Curse Prepubescent

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby outkast1728 » October 16th, 2020, 6:06 pm

Id love to chat with you throughout your progress and help you log each change as you see it and what it does
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby diaperbobby » October 27th, 2020, 8:18 pm

New to WMM and just found Curse Prepubescent when I came across this thread. Thanks so much for the discussion. Curse Prepubescent is just what I have been looking for. Have listened twice already today and will listen again before I go to bed. I really want this curse to work on me so I am looking forward to any changes my body undergoes. Will post occasionally as changes happen to update my success with this program. Thanks.
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby noideasforanusername » November 1st, 2020, 3:02 pm

diaperbobby wrote:New to WMM and just found Curse Prepubescent when I came across this thread. Thanks so much for the discussion. Curse Prepubescent is just what I have been looking for. Have listened twice already today and will listen again before I go to bed. I really want this curse to work on me so I am looking forward to any changes my body undergoes. Will post occasionally as changes happen to update my success with this program. Thanks.

Wish you luck !
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby diaperbobby » November 11th, 2020, 8:51 am

First update on the Curse Prepubescent: I started using the file on Oct. 27 and really want it to work. I have listened faithfully every day and I seem to see some small changes starting to happen. My penis and balls seem to have shrunk just a little bit (maybe 5-10%) and my erections are not as strong as previously experienced. More difficult to masturbate, too. I keep my pubic hair shaved most of the time (every few days/week) and I notice that it is growing much more slowly than previously and is definitely thinner. The rest of my body hair (arms, legs, etc.) is thinner and less noticeable, though it is still there. No real changes in my facial hair yet, but am hoping. Can't really tell if there are changes to my voice, but I don't think there is any, or much change there. Someone else mentioned a smaller appetite and I seem to have that just beginning to happen too.

One other point: I was a nightly bedwetter through at least age 13 and still wet some. I toy with bedwetting files at times and wear diapers regularly at night. I'm wondering if the physical changes I want here will assist with consistent bedwetting; I want to wet. I will continue to use the bedwetting files as well and see what happens.

I will keep listening and hoping for the desired changes.
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby diaperbobby » November 29th, 2020, 1:50 pm

Thought I would post another update on my journey with this file. As I said earlier, I want to succeed in this change. And I am noticing some further minor changes in my body (which I will explain shortly).

I've been using this file regularly for a month now. I took the written script and made some minor changes to the effects from moving to a pre-pubescent body that I want to achieve using the file; for example, I deleted the references to female changes since I am male. I am using my re-write strictly for my own personal use and will not make it public. I am still only reading the script 2-3 times a day, but I am thinking about recording it privately--on a personal device not connected to the internet--so I can play the tape as often as I wish. I think it might be even more effective if I fall asleep to the file and let it loop for a while during the night, or maybe even all night...

As someone else said, the transformation to puberty was not a quick, smooth process. No, it takes at least a couple of years, if not longer, and is never smooth. I know that was what happened to me entering into puberty. And so I am sure that going backwards through puberty is going to be a rough, uneven journey that will have its share of successes and disappointments, until the process is complete. A month in, this is my kind of journey so far.

Physically, I note that my voice is having some changes in pitch and timbre--at times. My voice has not cracked yet (like it would do in puberty), but I'm not to that point of the process yet. But I do notice that my voice is a bit higher and that I have to concentrate to keep my tone at the lower level it was when I started. It's not yet a major change, but it is there. I had a high voice as a boy and finally had a moderately low voice as a young man--never a baritone or base voice. I like to sing (privately) and I can now get about 4 notes higher than a month ago. That's good progress, and I'm looking forward to a higher voice.

Facial/body hair is another success. I have had a good cover of face and body hair that was thick, even though graying. My hair is now about half as thick as before; it is thinner, less coarse, and less noticeable. I used to need to shave every day and now I don't "have" to shave until well into the second day. I have shaved my genital area fairly regularly over the years, but in the last 2 weeks, re-growth has slowed by half! Pubic hair is also thin and much softer than before.

My other large physical changes are to my penis and balls. As the file promised, my penis and balls have begun to shrink and be less noticeable. My penis is maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch shorter in length and 1/4 inch less in diameter; I measured this today. My balls have shrunk by 20-25%. My penis was always short, difficult to keep pointed down in my briefs, no matter how much I would try to train it to stay pointed down. It would usually point out or just slightly up. It was uncomfortable to keep it pointed down, usually resulting in an erection which was painful. Now, I can get my little penis to point down without discomfort or painful erection, and it stays that way much of the time. My penis is more limp than I have experienced during adulthood, and I remember my penis being more limp as I am experiencing now when I was a boy before puberty. I don't get an erection as quickly or strongly as before I started the file and it is more difficult for me to get aroused enough to masturbate. I can still masturbate if I get into the right mood, but my erection is not as firm. I remember discovering masturbation before I reached puberty and really liked it, and I am feeling more that way now. I still think about sex, but it's not as intense as before. I feel like my testosterone level is dropping a little, but i don't see any way to measure that except by noticing what is happening to me.

I'm not saying by any means that I have achieved success yet, but I believe the inevitable changes the file promises to bring about have indeed started. And I am glad! I see why the file demands and promises changes in my body for at least 6 months before I can even think about asking to stop those changes. It will definitely take at least that long to really be changed. I won't ask to stop the changes; I want to keep going and see the transformation completed. I will keep using the file and keep working at the changes I am and want to experience.

