the effects have been mostly positive ones. Before I was never a very good slave, the idea of it was fun to me, but I could never really be arsed. Now I am always wanting to obey, and I have found myself, when a thought would normally be; "Oh yeah, [Insert name here] wanted those pictures, I should do that. If I can be arsed." The thought is now; "Oh yeah, Master wanted those pictures. I'll go work on them now, or master will be dissapointed." I smiled when I caught myself thinking that.

It has also made going to work more of a pleasure and less of a chore, I certainly didn't hate my job before, but since work is basically following a set of instructions and orders handed down from a position of authority, the sense of pride in a job well done, whenever a task is completed has much been swollen.

Unfortunatly, since Master and I live in utterly different timezones, I only see him online, and then far too rarely. I've not yet had chance to inform him of my new compulsions, and the associated phrases. As such, to test things out, I took a leaf from the page of somebody I saw in these forums, and tested out the words through a text to voice synthesiser, which I have begun to refer to as Master's Voice. This certainly works, though the negative trigger seems much stronger in me than the positive one.

Utilising Master's Voice, it seems there is enough of a mental disconnect to give myself orders. Simple things were tried at first, which overid my usual inherent laziness and got me out of bed toot sweet. Then Master's Voice ordered me, when I was at the end of my lunch break, to return to work and work hard for the rest of the day.

Holy Shit.

For the next few hours, I was working at a pace a step above my usual, and everytime I noticed I was slacking off the pace a little, or my mind was wandering, a voice in the back of my head would tell me I could be working harder, and doing so caused a serene sense of peace. Then, came the downside. Master's Voice had not left in a clause for my half hour tea break.

As soon as I'd got outside for a fag, my subconcious struck. I could not relax at all, the voice was shouting to work hearder. I felt like I had drunk about 4 too many coffees and was jittery and uncomfortable. In the end, I ended my break ten minutes early, unable to relax again untill I was working once more.

(But Master's Voice is a harsh master, quick to pounce on any faults in following it's orders, all the times I slacked off, the fact I even took a break, was due cause for an admonishment upon my return to it. Since logically I know that Master's Voice is ME I don't even want to know what this says about my subconcious.)

So, that's my success with Good Boy, which remains on my daily list. What else did I try from there?

Currently I'm trying Lutz's Bubble induction, which has been getting better and better results with trancing, though I have to be careful to listen to that one alone, repeating along is a good way of setting up his authority over me and all, but really, I don't want my housemates to overhear, even if my repetition of the Trigger is beginning to get cut off with "I hear and obey."

I have tried his test file, but wether I'm posting about that to play along, or if it's showing real results, only time will tell XD

I'm also trying Calimore's Mystifying Spiral, which I have tried to listen to four times, but only recall the thing once. First time I was brought out of trance by the siren call of a pint and free food. Second time, I definatly tranced completely out... but at the very beginning of the file, only coming back into a state where my concious mind could hear AFTER the countdown. Which is just plain backwards of me. The latest time I was half cut and nakered, so I plain old fell asleep.

Latest on my list is Cardigan's Deep Trance. Which I have listened too once. This was seriously a good track, and when I decided to first test the trigger, I could feel myself dropping right back off, stopping myself before completion since, well, I had a ciggerate in my hand, the results would have been very bad. A later test did trance me out untill I realised I never pressed play on the file I was doing it in prep for.

SO more sucess there then.

I DID try out his Feel of Latex, after listening to the Deep Trance, just out of curiosity mostly. I'm not really that into latex, and didn't feel anything while listening. But I did have to go and look up some latex porn afterwards :lol:

So, there's my current stories, successes and oddnesses included. It's probably a bit TL;DR but *Shrugs* Why use one word when seven will do? At the moment, I'm working down the files by Category/Alphabetical order, starting at teh top of induction, and grabbing whatever takes my fancy.

I am however, open to suggestions (Pun totally intended) on things to try.

Thanks for reading!

