MajorPixel's Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert

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MajorPixel's Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert

Postby Rolfie » July 17th, 2022, 8:08 pm

Hello all, I'm a relatively shy guy on the internet. This is my first time posting to the forums. Initially, I was just going to leave a comment on the file itself, but it's actually effected me so deeply that I figured it was worth sharing on the success stories forum as well. As the title suggests, the file in question is MajorPixel's (aka The Voice's) "Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert."

I should start by saying that I've been listening to erotic hypnosis for the greater part of about 12-15 years. I've had some success with slavery themed files, particularly from The Shadow Priest over at his website Success for me looks simply like addiction to the hypnosis itself. I'd find myself getting high and listening to their hypnosis files multiple times throughout the day. The more that I'd listen, the more that I'd crave to be put under again. Outside of that, I've never felt like anything I've listened to has really made a dramatic change in my life. That is, until this file.

I was initially attracted to "Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert" because I've already got a bit of a musk and scent-play fetish. I figured the file would just discuss mental imagery of sniffing a sweaty ass, and that would be that. I'd jerk off to the thoughts of something I already enjoyed, and then I'd move on. Well, as it happens, (and this also may be considered a spoiler since it's not mentioned in their description) the file also includes heavy fart fetish themes, of which I did not have any initial interest. Really though, the real problem is that I completely disregarded the whole "pervert" part of the file name. That's where it's hit me the deepest. I paired the file with his Dirty Cab 10 minute induction file, along with "Sexual Puppet" beforehand, got myself stupid high, and 2-3 weeks later, it ruined me. Not only am I currently addicted to listening to MajorPixel's hypnosis and voice, but it's perverted me beyond any expectation.

I wish there was a way that I could explain just how much it's changed me without being graphic about it, because honestly trying to put everything into words is nothing short of humiliating. But here goes. First of all, it's made me feel like I'm addicted to farts, from other men as well as my own. I've put together grocery lists of foods that both make me gassy, and make my gas smell even worse. It's completely changed my diet, just so I can huff up my own stink as much as possible. When I do rip one or catch a whiff of another's, it's down-right blissful. I love when I lay in bed in the morning or night and rip one under the covers. The first thing I do is immediately pull myself under and air it up towards my face. I even catch myself moaning from it. When a roommate wrecks the bathroom, I find myself going in there just to stand around and sniff the air for a while. It's euphoric. If I fart at my computer, I have no choice but to get off the chair, kneel down, and sniff at the cushion eagerly.

I also wish it stayed at home, but alas, it follows me out in public as well. Again, the "pervert" part of the file is what hit me the hardest. It's terrible if I fart at the grocery store. It ends up not mattering who is around me. I'm just trapped in the aisle, wafting the air from my ass up to my face and needing it desperately, heavily sniffing at the air around me. I know I look and sound like such a freak, but I can't help it. It's like I lose all control and sense of shame. The worst was at the library the other day because it was quiet and I'm certain people around could not only hear the fart, but the heavy inhaling that followed.

It's humiliating and I'd give anything to tell you all that I'm just making it up instead of revealing how dirty I've become. Needless to say, the file does what it says it does, in my personal experience anyway. If you have an interest in sniffing man ass, then I would expect it to get exponentially worse if you give a listen, especially if you're not someone already into farting. I want to say that I hate what it's doing to me, but even now, even after talking about how embarrassing it is, even after being turned into such a depraved weirdo, I still crave his voice and his corruption. My mind is still desperate and begging for MajorPixel to ruin me even further somehow. I don't want to seem like I'm overselling the file or his work necessarily, but my God, this is by far the biggest impact a hypnosis file has ever had on not just me, but my entire psyche.
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Re: MajorPixel's Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert

Postby Rolfie » August 7th, 2022, 8:14 pm

It's been a few weeks now, and the corruption has exponentially gotten worse, which I only have myself to blame for. I just can't seem to get enough of MajorPixel's intoxicating voice. Years ago, I found myself hooked on his slow series, but it was never this bad. It's not just Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert that has had a profound effect on my overall psyche, but everything this man speaks into my mind. I've been building up my playlists with more and more of his work, and ruining myself in the process.

I added some more of his perversion files like "Butt Sniff" and "Workout Perv." These have both instilled a huge need inside of me to not just sniff human ass, but be a completely uncontrollable freak about it. I'm someone who just does not like to use public restrooms, but after listening for weeks to these files, I'll go in the restrooms at the store just to sniff a toilet seat or two. Every seat or bench that I see, my mind immediately wonders to thoughts about smelling them, just leaning over in public and taking a huge whiff where men have been sat. Workout Perv had a similar effect on me but with elliptical machine bike seats. Thankfully I don't have any sort of gym membership so I haven't gotten myself into any trouble with those effects, despite the thoughts invading my brain.

