Curse Random Orgasm

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Curse Random Orgasm

Postby ford_g2001 » February 26th, 2012, 3:12 pm

Hello, I have been listening to the Curse Random Orgasm file about 3-4 times per week over the last month or two. I'm trying to step up the frequency to once per day now. I came online to see if others had had much success with this file, but I haven't seen too much posted about it.

I will share what I have found so far and hope that others would like to give their experiences.

I feel that the file is working for me to some extent, in that I find myself feeling the rush out of nowhere. I feel myself getting quite aroused without even touching myself. It doesn't seem to push me all the way over the edge into orgasm (at least not yet), but I feel I have been getting fairly close to it. Just frustratingly close and then the arousal dies away.

I also should add, that I have actually had 3 orgasms out in public now since I have been listening to this file. These orgasms have all been hands free, completely without touching myself. Orgasming out in public has long been a fantasy of mine, so perhaps this file may have had something to do with that. However I find the orgasms have all been more from me trying to cum, like sitting there and trying for half an hour or so and tensing my muscles etc etc, rather than from an involuntary reflex from the curse file. However, perhaps it's a start. Or maybe it is in fact from the file and I was just expecting something a little different. I don't know really.

I would dearly love to hear any experiences from others that may have experienced this curse. Has it worked for you? Have you had any interesting (potentially embarassing) experiences from this file? I think if I was to hear of the sucess of others it might help with my belief in this file.

I dream of the day when I am completely at the mercy of these random orgasms. To the point where I am cumming once per day at a completely random time without any control. I can imagine some interesting and embarassing situations that could arise from this, but I also think it would be so exciting.

Here's one that I imagine happening to me one day. I imagine myself lined up in a supermarket, finally I've made my way up in the queue so that I am standing there next in line. Suddenly I feel the stimulation starting, feel myself getting incredibly aroused (oh no, not here I can imagine myself thinking). Then as I'm still getting stimulated, getting hotter and hotter and closer to orgasm it's suddenly my turn to get served. Will I make it through the transaction without having a humiliating orgasm right in front of the cashier? If I do have an orgasm will she be able to notice? Will she say anything? How would I handle that?

I would love to hear of any experiences of others.
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Postby ford_g2001 » February 28th, 2012, 3:29 pm

Well I've managed to step up the frequency of listening to this file since yesterday. I made modification to the file where I took out the body and looped it several times. I've listened to that about 20-30 times through now. I really feel it's starting to have more of an effect.

Yesterday I was sitting at work, and started feeling the rush again. It didn't go all the way to orgasm, but was certainly noticable. During lunchtime I went for a walk and sat on a chair in the mall. t started happening again! (perhaps my mind realised I hadn't cum yet, it felt like it was determined to keep going until I cum). Well I kept getting hotter and hotter as I sat there. People were just walking past me, completely unaware of what I was feeling. Higher and higher I went. I felt really close to orgasm, I didn't know where to look as I kept going higher and higher. I was sitting there shaking, feeling incredible, right on the edge of orgasm, then even higher I went past where I would normally orgasm. I was breathing very heavily, fast, kinda panting. Luckily nobody was sitting next to me. I felt myself rolling over the edge, people still walking past as I'm on the edge of the biggest orgasm of my life. Still I didn't go over the edge, but went even higher, higher and I'm feeling out of my mind. I've never experienced anything like this before, so intense, and yet I went higher. My leg was shaking, I could tell my face was showing what I was feeling but I just couldn't control it. I was well past caring what other people would think, I just had to cum.

This went on for minutes, I was at a level way, way past where I would normally cum, and yet somehow I didn't. It felt like I had this amazing several minutes long orgasm that was completely dry. I don't know what to think of the experience. It was wonderful, amazing and I really want it to happen again, but yet confused as to why I didn't actually cum. In a way it felt like I had to still go even higher to get there, I can't imagine what an orgasm would feel like at that level. Kinda scares me to be honest, especially if it was in front of other people, I really feel like I would have no control over my body, would probably find myself screaming out or something (God I hope not).

So I think I'm really getting there, or at least close to where I wanted to be. The only problem is that this is a curse, so by the time I really experience it I will already be hooked (if I'm not already). What if I don't like it once I get there, like I'm a guy so kinda worried about always having to clean up a mess in my pants. Will just have to deal with it I guess.

