The forced gay success thread...

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby Deck999 » August 19th, 2010, 8:22 pm

Well, I don't have much to lose. Happy is happy, whether it be with a woman or man, so I'm more interested than anything to see what this will do to and/or for me. :) I'll keep y'all updated on my progress... How much do you all think I should listen to the file on a daily basis? I seem to have a problem coming back to files over and over again.

EDIT: Here we gooo... Hehehe, I'm nervous.
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Postby Korusi » August 19th, 2010, 8:36 pm

You may want to listen once when you wake up and before you go to bed.... and then as many times between.... basically the basic doctor's advice; take two and call us in the morning.

As long as you keep at it for a few weeks you should see some effect... Hope you enjoy and if so; welcome to the ranks hehe.
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Postby Deck999 » August 19th, 2010, 11:08 pm

Well, I listened to it for the first time ever and it did not disappoint. It sparked the part of me that I already know loves men in a big way. I woke up prematurely, (around the time he talks about not liking the embrace of women) sporting a huge erection. I allowed myself to fall into a less powerful trance (due to problem sexual organ) that only made me hornier. When I woke up, I jacked off like a madman to a picture of three guys blowing each other.

... If one listen can get me from "unsure-maybe-gay" to screaming faggot for 20 minutes, I can hardly wait to see what a month or two with three or so listens a day can do... Maybe, just maybe, I'll make peace with my sexuality and begin finding sexual attraction to men in places such as gyms. Maybe I'll even be able to find enough sexual attraction in a man to support a long-term relationship, which is something I've wanted to do with a man for lord knows since when.

*Whirrs with excitement*
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Postby Korusi » August 20th, 2010, 4:22 am

Hehe that just means that the idea was already there you are clearly accepting the suggestion easily because you already wanted this. It wasn't some joke; some whim... it was something you truly already wanted. That or you are super suggestible.
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Postby Deck999 » August 20th, 2010, 9:31 am

Korusi wrote:Hehe that just means that the idea was already there you are clearly accepting the suggestion easily because you already wanted this. It wasn't some joke; some whim... it was something you truly already wanted. That or you are super suggestible.

Well, I have tried other hypnotic files, and they didn't really do jack after the periods of time that they would affect other people, so I think we can all rule out me being super suggestible. :P
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Postby Alien4420 » August 20th, 2010, 11:45 am

Dave564 wrote:lol yeah it's just fantastic.. I just can't imagine ever being straight again - I would never want to go back to that life.

I'll pass your comments onto luke lol

Hi Dave, great to see you back and doing so well!
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Postby Alien4420 » August 20th, 2010, 11:54 am

Deck999 wrote:Well, I listened to it for the first time ever and it did not disappoint.

Sounds like it's the perfect file for you. That or Train Sex Men which is a more positive file, CFG has some negative suggestions like you'll miss sex with women, you deserve this, etc.

I wouldn't worry about whether this is the natural you though I've been going through some of that myself, it's pretty clearly what you want, you're just bringing out the part of you that you know is already there & that you lost. Anyway I've found that it does an amazing job of making you like men, you won't feel anything unnatural about that but for most of us it seems to happen piece by piece with faces last.

I still feel weird sometimes about the social scene, I'm so programmed to think of straight relationships as "natural," if I see men and women now I'm turned on by the men but when I see relationships and so on portrayed on TV it still seems to me natural to be with a woman. I think it would be a lot easier if I were in a place where there were more gay guys so I could have a new circle of friends like Dave, just seeing his picture makes me happy to be gay. But you don't have that issue, I'm thinking that for you it will be a piece of cake!
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Postby Alien4420 » August 20th, 2010, 11:59 am

Korusi wrote:Ya know.... I think it would be kinda fun.... to play recruitment haha.

On a dare; you could get all your straight friends to play the little game... sort of like the song that never ends.

Just to test it even deeper see how effective it can be.

