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PostPosted: September 15th, 2009, 5:53 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
You need to be aware of two behavioral expectations.

- What you fear about CFG
- What you hope about CFG

And I guess those aren't behaviors after all, are they?

PostPosted: September 15th, 2009, 6:08 am
by Alien4420
baseball28 wrote:What types of behavioral expectations can I expect from the use of this file? Obviously sexual orientation is changed, but, for example, what would people who know you the best see you as having changed aside from orientation/

It doesn't change anything other than orientation, which is to say that you'll be a "straight acting" gay guy -- you won't talk gay, develop an interest in musicals, etc. So the effects of the file shouldn't be noticeable to anyone but a wife or girlfriend unless you want them to be.

PostPosted: September 17th, 2009, 12:11 pm
by Rossyfox
joe wrote:and on a completely different tangent, before i even listened to CFG, i was listening to TrainTotalJock - mostly the first installment, though i believe the third in the trilogy was originally my proposal on the voting page (wow i've been here awhile) - and claiming the same, hypnosis don't work on me - and yet, here i am having dropped out of college (for a myriad of reasons, some of which are inexplicable) and waiting tables at a local, mid-level bar. it doesn't seem to have affected my intelligence overmuch, yet there was a time when i lost all interest in going to class or doing work and all i did was hang out in a friend's dorm room, drinking cheap vodka and cheaper beer - the closest i imagine i let myself get to joining a fraternity.

Doesn't TrainTotalJock have straightness suggestions in it?

PostPosted: September 18th, 2009, 9:06 am
by ftslave67
baseball28--I think it depends on how you interpret the word "gay" (what other aspects of your personality might be changed).

Maybe people don't realize that the intro (i.e. the part before the induction) is part of the suggestions. You may be even more susceptible then because you are not "on guard"--you don't think it's going to have any effect when he says "this is a curse . . . "

PostPosted: September 18th, 2009, 10:28 am
by Alien4420
ftslave67 wrote:baseball28--I think it depends on how you interpret the word "gay" (what other aspects of your personality might be changed).

Maybe people don't realize that the intro (i.e. the part before the induction) is part of the suggestions. You may be even more susceptible then because you are not "on guard"--you don't think it's going to have any effect when he says "this is a curse . . . "

Interesting point. I assumed that the intro was part of the suggestion, but it hadn't really occurred to me that since we tend to associate gayness with traits other than sexual orientation the file might make us take them on even though they aren't specifically mentioned. In retrospect, I think I've experienced some of that, I thought it was just because I wanted to fit in by dressing and acting more like other gay guys do.

PostPosted: September 18th, 2009, 9:04 pm
by Jeshi
It would be true that if somebody had deep rooted stereotypes about gay people in their subconscious that when EMG says "You will be completely and utterly GAY" that it activates the stereotypes and the brain interprets it to mean "Oh so I'll be like this!" even though it isn't mentioned.

A lot of people have listened to CFG and then go on to listen to Sissy files even though being Sissy has absolutely nothing to do with being gay or whats spoken in CFG.

So I'd say, unless you're really homophobic, then you don't have to worry about anything but your sexual orientation(And even then, it's only an artificial change) changing, if you ARE really homophobic, why are you listening to CFG in the first place?

PostPosted: September 19th, 2009, 7:33 am
by Alien4420
I'm not sure that stereotypes of gay people are necessarily associated with homophobia. Those who don't know many gay people frequently believe that all gays are flamboyant or feminine because those are the people they identify as gay.

PostPosted: September 19th, 2009, 4:28 pm
by ftslave67
maybe I would get "lucky" more often if I acted like a "stereotypical" gay guy! (lol) Actually had a guy ask me last night (at a gay happy hour): so are you gay or not?! I just smiled :)

PostPosted: September 19th, 2009, 7:36 pm
by Alien4420
Heh, I've sometimes wondered the same thing.

PostPosted: September 20th, 2009, 6:23 am
by ftslave67
Wish i had thought of a snappy comeback, like "only one way to find out"! Oh well, wasn't really my type anyway.

PostPosted: September 20th, 2009, 12:55 pm
by Alien4420
Heh, that would have been perfect.

PostPosted: September 24th, 2009, 6:33 am
by hypnoslave85




PostPosted: September 24th, 2009, 8:17 am
by Alien4420
Stroke Sissy started affecting me the first time I listened to it and has had a pretty strong effect on me even though I've listened to it less than 10 times. But it's hard for me to compare the two since I listened to CFG every day for two months, while I've done my best to avoid listening to Stroke Sissy and actually first listened to it several years ago -- it was the first file I listened to here.