I was really hoping to hear from someone who has experience with this file, would love to know how you handle it and what I should expect. Like is it normal to have a dry orgasm, or should I expect wet ones?

If you don't want to post here but would like to communicate privately you can private message me or better yet email me at

I would love to hear from you.
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Postby cubes » February 28th, 2012, 10:53 pm

My first reaction to reading your posts (besides holy cow that's awesome) was that you have already succeeded, because your description sounds a whole like like an orgasm, even if you didn't ejaculate. Dry orgasms are like that. Sometimes they bring you to a distinct climax, and sometimes they just keep getting better and better and eventually peter out, but both are still orgasms if you choose to think of them that way.

I don't have any experience with this file, but I do have experience with random (dry) orgasms. In my opinion it might be worth it to redefine what you think of as an orgasm to include this new experience, if for no other reason than you know you can already do it, and that's a major confidence booster. Once you start to treat even little shivers as pleasurable, then you're already well on your way to being helplessly pleasured during your day-to-day life with all kinds of orgasms :wink:
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Postby rgn » February 29th, 2012, 1:32 am

What awesome experiences! I agree with cubes, you have had great success. I do not have experience with this file, but have had dry orgasms from other hypnosis files and from im sessions. And for me they tend to be much more intense for whatever reasons. I think you should come to terms with the concept it is possible to experience an orgasm without ejaculation - because you have. And who knows - you may or may not get the point of having an ejaculation without direct stimulation. But it does not really matter as long as you enjoyed a full orgasmic experience.
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Postby ford_g2001 » February 29th, 2012, 8:28 pm

Thanks cubes and rgn,

I really appreciate your comments. It Was great to hear about your experiences with dry orgasms, I think it helps me a lot to know that I am on the right track and in fact have experienced some "random orgasms" from the file. Don't get me wrong, I'm not entirely dissapointed

to not have had a wet orgasm, the dry one felt amazing in itself and with no mess to clean up it certainly has its benefits! I guess the feeling of it being so intense and then petering out was quite a different feeling for me. Like I had the amazing feelings from an orgasm, but with no release at the end of it. It kinda left me wanting more.

Cubes, I would love to hear more about your random dry orgasms, how did you come to have those? Was there a file on here you listened to? That sounds really interesting too.

So I'm doing as you said, and redefining what I see as an orgasm to include this experience. I have also read that hypnosis orgasms tend to be dry orgasms for a lot of people, so this would make sense. I have also had some experience playing with an aneros prostate massager, and that gave me some amazingly intense experiences. In fact now that I think of it what I experienced yesterday was a lot like those experiences. Most times I didn't have an orgasm, but felt what I felt yesterday, perhaps they were orgasms all along. In the file it says to imagine the most intense sexual experience you have ever had in your life and the daily random orgasms will be like that, the most intense you have ever experienced. Perhaps my mind has gone back to what I experienced with the prostate massager and is replaying that. Interesting stuff.

Unfortunately yesterday I didn't have the same kind of experience. I got some very small feeling while sitting at my desk at work but nothing that would even approach being called an orgasm. However, while I was at home washing some dishes in the kitchen sink I did start to get some strong feelings again. Still nowhere near (about 100th) as intense as the one yesterday, but it was still pleasant. It also surprised me a lot as it happened around 9pm. I guess I had thought the day was over and wasn't expecting my "daily random orgasm" to come at such a late time. I guess I'll just have to get used to the fact that it could really come at any time.

I find myself feeling little things during the day (like I normally would have anyway) and keep wondering if this is it, is this the start of it . . . and then often nothing comes of it. It's a really interesting experience and keeps me thinking about it a lot throughout the day. I just need to stop trying to make it happen, and just let it happen when it wants to.

I'm going to continue listening to the file and see if it gets stronger. Especially if they are dry orgasms I have less to worry about (mess). Though the intensity of what I was feeling surprised me and perhaps that's where it could be in fact a curse to have that happen at a really inconvenient time (there's some safety built in so that it won't happen while driving etc etc). Will just have to see what happens.

