Partial Success - Cum Torture

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Partial Success - Cum Torture

Postby aureliumdream » September 23rd, 2012, 9:35 am

So I'm new to this site, signed on about two days ago, been browsing for a bit and looking forward to deep trance modifications and triggering, but so far hadn't really felt any real success.

But just now, I tried Cum Torture. I played the file once and during the first description of the first orgasm I felt unnaturally aroused. It subsided a bit later, and it didn't really live up again.

I got moderately aroused throughout the file and then eventually, it woke me up.

I'd forgotten about putting it on replay though, so I immediately was shaken up by the induction at the start of the file playing anew. I turned the repeat off and listened the entire thing again. This time I pulled my pants down a little and my shirt up, to give the phantom lover a bit more to work with.

I felt the unnatural arousal again during the first description, and I could even feel my shirt being pushed further upwards. It subsided over the next few parts though, and it was much like the first time I listened to it.

But then the awakening happened. At first I just lay there, not wanting to move and hoping that I would feel him work on me soon.

I suddenly became unnaturally erect again, and I felt harder and harder until I started spasming and I could feel something cold against the base of my cock. It felt like an orgasm, only more surreal.

The second orgasm never came, just some more arousal bubbling up. Eventually I fought against the glue effect and woke up, looking down. There was pre on the base of my penis and it was so wet. I'd never leaked more precum in my life!

I jacked myself to orgasm afterwards and it rocked me. I had trouble standing well afterwards and my heart was pounding in my chest.

I have to ask though, I don't think I am getting into a proper trance. My superconsiousness seems to be all over the place even when my subconsiousness is locking down my body. What I do notice in my body is twitching. Everywhere, all over my body I'm twitching. My thighs and eyelids most notably. Is that normal? Do I just need more practice for a full, relaxing trance?
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Postby ocntrl » September 23rd, 2012, 1:08 pm

I have to dissappoint you... you did go into trance, and a good one ;-)

I have to disappoint you... you did go into trance, and a good one ;-)

Your description of events has all the elements of trance and the fact that the post hypnotic suggestions are in place. They may have to strengthen some more, but you’re on your way. Very much so.

Also, the twitching is another good sign. And about your question to ‘practice for a full, relaxing trance’… don’t worry about it. Relaxation, although often stated in the files, is no requirement for trance. What you experience is the real thing… again sorry to disappoint you ;-)

BTW: congrats on the success
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Postby aureliumdream » September 23rd, 2012, 11:46 pm

It's not really a disappointment, just a shift of focus. If I get a proper trance, then I just need to work on accepting the suggestions and triggers.

And there's files for that.

One more thing, during the hypnosis my heart starts pounding frighteningly hard, is hypnosis dangerous for a weak heart? As far as I know, my heart is fine but my diet is pretty awful so I'm a bit concerned.
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Postby rgn » September 24th, 2012, 12:42 am

This file glues/holds you down and you are stimulated by someone to give you an intense almost painful orgasm 3 times. This is a pretty intense experience. It seems a rapid heart rate would be a normal response given how aroused you stated you became.

Best part is you now know you have gone into trance and had a successful hypnotic experience. You stated "If I get a proper trance, then I just need to work on accepting the suggestions and triggers". Remove the doubts from your thoughts of being able to go into trance. You know you can and will go into trance with hypnosis. Trance is something that takes practice to learn. You are well on your way. Also, you do not really have to do much work at all to accept the suggestions. If the suggestions appeal to you they will be accepted. You do not even have to pay much attention to the suggestions at all. You subconscious will take care of that for you. Just relax, enjoy the trance state, and allow the experience to just happen.
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Postby aureliumdream » September 24th, 2012, 1:48 am

I always let everything just come over me. The fact that I didn't get three orgasms instead of one is probably just because it's new. My subconscious just needs to get used to the fact that it's going to get tampered with I suppose.

For experiences like this, it's definitely worth it.
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Postby ocntrl » September 28th, 2012, 1:25 am

Me saying 'sorry to disappoint you' was ironic ;-)

As rgn said, you tranced and tranced well.

So now you just improve with every listen.
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Joined: January 8th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby darkenedav » September 28th, 2012, 3:30 pm

ocntrl wrote:Me saying 'sorry to disappoint you' was ironic ;-)

As rgn said, you tranced and tranced well.

So now you just improve with every listen.

I realise this is out of context but I totally misread this post and thought you'd directly tranced the peep :P

Still advice given is solid :)
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