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Postby Mino » March 24th, 2010, 8:57 am

That was an interesting read, thanks for writing it and I wish you luck in your future hypnosis endeavors.
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Great Post !

Postby Calimore » March 24th, 2010, 2:10 pm

Thank you so much for being a good boy and sharing! I've noticed how good boys and good girls always like to share. In fact, that's one way you can tell them apart . . .

It sounds like you've been having some wonderful experiences so far on your journey here with us, SubWuffer, and I just had to say how very good it was of you to share them. :wink:

It pleases me that you are having fun with my Mystifying Spirals file. I use the trigger from that file in most of the other files I am making, including my Deep Trance trigger file, which many use for conditioning since the file was written to be repeated to create fractionation or to lead into another file. You'll find that both triggers are used with frequency by other tists, making them useful for listening to hypnosis files, whomever the author.

I want to say that I was most intrigued by the successes you reported using TTS. When I first took interest in TTS for trance a while back, I was too distracted by the robot-sounding voice to trance to it myself, but here recently I have found a couple of synthetic voices that didn't rub me quite the wrong way. However, I also seem quite capable to trancing to my own recordings, so I doubt I will do much with it personally, but I did enjoy reading of your successes with it.

In fact, I find myself looking forward to hearing more from you, so trance on and please feel free to share future successes here with us as well, as they occur.

Many people seem to struggle fitfully trying to achieve results with hypnosis and their news isn't always as good as yours was, SubWuffer, so often they end up telling a discouraging tale or two before the get to post one of a success. Posts like this one tend sometimes to give people that one little push to make it over the top like you're experiencing. Thanks again for sharing.

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Postby SubWuffer » March 24th, 2010, 3:05 pm

Thanks for the reply guys, and I'm glad you found it interesting, Mino.

Calimore, I may have been a tad ambiguious with what I meant when using the TTS there, I didn't put myself into trance with it... well, I havn't tried it yet actually with the trance triggers. That's going on my to do list.

I had meant that I could seemingly assign it as a good authority, and thus someone, thing, whatever to be obeyed. The GB/BB Triggers work though, so it's likely that others will too, if they've set properly. I'm glad that I managed to have a good experience to write about though, if not for me (I am very glad for me) but as you said, if it helps others then it's always a good thing.

Also, until reading this post, I did not realise that the GB triggers worked through text ^^; That's rather awesome. Now since I can't stop blinking over to stare at your avatar for a while, I do beleive I have a file to go listen to :wink:
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Postby SubWuffer » March 25th, 2010, 5:01 am

Well, the Mystyifying Spiral seems to be getting to me more and more, since last night listening to it, I remember there being a part I swear I hadn't heard before. Of course now for the life of me, I can't remember what that was :lol:

Tried out the Bubble and Spiral triggers through a TTS, and they... kind of work? I sort of went into a light trance, and lay there unable to open my eyes for a minute or so. Which was interesting, because I was not trancing deep, just, like my eyes were glued shut.

Then I tried Caridigan's Horny. That one works. Oh yes how that one works. Dear lord.

EDIT: Also, is there any chance I can find out from Calimore what the subliminals in Subliminal Canine that I've been listening to while doing other things for the past couple of days are, or would that ruin the fun? XD
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Great Thread!

Postby Calimore » March 26th, 2010, 6:16 am

SubWuffer wrote:Well, the Mystyifying Spiral seems to be getting to me more and more, since last night listening to it, I remember there being a part I swear I hadn't heard before. Of course now for the life of me, I can't remember what that was :lol:

I did layer the amnesia suggestions pretty liberally in that file. It surprised me when I was testing it when I found that there were parts of it that I couldn't remember unless I told myself that I was the one who had written it. Then, it seemed I just went into the writing process in my mind and started to review it.

SubWuffer wrote:Tried out the Bubble and Spiral triggers through a TTS, and they... kind of work? I sort of went into a light trance, and lay there unable to open my eyes for a minute or so. Which was interesting, because I was not trancing deep, just, like my eyes were glued shut.