BTW, you may find that the files conflict, since Stroke Sissy makes you bi and Forced Gay doesn't like that. If they do, you can edit edit out the references to bisexuality and women.

PostPosted: September 18th, 2010, 11:57 am
by sledge8891
I am the latest one this file definitely works, two months ago I was fully straight and dating women but I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would soon be craving men and really liking it. I have no wish to try and 'go back' and have even deleted CFS, I have tried quite a few files but not curse ones and they either do not work or just fade out of my mind after a time. I was curios about CFG and I listened a couple of times but stopped myself at the end of the induction, it aroused me that I came so close to letting it happen. Then the third time I went so deep into trance that I actually couldnt stop myself from listening to the whole file. That was two months ago. Over the weeks I started to surf gay sights and last week could not stop myself listening again. Now its every day and I am really enjoying the arousal and feelings that I get for men. I know and accept that very soon I will be with another man.

PostPosted: October 29th, 2010, 5:31 pm
by river12
im going to start a journal on this file if anybodys interested in reading i will update daily.

PostPosted: November 11th, 2010, 11:23 am
by fabisandine
but you always can just listen the file, only for the fun of trying it :D
and if you don't like the file, it won't have any effect in you...
So, just Try it

PostPosted: November 11th, 2010, 11:26 am
by nostromo
Awe come on! Give it a listen, I know you'll learn to love it in time. Being gay is so much better.

PostPosted: November 11th, 2010, 4:07 pm
by ftslave67
Jeez, Bluegrass, don't struggle with your desires--they will always win. Just give in to them. Although you may develop a taste for it.

PostPosted: November 11th, 2010, 4:46 pm
by Tarret
So I've listened to numerous files on this site and none of they have really worked. So I'll try listening to this file, all who have claim that it works seem to enjoy life more now, so if it does work on me I know that there willbe people who will support (and oppose) me.

cursed forced gay

PostPosted: November 11th, 2010, 7:04 pm
by river12
ive posted some journals on this file which have been very interesting, it worked slightly at the start but having urge to listen to file has subsided and it may be after 5 or 6 listens i couldn't get down deep enough i think for more affects to happen.

i seem to have more success listening to female hypnotherapists with subliminals added in.


PostPosted: November 12th, 2010, 6:07 am
by sleepy134
Over all I have listened to the file about twenty times over a year or sol
So far it hasn't been too hard to avoid. I want to stop because it was
beginning to affect my marriage life which is sexless. I'm 76 years old.
But when I read some of your letters I get the urge to listen one more
time. like now. It's been about a month since I listened. I liked the file
mainly for the depth of the trance. Not being able to remember parts of the file has convinced me hypnosis is real and fun.

Re: cfg

PostPosted: November 13th, 2010, 6:03 am
by river12
sleepy134 wrote:Over all I have listened to the file about twenty times over a year or sol
So far it hasn't been too hard to avoid. I want to stop because it was
beginning to affect my marriage life which is sexless. I'm 76 years old.
But when I read some of your letters I get the urge to listen one more
time. like now. It's been about a month since I listened. I liked the file
mainly for the depth of the trance. Not being able to remember parts of the file has convinced me hypnosis is real and fun.

ok when i go under im always aware of what the file is saying i havent really been that deep where i dont here parts of the file.

PostPosted: November 15th, 2010, 8:17 pm
by MelanieLynne
Nostromo and FtSlave67 you both are brutal. So much better??? Give in to your feelings??? Are you sure? I'm not sure, especially since reading this thread. Still leaning towards listening though. Amazing. Is Gay life really that exciting? What have i been missing, besides missing women in a certain way, which i certainly will be missing if i keep going on this path.


PostPosted: November 15th, 2010, 9:25 pm
by sleepy134
I play the file a couple times a week. been doing that for a while. Played
it a lot two or three years ago. Curious about the forced part. Played it
a few times on a play list behind Suggestable and Train Hypno Loss.
Great way to pass time.

PostPosted: November 17th, 2010, 6:53 pm
by ftslave67
Brutal? I don't think so. Sometimes someone requires a little encouragement or permission to be who he or she really wants to be. I really just want everyone to be happy. And if you're curious or really turned on by the idea of listening to THIS file, in particular, then you've probably got some gayness in you already.