I'd *love* to get straight guys to listen to it LOL but when I tried to mention it to a friend he freaked out even though I *wasn't* trying to get him to listen. Also, whenever anyone mentions it here my stupid conscience makes me warn them about all the downsides, LOL. I guess I'm just not cut out to be an evil mindwarper.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 20th, 2010, 12:04 pm

girlycockslave wrote:PUMP It Up Alien!! and listen to trainsexmen over and over and over again fuck being men only train to like sex with men...its destroying my life and i LOVE IT

OK so I broke down and took your advice and listened to Train Sex Men, I'd only listened to it once. It made me amazingly horny, like when I was first listening to Forced Gay, and I kept listening to it and all these other gay files for like a week. I really like what it did to me while I was listening and it undid a lot of what those bi files did.
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Postby Jeshi » August 20th, 2010, 8:18 pm

Alien4420 wrote:
Korusi wrote:Ya know.... I think it would be kinda fun.... to play recruitment haha.

On a dare; you could get all your straight friends to play the little game... sort of like the song that never ends.

Just to test it even deeper see how effective it can be.

I'd *love* to get straight guys to listen to it LOL but when I tried to mention it to a friend he freaked out even though I *wasn't* trying to get him to listen. Also, whenever anyone mentions it here my stupid conscience makes me warn them about all the downsides, LOL. I guess I'm just not cut out to be an evil mindwarper.

Don't you know anything? You're supposed to tell them about how stressed they seem to be and how. You were stressed too But now you aren't because listened to this Stress release file.

Then you Lend them the CD and they start listening to it. Thinking it helps with stress.
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Postby Korusi » August 20th, 2010, 8:24 pm

haha as long as the first file on the disk is designed to make sure they don't remember the content haha.
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Postby Deck999 » August 20th, 2010, 11:53 pm

Hm. Beginning to wonder how the file works, long-term. Will I have to continue listening to it to banish my hetero desires over and over again, for the rest of my life, like some kind of diabetic?
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Postby Korusi » August 21st, 2010, 12:32 am

Well that's entirely up to you actually.... Curse files are intended to be forever... some regular files have curse like effects too... Either way it depends on the listener and the file's wording.

Once it takes full effect you shouldn't have to listen to it again. (unless the file tells you otherwise... some files compel you to listen to them over and over again.)

However after you embrace it and are happy; that'll probably reinforce it.
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Postby Deck999 » August 21st, 2010, 3:40 am

I listened to it again; trying to get into the habit of listening once at night as I get ready for bed, once in the morning as I wake up, and at least one time in between...

I think i may be falling asleep when EMG starts talking about women's nipples, though... I usually snap awake when the file ends and my piano music starts playing, though. Am I falling asleep, or am I under a deep trance?
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Postby Dave564 » August 21st, 2010, 4:30 am

Hiya deck, I used to listen to the file everyday when I first started - personally I don't feel like I need to listen at all, because deep down I feel 100% homosexual in my mind and body, my bf generally asks me to listen to it once a month still though - I don't think there's any point though lol

ps. you should try listening to it during sex - it's so wild lol
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Postby Alien4420 » August 21st, 2010, 6:10 am

Deck999 wrote:Hm. Beginning to wonder how the file works, long-term. Will I have to continue listening to it to banish my hetero desires over and over again, for the rest of my life, like some kind of diabetic?

Nope. The changes will become permanent with repeated listening.
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Postby Route42 » August 21st, 2010, 9:18 am

Jeshi wrote:
Alien4420 wrote:
Korusi wrote:Ya know.... I think it would be kinda fun.... to play recruitment haha.

On a dare; you could get all your straight friends to play the little game... sort of like the song that never ends.

Just to test it even deeper see how effective it can be.

I'd *love* to get straight guys to listen to it LOL but when I tried to mention it to a friend he freaked out even though I *wasn't* trying to get him to listen. Also, whenever anyone mentions it here my stupid conscience makes me warn them about all the downsides, LOL. I guess I'm just not cut out to be an evil mindwarper.

Don't you know anything? You're supposed to tell them about how stressed they seem to be and how. You were stressed too But now you aren't because listened to this Stress release file.