No, you were most certainly trancing, SubWuffer, just not that nice, deep trance that so many of us with the hypnofetish shoot for. Good boy!

SubWuffer wrote:Then I tried Caridigan's Horny. That one works. Oh yes how that one works. Dear lord.

I know - good God, does it work. I keep meaning to ask him to put that one on a trigger...

Keep up the good work and Happy Trancing!


PS: Ask me in PM in a about week, SubWuffer. :wink:
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Postby ftslave67 » March 27th, 2010, 8:07 am

Looks like you have been a very good boy, indeed! :D

I also enjoy Calimore's files--"Trance Arousal" is another great one--and have enjoyed Blink's in the past.

If you're still looking for suggestions, LittleCalToy has one called "Cal's Curse" which I particularly enjoy. If you listen, you will be unable to Orgasm without permission. So keep that in mind before you decide to listen to it.
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Postby darkenedav » March 27th, 2010, 6:22 pm

epic sharing on both parts and testament what good forum posts are!

I have to say I don't think anyone's not heard cardigans horny and not felt even a tingle ;)

plus I have to say regardless of gender, good boy is a great mp3! :)
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Postby SubWuffer » March 30th, 2010, 6:04 pm

If you're still looking for suggestions, LittleCalToy has one called "Cal's Curse"

Aye, I saw that one, and although I must admit it is intriguing, I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that just yet. Perhaps further down the Road to Omegadom ^^;

The Trance Arousal also looks interesting, but again, I don't think I'm far enough down the rabbit hole to part with my beer money just yet ;P

And thanks Darkendav and FTSlave for reading, and your comments =3 A question though to anybody who peruses upon my ramblings, I had planned to keep updating this as I progress further and further into this interesting world, with what works for me, what dosn't, etc. But does anybody want that clogging up the forum, or should I just start a journal. I like the forum because of the increased likelyhood of dialouge and suggestions, but if it's looking boring and self indulgent, I've no problem hiding it away someplace else. Thoughts?

Still, I'll update what I've had fun with over the little server break, eh?

Good Boy continues to be pure distilled love and I should really send a thankyou note to Blink for it or something. The reactions to GB/BB are noticably stronger now, which is cool. As long as I don't be a bad boy =P

Spirals continues to zonk me out stronger each time, feeling one's teeth go numb is the kind of odd sensation I've now come to enjoy. How can teeth go numb? I have no idea... Which is nice, bubble I don't get to use as often, so it seems to have reached an odd plataue.

Cardigan's Deep Trance, Followed by Cardigans Enhancement and Acceptance, Followed by EMG's Deepening, seems to be a method for complete mind wipe. May have to try that one again in front of files sometime.

On to the fun stuff :) Tried out EMG's Cum Torture, after getting myself good and chilled out, and that really send me rather crosseyed for a while. It certainly worked for me, that much I can confirm. I was utterly glued to the spot, which, since I was tranced with my hands crossed just below my belly button, made things awkward when the orgasms kicked in.

One and two were just as advertised, not the best, but rather powerful, three however was lackluster, a worn out after effort, but by that point, I suppose there is only so much one can hope for on a first listen ;P I did however then remain glued to the spot. In the file it says I'd stay so until I broke free, and I knew how to do it. Which I suppose is up to interperation from the listener. For me, I don't know what EMG meant, but a simple, whispered "Thankyou" broke the spell. *Shrugs* My subconcious is polite?

I also tried Lady Rio's female Orgasm, which was certainly an experience. Although I couldn't visualise this female form I was occupying, nor sense the curves of it's body, only my own Manly frame, I could certainly feel the pleasure invoked. It's possible that while my mind, relaxed and accepting and amiable as I am, is open to suggestions, I have more trouble with visualising things?

I beleive there is an aid file for that, I might have to look it up.

Come to me was more porn than trance, though I did get a good image of the jar.

