Seems to be working for me now! (CUM PRODUCTION)

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Seems to be working for me now! (CUM PRODUCTION)

Postby coomer69 » October 25th, 2021, 7:30 pm

So i decided that now i will let everyone know my progress that i have been having since it seems that the results i been chasing for have been working slowly over time with just a tad bit of patience on my end, I been listening to multitude of various files to increase cum production and though it took a few weeks to really see results even with all the files i have been listening too, i can safely say that these do indeed work on me.

Now i first started listening to a Curse Cum Production file created by a youtube channel by the name of Akiio which i am pretty sure used a modified script of CCP from EMG, which i had been listening since September 7th and stopped at October 2nd of this month because i felt that it wasn't working for me, After that i switched to a CCP file created by Aurelia Alder which i had listened to from September 26th to 20th of this month, I also felt that this wasn't giving me results either so i experimented with listening to it while also starring into a black and white spiral to put myself into a trance like state i am not sure if this worked either but i did feel weird after those sessions :|.

Now this is where things get interesting as i discovered this site from my obsession into getting myself to become a cum producing factory, I found the original EMG CCP file which i had listen to each night from when i made my account up until around the 12th of this month where i also added the subliminal and binaural beat version of CCP which finally after a few days from those various files i found myself leaking quite a bit for the first time, Unlike the file which says it will happen every 8 hours this seemed to only happen after getting up for a few days but it wasn't very consistent when it did happen. It was working sure but it wasn't to the degree that i wanted it to be,

So then a few days ago i found a file called Hyperspermia by HypnoBones and even after the first listen i already felt my balls churning, I decided that sublminals seem to work well too so i mixed my sessions with a remixed subliminal version of Hyperspermia while also occasionally listening to CCP Subliminal that whole night. it only took a day to really feel the difference. i found that throughout the day the tip of my penis was always moist and had just a little bit of precum keeping it that way. nothing to leave stains in my underwear or any thing like, it was also followed by the occasional dull ache of my balls, The 3rd day i found myself every 4 or 5 hours actually leaking quite a bit of precum out, leaving a few spots in my underwear and the aching got a little more frequent throughout the day along with the heavy feeling in my balls. Now today the aching has gotten much stronger and is almost constant, my penis constantly leaks when it is aroused where before it might leak a little at a time but my precum amount has def doubled in size since even a few days ago :D . Not only that but i can't go a day without at least leaving some spots in my underwear, i am still not at the point of constant leaking but i feel like it's just a matter of time, What has been constant however is the aching of my balls as i am currently writing this at 10 at night. :lol:
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Joined: September 28th, 2021, 12:50 am

Re: Seems to be working for me now! (CUM PRODUCTION)

Postby Fireheart » February 15th, 2022, 6:40 pm

Can we get an update?
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Joined: September 13th, 2009, 12:00 am

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