Then you Lend them the CD and they start listening to it. Thinking it helps with stress.

Actually, to take this a step further... first you actually give them a stress relieving file so that they get used to trancing. Then after they're good and ingrained in that, you get them a new "better" file. Of course, you'd have to edit it a touch since I'm pretty sure that EMG starts off by saying "This file will make you gay..." which would kind of ruin any hope of mind-warping them.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 21st, 2010, 10:07 am

I wonder what would happen if you did that.
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Postby Solarius » August 21st, 2010, 10:12 am

Make it a three or more step process if you really wanted to be nasty and do this.

First file, standard stress relief.

Second file, deeper stress relief, possibly adding a little bit of pleasure from the going down part, with subliminal messaging from forced gay.

Third, when they're well and happy trancing deep, the modified force gay, maybe encouraging them to... try things out, with you.

Of course, being a ethical hypnotist I certainly wouldn't do that to anyone ;P But the thought IS fun.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 21st, 2010, 10:31 am

I'm thinking maybe suggestions to soften them up? As in you will take pleasure in new things.
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Postby Dogboy » August 21st, 2010, 1:22 pm

Alien4420 wrote:
Deck999 wrote:Hm. Beginning to wonder how the file works, long-term. Will I have to continue listening to it to banish my hetero desires over and over again, for the rest of my life, like some kind of diabetic?

Nope. The changes will become permanent with repeated listening.

Are you sure after years of not listening you wouldn't wake up suddenly with your heterosexual tendencies wondering what you have been doing?

And don't let the far right ever see this forum with all its planning on of turning straight people gay :lol:
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Postby Deck999 » August 21st, 2010, 1:26 pm

You people are... Seriously discussing this? Haha, that's creepy in no small way. No wonder those religiouzealots think the gays are contagious! XD

I, on the other hand, think we should craft a subliminal file and have it play over all the school intercoms across the world, in every highschool ever. Mmm... Locker room fun...

>.> Kind of wishing I could have made out with a guy in the locker rooms back when I was in highschool... Damn the southern Canadian rednecks, what with their homophobia.

But yeah... If I don't remember the better part of the body of a file, and I 'wake up' when the non-hypnotic files that run after Forced Gay on my playlist start playing, does that mean I fell asleep?

EDIT: Hoooo-ly shit. O.o I was just jacking off to gay porn, and this guy's ass -- a body part of men that I've been indifferent to at best and disgusted with at worst -- turned me on like nobody's business. Not sure if it's the two or so days I've been listening to the file, but now mens' asses seem much more... Accessible?
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Postby Korusi » August 21st, 2010, 2:37 pm

Most in the hypnosis community will say that if you TRUELY did not have ANY homosexual tendencies at all... you would reject the suggestion and not want to listen anymore.

I think most that listen to it on a lark like yourself... already have the suggestion in your mind; this just awakens it and allows you to experience the feelings in a positive way.

Your mind would protect you from something that isn't at least somewhere inside of you something you want. That's why most files I've listen to probably reconfirm "this is something you want and need".

I think more people are bisexual than they say... I myself may have bisexual tendencies deep down inside of me... however I am happy being gay; I like being gay... I came to it all my own without hypnosis and would never want to change that. Still somewhere deep inside my head I may accept the suggestions to become straight or bi... I just have no conscious interest in trying it.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 21st, 2010, 2:41 pm

Dogboy wrote:Are you sure after years of not listening you wouldn't wake up suddenly with your heterosexual tendencies wondering what you have been doing?

No. but a hypnotist told me once that the effects tend to be permanent after six months, I've seen other figures but then it probably depends on the individual/how often they listen/how much reinforcement or pressure they have.

I know that in my case I could feel CFG starting to wear off on its own after I stopped listening early on in the game, e.g., I was getting my attraction to women back. I don't sense that now.

I've come to think it's a lot like acquiring a habit, if you tried to do everything with your left hand for a couple of weeks and then stopped making a conscious effort to do so you'd automatically go back to using your right, but if you did it for a year, you'd probably be so used to it that you'd continue to use it automatically.