Teenage Boy Bitch, another I tried, almost picking at random (I had two days off) was also interesting. I could taste things, and feel the emotions described, but not get good visiualisation again, nor smells. The stand outs in that were though that I could certainly feel the textures of cum as the file went on, and my head was moving of it's own accord. Which was cool. And then in the second file of the two, although I couldn't feel much, my ass did feel sore.

Again I'm thinking that visualisation file may help. Or just further listening and trancing in general.

Outside of all this, whenever I've got chance, I've put subliminal Canine on while I'm doing things. At first this file only made me cold. Which is an odd reaction to be sure. However, as it's been looping, I've become more comfortable with it, and that's faded. The effects do seem to be creeping in.

My first port of call now when having a drink is to lap it. Which can be painful with coffee or tea, until it cools down, or just plain odd with wine or lager. Regardless though this one has been induldged so much now that it's the automatic responce, even with people in the room. In fact when I need to hurry my drink and get it down normally because I'm short on time, I have to concentrate on NOT lapping. I'm more relaxed curled up than stretched out, and have a tendancy now to stretch on all fours before moving if I've stretched out like that, along with a strong urge (Indulged only in my room so far) To get off whatever surface I've been curled up on on all fours before progressing.

A few other effects I've seen, include the unusally strong satisfaction gained from pinning a chicken between my hands and tearing the flesh straight from the bone with my teeth. I don't know if I was just hungry, or what, but picking the bone fragments from my teeth was an affair. It's just as satisfying with less visceral meals actually. There was also a moment when a person who could be called the house Alpha, didn't finish his meal, and handed the leftovers to somebody else rather than me. Bastard. I should be higher ranked than that :cry:

Though an odd moment came tonight when, curled up in front of the fire and the TV, lapping my glass of wine, I turned to look at what was going on behind me. It was only after being asked if I was completely turning into a housepet I noticed I had left my legs as they were and just rolled over, hands limp on my chest, to look up and behind. At this point I decided it was time to sit up and be human again for a while.

I'd love to know what's in this file, just so I can know how much is the file, and how much is just me letting loose and wolfing out. But Calimore said to ask in a week, so I'll wait a few days yet ;P

This is actually making me hungry again. I think I'll go get a sandwhich.
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Subliminal Canine 'script'

Postby Calimore » April 7th, 2010, 11:28 pm

Canine Behaviour

from the file Subliminal Canine

love to run
chase things
barking and running
running and panting
tongue hanging out
lapping up water
crunching on kibble
on all fours
licking myself
chasing my tail
making friends
sniffing behinds
respect the alpha
who's in charge
run with the pack
together we are strong
hunting together
chasing and eating
running and playing
barking and howling
howling at the moon
running wild
wild and free
loyal to the alpha
the alpha is the best
want to be the alpha
loyal to the pack
the pack comes first
watching for prey
anything that moves
watching for enemies
always alert
watching for enemies
ready to run
always on guard
watching for movement
ready to defend
listening of sounds
wanting to hunt
sniff out food
smells are so important
sniff out sex
marking territory
don't poop where I live
scratching and urinating
sniffing for boundries
always on guard
bitches go in heat
smelling of sex
sleeping on the ground
circling and circling
before laying down
awake in a moment
ready for a treat
chewing and chewing
keeping teeth sharp
gnawing on bones
eating what smells good
love to eat meat

(c)2009 calico labs
other copyrights may apply

As promised, here is the 'script' I used to make my Subliminal Canine file. Please note the general lack of pronouns in the subliminals.