The worst part of all of this is that I genuinely enjoy how much he's fucking me up. It's not just been sniffing-related perversion files either. I've piled on some of his other work like some items from his Shoe Store Slave series, as well as a pretty messed up series from his Niteflirt goodies called "Inside - the Fantasy of Total Control." I can't stop fantasizing about MajorPixel aka The Voice 666 taking complete control of my life, draining all of my accounts, signing over all of my assets, and burning my own will to the ground. My body longs to belong to him entirely. In his "Inside" series, there's a file called "Sent Away" about how after using you, he sends you off and admits you into a psych ward. It should scare the shit out of me considering how messed up that whole ordeal would be, but I can't help myself but crave more and more of his corruption and ruination.
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Joined: May 16th, 2010, 12:00 am

Re: MajorPixel's Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert

Postby Rolfie » September 15th, 2022, 12:20 pm

Thanks for the well wishes! I'm honestly surprised by how addicted to these hypnosis files I've become. I can certainly offer some pointers, although I'm by no means an expert. At the very least, I can speak to what I do personally when I listen.

I always listen lying flat on my back on my bed, with a pair of wireless headphones. Sometimes it helps to throw in an additional pillow so that you're propped up a little bit, but I don't always do this. I turn on my white noise machine in the background. I feel a little hesitant to recommend drug usage on the forums, but the reality is that I tend to smoke a bit of weed before each session. Lately, I substitute weed with Delta 8 products, a legal alternative to marijuana that gives you a similar high/relaxation experience. I don't necessarily recommend getting anything in edible form, as I find it too immediately exhausting without the mental high that I want when I'm going under. You can find Delta 8 stuff on various websites or at your local vapor/CBD product shops. That's basically all that I do. I smoke, hit play, and lay down and let the experience happen.

I think consistency and the specific hypnotist are the other key parts of finding success. Repetition can be really helpful so long as it doesn't feel like a chore. A lot of hypnosis files encourage masturbation either towards the end of the file or throughout the whole file itself. I think this helps train the mind to seek out the experience more, so hypnotists that integrate that into their files work better for me personally. If a particular hypnotist isn't doing it for you after a while of listening, I would recommend trying someone else out. Lots of hypnotists are using a lot of different techniques and I believe that certain things just work better for certain people.

All in all, I've been listening to erotic hypnosis for about 12 years now and it's taken a long time to get to the place where I am now. I definitely think the most beneficial thing you can do is stay consistent with your listening and repetition. If you feel like you're not getting anywhere with a certain file, don't force yourself to keep listening, but instead look for a different hypnotist that might mesh better with your mind. I think I've found success through hypnotists like MajorPixel or The Shadow Priest (often in the WMM ads) because they fill their files with sounds and vocals, and I think that helps me when my mind is busier than usual.
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Joined: May 16th, 2010, 12:00 am

Re: MajorPixel's Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert

Postby Rolfie » October 6th, 2022, 1:15 pm

This will probably be my last update on here for a while, as not much seems to be changing over these last couple of months. All I can say is that my life is entirely revolved around sniffing ass and farts now. The Voice 666 has completely broken and ruined me to a point of no return. He's truly pushed me into a downward spiral of depravity that I can't claw my way out of. It's just impossible to resist. I don't hold any of my farts in, ever, anywhere. And anywhere that I fart, I heavily inhale and look like a messed up weirdo. The sniffing becomes crazed.. desperate.. to the point that I look stupid with my eyes rolling back into my head as I bask in the euphoria of a rank, foul fart. I've started spending a lot of my time just watching clips of people farting on social media while fantasizing what it would be like to be their cushions. The drive to sniff seats has exponentially gotten worse (and yes, to my dismay, I have indeed sniffed seats in public). The worst thing so far is the bathroom trolling. I find myself timing men that use the bathroom in public spaces just to sort out whether or not they're going number 2. Then I wait a bit before going in and sniffing the toilet seats to find where they recently shit. I just cannot help it whatsoever. It is downright shameful.

Anyway, that's all I really have to update as of yet. I can't see any more developments coming in the near future, but who knows. I keep getting worse than I ever expected to get, so things could change. That said, if anyone is interested in personal updates or has any questions regarding the hypnosis files and transformation, I made a personal Discord account. I'm FartSniffer#0628 on Discord, just let me know you're from WMM and feel free to ask whatever!
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Re: MajorPixel's Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert

Postby eaglenest » October 8th, 2022, 11:20 am

I find major pixel dangerous good be careful with this guy he know how to prevent you
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Joined: January 21st, 2011, 1:00 am

Re: MajorPixel's Dirty Ass Sniffing Pervert

Postby bobatn » October 8th, 2022, 12:18 pm

eaglenest wrote:I find major pixel dangerous good be careful with this guy he know how to prevent you

I know isn't it cool :twisted:
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Joined: September 9th, 2019, 7:10 am

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