Would still like to hear if anyone has listened to this particular file and had any experiences. (
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Postby soundexcess » March 1st, 2012, 1:45 am

well along with dry orgasms another possibility the truly no control you sound worried about, is total body orgasms which is much like a normal orgasm in that it is intense, but instead of cumming fluid though that is a possibility with these endorphins and adrenalin are released in mass to your entire body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, your entire body blushes and becomes warm as the chemicals are racing through you blood rushing them to every nerve in your body in what is best orgasm you could imagine. These can last up to 20 minutes in some cases, some people lose total body control and just start moaning and spasaming on he floor, in what does not look unlike a seizure, except you are enjoying whether onlookers realize it or not. Others just turn lobster colored and go foggy with the rush of chemicals. I hope you get to wear you can experience this as they are amazing.
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Postby ford_g2001 » March 1st, 2012, 2:25 pm

SoundExcess - Wow, that sounds absolutely amazing and totally scary at the same time!

If I didn't know better I would think you were trying to plant suggestions in my mind to have those kind of random orgasms! Well, maybe it's working. I read your post last night before I went to bed and I've pretty much been thinking about it ever since. On the one hand I'd love to experience that, but not sure if I could handle having those kind of total body orgasms randomly each and every day. I find myself thinking about what it would be like to just totally lose all control like that! Wow. I could probably handle it if I was just around strangers, but not sure I could handle it if it happened around people that I know, like if it happened at home or something.

Having said all that, I kinda feel myself wanting it! Wanting to totally lose all control like that, but it's scary to think of too.

Have you experienced this yourself? Have you seen someone experience it? Is it possible for me to start having these kind of orgasms just from the Random Orgasm file?
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Postby cubes » March 2nd, 2012, 9:12 pm

ford_g2001 wrote:Cubes, I would love to hear more about your random dry orgasms, how did you come to have those? Was there a file on here you listened to? That sounds really interesting too.

My dry orgasms are not particularly "random," except I do sometimes experience an unexpected, highly-pleasurable shiver at random points throughout the day that I've come to define as a mini orgasm. I started using an aneros (the helix) about 2 years ago and, although it took a while to really start to work for me, it eventually did, and it taught me how to have dry orgasms without using it too. Since then I've learned to have more than one kind, from nipple stimulation, anal stimulation, perineum stimulation, or elsewhere with hypnosis and practice.

Without actual physical stimulation, like from hypnosis, pretty much all of mine have been dry. The gray area is when I have something to press against when things heat up. Even tight clothes will do, heh.

ford_g2001 wrote:
In the file it says to imagine the most intense sexual experience you have ever had in your life and the daily random orgasms will be like that, the most intense you have ever experienced. Perhaps my mind has gone back to what I experienced with the prostate massager and is replaying that. Interesting stuff.

This sounds pretty likely, from what I've experienced too. I kind of like to think of prostate orgasms as "implosive", since IMO they are the best when you just sit still and give in to it, and before long it feels like your entire body is lit up with pleasure. Those rank up there with the most intense sexual experiences I've had for sure.

ford_g2001 wrote:
Unfortunately yesterday I didn't have the same kind of experience. I got some very small feeling while sitting at my desk at work but nothing that would even approach being called an orgasm.


I just need to stop trying to make it happen, and just let it happen when it wants to.

This. They probably won't happen every day, and quite frankly they can't, since then they wouldn't be exceptional any more, and not even necessarily something you'd look forward to.

Keep us updated, it's pretty amazing to read about these kinds of experiences.
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Postby ford_g2001 » March 6th, 2012, 3:35 pm

Thanks Cubes. It's amazing to hear of the experiences you are having.

As for myself, I'm continuing on with my trances in hopes of making the effects become even stronger.

I also downloaded another file that is supposed to help with trancing and helping the files work better. It's called "Trance Training-Subliminal" by DKaiser. I only started listening to it yesterday so it's too early to know if it is helping or not.

I didn't really have too many big experiences to report since last Thursday until yesterday. I was sitting at my desk at work and just all of a sudden started getting really horny. I swear I could feel a tongue licking me down there, then it felt like I was getting a nice soft blow job. Very nice sensations. I felt myself building but didn't end up comming at my desk, but still felt pretty horny for the next hour or so until I had finished eating my lunch. After my lunch I felt like I just needed to get out of the office. I walked to the centre of the city where they have comfortable deck chairs to sit on. I was just laying there, lots of people just milling around, walking past and enjoying the sunshine. Well the feelings that started coming over me as I lay there was incredible. I had waves and waves of pleasure washing over me from head to toe. My legs, arms and cock all started shaking on their own. I was laying there, almost going out of my mind and still trying to hold myself back (I wanted to just let myself go completely).