PostPosted: November 18th, 2010, 2:27 pm
by outbreak
Im completely straight, and im just curious about this file like everyone says that this file really works and i wanted to know if i listen to this file i'll become gay even if im straight and love women no desire for men....And also im foreign does that have any problem on listening this file? plz reply

PostPosted: November 20th, 2010, 7:43 am
by ftslave67
Outbreak--I'm sure being "foreign" will not pose a problem to your listening. If you have trouble understanding English, it may be a distraction, but I think repeated listenings would help that. I guess there might be some idioms that you might not understand; if that's the case, just ask someone what they mean.

PostPosted: November 20th, 2010, 8:52 am
by outbreak
ftslave67 wrote:Outbreak--I'm sure being "foreign" will not pose a problem to your listening. If you have trouble understanding English, it may be a distraction, but I think repeated listenings would help that. I guess there might be some idioms that you might not understand; if that's the case, just ask someone what they mean.

i do understand what EMG says on the file, so i guess there's no problem on listening to this file im curious about it.
Should i listen to this or it's too dangerous?

PostPosted: November 20th, 2010, 2:55 pm
by ftslave67
Outbreak, are you an adult? If you are, you can certainly decide for yourself. If you are not, then you shouldn't even be here.


PostPosted: November 20th, 2010, 3:59 pm
by outbreak
So i will take a few listens and if i find that's too much for me ill get CFS. Wish me luck

PostPosted: November 20th, 2010, 5:43 pm
by MelanieLynne
You'll do fine Outbreak. I've been listening for almost a week now and am growing in my appreciation and desire for males, and am wondering why i used to get so excited about females. Sure women have their curves and their fat in certain areas, but men have their muscle, especially in the best of places down there. I am learning to appreciate them, and to try to just make friends with women, banter with them with no sexual expectations. They warmly receive me even though i no longer want them. With time you will do fine. This file defintely can change you.

PostPosted: November 20th, 2010, 9:20 pm
by Tarret
I'm finding that although I still has "some interest" in females I'm starting to have homosexual fantasies. Can anyone tell me if this is a good or bad thing?

PostPosted: November 20th, 2010, 11:13 pm
by Route42
Tarret wrote:I'm finding that although I still has "some interest" in females I'm starting to have homosexual fantasies. Can anyone tell me if this is a good or bad thing?

You are listening to CFG, right?? Because if you are, I can't imagine that would be a bad thing...

now if you accidentally stumbled in this thread and you're actually listening to, oh, Curse Forced Straight... well, that might just not be ideal.

Should I try CFG?

PostPosted: November 21st, 2010, 5:18 am
by arka
I'm a 24-year old straight man, totally happy with my body, sexual orientation and family & professional life. I learnt previously that hypnosis can't occur against your normal intentions. Now I am set to challenge myself with a dare- I shall listen CFG for at least 10 times a day for six months without fail. I'm quite sure that as I never had any gay fantasy whatsoever - I will not make sex with a man for anything - this CFG will not have any effect on me. I DON'T WANT TO BECOME A HOMOSEXUAL - It is against my taste. I am certain that I will win this dare ... but still ...
if somehow,somehow.. this CFG turns me gay... I will have a very difficult life then... as my society does not like gays at all.
Please help me... should I try this dare? CFG can't make a perfectly happy straight man into a gay, isn't it?

PostPosted: November 21st, 2010, 6:48 am
by ftslave67
ARKA, your post makes no sense. If you don't *want* to be gay, or at least see what it would be like, why would you listen? And TEN TIMES A DAY?! Where are you going to get that kind of time if you have a job and family and/or friends? That's probably about 2 hours!

Most gay people, you know, are also happy with their bodies, lives, families, etc.

I think there's also a "24-hours" gay file if you really are curious, and this is not just a hypothetical or a prank post.

Re: Should I try CFG?

PostPosted: November 21st, 2010, 8:58 am
by AlanH26
arka wrote:I'm a 24-year old straight man, totally happy with my body, sexual orientation and family & professional life. I learnt previously that hypnosis can't occur against your normal intentions. Now I am set to challenge myself with a dare- I shall listen CFG for at least 10 times a day for six months without fail. I'm quite sure that as I never had any gay fantasy whatsoever - I will not make sex with a man for anything - this CFG will not have any effect on me. I DON'T WANT TO BECOME A HOMOSEXUAL - It is against my taste. I am certain that I will win this dare ... but still ...
if somehow,somehow.. this CFG turns me gay... I will have a very difficult life then... as my society does not like gays at all.
Please help me... should I try this dare? CFG can't make a perfectly happy straight man into a gay, isn't it?