Thanks to SubWuffer for having so much fun with the file and thanks again to blackwolf for inspiring it. Woof! :wink:
Last edited by Calimore on April 8th, 2010, 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mitsakos » April 8th, 2010, 9:24 am

really interesting notes , thanks for sharing them with us
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Postby darkenedav » April 8th, 2010, 4:02 pm

Not to take this completely out of context but that should be a list of awesome song titles :P
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Postby SubWuffer » April 8th, 2010, 6:58 pm

Well, untill the drummer gives in half way through the set and starts gnawing on his drumsticks anyway.
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Re: Subliminal Canine 'script'

Postby Dogboy » April 10th, 2010, 11:29 pm

Calimore wrote:Canine Behaviour

from the file Subliminal Canine

Well that's really cool to see a lot of thing I noticed that I didn't put in my journal because I wasn't sure related to the file or not. It turns out they were! I can see why I like Subliminal Canine so much. It is a really wonderful file, I absolutely loved the canine feeling and instincts it gave me. Too bad I end up getting frustrated that I can't act on them as much as I feel the need to.
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Postby SubWuffer » April 17th, 2010, 4:39 pm

Thanks again to Calimore for posting those messages! It's really good to know. Another reason I asked (other than wondering if I was in fact, going mad) was to see if anything in it would interfere with my work. The answer is yes, but not in any disruptive way.

I work with food, surrounded now by good smells. I was wondering why I was now so constantly hungry :lol:

Sub_Canine is a good file, I've enjoyed it a lot. It seems very subtle in it's effects on me, aromathepy baths are now mandatory. And I often find myself thinking thoughts that would have seemed out of place before, constantly checking for new scents. I saw a pidgeon on a lampost the other day for example, and my first responce was: "I wonder if I could climb that before the stupid thing noticed". Mostly I try to forget what I know of the messages, I don't know, for a more "Natural" take I suppose, but now I have peace of mind, it's easier, and It's also comforting when I get odd thoughts like that, to cross check the list. It's always there =D

However, new report!

The other day, though it is obvious to me now, after looking over the forums here, that I seem unusually sugestible, the other day I seemed so more than ever. Maybe I was more relaxed? I don't know.

But a week maybe before this day, I'd listened to Florida Puppy's Playing Bitch. A fun file indeed. The trigger was self triggerable for me, definatly, but not particularly strong. Untill the other day. I was bored on my lunch, and decided to spend a little while under the affects of that trigger. It felt stronger than ever, really really powerful...

...What is truely astounding, is that I have listened to the file itself all of ONCE under trance.

Later that day, I came home, and Sub_Canine kicked in strong. Now, before listening to this file, sleeping on the floor held no interest for me. Recently I cleared a perfect space, if I felt like it. Still slept on the bed, but it was comferting to know I had a place on the floor if I felt like it.

That day however I just... really, really wanted to sleep on the floor. There were wires and papers in my place, so just got into bed. But lying there for a while... didn't feel right. I should be sleeping on the ground. So I did. And apart from my dressing gown, I was comfy.

SO I curled up and stuck on Blink's Good Boy. And although usually wonderful, that night, every single time he said "Good Boy" Elicited a gasp from me of both the wonderful "Hot soup after a snow fight" Pleasure inside and the more direct pleasure of erotic stimulation. Everything that day was just stronger.

Is it because I had just... given in to temptation, at lunch, and activated a trigger, in my work clothes, did that open a barrier, who knows?

Has anybody else had days like that?
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Re: New to this whole thing.

Postby Blink » April 19th, 2010, 7:18 pm

SubWuffer wrote:Hello there, I'm rather (very) new to hypnosis, but I thought I'd share my experiences so far, since, well that's what this forum is for, one supposes :P
Welcome. We're in the experience business here, so to speak, and feedback is strongly encouraged.

SubWuffer wrote:This was encouraging, so I carried on looking through untill I got to Blink's Basic Induction. This one must have worked well, because I only listened to it twice, but when I then tried his Good Boy file, the effects were immediate.
Congratulations! You did the right stuff the right way and got the intended result. I'm glad to hear the old favorites are working for you.