I'll probably wait until around Christmas to update again.

Thanks for letting me ramble on.
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby diaperbobby » January 22nd, 2021, 6:34 am

Another update on my success story: I continue to experience the effects of the Pre-Pubescent Curse on my body, and it's great to be experiencing them. The effects remain uneven in occurring, but they continue. I got a bit off in listening to/reading the Curse over the holidays, but getting back on track now.

I do notice that my voice is higher than before, not too much, but noticeable. I have an easier time singing higher notes and have a higher range.

Body hair continues to lessen and fade slightly. I don't really need to shave but every other day (used to get a 5-o'clock shadow daily). Body hair is thinner, softer, not growing nearly as much as before; that includes pubic hair.

I think my greatest success so far is dropping testosterone level and its results. I have noticed a lessened sexual drive and continued shrinking of my penis and balls. My penis length is down to about 1.25 inches limp/used to be almost 2 inches; diameter is under 1.5 inches/used to be almost 2 inches. I have been working diligently to keep my penis pointed down in my briefs and that is working well now (used to have a difficult time with that). In fact much of the time, I don't even notice the position of my penis; that is comfortable for me. Sexually, I have a much more difficult time getting excited and achieving an erection or coming to climax. I used to masturbate regularly and come to climax quickly. Now, I can stimulate myself for 10 minutes or more and much of the time not even get any erection. If I do get erect, mostly it is a soft erection, not really stiff like my adult erection used to be. Reaching climax is about once a week now, though I do still produce some semen. It still feels good to do it, but the sensation is different than before I started the file. I still have intense physical pleasure when I climax, but it is somehow different.

I will keep on journeying on this experience and hope for complete success. Another update to follow later on...
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby diaperbobby » March 25th, 2021, 10:29 am

Another update for me.

I've not had the opportunity to listen and use the file as much lately, but the effects are still working very nicely on me.
No further change in voice, but it is definitely higher than before I started the file.
Still shaving only every-other-day and can go to a 3rc day before it is really noticeable.
Penis length is still 1.25 inches/soft, diameter is under 1.5 inches. I don't remember exactly, but I think my pre-pubescent length was about this much, though the diameter of my penis was less than now--I'm hoping to shrink some more as time goes on.
I don't get a boner nearly as much as before and still can keep my penis pointed down in my briefs without thinking about it. Masturbation is much more like I experienced as a boy before puberty, though I can still ejaculate. It's still like I mentioned above, but with even a bit less desire.

I'm going to get back to using the file more regularly and continue on the journey. I know there's no turning back--and I still want it to succeed. I like it!
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby 5HA99Y » May 22nd, 2021, 2:01 pm

man i m jelly of you man
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby diaperbobby » June 1st, 2021, 8:55 am

Had a request for an update on my progress, so I thought I would post again.

I have gotten really busy at work and have not been able to employ the curse file nearly as diligently as I would have wished. And so I have some good news and some bad news.

Bad news first: haven't gotten any farther with the effects of the curse since I haven't used it regularly (I'm down to once a week or so). I HAVE learned that I still have to use the curse file daily to keep getting farther along in my journey. That is an important learning experience for me. I still want very badly to achieve the full effects of the file, so I am going to have to do my part EVERY DAY to get there.

The good news is that, as the file says, the effects I have already experienced are PERMANENT. I have not lost any of the effects I achieved in the slightest way. My voice is about the same. Body and facial hair growth is about the same. My penis and balls have not grown back; they are still considerably smaller than when I started the file. Boners are still somewhat difficult to achieve; I still keep my penis pointed down in my briefs; masturbation still takes longer and if I achieve climax, it still feels great and I do still ejaculate, but not as much. There's times when I try to masturbate, and I don't even get a boner, much less the great feeling of climax.

I have decided to begin again today as if I hadn't even started the file. I will post again in a month as to any further progress.
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby bounceygirlie » June 20th, 2021, 10:45 am

I'd be very curious if any women have had success with this file. I find files that try to do both genders are a little weaker or harder to get into.
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Re: Curse Prepubescent

Postby diaperbobby » September 25th, 2021, 5:49 pm

Sorry I haven't updated my progress in using this file for several months. I am really trying to live out this curse, which I see as a gift. Not too many more changes in reverting back to my prepubescent self: voice still about where it has been, penis and balls still the smaller size from earlier in using the file (ha, ha: if they shrank too much more they would disappear!), body and face hair definitely growing more slowly than before I started the file. But there is ONE effect from the curse which has recently increased: my sex drive, it's dropping. While I can still get an erection, and sometimes do, it's now more of a body response and not too sexual--most of the times I do get one. My erotic interest in sex is definitely getting less, especially the last few weeks. I don't even feel the need or desire to masturbate very often now, and when I do attempt to climax, it doesn't always happen. I can rub and rub, even using external stimulus, and I don't always even get erect. When I do manage to get an erection, orgasm happens about half the times I want it to--and it takes longer to achieve than before. That doesn't worry me because I remember as a boy before puberty my interest in sex was not strong and boners didn't happen very often.

I'm still committed to accomplishing all the effects the curse promises. I just have to let my body accomplish them in its own time.
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