This makes no sense and must be a wind up, surely? If you're a perfectly happy straight man, then why would you even consider listening to something which changes that? I listened to it because I was very curious and a bit turned on by sissyboyoxford's story. And, as a result, I'm now gay. From what you've said, you just want to listen to it as a dare to yourself.

Although I love the idea of straight men turning gay by listening to this file, I don't think you should listen to it. I don't think, from what you've said, it will bring you any happiness.

PostPosted: November 21st, 2010, 8:59 am
by AlanH26
Tarret wrote:I'm finding that although I still has "some interest" in females I'm starting to have homosexual fantasies. Can anyone tell me if this is a good or bad thing?

I presume that you're listening to CFG.

Yes, it's a very good thing. Homosexual fantasies are VERY good things :D


PostPosted: November 21st, 2010, 5:43 pm
by outbreak
MelanieLynne wrote:You'll do fine Outbreak. I've been listening for almost a week now and am growing in my appreciation and desire for males, and am wondering why i used to get so excited about females. Sure women have their curves and their fat in certain areas, but men have their muscle, especially in the best of places down there. I am learning to appreciate them, and to try to just make friends with women, banter with them with no sexual expectations. They warmly receive me even though i no longer want them. With time you will do fine. This file defintely can change you.

Oh,thank you for your support and i see your doing well too on listening to this file well i wish you luck and be happy... I guess we will be Gay soon :P

Re: Should I try CFG?

PostPosted: November 21st, 2010, 5:52 pm
by Route42
arka wrote:Now I am set to challenge myself with a dare- I shall listen CFG for at least 10 times a day for six months without fail.

10 TIMES A DAY?? Seriously dude, unless you're listening to it at least 20 times a day I don't think you can possibly be serious about this venture.

Mine was NOT a prank post

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 8:54 am
by arka
First of all, thanks a lot for such quick replies. I never expected the forum to be so helpful. Now, as some friends have doubted that I'm playing pranks here and opined that my post makes no sense whatsoever, I sahll try to humbly answer their doubts. It is OK for them to interprete my query in a wrong way as I'm not a native speaker of English and there could have been some ambiguity in my manner of putting the question. I'm really sorry for that.
Now, here are some clarifications -

To ftslave67
i) I work in the Government of West Bengal,India. My duty hours are 10 AM-5PM(Mon-Fri) & 10AM-1PM(Sat), with plenty of day-offs(excluding Sundays). You see that I can easily spent 2 hrs listening to CFG on my iPod while going to office, during lunchbreak(45 min) & durong other times & still manage to keep my job, family & friends(have many of them) perfectly OK.
ii) I apologize that my poor skill of communicatiing in English has caused you not finding any sense in my post. I don't want to be gay, that part is certain. I listened it for a dare - how I got the idea is explained in my reply to AlanH24 later in this very post. Please read it to know how this dare originated in my mind. I didn't want to disclose that much detail on my first post as it involves my cousin sister- but now I'll tell this so that my intentions do not get misinterpretated.
iii)I NEVER said that gay people are not happy with themselves - NO!
I just wanted to say that I'm content with myself - nothing more, nothing else. I know that gay people are no less happier than straight people and I'm sorry if my post implicated anything otherwise.
iv) Thanks for your suggestion of 24-hrs gay file.

To AlanH26
Sir, this is no wind-up. Sorry that my post had failed to make any sense to you- I'm pathetic at writing English so please forgive this. Now your question why I wanted to listen to CFG is answered here.

I did not know that a site called WMM existed even a month ago. I was chatting with my cousin sister Ipsita, who is doing her PhD in Chemistry. During that chat, she suggested that hypnosis is real and can alter a man irreversibly. I did not believe that & entered into a bet with her - she informed me abot WMM and dared me to download CFG & to listen it on a regular basis - if I win & remain unchanged I'llget a Waterman fountain pen from her- if she wins & I become gay (which is absurd!) I shall buy her a Home Theatre System - that was it. I did not tell it before as I felt I should seek Ipsita's permission in order to name her here - I got her consent today & therefore I'm posting this. Hope this explains your doubt why I wanted to listen to CFG. Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion.

to Route42
Buddy, 20 times/day is a bit too much for me. I can manage 10times/day at most. Do you think hearing 10times/day will have no effect? Thanks.

Thanks to everyone who have commented. Hope I've made myself more clear. But I STILL HAVE A QUESTION UNANSWERED- can CFG turn a straight guy into gay against his wish? Any examples or incidents like this?
This will really help to take a decision. Thanks again. Love You All.

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 1:54 pm
by AlanH26
Hi Arka,

Firstly, there's no need to apologise for your English. It's perfectly good. I re-read my post and I'd like to apologise as it does seem a bit rude. That wasn't my intention at all.