Dogboy wrote:

And don't let the far right ever see this forum with all its planning on of turning straight people gay :lol:

Ah, but that's our plan! Pretty soon, only gay people will be left, and all their children will be gay . . .
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Postby Deck999 » August 21st, 2010, 2:44 pm

Yeah, I honestly think the file has been a placebo for me, allowing me to blame my sexuality on "the file" rather than questioning it and saying, "it can't be the real me, I'm just stupid like that".

I'm still gonna listen to it, regardless...

Though I'm not sure why. Damn you, EMG, and your addicting file!
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Postby Alien4420 » August 21st, 2010, 2:53 pm

Korusi wrote:Most in the hypnosis community will say that if you TRUELY did not have ANY homosexual tendencies at all... you would reject the suggestion and not want to listen anymore.

I think most that listen to it on a lark like yourself... already have the suggestion in your mind; this just awakens it and allows you to experience the feelings in a positive way.

Your mind would protect you from something that isn't at least somewhere inside of you something you want. That's why most files I've listen to probably reconfirm "this is something you want and need".

I think more people are bisexual than they say... I myself may have bisexual tendencies deep down inside of me... however I am happy being gay; I like being gay... I came to it all my own without hypnosis and would never want to change that. Still somewhere deep inside my head I may accept the suggestions to become straight or bi... I just have no conscious interest in trying it.

Well, as you say, people are more bisexual than they say, or think. I don't see any evidence that any human being is without these instincts. Our closest ancestor, the bonobo, and the one with which we share our sexual behavior, will have sex with anything that moves.

Still, even if we didn't have dreams which suggest that there are a lot of suppressed behavioral possibilities floating around in our subconscious, I don't see why a desire can't be created by hypnosis. Hypnosis has made me do non-sexual things that I never desired to do, wouldn't even have conceived of. So why should sexuality be any different?

Sure, a subject will reject a suggestion that he seriously doesn't want to do. But that's in the case of a negative, e.g., a belief that if you engage in the behavior, you'll go to Hell. I've never seen any evidence that new desires can't be implanted, or for that matter that we can't be programmed to do things we don't want to do if certain techniques are used, including the one you mentioned, or we want to be forced to do something.
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Postby Korusi » August 21st, 2010, 3:21 pm

Well; that's just it... how do we know what we really want... the subconscious is a very mysterious thing.
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Postby Deck999 » August 21st, 2010, 6:41 pm

Korusi wrote:Well; that's just it... how do we know what we really want... the subconscious is a very mysterious thing.

That's assuming that what we want is even derived from our subconscious. Desire could very well be a completely conscious drive.

EDIT: Gahhhghhhhh... Just got back from about 70 minutes of trying the file for 10 minutes around seven times, and each time, being jarred awake by some goddamn loud noise. >.> Maybe eighth try is the charm?
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Postby redhotpump » August 22nd, 2010, 1:24 am

speaking of planting the seed in a straight guy...
when I was married I never entertained the the thought of gay sex. Even though I was also horny, and getting very little attention from the wife, so I frequented adult shops and porn, but never had the gay urge.
After my divorce, I bought a cheap vacuum pump. As my interest in vacuum pumping increased, I started to visit some gay sites, and found this site. I have listened to curse gay a couple times along with curse cum and some of the other file, and even have had a fantasy of a dom forcing me gay. I have chatted with guys, and even have tried meeting a guy. But even with all this, I'm still not sure I'm bi, and still attracted to women even though guy sex sounds so hot. I can look at gay porn at night, but during the day, don't find guys all that attractive. I chat with guys, but when it comes time to meet, I can't follow through, straight, guilt feelings come over me. Not sure I want to listen to file, but then I find myself looking at this thread every week looking for new posts.
So here I am guys, confused, but not sure I can be turned gay - feel free to make me subject
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Postby Korusi » August 22nd, 2010, 7:27 am

Deck999 wrote:
Korusi wrote:Well; that's just it... how do we know what we really want... the subconscious is a very mysterious thing.