I remember laying there going crazy inside and noticed this really hot girl walking right up towards me right just as I'm trying not to completely explode and totally lose it. From about 50 meters away I watched her walking closer and closer as I'm going higher and higher, shaking and trying not to scream out but really really wanting to. She ended up walking right past my chair and continued walking on by. It was amazing to be able to experience something so mind blowing in full view of everyone without anyone noticing. Well i don't think anyone noticed, but there were times I couldn't even open my eyes so I don't really know for sure.

The feelings were at least or probably more intense than a regular orgasm, but lasted at least 10 minutes.

Then last night as I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep it hit me again, this one only lasted 5 minutes though. Stange to have this happen twice in a day when the file is supposed to only happen once a day.

I tranced again twice last night and another time this morning, so I only expect the effects of the file to grow stronger and stronger. I'm sure I will soon be at the point where I will really not have any resistance to these random orgasms.

Will keep you updated on my progress. It seems nobody else on this forum really listens to this file or had any effects from it. Either that or they are too shy to post?
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Postby KIY » March 7th, 2012, 6:19 am

Well, in my case I could get in a lot of trouble having an orgasm in the wrong place at the wrong time. My employer is picky that way.
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Postby ford_g2001 » March 7th, 2012, 2:36 pm

Hi KIY, actually there's some protection in the file so that it won't happen at a time that could cause you to lose your job, or where it could hurt yourself or others such as driving or operating heavy machinery, or at a time that could get you in REAL trouble.
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Postby KIY » March 7th, 2012, 3:21 pm

Well, that's good. Specifically, I was thinking about the times when I am working in a Women's rest room.
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Postby darkenedav » March 13th, 2012, 12:38 am

its been a few days... wonder how your progressing ;)
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Postby ford_g2001 » March 13th, 2012, 3:13 pm

Hi darkenedav, yes it has been a few days now since I last posted, probably time for an update.

I am still trancing as often as I can, however as I don't get much privacy at home I'm really limited to no more than once per day. However I do listen to the body part of the file several times during the day while at work, and also listen to the "Trance Training Subliminal" by DKaiser a few times per day also.

I still don't feel I am to where I want to be, 100% incapable of resisting totally random orgasms each and every day. However, I do feel myself wanting it more and more as each day passes. I feel myself wanting to trance more and more. I also have a few more experiences I will write about.

I find that during my lunch times at work I tend to head outside for a walk and find a spot to sit down and find myself trying to have an orgasm. I'm not sure if this is really the effect of the file or just my wanting it to happen. However, last Friday I ended up having quite a large orgasm while sitting in the middle of the mall, lots of people going past. A row of benches across the mall full of people. Funny thing is nobody seemed to notice, or they noticed and didn't show any signs of it. It was a full on wet orgasm, I think I managed to have the wet orgasm by lifting my hips upwards and pressing against my jeans.

Yesterday as I was travelling to work (I had just tranced in my car before getting on the train) I found myself getting quite aroused while half way to work. I was getting hotter and hotter and found my heart was almost beating out of my chest. I could feel my face was quite flush and my legs and arms were shaking. I felt myself really, really wanting to cum. I didn't care that I was standing on a packed train, I just felt that I really wanted to cum. However, despite getting really close I couldn't bring myself to go over the edge. However, as pointed out earlier maybe this could in itself be classed as an orgasm, although a mild one. I found myself wanting the full on satisfying kind but couldn't get there.

Perhaps I just need to trance some more, with time I will get to the point where it will really just happen like the file says, I don't know.

Do you have any advice on how to proceed from here, or do you think I'm doing all the right things?

Also, KIY, yes I can totally understand your concerns about where you work. Wouldn't be good to have an orgasm there or to even be seen to be getting turned on.
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Postby ford_g2001 » April 3rd, 2012, 4:08 pm

Hi all,
I just wanted to give another update since it has been quite some time now since I have posted. I am still trancing every day to the Curse Random Orgasm file, and listening to "Trance Training Subliminal" by DKaiser a few times per day.