SubWuffer wrote:Good Boy is currently my favourite on my playlist, and I listen to it at least once a day, twice if I have time. And when he is setting up the positive trigger, I never fail to be brought to the brink of pleasure, I may even have come a little bit on most occasions. Though I did learn that the setting up of the negative trigger kicks me out of trance if I'm utterly hungover, due to the fact if he said those words one more time, I really was going to throw up.
You're getting very strong effects. Good boy! That's just how it's supposed to be. The punishment side, though, is intended to be weaker than the reward side. Punishment is required for the structure of the file (and there are times when b-mod in the real world requires aversion), but it should not be an overwhelming experience. If it's too bad, get in touch with me and I'll fine-tune the work for you. Despite my efforts to defend against this in the file, this reaction is not uncommon in folks with strong responses. Most don't over-respond to the punishment trigger, but you're definitely not alone.

SubWuffer wrote:Since starting listening to Good Boy, the effects have been mostly positive ones. Before I was never a very good slave, the idea of it was fun to me, but I could never really be arsed. Now I am always wanting to obey, and I have found myself, when a thought would normally be; "Oh yeah, [Insert name here] wanted those pictures, I should do that. If I can be arsed." The thought is now; "Oh yeah, Master wanted those pictures. I'll go work on them now, or master will be dissapointed." I smiled when I caught myself thinking that.
Your master is lucky to have a smart, eager, responsive submissive. You're clearly putting in good effort to improve yourself, too Good boy. Keeping the communication flowing is an excellent way to improve things, too. Good boy! (And yes, I realize the irony of advice on good communication coming from someone renowned for long stretches of silence. Just 'cause I don't do better doesn't mean I don't know that I should.)

SubWuffer wrote:It has also made going to work more of a pleasure and less of a chore, I certainly didn't hate my job before, but since work is basically following a set of instructions and orders handed down from a position of authority, the sense of pride in a job well done, whenever a task is completed has much been swollen.
You're enjoying the effects of having your own propulsion system. Got any self-improvement goals that you've been slow in achieving? *grin*

SubWuffer wrote:Unfortunatly, since Master and I live in utterly different timezones, I only see him online, and then far too rarely. I've not yet had chance to inform him of my new compulsions, and the associated phrases. As such, to test things out, I took a leaf from the page of somebody I saw in these forums, and tested out the words through a text to voice synthesiser, which I have begun to refer to as Master's Voice. This certainly works, though the negative trigger seems much stronger in me than the positive one.
As I said, we can adjust that if it's problematic. And as you structure programming for yourself using the GB stuff, you'll want to put it together in the same format as one would use for training a puppy. (Human pet fetish not required. It's all about the reward schedule and the timing of the treats.) There are resources available on the Internet. You can start by looking up "operant conditioning" or, better still, "clicker training."

I'm quite pleased to hear of your successes. I'm glad you've enjoyed my stuff and I'm very glad you've taken the time to post your reactions to my work. Good boy!

-- Blink
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Postby Blink » April 22nd, 2010, 6:14 pm

SubWuffer wrote:Good Boy continues to be pure distilled love and I should really send a thankyou note to Blink for it or something. The reactions to GB/BB are noticably stronger now, which is cool. As long as I don't be a bad boy =P

Consider it sent. Good boy! It's built to be self-reinforcing and to work synergistically with the Basic. Please keep enjoying the files and keep reporting how they're working for you.

-- Blink
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 2nd, 2015, 1:45 am


I just started the Subliminal Canine file. I have no idea how I found it since I wasn't looking for anything like this. I find my tongue is hanging out a lot. I usually notice this happening when I'm at my computer. I guess that means it's working?
Peace Love Unity Respect

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Postby HornyDude » December 2nd, 2015, 1:18 pm

I'm glad this thread resurfaced.

It's time for me to revisit Blink's files as soon as these barking dogs finish!

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Postby chase1 » December 2nd, 2015, 1:23 pm

SubWuffer, you would probably enjoy curse random orgasm. It was the first files that I had success with, an I have a hard time with getting files to work. But, that one worked the first 4 or 5 days. That one is a lot of fun. Also, some folks told me recently that adding too many files, or over listening can cause suggestions to stop working.
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