Your bet sounds intriguing although a bit one sided. A whole entertainment system if she wins but just a pen (albeit a nice one) if you win. Did you set timescale for the bet?

I can tell you that a straight man can become gay if they're open to it. I wasn't 100% straight so I think the file just redirected my affections toward men instead of women. One of the problems you might find is that once you're gay, it's very unlikely that you'll want to go back to being straight again. I'm concerned that this may make you unhappy in the long run.

If you're happy to undertake the bet then by all means do so, and please keep us all informed of your progress. However, please don't enter into it lightly as it WILL effect your life.

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 5:08 pm
by ftslave67
No need to apologize, just a misunderstanding. Thanks for clarifying. I wish you the best whatever you decide to do!

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 7:49 pm
by Tarret
AlanH26 wrote:
Tarret wrote:I'm finding that although I still has "some interest" in females I'm starting to have homosexual fantasies. Can anyone tell me if this is a good or bad thing?

I presume that you're listening to CFG.

Yes, it's a very good thing. Homosexual fantasies are VERY good things :D

Very well then, I shall continue to listen to this amazing file. Does anyone recommend any other files to act as a supplement to this one?

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2010, 10:06 am
by arka
After considering all pros & cons related, I have decided not to try CFG. I now have a feeling that the risk is just not worth raking.
Just mailed Ipsita stating my decision to cancell the bet - she might be furious about this but I am not going to risk my entire life for a casual challenge.

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2010, 3:09 pm
by Korusi
That's too bad Arka but that's your choice of course and that's the most important part; if you did not CHOOSE to use the file then it wouldn't exactly work anyway. Even though the suggestions are forced on you the choice of listening remains yours until that time.

However.... our side IS fun... And it doesn't HAVE to ruin your life; but if you lead a hetero life with family and your significant other then yes this could cause problems.... though you still must be curious.

Can I use a sound editor to modify a Curse File?

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2010, 8:44 pm
by arka
As I have decided not to listen to CFG, I want to ask a question to the experts out here. Can I use a sound editor like Audacity and morph two files - one Curse (like CFG) & another a temporary file (like Female for a day) - so that the "permanent" and "addictive" suggestions in the Curse file are replaced by the "temporary"(or "triggered" in case I use a Trigger file) - and as a result I can enter the bet in a more secured way - if the worst happens & I get under, the effect will eventually wear off and I'll not be forced to get back to CFG when it is wearing off?
I guess that if I skip the induction part & proceed straighway to the suggestion part of CFG(in order to modify it like said above), even repeated listening(inevitable in order to edit the sound file) cannot have any effect. Am I right?Please reply.
One final question(I know I've already asked too many, but I'm a newcomer to the World of hypnosis ... please forgive my ignorance) -
can this process be applied to modify other Curse files as well? I was browsing through some of them today & it might be interesting to try some of them - by replacing the Curse part by Trig or Temp part. Is it possible.
Please reply. Please, please, please. I need your advice. Love all.


PostPosted: November 24th, 2010, 12:06 am
by angelcraves
sometimes a llittle seed is planted, the amount of people who are "curious" about cfg.. i know im one of them.
im sure there are safer files to do your experiment with.

PostPosted: November 24th, 2010, 7:54 am
by river12
arka wrote:After considering all pros & cons related, I have decided not to try CFG. I now have a feeling that the risk is just not worth raking.
Just mailed Ipsita stating my decision to cancell the bet - she might be furious about this but I am not going to risk my entire life for a casual challenge.

hi akra i had the same plan as you , im straight and wanted to see if the file turned me gay as an experiment, the file didnt work for me and even wanting it to work didnt change the fact.

like some posters said maybe my subconcious deep down didntt want to be gay.

i would have loved to experience the feeling of being totally gay and only attracted to men.

not sure if this will work?

PostPosted: December 30th, 2010, 5:06 am
by makemeababy
hiya have just downloaded CFG, and am wanting to listen to it, but can this really work, i have no real gay desires, but after reading some of the posts and how happy people are i am interested. I have been told that i have to listen to this file, but am not convinced it will work on me! i struggle to trance, but my mistress wants this for me, can anyone help?

PostPosted: December 30th, 2010, 5:17 am
by ftslave67
Interesting that "your mistress" would want to turn you gay, when it presumably means you would lose all interest in her!

Some guys report that it made changes that they didn't want, and they agonize over it, but I think some part of them must have wanted it, they just get aroused over thinking that they were hypnotized into it.