I still feel the file having effect, but am perhaps getting a little frustrated that it is not working fully 100% for me like what he says in the file. I still feel like I have some resistance and I think that is preventing me from having the orgasm at times. I can feel it trying to happen at least every day, but I think I'm resisting it from actually happening, like I'm scared to let go or something. I don't know how to get past this, hoping that listening to the subliminal training file will help, or that by continuing to trance it will somehoe just get so strong that it overides any resistance I have.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get around this problem? Is there anyother file I should listen to?

Having said all that, I have still had some amazing experiences. Enough to let me know that it's working, but just enough to make me want MORE MORE MORE.

I want so badly for this to work, to be completely unable to resist cumming once per day randomly.
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Postby PowerHoden » April 6th, 2012, 9:08 pm

What you are talking about sounds like a Plateau.

It happens from time to time in every aspect of life where you want to archieve something.

For example bodybuilders can talk a lot about it.
They generally fix this by changing their training program. Thought that seems quite hard on a hypnosis file to do so.

I'm not an expert on this but my guess would be to do the following:

Get a file of relaxtion of EMG. Take the one you like, but only going into hypnosis and out. Nothing more. No effects. Just a Trance. Listen to this file for like 2 weeks without listening to the other. And then start listening to the other file again.

Normally this should solve your Plateau because of several reasons.

1. You shoud be able to trance easier.

2. You don't listen to it to archieve something. Just relaxation.

3. Your mind starts associating hypnosis and EMGs voice with other things, too. Losing it fixation on only the file you are listening to.
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Postby ford_g2001 » April 19th, 2012, 4:24 pm

Thanks PowerHoden,
Sorry to take a while getting back to you, haven't been able to get on the site recently. Well I think you may have been right about the plateau. Although I didn't specifically listen to the relaxation file as suggested, I did have a period where I was unable to listen to any files for about 5 days. When I did return to listening the effects seemed to be so much stronger. It was like my brain was craving for the trance and eager to gobble up all the instructions.

I've again been listening daily but feel the effects are wearing down a little. Is it possible that trancing daily is too much for me? Is it best to do it every 2nd day instead? Any recommended frequency? I thought it would be a matter of the more the better, but perhaps that's not the case?

Anyway, so I do have some more to write about. For about the last two weeks I have been cumming daily, dry orgasms that last forever, like 10-20 minutes and feel so so intense. Because of my situation I am always out in public when this happens and just get to the point where I am unable to resist. I feel it building and building to the point where I just have to give into it and let myself go. I'm like vibrating all over, feeling like my face and body are burning and it just feels amazing. I get to the point that I don't care anymore about what's going on around me.

About once a week I seem to have a massive wet orgasm at the end of it that is just the most satisfying orgasms I have ever had. Afterwards I just kinda slump in my chair and am a bit afraid of what I will find when I open my eyes. I feel like I must have caused quite a scene, but nobody seems to notice. It's strange to think that could happen, but I'm kinda glad so that I can enjoy my daily cums.

Not sure why, but these always seem to happen during my lunch break, probably because that's about the only time of day I'm really alone enough to let it happen.

I hope you like hearing about my adventures with this file, always eager to receive feedback/advice comments/ encouragement etc etc.

Will try and keep you updated as I feel the effects of this file growing stronger and stronger. I sometimes wonder whether I should stop now, or let myself get really pulled into the file? What do you all think?
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Postby qwerty3000 » April 30th, 2012, 2:11 am

omg MOAR. You made me start listening to files, pursuing a similar experience.

I am now training with a simple induction file so that I can then move on that one *.*
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Postby ford_g2001 » May 16th, 2012, 3:46 pm

Hi Qwerty, great to hear you're inspired to try the file. Just wondering how you got on. Did it work for you too?

For the record, I've decided to keep listening to and enjoying the file. Still getting great results and having some amazing experiences. Fun fun fun!
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Re: Curse Random Orgasm

Postby lywwo » July 18th, 2016, 1:55 pm


I see it's been a while since you've updated your progress. I was just wondering how the random orgasms are going now a days, and if they are even more intense than before.

I recently started listening to the file myself, but i don't seem to have any progress yet. I will try some of the training files to improve.
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