That's assuming that what we want is even derived from our subconscious. Desire could very well be a completely conscious drive.

EDIT: Gahhhghhhhh... Just got back from about 70 minutes of trying the file for 10 minutes around seven times, and each time, being jarred awake by some goddamn loud noise. >.> Maybe eighth try is the charm?

I hope so hehe; hey keep a journal of your feelings... i'm sure we'd all be happy to know what happens in detail.
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Postby Deck999 » August 22nd, 2010, 1:59 pm

I'm gonna be honest, lol, I'm a little nervous about the whole thing... I keep thinking that the file will not work on me, and the fact that I'm not 100% straight ATM makes it rather hard for me to notice any differences in my sexuality. :\
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Postby Ryan83 » August 23rd, 2010, 10:48 pm

I'll just post my warning again, for the newbies. This file, and files like it, completely and utterly destroyed my life. I'm still trying to repair the damage they did. So, while there are obviously stories of people who were happy with the results, rest assured that there are those out there who aren't. If you're not sure about using the file, then I would highly, highly recommend not using it. I can't even put into words how painful and destructive it can be if you realize all too late that you regret your decision.
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Postby Deck999 » August 24th, 2010, 12:34 am

Ryan83 wrote:I'll just post my warning again, for the newbies. This file, and files like it, completely and utterly destroyed my life. I'm still trying to repair the damage they did. So, while there are obviously stories of people who were happy with the results, rest assured that there are those out there who aren't. If you're not sure about using the file, then I would highly, highly recommend not using it. I can't even put into words how painful and destructive it can be if you realize all too late that you regret your decision.

Is it possible that you just focus all too much on the no sexual attraction to women bit of the file? If the file made you gay, then it's probably not a life-ruining deal as much as it is a life-changing deal. Also, if you wouldn't mind me asking, what happened to you? Did your sex drive just die from listening, or did it have the intended effects, and you just didn't really want them?
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Postby plum » August 24th, 2010, 2:31 am

Deck999 wrote:If the file made you gay, then it's probably not a life-ruining deal as much as it is a life-changing deal. Also, if you wouldn't mind me asking, what happened to you?

Maybe you shouldn't first insinuate that he's lying, and then ask what happened. I can imagine a pretty life-wrecking effect: dude turns gay, wife divorces him and takes everything, dude loses his family kids and all his money, now is living in a van down by the river. Seems like a plausible scenario, and it sounds like "ruin" to me.
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Postby Korusi » August 24th, 2010, 11:25 am

Well that's probably what he is asking about...

He wants to know what really happened; he's not assuming anything happened or didn't happen...

Plus if a guy had that situation going on; a wife kids or anything like that then he was well warned in advanced what the file would do. At least if he voluntarily listened. If not then it's not his fault... he could always get the curses removed by a specialist too.

So if you are unhappy; please look into getting help to remove the curses bud- sorry that the file didn't help you... If you already got it removed; I wish you the best of luck in your future.

Meanwhile yes just being gay doesn't make your life better... I think I said that before. However if you have trouble with interpersonal relations especially with women; and becoming gay makes you happy and able to move on with a man, I can see how that would change your life for the better... still life is unpredictable.
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Postby Dino_dyno » August 24th, 2010, 12:06 pm

Hi all; I posted a couple of times here back in July after I downloaded CFG on a whim. pretty much what everyone says is true, it's a really powerful file and shouldn't be underestimated. After only listening a few times I certainly became more receptive to the idea of guys being attractive beings and also couldn't stop f*c*ing my GF in the ass. I decided that although I really enjoyed the file it was a bit too much for me to take in (I only listened on a whim first of all and didn't expect big changes) and I decided to stop listening for a while. Part of me kept wanting to listen so eventually I decided on a compromise where I would listen to TrainSexMen instead (All the fun non of the issues I thought). Anyway after a week of pretty much continual listening I figured 'what the heck, one listen of CFG would be fun'. Of course that one listen basically turned in to my new hobby and I've been listening loads ever since. The file works and recently I've just been fantasizing about cock. Big, thick, meaty cock. To cut a long story short, yesterday I had my first experience with a guy. Got chatting at a bar, had a few drinks and one thing led to another. The next thing I know I'm knealing with my hands grabbing his tight butt and my mouth sliding up and down his gorgeous cock. The look on his face as he F'd my mouth drove me wild! I'm still a noob at this, and still have to decide if I'll ever be ready to do anything else with a guy; but let me repeat ... you listen to this file.... you become a full blown cock craver. D.
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Postby Dogboy » August 24th, 2010, 6:13 pm

Dino_dyno I had been curious if you had been able to fight off the urges successfully I see you haven't. I had wanted to PM you about it but I was afraid if i brought it up it would reignite the file's power. Are you really ready to give up your attraction to women?

Honestly a part of me gets mad that while I'm currently single other guys are willing to give up their girlfriends and sex with them to turn gay. Though more women for the rest of us I suppose.
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Postby Ryan83 » August 24th, 2010, 6:33 pm

Deck999 wrote:Is it possible that you just focus all too much on the no sexual attraction to women bit of the file? If the file made you gay, then it's probably not a life-ruining deal as much as it is a life-changing deal. Also, if you wouldn't mind me asking, what happened to you? Did your sex drive just die from listening, or did it have the intended effects, and you just didn't really want them?

It had the intended effects, and I realized all too late that I didn't want them.

And yes, it IS a life ruining file if you realize you didn't want the intended effects. I'm glad people turned gay and are ok with it. But not everyone is. For me, this is living a lie, and I'd rather end up six feet under than live a lie for the rest of my life.
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Postby Korusi » August 24th, 2010, 8:18 pm

Then you should get the removal file.... Come on guys; if he's not happy lets start some kind of pool to pay for his removal file.

I would never want to turn a guy who didn't in the end enjoy it.
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Postby plum » August 25th, 2010, 10:47 am

Ryan83 wrote:For me, this is living a lie, and I'd rather end up six feet under than live a lie for the rest of my life.

Don't panic, there are ways out of this. EMG does curse removal, or you might want to see a hypnotherapist local to you. It might take some time and resources, but this is not an unsolvable problem.
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Postby AlphaShepherd » August 25th, 2010, 11:02 am

Or you could just accept the truth. You are gay. The file could not have worked unless you had a little rainbow seed of gay somewhere deep inside your psyche. The 'ruin' comes from you denying the truth of yourself. Embrace it, and you'll feel a lot better.
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Postby Solarius » August 25th, 2010, 12:01 pm

Jekket wrote:Or you could just accept the truth. You are gay. The file could not have worked unless you had a little rainbow seed of gay somewhere deep inside your psyche. The 'ruin' comes from you denying the truth of yourself. Embrace it, and you'll feel a lot better.

By a few psycho analysis works, 90% of people are at least partially bi. So frankly, I don't know if you can say anyone doesn't have a rainbow seed of gay somewhere inside them. ;P
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Postby plum » August 26th, 2010, 1:44 am

Jekket wrote:Or you could just accept the truth.

I think accepting that one's orientation has, at least functionally, switched, is "just" a bit more difficult than you make it sound. It's a radical shift for someone who had been functionally straight. He might have lost the ability to have sex in the only way he's ever known -- have a little empathy. Hypothetically, what if you lost the ability to have sex with your life partner? So what if he was kind of gay inside? He was apparently also fairly hetero inside, too, and I guess he lost that.

In any major loss there is a process of grief that has to be worked through. If he doesn't want to try to reverse course, he will have to make his way through the grief.

But if his orientation was plastic enough to bend this way, I think it probably could be bent back.
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Postby ftslave67 » August 26th, 2010, 3:39 pm

I kind of agree with Jekket--if you're unhappy, stop listening & let it wear off, find a female hypnotist to mess around with, or, if you really are convinced that a recording has this power over you, go to a therapist or sex addict rehab. It is sometimes fun to fantasize that you are being controlled, and it allows people to have gay fantasies with out guilt, but in reality . . .
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Postby Ryan83 » August 26th, 2010, 7:45 pm

Jekket wrote:Or you could just accept the truth. You are gay. The file could not have worked unless you had a little rainbow seed of gay somewhere deep inside your psyche. The 'ruin' comes from you denying the truth of yourself. Embrace it, and you'll feel a lot better.

OR I could not live a lie and reverse the effects. I could do that too. And since that wouldn't entail living a lie, I think that's the better option. But thanks anyway for your condescending opinion.
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Postby Dino_dyno » September 4th, 2010, 12:29 pm

Deck999 wrote:I listened to it again; trying to get into the habit of listening once at night as I get ready for bed, once in the morning as I wake up, and at least one time in between...

Hi Deck, just wondering if you could give us an update on how it's coming along. I'm sure we'd all be interested to hear.
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Postby Jeshi » September 7th, 2010, 10:45 pm

Sexual attraction is a biological thing. Hypnosis can not modify the biological process of your brain. It can convince you of many things and convince you to a point that might seem to be as if it has modified your body. But if you really were 100% straight before listening to CFG, it should be very easy to go back. Because you would have biology on your side.

And in the same way, if you were always just gay and in the closet, there is no turning back, because you never made a journey in the first place. The file itself did nothing but make you more comfortable with the truth. It gave you the "no homo" excuse to do things you were afraid to do. "HYPNOSIS MADE ME DO IT! I'M NOT REALLY GAY! I SWEAR!" Maybe you'll accept the truth and stop listening to CFG because you no longer needed it. Maybe you still won't be ready and use it more and more so you'll never have to admit it. But if you really were 100% gay before listening, you can't become straight, biology is against you.

On the other hand(The third hand?) Bisexuality, Pansexuality, Polysexuality, and overall queerness are hard to account for. Studies about bisexuality are still confusing. So far what we have seems to be "All women are bisexual, depending on their Ovulation cycle, but no men are bisexual, unless they're homophobic, or just overall hateful and have anger issues, or if they do drugs, or if they're European." It doesn't make much sense. We have no idea how bisexuality in men works.

So really, if you were bisexual in the closet, who knows what can happen! Maybe hypnosis could suppress one you already had and increase another? Maybe it can't? Maybe you can go back and forth between CFG and CFS as much as you like and it will always work? Or never work? We don't know! Science hasn't gathered enough information yet! If you really were 100% Bisexual before listening to CFG, I have no idea how that can affect your situation.
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Postby Route42 » September 8th, 2010, 11:55 am

I'm going to call bull on you there, Jeshi. I have yet to see any kind of scientific proof that says sexual attraction is biological. I think most would agree that sexual FUNCTION is biological. Penis + vagina = a little something that cries and poops (and is much too biological for most people to handle). The sexual attraction though is much more mysterious and I have yet to see anyone other than Christian Fundamentalists or someone else with an agenda try and claim that they have the absolute answer to attraction.
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Postby Rossyfox » September 8th, 2010, 6:59 pm

Route42 wrote:I'm going to call bull on you there, Jeshi. I have yet to see any kind of scientific proof that says sexual attraction is biological.

There is some out there, such as correlations with physical features.

Have you yourself tried switching back and forth yet?
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Postby Jamess14 » September 9th, 2010, 10:01 am

Don't want to condescend, or be a wise ass, but I truly can't find anything that would make this file so effective as you guys say. Why?

Because we all listen to particular hypno files that arouse us for the most part. That's why most here have a hypno fetish and see hypnosis as means to a sexual end.

Another reason is while not trying to belittle EMG's way of writing, all his files have the same structure. You've got a short induction, very straight forward suggestion (subconscious imo work in a bit more subtle way) and an awakener.

So I see no reason why so many people got mesmerized by this file while many others have no reports what so ever. Even so, the results in this file unlike a few other should seem harder to achieve.
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